Melty Cat
08-15-2003, 01:48 PM
I hope you like this!
Its a Doony fic I'm doing.

( <-- go there for Character info ETC)

(No title yet)

The cold air blew through the alleyway, making a loud whistling sound. It was a cold and frosty night and you could see your breath clearly.
A figure lurked in the shadows quietly, as if they were awaiting the arrival of someone.
Opposite the dark alleyway was a loud and noisy pub. In the beer garden out the back, they were celibrating the new year. They were going to have a fireworks display.
You had to have an invitation to get into the beer garden to see the fireworks.
A man stumbled out the pub, he had obviously drunk too much as could be seen by his swaying stagger.
The figure ducked down behind a trashcan and peered out at the man from between the half open bin-lid.
It would almost be new year and, as always happened, there would be a sudden erruption of cheers and Fireworks.
The lurking person looked at their watch and, with the other hand, drew out a shiny Chrome Plated gun.
�10, 9, 8, 7�, shouted everybody inside the pub.
The figure kept their eyes on their watch for a moment longer, then switched their gaze to the drunk man, still wobbling around across the way.
�6, 5, 4�.
The lurker switched off the Safety.
�3, 2, 1�, chanted the figure, quietly along with the other people.
An erruption of Fireworks and cheers filled the air, as was always the case.
Shouting, such as: �HAPPY NEW YEAR� and �ROLL ON THE JAUARY SALE�, could be heard bellowing from inside and outside in the beer garden.
The figure exited the alleyway, blew the smoke that was steaming from the barrel of their gun and approached the Drunk guy, who was now a bloody mess on the ground.
Sweeping her fingers through her hair, the figure, known as Arelliat Throuan, muttered a few words.
�Good riddance, asshole�.
She hastily retreated into her car and drove off into the night.