12-28-2011, 04:53 PM
Hi there all Double Dragon fans!
Remember the Double Dragon's fighting game from Neo Geo? That game only had an official OST album release even though it's PSX and NGCD version had arranged soundtracks. So i decided to rip arranged tracks from my old Double Dragon cd for you. I ripped entire sountrack (total of 20 tracks) and even included the opening movie theme made especially for the PSX version. Wrote down all ID3 tags also and now I'm uploading it.
As usual, i will be very happy if you leave a small note to website's guestbook: knighTeen87's Inn | Place of Neo Geo Soundtracks,Rom Hacks&Translations,Turkish Patches!!! (
Anyways, have fun!

1 . How to OK ! (Tutorial)
2 . 100 Points for That Guy (Character Select)
3 . True Fighter (Billy's Theme)
4 . Power Transform (Double Dragon Theme)
5 . The Elder Son is Heart-Broken (Jimmy's Theme)
6 . I will Punish Those who Bully the Weak (Marian's Theme)
7 . Fighting ABOBO (Abobo's Theme)
8 . Bloody Meat Bomb (Burnov's Theme)
9 . One Kick (Eddie's Theme)
10 . Chi Nen Nin(Amon's Theme)
11 . Suihassenken (Cheng Fu's Theme)
12 . Flying Angel (Dulton's Theme)
13 . Kochinda (Rebecca's Theme)
14 . Shadow Assassin (Duke's Theme)
15 . Dark Master (Shuko's Theme)
16 . Tomorrow Looks Like a Fine Day (Ending Theme 1)
17 . Moon in the Factory (Ending Theme 2)
18 . Quickly!! (Continue)
19 . Is it Over Already?! (Game Over)
20 . Opening Movie Theme (PSX version bonus)

Download Link



Chaos Raiden
12-28-2011, 05:26 PM
Thanks for the rip. :D

12-28-2011, 10:35 PM
Thanks for the rip. :D

have fun! ;)

01-04-2012, 10:12 AM
Dragons Forever!!! Thanksie ;)

01-04-2012, 02:13 PM
no problem! did you like it? :)

01-04-2012, 05:11 PM
Of course!!! Dragon's music are the best ;)

01-05-2012, 05:09 PM
"True Fighter" is a really good track :)

Kosuke Kurogane
11-26-2012, 11:23 PM
Do you have the Neo Geo Version? (I mean, this PCCB-00175 | Double Dragon - VGMdb (