08-14-2003, 04:32 PM
I believe it is and that means bad things for us gamers. I know that the FF series sells great and that means more money for square but the number of FF titles being developed at once is getting rediculous. FFX-2 is being released soon as is FFXI and FFCC with FFXII already in developement not to mention FFT on gameboy advanced.

That's five FF games coming out within a year or two (not sure about FFXII's realease date). Now how can square support this volume of FF games without sacrificing quality? I would much rather play one FF game every two or three years and have it be an amazing game than 3 kinda good games a year.

I'm affraid that Square might be taking the same route that 3DO did when they milked and eventually killed the might and magic series which used to be the very top in computer rpgs.

So what do you all think?

08-14-2003, 07:27 PM
I really think your wrong, the magic will never die in FF games, each game will have its good points and still have its bad points, but all in all FF games have never been bad and they never will be, Sqaure may be milking by bringing out 5 games within a short time, but hey the more money they get the better, so more games are made lol, ohh and by the way 3DO never had any magic

08-15-2003, 10:28 PM
i think that since that time when the final fantasy were coming out every two or three years, they had a whole bunch of people working on it. but now, since square is bigger, it has enough people to work on more than one game at once. think about it, if you lead a company and only have a number of people that you set to work on a single project. the end product is so successful that the public want more. in wanting more, you make a lot of money. what do you do with that money? you invest it by building and hiring more people to work for you. that way, you spit out more versions of your product faster, bringing more money towards you. the quality is the same and the amount of the people working on it is the same, but the size of the company is bigger.

08-17-2003, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by cloudago
i think that since that time when the final fantasy were coming out every two or three years, they had a whole bunch of people working on it. but now, since square is bigger, it has enough people to work on more than one game at once. think about it, if you lead a company and only have a number of people that you set to work on a single project. the end product is so successful that the public want more. in wanting more, you make a lot of money. what do you do with that money? you invest it by building and hiring more people to work for you. that way, you spit out more versions of your product faster, bringing more money towards you. the quality is the same and the amount of the people working on it is the same, but the size of the company is bigger.
Exactly. Those people have newer ideas, also, and are going to bring more to the table for different games. That's why we all the sudden have ' a direct sequel to a final fantasy', and games online (FF11)

08-19-2003, 04:55 AM
I think you're foolish, i can't say anything else.

Darth Revan
08-23-2003, 04:14 PM

Firstly, I think I had better get myself prepared for all the flames and such which are gonna be hurled my way after I've had my say here, so here goes....

The FF series is a landmark series of games, and deserves the acclaim that has come with it. However, the final curtain call for Final Fantasy could be just over the horizon. As good/great as the series is, personally I don't think it can last much longer. Square's day as top dog for RPG's may not last forever. Look at all the other companies which make good RPG's. Konami, CAPCOM, Enix, etc, etc, have made some real gems for quite some time now, and I admit, it was FFVII which brought RPG's out from the niche market and into the mainstream gamer audience.

Square has done wonderful work, and in regards to an online FF, frankly I shudder as I have nightmares of Phantasy Star Online. I don't like many online games, and I really disliked PSO. As far as I'm concerned any attempt to go online with an FF could, repeat COULD, either destroy or severely damage the reputation Square has as a great game developer.

In any event, anything which has run as long as Final Fantasy, will eventually come to an end. As the omnipotent entity Q said in the final episode of Star Trek The Next Generation, "All good things, must come to an end.", Square's day in the sun will come to an end eventually. Then, the only thing which will matter, will be what kind of legacy Square leaves behind. Whether that of one of the best game developers ever, or one that milked it's number one best selling product into the ground.

08-24-2003, 03:21 AM
Yeah, it is getting to the point where the mass production of Final Fantasy games is ridiculous .

08-24-2003, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by Deaths_Head

Firstly, I think I had better get myself prepared for all the flames and such which are gonna be hurled my way after I've had my say here, so here goes....

The FF series is a landmark series of games, and deserves the acclaim that has come with it. However, the final curtain call for Final Fantasy could be just over the horizon. As good/great as the series is, personally I don't think it can last much longer. Square's day as top dog for RPG's may not last forever. Look at all the other companies which make good RPG's. Konami, CAPCOM, Enix, etc, etc, have made some real gems for quite some time now, and I admit, it was FFVII which brought RPG's out from the niche market and into the mainstream gamer audience.

Square has done wonderful work, and in regards to an online FF, frankly I shudder as I have nightmares of Phantasy Star Online. I don't like many online games, and I really disliked PSO. As far as I'm concerned any attempt to go online with an FF could, repeat COULD, either destroy or severely damage the reputation Square has as a great game developer.

In any event, anything which has run as long as Final Fantasy, will eventually come to an end. As the omnipotent entity Q said in the final episode of Star Trek The Next Generation, "All good things, must come to an end.", Square's day in the sun will come to an end eventually. Then, the only thing which will matter, will be what kind of legacy Square leaves behind. Whether that of one of the best game developers ever, or one that milked it's number one best selling product into the ground.

Yeah I agree. They can milk FF all the want, but truth is, SQUARE SUCKS! I have always thought that they (and the Final Fantasy) series have been hit or miss.

If I was Square, I would have quit after the crap that was FFIX. FFVII was only big because it was 3D. I like VIII because it had a storyline that I could stomach, but IX was totally horrible. X was great visually, but now that that novelty is quickly wearing off, I think Square is done for. They obviously had a lucky hit and managed to follow up. 5 good games out of how many? They can't deliver the goods, face it.


EDIT: Before anyone says anything about the crap many companies have put out, I have to remind everyone that they usually release a lot more games than Square, with the good outnumbering the bad.

The Wandering Knight
08-24-2003, 09:34 PM
marquisscissorman ....

I agree with you about Square being a hit or miss.... But come to think of it... All the other companies (along with their games) are business.... And business is all but a hit or miss.... Konami worked hard....And they got Metal Gear and Suikuden serieses... Namco did the same with the Tekken, Soul series and Tales of Disteny... All of them worked hard and left the rest for the fans.... So they're all a hit or miss... Well...That's out of the subject....

As you said...they can milk all they want.... It'll be determined by how their games are going to be... All we can hope is that they do a good job (Not that that I don't trust the company and their work but yeah...) and hope for the games to be as great as the previous ones....

I know that I'm saying this because I'm a Final Fantasy dies hard fan.... But my point is that even if they don't do a job better than the previous ones.... The new games are going to be good to play.... (Especially that there aren't many RPGs right now:|)...

Well....That's it......


08-25-2003, 12:08 PM
I know other companies release a lot of bad games. I just personally think that in the good companies, the good outweighs the bad. That's not so for Square.

ultima weapon
08-26-2003, 08:05 AM
I think its just the fact SQ-E is working on games at different times and coincidently releasing so many this year.

I think most people are sort of mis-judged on how terrible FFXI is, have you atleast tried the game? Mostly thats a "no" I have, i'm an importer, even thou everything is in japanese and i can't read it, it means i can't do quests and all that cos i don't know what to do. But i'm suprised that even without doing missions, quests, guilding i'm still having a blast exploring, battling and quite frankly japanese players are so kind. I leveled a bunch during those times.

The only thing that might ruin FFXI are ass hole players we see in PSO and RO.


That meaning that maybe FF is slipping, KH will pick them back up cos KH2 is officaly in production, don't forget with Enix's help. They can do things twice as fast and please the fans.

Maybe i'm being one-sided here but i will and shall always think that FF is the best series ever.

08-27-2003, 05:23 AM
Ok, Ok......I'll say what i need to say. Its not like they keep making god damn sequels that pertain to the same storyline. Nor have you ever seen a direct link of any of the stories, so think of the name Final Fantasy and like a subtitle to Square. They're games of magic and fantasy and always reinventing itself. So please if you have played at least 3/4 the games. Shut up. Cause Final Fantasy's are here to stay....Don't believe me? Wait till the next sale records of FFX-2 in the US come out.

Screw the non believers, FF Forever.

08-27-2003, 10:06 AM
Boy, aren't we in a nice mood?

Quite a few of the games made it on the Final Fantasy name alone. I found a lot of them to be bad.

FF1 - An old RPG, fun, but anyone who actually compares it to a new game is retarded.
FF 4 - Slightly above average game. Ok gameplay. Nice story.
FF 6 - Good game. Good gameplay. Nice story.
FF 7 - Average game. Slightly above average gameplay. Slightly below average story. (Sorry, I found the story so anti-entertaining, it's not funny.)
FF 8 - Nice Gameplay. Nice story.
FF 9 - Really bad gameplay. Bad storyline.
FF 10 - Bad gameplay. Nice Story. Great graphics and sound. (I included those two because this was the only game in which they made a major difference, in my opinion.)
FF T - Great gameplay. Great story.
FF MQ - Joke game. Only fun if you have the right midset.
FF A - Horrible, horrible!
FF L 1-3 - Below average in everyway.

Excuse me, that's 4 out of the 13 I have played that have been actually good games.

(Don't flame me. It's just my opinion.)

08-28-2003, 01:36 AM
Heh - my view is completely different.

FF 1 - 4 - Just like old movies. Pretty predictable story, but enjoyable just the same. Gameplay is SHOCKING (except 3, apparently - I haven't got into it enough to know).

FF 5 - The first good story. Job system made gameplay fun as.

FF 6 - Epic story - brilliant scripting, excellent Esper system.

FF 7 - My first FF, so I might be slightly biased - but once again epic story, reminiscent of 6, and gameplay that makes you feel like you're really there.

FF 8 - A great love story. Really underestimated as an FF, in my opinion.

FF 9 - A fun fantasy game - not as deep as FF8 or 7, but still enjoyable.

FF 10 - My favourite, now. The story isn't deep epically, but it's deep because it's real - real emotions, real people. I love it.

FF T - Somebody release this game in Australia. NOW.

FF MQ - American. What more can I say.

FF A/L 1-3 - Pretty cool. FF you can put in your pocket.

As for the future - KH was a step in the right direction. KH2 looks...beautiful. FF X-2 was really needed - i'll reserve judgement until it comes out. Personally, i'd support a FF VII-2. FF11...not in Australia yet.

Square-Enix isn't milking...they're bringing the customers what they want. More FF.

08-28-2003, 10:11 AM
The customers are milking the series! :mad:

I knew they couldn't be trusted. . . . wait. . . . :(

08-28-2003, 08:23 PM
Yes, Square are milking. They're a company. It's what they do.

08-29-2003, 01:57 PM
I agree with all your statements completely eXs. And also, why the hell are people here posting who don't like Final Fantasy? Look at the damn site name and what this site is all about. I'm sorry, if you're here for the chatting and social status, then you are a damn loser. I'm sorry if that seems harsh, but truth hurts.

This site used to be for Final Fantasy addicts, not the socially unaccepted.

08-29-2003, 02:10 PM
Actually, the site is for whoever happens to sign up. Liking FF isn't a *requirement*. In the same way you don't HAVE to like Anime, but we still have the Anime/Manag forum. Perhaps people are starting to like the series less? It's just an opinion. Personally, I prefer many RPGs to the FFs, but I still post, and like it, here...


08-29-2003, 06:39 PM
Yeah, I signed up a couple of years ago. I have seen other games and realized that many of the FF's are just normal.

Excuse me for having an opinion, fanboy. Loyalty is great, but I hate when people can't see through flaws.

Who exactly are you? Used to be for Final Famtasy addicts? WHAT?! Only a 10th of the people that used to come here were addicts. Maybe they came to meet people who had similar interests to them. Not everyone is blind.

True, I came in here just to diss the series, but as long as I didn't hurt anyone, it's ok.

Go back to FFO. :(

09-15-2003, 10:28 PM
I think it's good that Square are taking this new approach. FFX-2 look positively good. The story sounds interesting and the gameplay will be challenging enough to satify any ff fan.

Roneo Strife
10-01-2003, 10:49 PM
You think they are there just for the pleasure?
They are there just for the money.
Anybody will tell you that they go to work for the money and not for the pleasure.
When was the last time you hard of someone doing that?
...and if you can name one then i will have to say that they are very dumb.

Tactical Error #5
10-02-2003, 04:34 AM
OK, sure you could say that SE is milking the series that makes them serious cash, but I echo a few others in saying "doesn't every corperation try to make as much as they can as fast as they can?" As for staying power, if I'm not mistaken, didn't FFX-2 sell some 1.2million copies in the first day in Japan(is that some kind of record or something). It may not sell quite so fast here in the U.S. but there is still going to be quite a rush. Besides, now that Square is with Enix the two biggest RPG companies are under the same roof. Trust me when I say they will be here for a while. The History of a money making machine ensues.

For starters, I have seen 4 games on peoples lists that are not even true FF games. In case you didn't know... Final Fantasy Adventure is a part of the Mana series(Secret of..., Legend of...) and is soon to be released re-vamped for thee GBA under the rightful name Sword of Mana. As for the other three, the trio of games released under the FFLegends moniker are once again part of another series known as SaGa which has seen very limited release in the U.S. Why is any of this important to the topic? Square obviously slapped on the FF title to these games to boost their sales States side.
Now on to the true blood of the FF lineage. The Nintendo era of FF was started with a company who invested much into a doomed device and decided to throw all their eggs into one basket in an attempt to make back some money. The plan, to create a game that would rival the "current(1987)" king of RPG's, Dragon Quest. And so they did. This game revitalized the company allowing them to create newer and more radical games. The first sequel in the series hearlded actual characters and a more in depth story and it also threw out the RPG staple of character levels. A third in the series was also released before the U.S. saw it's first FF. It turned uot that sales of this game were even beter in the US than in Japan. With the SNES now out Square decided to forgo releasing the first two sequels for the dying NES in the states and opted for releasing their fourth instalment. A fifth was made and released in Japan, then a sixth as Square worked on its other developements. These Non FF games were good in their own riht but the constant money maker was obviously FF. The sixth in japan would be the third in the US and now the company was getting ambitious with the advent of a new system generation on the horizon... to be continued.