12-27-2011, 08:47 AM
what do you guys think is the best Game Square-Enix released so far?

12-27-2011, 05:32 PM
Just Cause series and Final Fantasy but its wayyy to big for me.

12-27-2011, 05:40 PM
Chocobo Racing and Final Fantasy Tactics are among my favorites.

12-27-2011, 08:05 PM
When you say Square Enix, do you mean since they actually became Square Enix (i.e not just Squaresoft or Enix or their own)? Because in that case, I'd have to go and find out exactly when that happened, and what came out when... Also, some games are only published by them, not made by them (star Ocean: Til the End of Time is by Tri-Ace for example, but Square Enix' and Ubisofts names are on the box).

And all that seems a bit too much work for this time of year, quite frankly! So with absolutely no research or checking of my facts, I'm going to say Final Fantasy 7, Star Ocean: Til the End of Time and Final Fantasy 12 - which is 3 games I know, but I like them all for different reasons and can't place one above the others.

12-27-2011, 08:07 PM
The Kingdom Hearts series.

Nostalgia gamer
12-27-2011, 10:44 PM
Chocobo Racing and Final Fantasy Tactics are among my favorites.

The remake? or the original ff tactics?

The original ff tactics on the psx was before square was bought off by enix.
Not sure about tactics advance though.

12-28-2011, 04:34 AM
the original. it was still considered a game done by square, so it doesnt matter if it was square-enix or not. same with Chocobo Racing.[COLOR="Silver"]

tactics advance was a square-enix game, made in 2003.

12-28-2011, 04:44 AM
The Kingdom Hearts series.

Revan would probably burn you at the stake for that statement.

Me, I'll go with Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana. A bit old, but these are classic gems.

12-28-2011, 04:46 AM
let Revan do what he wants, i dont care. i also like the kingdom hearts series when it first started. i pretty much stopped after II, though.

12-28-2011, 09:28 AM
Aces and Amaury, if you like KH that's completely fine. I'm not going to burn you at the stake for that.

Personally though, I despise the Kingdom Hearts series like Revan does and regard them with total and utter contempt. But unlike Revan I will not criticize others for liking it.

Re-railing this thread topic though, it's a really tough choice, but I'd probably say Dissidia or Dissidia Duodecium as my favourite post-merger Square-Enix games (not including remakes and re-releases of older Square or Enix games that predated the merger).

Fun games which are just, at their heart, nothing but mindless fanservice. But if you can ignore the cringe-worthy storyline they're still exceptionally good junk. ;)

12-28-2011, 10:26 AM
chrono cross.
the endall of all squareenix games (not counting DQ as i love that series in a different way)

Nostalgia gamer
12-28-2011, 03:26 PM
tactics advance was a square-enix game, made in 2003.[/QUOTE]

Either way:Tactics advance kinda sucks.
I played that ff tactics advance,and i absolutely hate the stupid judges who give you a foul card for the most ridiculous things,plus:Its very juvenile.

12-28-2011, 04:14 PM
tactics a2 had more stupid to the point of insanity laws than tactics advance did. in that sense, tactics advance was better.

12-31-2011, 04:19 PM
Definitely Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VI.

12-31-2011, 10:38 PM
FFIX is my all-time favorite. Chrono Trigger comes in a very close second.

Darth Revan
01-05-2012, 03:10 AM
If Amaury likes Kingdom Hearts, that's his choice. I personally despise it and if anyone loaned me their copy to play, I'd (as Prak stated) 'take the measure and appropriate response, by snapping the disc in half in front of the person who loaned it to me. That's just me...

aces4839, I was going to say I take umbrige at your comment directed at me... but I can't be bothered. Think whatever you want about me, makes no difference to how I feel.

Enkidoh... I don't criticize people for liking a game I hate. I may question their decision regarding it, but it's their money to spend, not mine so who cares.

Regading Kingdom Hearts... I'll let Kefka state a similar opinion to mine: KEFKA TELLS THE TRUTH! (

'Nuff said.

Topic at hand though... don't have a favorite 'Square-Enix' game... I do have a favorite 'Squaresoft' game though, this one:

01-05-2012, 03:13 AM
If Amaury likes Kingdom Hearts, that's his choice. I personally despise it and if anyone loaned me their copy to play, I'd (as Prak stated) 'take the measure and appropriate response, by snapping the disc in half in front of the person who loaned it to me. That's just me...

Amaury* :)

Anyway, if you don't mind my asking, Darth, why do you despise Kingdom Hearts?

Darth Revan
01-05-2012, 03:23 AM
I despise Kingdom Hearts, as it's a abomination of a union between a company from the Land of the Rising Sun and that damned Mickey Mouse Organization. If that wasn't enough, it's the amount of fanboys to it, who think it's linked with the Final Fantasy universe, when it isn't. Even the FF characters who appear in it, are bastardized versions of their 'true' selves. In all honestly, the game is more like a bad fanfic... and yes, I even hurl the Warrior's Orochi games into that bucket. As much as I love the Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors games, Warrior's Orochi is pure garbage.

Back on track... the KH games are too childlike for me to even sit down and try to play... and I HAVE tried to play the first game of this series... all it did was makeme wonder what the fuck am I playing it for?

So in summary:

The pale imitation of FF characters
The stupid Disney character (I don't fucking care if people flame me for this... Warner Bros. characters are far superior to Disney! Bugs Bunny would whoop Mickey Mouse in a fight hands down!)
The music... I seriously hated the music
The graphics too damn 'cutesy' it made me want to projectile vomit on anyone nearby
The incessent and stupid fanboys (I only base that on the people I actually encountered in game stores raving about how great KH is and that the FF characters are superior in KH than in their OWN DAMN GAME!!!)

That's all.

01-05-2012, 03:29 AM
At a guess, I'd say it was the leaden paced, barely comprehensible and overwritten story. Some of the FF cameos are fun, and the action's pretty solid for a JPRG, but the games are wildly inconsistent. When the story is (IMO) so awful, you're at the mercy of how good the individual levels and their respective cast of characters are. Some of those really are good, and you can easily reel off plenty of highlights.

But for every 'River of Time' which hits all the right nostalgic beats, there's plenty of 'Twilight Town' levels, where nothing interesting happens at all, and where you're forced to waste hours and hours on crushingly mundane tasks and quests. And again, it all comes back to the overall story - if that's bad (and I consider Kingdom Hearts to have one of the worst JRPG stories ever), then there's isn't much incentive to go on. Nostalgia only takes you so far.

And if that sounds harsh, I suspect Rev will be a lot less kind than I just was. But I just wanted to make the point that he's not alone in feeling this way about Kingdom Hearts.

EDIT: And he's already beaten me to the punch -and it was one hell of a punch as I expected lol!

01-05-2012, 03:34 AM
I despise Kingdom Hearts, as it's a abomination of a union between a company from the Land of the Rising Sun and that damned Mickey Mouse Organization. If that wasn't enough, it's the amount of fanboys to it, who think it's linked with the Final Fantasy universe, when it isn't. Even the FF characters who appear in it, are bastardized versions of their 'true' selves. In all honestly, the game is more like a bad fanfic... and yes, I even hurl the Warrior's Orochi games into that bucket. As much as I love the Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors games, Warrior's Orochi is pure garbage.

Back on track... the KH games are too childlike for me to even sit down and try to play... and I HAVE tried to play the first game of this series... all it did was makeme wonder what the fuck am I playing it for?

So in summary:

The pale imitation of FF characters
The stupid Disney character (I don't fucking care if people flame me for this... Warner Bros. characters are far superior to Disney! Bugs Bunny would whoop Mickey Mouse in a fight hands down!)
The music... I seriously hated the music
The graphics too damn 'cutesy' it made me want to projectile vomit on anyone nearby
The incessent and stupid fanboys (I only base that on the people I actually encountered in game stores raving about how great KH is and that the FF characters are superior in KH than in their OWN DAMN GAME!!!)

That's all.

At a guess, I'd say it was the leaden paced, barely comprehensible and overwritten story. Some of the FF cameos are fun, and the action's pretty solid for a JPRG, but the games are wildly inconsistent. When the story is (IMO) so awful, you're at the mercy of how good the individual levels and their respective cast of characters are. Some of those really are good, and you can easily reel off plenty of highlights.

But for every 'River of Time' which hits all the right nostalgic beats, there's plenty of 'Twilight Town' levels, where nothing interesting happens at all, and where you're forced to waste hours and hours on crushingly mundane tasks and quests. And again, it all comes back to the overall story - if that's bad (and I consider Kingdom Hearts to have one of the worst JRPG stories ever), then there's isn't much incentive to go on. Nostalgia only takes you so far.

And if that sounds harsh, I suspect Rev will be a lot less kind than I just was. But I just wanted to make the point that he's not alone in feeling this way about Kingdom Hearts.

EDIT: And he's already beaten me to the punch -and it was one hell of a punch as I expected lol!

I'll admit, I wasn't particularly fond of doing Roxas' story -- I mean, it was okay, it just wasn't as fun as Sora's story.
However, even if the story was overwritten to some people, I think that it can be agreed that the music tracks were pretty good -- at least in my opinion.

01-05-2012, 03:49 AM
The first game I was sort of onboard for. I didn't love it (though I did love some of the nostalgic references), but overall it was 'A Game I Have Played', rather than something I was running out to show to everyone. I had fun with it, but I felt no desire to play it again (and never have in fact).

But KH2... now that was a poor game. That intro nearly finished me out right out of the gate. It just wouldn't end... day after day after day of meaningless odd jobs about the town, with a character I was completely uninterested in, and already the story was getting far too obscure for its own good. When I finally escaped Twilight Town (and it really did feel like an escape), all I had was some nonsense about Nobodies and Heartless and multiple copies of people and... At some point I just switched off my brain and started button mashing until it was over.

The only thing that roused me from my coma-like state was 'The River of Time'. That's a fantastic level, and I did like that Pete was in the game this time. But he and Malificent and most of the Disney stuff gets smothered in that game under the appallingly drawn out plot of Organisation 13 (who do nothing for the whole game, and when you finally get to them, most of them are already dead!), and the 'Hey, isn't this cool' cameos of Pirates of the Carribean, Star Wars and Tron etc.

It just felt increasingly like a big incoherent mess that was drawing in all these classic old sources and then stitching them together badly into some kind of Frankenstein's Monster of a game, with no real driving force to make me actually care beyond the nostalgia factor. I mean I liked having a team with Donald and Goofy in it, but the main plot was so impenetrable that I couldn't get interested.

01-05-2012, 04:29 AM
aces4839, I was going to say I take umbrige at your comment directed at me... but I can't be bothered. Think whatever you want about me, makes no difference to how I feel.

i wasnt botherin u. i was just lettin u do as u please.

about 75% of the reason i liked the early kingdom hearts games were because of the music. i only have kingdom hearts ii now cause that game is still interestin to me. i would only get the original again if it meant takin on Sephiroth on expert mode in the colisseum.

i didnt really like chain of memories or it's remake, cause of the bloody cards.

01-07-2012, 02:10 AM
Deus Ex Human Revolution, which still sounds really weird to say.

01-07-2012, 08:21 AM
Final Fantasy VI
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy XI
The Last Remnant

01-07-2012, 03:45 PM
The World Ends With You :kirbyfly:

01-09-2012, 07:03 PM
I despise Kingdom Hearts, as it's a abomination of a union between a company from the Land of the Rising Sun and that damned Mickey Mouse Organization. If that wasn't enough, it's the amount of fanboys to it, who think it's linked with the Final Fantasy universe, when it isn't. Even the FF characters who appear in it, are bastardized versions of their 'true' selves. In all honestly, the game is more like a bad fanfic... and yes, I even hurl the Warrior's Orochi games into that bucket. As much as I love the Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors games, Warrior's Orochi is pure garbage.

Back on track... the KH games are too childlike for me to even sit down and try to play... and I HAVE tried to play the first game of this series... all it did was makeme wonder what the fuck am I playing it for?

So in summary:

The pale imitation of FF characters
The stupid Disney character (I don't fucking care if people flame me for this... Warner Bros. characters are far superior to Disney! Bugs Bunny would whoop Mickey Mouse in a fight hands down!)
The music... I seriously hated the music
The graphics too damn 'cutesy' it made me want to projectile vomit on anyone nearby
The incessent and stupid fanboys (I only base that on the people I actually encountered in game stores raving about how great KH is and that the FF characters are superior in KH than in their OWN DAMN GAME!!!)

That's all.

I think I enjoyed the game even more not having any knowledge of anything from FF.

But on the subject of the thread, I'd have to go with KH as well for the main reason this has been primarily the only Squre Enix game series I've played. I've tried playing other FF games and got bored with it after 5 minutes.

02-06-2012, 09:28 AM
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy IX

08-15-2012, 02:35 PM
Just Cause 2 was definitely heaps of fun, I don't think I'll ever be able to finish it but I've put too much time into it anyway.

08-15-2012, 08:56 PM
The Bouncer.

hahahaha... that's a lie. I really meant Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy Tactics and Final Fantasy XII.

09-04-2012, 10:31 AM
Secret of Mana 3, Final Fantasy 6, 7 & 12

09-08-2012, 07:29 AM
let Revan do what he wants, i dont care. i also like the kingdom hearts series when it first started. i pretty much stopped after II, though.

The only reason anyone liked kingdom hearts was because of the advertising they did.other than that I thought it was pretty lame

09-08-2012, 03:14 PM
i didn't see any advertisin and i still enjoyed the 2 games. u don't need to see advertisin to enjoy good games. period.

Nostalgia gamer
09-08-2012, 04:18 PM
Revan Aces, KH series butchered setzer, and i used to like the character.I was kinda mad after seeing that.

Good choice on illusion of gaia.The other games are quite good too.

I like chrono trigger
FF1-6+9. I want to beat tactics before giving my opinion.
Legends 1&2 are the best ones, and 3 is too easy.
Parasite eve 1 i love, and 2 is quite good in my opinion.
I like dragon quest 8 quite a bit, and i liked secret of evermore more than secret of mana.
Secret of mana is fun, but i liked other world designs in other games better.Story was simple in both games, but dialogue was funnier in secret of evermore.

I haven't tried the world ends with you, so tell me.Maybe i'l try it.
Dissidia1 is fun, and need to play more.
Crisis core is a bit repetitive, and the slots can be annoying.

09-08-2012, 08:03 PM
The only reason anyone liked kingdom hearts was because of the advertising they did.

You have no idea how idiotic this sounds.

09-09-2012, 01:27 AM
Kingdom Hearts game are like the WWE 'Royal Rumble' events are - never as good as they seem like they're going to be or should be, given the excellent premise.

09-10-2012, 08:32 AM
Just like Final Fantasy X, I really wish Square would start working on an HD version of Final Fantasy XII for the PS Vita and PS3.

09-11-2012, 07:58 PM
FFXII had a decent story with a rather crap battle system. i see no need to make an HD version of this game.

09-13-2012, 02:21 AM
Is there any news about the FFX HD? It's been a while since I last heard anything about it.

09-13-2012, 06:16 AM
Kitase was asked about it recently and all he had to say was "No Comment". So, no news.

09-19-2012, 04:08 PM
Well, that's poop. The only other thing about it that I heard of was it also being released for PSVita...which was in the same reveal about it getting the HD treatment on PS3.

09-20-2012, 05:54 AM
FFXII had a decent story with a rather crap battle system. i see no need to make an HD version of this game.

Nonesense, the battle system and general gameplay of XII is arguably one of the best in the series and brought a much needed depth to the JRPG Genre.

09-20-2012, 07:26 AM
i'm sorry, but not even close. when no particular character favors strength or magic over another, somethin's wrong here. plus there's no evasion involved. at all. you're always guarenteed to get hit by something. wtf?

09-27-2012, 03:42 AM
My favorites that I can think of is FF X-2, FF Tactics, Dragon Quest IX, and Infinite Undiscovery.

09-27-2012, 05:37 AM
i'm sorry, but not even close. when no particular character favors strength or magic over another, somethin's wrong here. plus there's no evasion involved. at all. you're always guarenteed to get hit by something. wtf?


Penelo is Mage DPS, has the biggest growth of magic.
Ashe is a Bruiser with some Magic Damage.
Fran is jack of all trades master of none.
Vaan is a Fighter with a steroid in str.
Basch is Fighter with a Steroid on HP, build for tanking and sustaining damage.
Balthier has insane speed.

There is evasion involved, Shields have a function.

Build Licence properly and set the AI well.

Did you really bothered to check the mechanics?

Build Penelo as a Fighter with swords and armor and make basch a mage and I want to see you fighting King Bomb or Adramelch at balanced lvl.

09-27-2012, 05:50 AM
im still not seein it...sowwy.

11-20-2013, 04:53 AM
FF Tactics is what i play all day nothing else :)

11-20-2013, 08:16 AM
Kingdom Hearts (Series) and Final Fantasy (Series)

Despite the fact that more than half of the FF series isn't completed aside from Final Fantasy XIII/XIII-2 (Xbox 360).

I have a funny moment from playing 8...In one of the dream sequences with Laguna I got lost in Deling City and didn't know where to go...I kept going into the door in the archway. I think after this I did this with Squall too.

about 75% of the reason i liked the early kingdom hearts games were because of the music. i only have kingdom hearts ii now cause that game is still interestin to me. i would only get the original again if it meant takin on Sephiroth on expert mode in the colisseum.

If you're wanting Sephiroth in the first Kingdom Hearts 1.5 ReMIX has Final Mix, which has platinum cup (or whatever it's called) matches. (if you have a PS3 to play it)

I heard Sephiroth is still tough.

I tried beating phantom and phoo-eeeeee is that thing hard. (Stupid doom-like move)

Darth Revan
11-20-2013, 10:27 AM
Determination-Ketsui... Please look at the date of the last post BEFORE posting a reply. I'll leave this thread open for now... but please, next time LOOK AT THE DATE OF THE LAST POST!

02-13-2014, 11:24 AM
my favorite series is final fantasy series

Darth Revan
02-17-2014, 08:21 AM
Thread necromancy... Funny, I think there is a rule about this on the front page of this subforum. Therefore this thread is now closed. Have a nice day.