08-12-2003, 03:20 PM
I've decided to just make one thread in which I post my art, just like most people do in the poetry/writing forum. So all my piccies go in here. Much easier, yes? ^_^

Let's see.. New pictures since I last posted:

Misc stuff:
[PG-13] Catboys (http://taloras.deathland.net/nymph/catboys.jpg" target="_blank) (gift to Jesse)
Kuja (FFIX) (http://taloras.deathland.net/nymph/kuja3.jpg" target="_blank)
Duo Maxwell (http://taloras.deathland.net/nymph/duoshini.jpg" target="_blank)
Satoshi & Krad (DNAngel) (http://taloras.deathland.net/nymph/satokrad.jpg" target="_blank) <-- slightly spoiler-ish

Harry Potter:
[G] Draco Malfoy (http://taloras.deathland.net/nymph/draco_smaller.jpg" target="_blank)
[G] Bill Weasley (http://taloras.deathland.net/nymph/bill.jpg" target="_blank)
[G] Harry as Frodo Baggin (LOTR) (http://taloras.deathland.net/nymph/harryasfrodo.jpg" target="_blank)
[G] pissed off Snape (http://taloras.deathland.net/nymph/sev_pissedoff_smaller.jpg" target="_blank)
[G] firstyear Snape (http://taloras.deathland.net/nymph/sevfirstyear.jpg" target="_blank)
[G] Snape (http://taloras.deathland.net/nymph/snapeportrait.jpg" target="_blank)
[PG] Snape returning from DE meeting (http://taloras.deathland.net/nymph/snapesnow.jpg" target="_blank)

Black & white and sketches:
[PG-15] AU Snape (http://taloras.deathland.net/nymph/szajha.jpg" target="_blank) (questionable content ^^)
[G] Elf druid (http://taloras.deathland.net/nymph/elfdruid.jpg" target="_blank)
[G] Druid twins (http://taloras.deathland.net/nymph/druidtwins.jpg" target="_blank)
[G] Snape (http://taloras.deathland.net/nymph/snapememory.jpg" target="_blank) (scene from HP book 5)

And lastly, a photo I made during my vacation~ ^_^
Vianden Castle (http://taloras.deathland.net/nymph/vianden.jpg" target="_blank)

08-12-2003, 05:23 PM
very nice drawings.... i wish i could draw like that... ;.;
the photo is nice... although other people would say that you should try an angle which would get rid of the houses in the corner.... but... since ive been there and i know how difficult it is, id say its good ^_^

08-20-2003, 07:23 PM
Nymphy~! *squeal*

You know I love your artwork so much!

I'm glad to see you're still drawing, you seem to get better and better every second. And I see that your colouring has also improved! Nice technique, you're gonna have to show me how to do that sometime soon.

And, sowwy, I dunno anything 'bout photography x_x;


08-20-2003, 07:44 PM
Thank you~! *huggles* ^_^

Two new piccies:

Snape doodles (http://taloras.deathland.net/nymph/snapes.jpg" target="_blank) (sketch)
Book 5 scene finished (http://taloras.deathland.net/nymph/book5scene.jpg" target="_blank) Not too happy with the background on this one..

08-20-2003, 11:39 PM
the background isnt all that bad. the water is sexy~ :P
the grass however looks like the grass you find at a putt putt golf place... :X

09-25-2003, 08:16 AM
Hee. ^_^ I <3 this guy~! Doodled two piccies of him, and colored 'em. Here they are:

Chibi Jack (http://www.ffshrine.net/nymphy/art/jacksparrow_2.jpg" target="_blank">Jack</a> & <a href="http://www.ffshrine.net/nymphy/art/chibi_jack.jpg" target="_blank). ^_^

09-26-2003, 12:36 AM
whoa, these are crazy good. you're cg'ing skills are so polished now. good job. the first pic really looks like jack. these pics are pretty close to perfect because i really can't point out anything bad about them...

09-26-2003, 12:53 AM

Those are amazing

ultima weapon
09-26-2003, 02:27 AM
Damn you Johnny Depp, and you SPARROW!

What is you secret into making girls love j00??!?!?!

Oh and...great pics...kawaii...whatever. >_>;

09-26-2003, 08:55 AM
Those're amazing. I'm truly, truly impressed.
And depressed now. I thought my pics were crap before...

09-26-2003, 07:27 PM
Hee, thank you~! ^_^

Damn you Johnny Depp, and you SPARROW!

What is you secret into making girls love j00??!?!?!

I don't know about Johnny Depp (except being very biseinen.. yummy), but Jack Sparrow is just so CUTE. The way he moves, the way he talks, what he looks like.. :D

09-29-2003, 12:55 AM
LOL @ chibi jack

that's sum impressive artwork. The first pic really ressembles Jack. Keep up the awsome work. ;)

10-14-2003, 09:29 AM
New stuff~

FFIX - Kuja (G) (http://www.ffshrine.net/nymphy/art/kuja4.jpg" target="_blank)

HP - Snape/Harry (PG-13) (http://www.ffshrine.net/nymphy/art/snarry.jpg" target="_blank)

HP - Remus Lupin (G) (http://www.ffshrine.net/nymphy/art/lupin2.jpg" target="_blank)

HP - Snape & Sanuya (G) (http://www.ffshrine.net/nymphy/art/sevsanuya.jpg" target="_blank) <-- this was for an art trade with Cyberhell from DevART. Sanuya is one of her original characters. ^_^

HP - Snape/Lucius Malfoy (PG-13) (http://www.ffshrine.net/nymphy/art/lucisev2.jpg" target="_blank)

And a silly doodle XD

HP - Snape & Dumbledore (G) (http://www.ffshrine.net/nymphy/art/ss_ad.jpg" target="_blank)


10-14-2003, 06:06 PM
Nice stuff nymph, you should do a rated R one possibly inspired by kill bill.

If you haven�t seen it, go see it, the man is a genius.

10-19-2003, 07:53 PM
Thanks. ^_^

Hm.. What's kill bill?

Two new piccies:

Snape in kimono (http://www.ffshrine.net/nymphy/art/sevkimono.jpg" target="_blank) (PG for crossdressing)

Snape & Harry in an embrace (http://www.ffshrine.net/nymphy/art/snarry3.jpg" target="_blank) (G, but boy love! :B)

10-20-2003, 06:55 PM
I like the Jack pic a while back... but thats pretty much the only good one i've seen... the rest are just crappy wannabe anime.

10-20-2003, 07:12 PM
Ahhh I love the work it's so beautiful. I could never draw and it's kinda sad really cause I want to it's just that I have no artistic stuff in me. Oh well. I really like them keep up the good work.

10-20-2003, 07:18 PM
*sigh* And I'm sure you know what you're talking about, Loki, since you hate anime and anything that comes out of Japan. I mean, sure, maybe you honestly made an unbiased judgment - on a topic you know absolutely nothing about Or maybe you're just making a negative comment in order to attract attention like a 5 year old kid? I wonder which is more likely....

10-20-2003, 07:23 PM
originally posted by Duo:
*sigh* And I'm sure you know what you're talking about, Loki, since you hate anime and anything that comes out of Japan. I mean, sure, maybe you honestly made an unbiased judgment - on a topic you know absolutely nothing about Or maybe you're just making a negative comment in order to attract attention like a 5 year old kid? I wonder which is more likely....

Was actually (like all of my posts) my opinion... maybe not unbiased, but still my opinion. I also wonder what is more likely, you making a post about the topic or a goat becoming pregnant with twin pigs.

10-20-2003, 07:26 PM
Well, although...I might...:erm: disagree with sommuh your subject matter, Nymphy One, I think your art totally (You do really great folds on your clothing especially. Well...just really good clothing all over) owns and that anyone who says differently should be bitch slapped.

*bitch slaps Loki*

So yeah...it's all kick ass.

Edit: I thought I'd post what Kill Bill (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0266697/) is.

10-20-2003, 07:33 PM
OK, i apologize for posting that they were crappy... because they are not all around crappy. I like the colors, that is one thing that you are definately good at... do you use photoshop or do you do those by hand? I just don't like the pencils, they just don't look good, but with more practice they could.

10-20-2003, 07:35 PM
Yeah, my posts are off topic quite often ... so? Is that an insult? Or... what?

Anyways, I like all of Nymph's art, she probably know's that... I have said it before. :)

10-20-2003, 08:05 PM

Loki, kindly keep your 13-year-old-AOLer comments out of my thread unless it's going to be CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.
Or questions, like your last post. :B

I use a mechanical pencil (0,5) for sketching, inking pen (0,1) for line arts and Adobe Photoshop 6.0 for coloring. Have dabbled into Painter and OpenCanvas a bit but that wasn't much of a success.. so I'm sticking to photoshop for now. ^^

Thanks Duo, Armonis and Squall. :D Will check out that Kill Bill link tonight. ^_^

OT Edit:

or a goat becoming pregnant with twin pigs

Now that you mention it.. not likely. But he might just make a thread about it some time. You know, you can never know.. *thinks back at #ffimpulse chat sessions/gnats* *grins*

10-20-2003, 08:13 PM
Just a question, but how is all of these people telling you that your artwork is so great, but not telling you WHY they like it more constructive, than me stating reasons WHY i don't like it. Constructive criticism is supposed to make you better at your art, everybody telling you that you are already great is not going to make you any better.

10-20-2003, 08:21 PM
Positive comments are always welcome, ofcourse. They help all artists if only because it motivates them to draw more and (in my case, anyway) to improve. Getting positive feedback encourages me to continue drawing (or posting it, at least.. I'd draw even if everyone told me it sucked. :B).
You however, didn't give any reasons why you think the pictures are bad. I think even you can work out why comments like that aren't welcome. :B

11-10-2003, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by One dreamers path
PS How come they're black and white? I don't know much about art, but what about coloured pencils and other stuff?

You know the one with the nice hair makes me realise you really are a great artist.

Thanks for the feedback. :)

Those you commented on were all sketches, not actual finished works. I color most pictures in Photoshop and post them on deviantART and my art site. ^_^
I rarely use color pencils.. Have used 'em in the past, but they're not my favorite materials.

New piccies~ All are rated G.

Schala & Janus from Chrono Trigger (http://www.seguchi.net/rosiel/art/schalajanus.jpg" target="_blank)
Sleeping Snape (http://www.ffshrine.net/nymphy/images/sevsleeping.jpg" target="_blank) (sketch)
Elfdruid colored (female) (http://www.seguchi.net/rosiel/art/elfdruid_f.jpg" target="_blank)


11-11-2003, 01:38 AM
I may not show my ugly mug around this place so much anymore, but it's nice to see that when I do, Nymph is still pumping out great artwork :D . Some things just never change.

I really like that "szajha" one I saw in One Dreamers Path's post... the hair, the facial expression - right on.

I really like your style girl, always have. Keep it up!


11-24-2003, 03:09 PM
All of your artwork is great. Some of it I have seen before...Which raises an important question.

Was your old name Nymph? or something like that

If so, I remember a long time ago on here you posted some amazing pictures. One's of the FF7 females and Heero and Duo in a medevil setting. I can't quite remember if you did these or not but IF you did...Plz post some links up to them :)

11-24-2003, 03:13 PM
originally posted by Kenji:
Was your old name Nymph? or something like that

*looks at Kenij's question... lookes up at the title of the thread... looks at Kenji's question... looks at the title of the thread...*

*shakes his head*

11-24-2003, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by Kenji
All of your artwork is great. Some of it I have seen before...Which raises an important question.

Was your old name Nymph? or something like that

If so, I remember a long time ago on here you posted some amazing pictures. One's of the FF7 females and Heero and Duo in a medevil setting. I can't quite remember if you did these or not but IF you did...Plz post some links up to them :)

Huh, yeah. That's me alright. ^_~ Just changed my name temporarily, for Halloween.. but I'm quite content with it so haven't changed it back yet. ^^

I did those FF7 girls pics 'n stuff, ya. Let's see..

Duo & Heero (http://ffshrine.org/nymphy/art/dhowned2.jpg" target="_blank) in medieval setting

FF7 girls:
Aeris (http://ffshrine.org/nymphy/art/angelaeris.jpg" target="_blank)
Scarlet (http://ffshrine.org/nymphy/art/scarlet2.jpg" target="_blank)
Elena (http://ffshrine.org/nymphy/art/elena.jpg" target="_blank)
Tifa (http://ffshrine.org/nymphy/art/tifa.jpg" target="_blank)

And while I'm posting anyway - got a new Heero & Duo (http://ffshrine.org/nymphy/art/duoheero3.jpg" target="_blank) piccie. :D

11-24-2003, 03:24 PM
Love the FF7 girls pics, expecially Aeris.

11-24-2003, 03:33 PM
The FF7 girls are great.

I like Tifa's pose and Aerith's hair.

The one thing that irks me a little is Scarlet's cleavage (hehe trust me to notice that), it looks a little odd under where you've put the black lines.

That, however, is a very picky-picky crit, they're super.

11-24-2003, 03:37 PM
hrm... I guess I don't understand what Vyvyn is talking about... Scarlet's cleavage looks great to me... hubba hubba.

11-24-2003, 08:00 PM
*slaps forehead* I didn't even notice thread name.

Ahh, it's great to see those again...I'm gonna save em on my comp. Thank ya ;)

Damn, Tifa's flowing hair is just amazing. Good job.

The new pic is ummm good but...it's odd.

12-04-2003, 02:42 PM
The one thing that irks me a little is Scarlet's cleavage (hehe trust me to notice that), it looks a little odd under where you've put the black lines.

Yes, it does look a bit odd, doesn't it? ^^ I've saved the layered version so I might redo that bit some time..

Some sketches:

Aeris (G) (http://www.ffshrine.org/nymphy/images/aeris_sk.jpg" target="_blank) <-- tried out a new style.. had Aeris in mind while drawing it but it doesn't really look like her original design anymore. ^^
Reno & Rufus sketches (G) (http://www.ffshrine.org/nymphy/images/turks_sk.jpg" target="_blank)
Duo & Heero coloured (http://www.ffshrine.org/nymphy/art/duoheero3.jpg" target="_blank)

12-04-2003, 03:00 PM
I like the first two pictures... don't like the third too much. The clothing on Aeris is great, and the second picture looks very good as well. Reno and Rufus look as though they could stand to gain a little bit of weight though heh, looks like stick figures wearing clothing.

One dreamers path
12-06-2003, 09:38 AM

12-17-2003, 09:29 AM
Thingiemabob I drew for an online magazine but wasn't even properly credited for:

Snape & James (PG) (http://www.ffshrine.net/nymphy/art/sevjames_winter2.jpg" target="_blank)

And a junk picture that I colored:

Snape (G) (http://www.ffshrine.net/nymphy/art/sevduel.jpg" target="_blank)

12-17-2003, 11:38 AM
Good coloring, nice scetches, and great effects on the snow. Awesome pictures Sev... just never understood why you like to see the guys from Harry Potter love on eachother so much.

01-01-2004, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by Loki
Good coloring, nice scetches, and great effects on the snow. Awesome pictures Sev... just never understood why you like to see the guys from Harry Potter love on eachother so much.

*grins* Why do guys like seeing two girls 'love on eachother' so much? :B Instead of one sexy guy, there's two! Bonus! :D

Two Final Fantasy sketches~

Terra, FF6 (http://www.ffshrine.net/nymphy/images/terra_sk.jpg" target="_blank)
Gunner Yuna, FFX-2 (http://www.ffshrine.net/nymphy/images/yuna_sk.jpg" target="_blank)

HP stuff:

Snape & Potter (http://www.ffshrine.net/nymphy/art/snarry5.jpg" target="_blank) PG-13 for almost-kiss
Snape (sketch) confessing to Dumbledore ()

01-01-2004, 06:41 PM
Great FF scetches Lulu. I almost puked on the Snape-Harry pic... so realistic. BLECH. The Snape confession picture is also very good.

01-06-2004, 05:14 PM
Haha. Why do you look if you don't like it? ;P

Lulu sketch (http://www.ffshrine.net/nymphy/images/lulu_sk.jpg" target="_blank)
Tried to mimic her 'victory' pose. ^^ Drawing the belts was frustrating, more so than it normally would be because my mechanical pencil died and now I'm forced to draw with regular 2B pencils - that need constant sharpening. ;_;

01-06-2004, 06:35 PM
I look because I love all your sketches lol... even if they are of boys fondling eachother.

Also, as I have already told ya, your Lulu sketch is amazin.

01-09-2004, 06:39 PM
I see. :B

I finally got around to adding a background to this picture. It's a few months old. ^^

Old version (http://www.ffshrine.net/nymphy/art/duodemon.jpg" target="_blank)
Revamped Duo demon (http://www.ffshrine.net/nymphy/art/duodemon_v2.jpg" target="_blank)

01-21-2004, 09:28 AM
<font face="tahoma" color="#545C7C">
*looks around* Huh.


Realistic Harry, finished ()

And a close-up () (112,5 kb).

01-21-2004, 09:45 AM
wow O___O That's awesome, Nymph

*really shouldaa come in here sooner* Dang :D Niice

01-21-2004, 01:22 PM
Great stuff Nymph... the best art I've seen you do yet. Of course I like realistic pics the best.... as long as there is no man-groping involved.