08-12-2003, 08:39 AM
I was talking to a good friend just now, and I was telling him about Boys Next Door, and when he found out it was by Kaori Yuki, he said this: �Ahahahaa. I used to like Angel Sanctuary. Ahaha. Then it went mainstream and people were all 'omg yay' and I decided to stop liking it. Yay�

Am I not one of the only people who hate people that are like this.


I can't fucking stand it when people do this, so I told him, and he just told me some bullshit about not liking it because of the "new dumbass fans" that had accumulated from it.

There are dumbass fans for everything, ass, get over it.

I swear, I really can't stand these people who think they are so god damn fucking elite and then they bitch and moan when their beloved series goes mainstream and they are no longer in some retarded elite circle of equally arrogant fuck-faced "otaku".

This is one of the aspects of anime/manga fandom and otaku-ness etc. that has frequently turned me off towards it.

What do these people accomplish by bitching about it? Do they feel they could show the world how cool they are because they new about Card Captor Sakura before it originally finished airing on TV Tokyo or wherever it was shown on in Japan by bragging/complaining?

I'm sorry if I insulted any one by all of this, it's just that this thing has sort of always pissed me off when I see it. Bleh.

08-12-2003, 09:29 AM
It sorta goes the same on Videogames as well, as Pokemon in itself is just great as hell..... then once everyone knew about the damn things, some can't even touch it and some can't even see how great it was.

My friend, who "used" to love Yu Yu, now hates it once it popped up on Cartoon Network. People are weird o_O;

08-12-2003, 11:16 AM
Yeah, sadly there is the trend of some anime/manga fans trying to make sure they don't get confused with those fans they consider newbies.
That's why the vast majority of people says: I used to like Dragonball but not anymore and everyone who says he likes Dragonball is totally stupid.

My favourite series just happen to be mainstream... Anime/manga just happen to be a popular... trendy hobby and lots of people like it... If people WANT to be outsider, they should not choose this hobby. If they can easily give up a series like this just because it becomes mainstream, they can as well give up the whole hobby, too, and join a more elite community... o_o
Nah... sometimes I do hate the hype, but that's not a reason to give up a series. Grr... Everyone knows Angel Sanctuary, everyone posts spoilers...

08-13-2003, 05:20 AM
Keh. I don't like the otaku attitude in general. Just rubs me the wrong way when people think that their opinions and their likes/dislikes make them some part of elite fandom, talking about it as if it's something that really warrants special bragging rights. Heh-heh.

So yes, my favorite anime is considered "mainstream." And you know something, I think it's mainstream for a REASON. Because IT'S A GOOD SHOW. It has things that appeal to a wide audience, and so... *sarcastic gasp* ... IT BECOMES POPULAR!

Eh, it actually doesn't bother me all THAT much. I laugh at that attitude, actually. If I like something, it's not because I wanted to join in the trend and follow in the footsteps of others. I like what I do because I think it's good. So if it just happens to be mainstream, that's my perogative. ;)

08-15-2003, 04:17 PM
I'm an otaku and proud of it, but most of the anime I like ends up as mainstream in the end, such as Ghost in the Shell and Neon Genesis Evangelion, I loved them all before they hit USA. However I do know that people who attempt to think they are smarter then me when they just watched a few episodes or just seen it makes me mad, I dislike the publicity of good anime shows. One which will become popular is Dual:Parallel* Trouble Adventure.

But I still like my old favorites, and the new ones.

08-15-2003, 07:50 PM
eh, me not that hardcore. Usually I'm more of a bandwagoner(I'm usually the first one to jump on, lol)... I watch main stream anime.

On the DBZ subject, however... I don't dislike it because it's popular. I dislike it because it sucks compared to the more recent anime. DBZ is just too old!!!

08-23-2003, 04:52 AM
DBZ is repetitive. I liked Dragonball though, I thought it was a good series.

I remember a reply I got to this rant somewhere else said that these "otaku" have every right to be elitist because they paid for the anime (aka D/Led off KaZaA or spent money on pirated/bootlegged copies) before it went mainstream. I was like "... Wha?"

When an anime becomes mainstream, more money goes into it. Der. Some people give stupid reasons.

08-26-2003, 10:02 PM
I was an Otaku in a timeframe where anime wasn't popular in the U.S. The timeframe I was hooked was in the late 90's. At that point, everyone thought it to be the porn of the new millinium, or have only crappy acting. I liked the stuff. It did things that American t.v. shows wouldn't do. When I got on the wave, anime was still something that openly partaking in it got you ostercized from society, but I was aware that I was riding a wave. I knew the day was fast approaching that anime was going to become accepted and even popular. People disliked it becuse it was new to them. People liked it because it was new to them. I saw it for what it was, entertainment and art. Some were more the first and less the second, while others were more the second and less the first. I even joined a fugging anime club, so I could watch it with other people. I saw many titles. My oldest brother had amassed a hoard of it. I saw it for what it was, and for that reason I felt elite. Yes I felt like I was a member of an elite few, but while I was elite, I was not elitist, I wanted it to become mainstream. I kept on pointing at the signs, and looking at the progression. You see, My brothers and I wanted it to go mainstream. And I'll tell you, there was a conflict going on during the late 90's and early into the new millenium. And what happened with anime going mainstream, was the result of a conflict, that had been very narrowly won by those in anime's favor. While I cannot surely identify them, there are slighly under 100 individuals, that if any one of them had not been an otaku, the conflict would have swung the other way, and anime would likely to this day still be obscure and perhaps even illegal in the United States and quite probably the whole world outside of Japan. With that understanding, I was pretty glad to see it go mainstream. I observed the elitist phenomina and just laughed. These people weren't the elite pioneers, half of these people were people I Otakunized, and the other half were Otakunized by my brothers. I had one brother who over the net, just by making honest recommendations here and there, managed to Otakunize over 1000 people diectly. Who knows how many people they went on to Otakunize. I've seen anime grow and shrink and grow and shrink in popularity, and with that I came to understand, that there was a conflict going on, at a level that we can barely percieve much less observe, and the results of that conflict were going to determing the fate of human culture as we know it. I only caught a glimpse of this, but that glimpse was enough to tell me a few things. The fate of our culture hinged on the decisions of a small group of people. Secondly, I'm sure my brother was one of those people, and I may have been but can't so sure of that. Thirdly, and to the point, the "dumbass newbie fans" are a good thing.

If you don't buy my last rant, then here's my next one. You were once a "dumbass newbie fan" too you know. That's what I can't stand about elitist. They only tolerate those who are already establised members of their guild, and they fail to recognize that first off, they too were once newbies, and second off, new blood is necessary lest your guild will die.

With lotsa love,


P.S. Jello!

08-29-2003, 02:06 PM
Indeed, it's irritating when people dislike something because of its popularity. Sort of ridiculous, too, I mean, it's the same - whatever - it always was. I hate that with music, too, when people just dislike something, due to its popularity. It happens... everywhere. I suppose you're not going to change people... ^~

But DBZ still sucks.

09-05-2003, 12:28 AM

[Edit: Whoa! That's the shortest post I've ever made... even after I add the edit. lol.]

09-11-2003, 07:27 PM
This is stupid.
What do you care if other people get to enjoy a good anime? I understand how this would work with say a rare clothing company, but you sound like you think your better than these other people because you have seen somthing they havent. If they started playing Nausicaa of the vally of the wind on my basic cable package say twice a year, I would be thrilled. Do you think these other people dont have a right to good anime? Spread the love eh?

10-04-2003, 05:24 AM
Heh. Well, anyway, I'm asking if anyone knows where the words/lyrics to the CB version of "Ave Maria" could be found. It's a beautiful song really, and I enjoy making up words that sound like the words that are sung, but man that's a joke. Gracias ah-tee-day? Thanks.:D :D :D :mew:

10-17-2003, 02:28 PM
You know that ANYONE who uses the phrase otaku to describe themselves doesn't know Japanese, and is just a subtitle moron anyways.
For all of you who are not even semi-enlightened of Japanese culture. Otaku means Idiot, or Moron, a general term used to define stupidity..... Considering Americans are portrayed in anime as slimey, or stupid... you all fit into the criteria very well

10-17-2003, 09:40 PM
Hehe, actually, "BAKA" or "AHOU" would mean idiot or moron and is the general term to describe stupidity...

O-taku really just means "big fan," but the connotations are negative in Japanese, so.... yeah, it might as well be "big, idiotically obsessed fan."

Darth Revan
10-18-2003, 05:26 PM
To get back onto the main topic of this thread, I have to agree with everyone who dislikes how Cartoon Network is showing anime now. I've watched Tenchi Muyo, Orphen, Trigun and Neon Genesis Evangelion on Cartoon Network, and I'm apalled at how Cartoon Network has butchered them. I can understand how they may feel the need to censor certain scenes from them, but the way they've been 'cut', leaves me thinking "What has happened? Who the flying f**k gave this pathetic 'fly by night, Mickey Mouse organisation, permission to do this?" Suffice to say, I'm sticking with either purchasing the anime on DVD, or to hire them from my local videostore. At least then, I get to watch the anime, the way it was intended to be watched, full and uncut.

Fallen Vampire
10-20-2003, 09:52 AM
Well, I can sympathise with the people who get mad when things go mainstream. But to stop likeing it is just plain stupid. Honestly, what does that accomplish, that you are a quitter, or you like to make yourself different? You'd actually think that it would give a common ground for the bigger fans and followers, but it won't. The bigger fan will get pissed because the other just doesn't know hardly shit about that anime. The same could be said about music. Sure I don't want alot of bands I like to get mainstream, just because I hate it when I have to deal with morons who think they know what they're talking about, but don't. But, I will not go off and say that I hate the band, unless they just sellout. XD I don't think an anime can actually sellout, unless the makers sold over the rights for money...then I guess it would be selling out.

Grimmand Honninscave
12-09-2003, 06:34 PM
I think Otaku just means "obsessed". Its negative because obsession isnt really a good thing.

12-10-2003, 02:40 PM
*how to tell if your an otaku*
*following the jeff foxworthy redneck format*

if you skip showers, in order to be online to rant about your fav anime....

you might be an otaku

if you have two vcr's connected to teachother and at least ONE of them is an SVHS....

you might be an otaku

if you tend to speak japanese every once in a while blended in with your crappy english....

you MIGHT be an otaku

more to come later ;)

12-10-2003, 03:10 PM
'Otaku' means 'house', FYI. :cool:

12-11-2003, 03:08 PM
yes of course in the litteral sense of the word and if you live in japan. however, just as the word "anime", it has a diffrent definition anywhere else such as the US.

anime, to us, is "japanese animation" we all know that.

but to the japanese, anime is "any animation".

therefore, as otaku, to the japanese, is house, or SUPER PATHETIC NERD THAT NEVER LEAVES THE HOUSE,

to US, otaku means "high regarded well respected knower of all anime worthy of worship"

or aka, ME! lol :p

12-12-2003, 05:21 PM
There's only one thing that can describe one who gets enraged when his/her favorite Japanese Animation franchise goes mainstream:

Elitist Nerdy Shmuck.

This is especially bad with the Evangelion fans. For example, if one write an EVA fic that isn't cannon, 99% of the EVA fan fiction community will flame that writer to high heaven, and dub them as an "Anime no0b."

I have nothing against nerds, but I think it's time we Anime fans practice civility...