12-26-2011, 06:39 AM
I've noticed that there's no sign of the music from both Toy Soldiers games by Signal Studios. I think that the music that is in it is quite good and I request that someone try to get the music from either game, or both if you can spare the time. Both are XBOX Live Arcade games, but they essentially share the same gameplay. Well, save for some differences.

If anyone can get the music, it will be much appreciated. Some (if not all) of the music has multiple parts (for example, the boss music has an intro, the main track itself, and the results post-boss), so that's a heads if you wanna somehow get the full track. I do not own the first Toy Soldiers, so I do not know whether or not that music has the same flexibility as the soundtrack from Cold War. If the DLC (plus the upcoming DLC for Cold War) also has its own unique music, that's optional, but it'd be a nice bonus.

Again, much appreciated!

12-26-2011, 07:53 AM
Wrong board....

12-26-2011, 02:29 PM
Wrong board....

Whoops. Sorry. Who's a mod I can get to remove this post? I have made another one in the proper board.