12-26-2011, 03:19 AM
This is not a thread full of Star Wars hate. I LOVE....I mean LOVE Star Wars. I have toys, video games, cd's, all the movies. I've seen them in theaters. I think it's an epic, one of a kind series. But something has started taking the enjoyment out of the films for me. And that is the constant re-releases. Every time they're released, they market it as if it's the definitive if no other version will be released and some years later, it's re-released! I was happy to hear it getting Blu Ray treatment. But I did not watch them and unfortunately, will not ever be doing so. Why? Because of all the ridiculous edits that have been done. I can't even mention them. You can search the net or youtube for yourselves if you have no clue what I'm talking about. I know Star Wars is Lucas' legacy. But the guy needs to move on. Every director eventually moves on rather than cling to that one thing they're known for. All the known actors/actresses (Hamill, Ford most noticeably), they've moved on. John Williams, the composer, he's moved on. It's time Lucas did too with all due respect. Just let Star Wars go. All these re-releases IMO is tarnishing the legacy like Ric Flair is tarnishing his by competing in matches and in another company after the epic, one of a kind sendoff WWE gave him. Same concept. Just different scenario pretty much.

Again, this is not to knock Lucas or Star Wars in any way, shape or form as I love Star Wars to death.

Whether you agree or disagree, love to hear your thoughts in a non-attacking, respectful manner.

12-26-2011, 03:51 AM
Deleted scenes from the OT, nuff said.

(oh and complete releaseses for the SW scores are much needed)

12-26-2011, 04:15 AM
there will never be a definite version. ever.
and lucas is going to exploit that.

in 30 years, expect remakes of all the movies.

12-26-2011, 09:00 AM
thank you

12-26-2011, 10:09 PM
Complete Score re-releases....can't disagree as stuff is still missing according to the cd's I have or have seen the contents of.

"there will never be a definite version. ever.
and lucas is going to exploit that.

in 30 years, expect remakes of all the movies."

I know. I know. If it was gonna end, it would've already. I just want it to. LOTR is a great film series as is Harry Potter and others. They don't have billions of re-releases cause they know it's not needed. Lucas hasn't realized that re-releases aren't needed. He should've just released them on BLU RAY as they were instead of editing certain parts/ It's those edits that really didn't need to be made. Like Vader yelling "NO!" while The Emperor was shooting lighting on Luke at the end of ROTJ, among other un-neccessary edits.

Chocolate Misu
12-27-2011, 01:02 AM
George knows what he's doing................................. and that's making money.

12-27-2011, 04:11 AM
Deleted scenes from the OT, nuff said.

(oh and complete releaseses for the SW scores are much needed)

01-02-2012, 04:24 AM
Like Vader yelling "NO!" while The Emperor was shooting lighting on Luke at the end of ROTJ


01-03-2012, 10:27 AM
George knows what he's doing................................. and that's making money.

Spot on.

01-08-2012, 01:37 PM
I'm very happy with my LaserDisc versions. :-)

01-08-2012, 01:56 PM
I'm very happy with my LaserDisc versions. :-)
Me too :)

01-08-2012, 06:58 PM
When Georgie boy is taking a dirtnap.

Professor Moriarty
01-12-2012, 08:50 AM
re-releases will continue as long as people continue to buy them.

01-13-2012, 04:04 PM
George is one of the laziest directors we shall ever see, instead of making more movies he decided to go back to Star Wars a few times, reedit, add a few things and extend the life of each movie to each new generation. It's by far the lowest form of art available, no real artists would ever be caught dead doing what he does, he intends to do something drastic and that people hate it and to make sure everybody wants to see it at the theaters or buy DVDs or Blu-ray's. He knows fans love the series so much that they'll do anything to own any reedit he pumps out. It's brilliant, but it's reflection of his inability to direct as he had no love for the new episodes, no passion at all and laid 99% of the direction to the CGI artists.

He thinks he's amazing but is actually one of the worst directors out there for doing this repeatedly.

01-14-2012, 04:14 PM
George is one of the laziest directors we shall ever see, instead of making more movies he decided to go back to Star Wars a few times, reedit, add a few things and extend the life of each movie to each new generation. It's by far the lowest form of art available, no real artists would ever be caught dead doing what he does, he intends to do something drastic and that people hate it and to make sure everybody wants to see it at the theaters or buy DVDs or Blu-ray's. He knows fans love the series so much that they'll do anything to own any reedit he pumps out. It's brilliant, but it's reflection of his inability to direct as he had no love for the new episodes, no passion at all and laid 99% of the direction to the CGI artists.

Lazy is the best way to describe him right now considering what he's been doing with SW for decades. I guess he doesn't care enough to do anything else.

He thinks he's amazing but is actually one of the worst directors out there for doing this repeatedly.