08-10-2003, 03:58 PM
Looking for experts in the Final Fantasy field.

Right now Final Fantasy Shrine is on the way of revamping a whole mess of things. Trying to get major sections up, trying to get Final Fantasy Shrine into that Final Fantasy mode and stuff.

So to get people in on helping out on the Shrine, I ask that anyone that knows anything about Final Fantasy 7 to step up to the plate and contribute to the sections.

What do you need to know about the game to help us? Well, take a look at this:

Looks a bit imtimidating I know, but you don't have to know a Final Fantasy game like the back of your hand, you can just contribute a small part (monster listing, hints on things, guides to small sections of the game and so on). With this, we can easily fill in the spaces and get a completed section.

For Final Fantasy 7... because it is a game that everyone plays and enjoys.. well, I'm pretty sure all you guys know a lot so why not share all your knowledge? ^_^

If you want to help, please post in this thread or send me a PM. I'll be more than happy to add you in and credidate you for your work.

Please note that FFS does not pay/give rewards/etc etc for you doing this... yeah I'm sorry guys ;_; But with this, we can expect more traffic and with more traffic, more friends. ^_^

08-10-2003, 04:21 PM
I've got a pretty reasonable grasp on the game... plot, theory and all :D ,
I've got a wee bit of experience in this sort of thing, writing reviews, news updates and FAQs for a site called Spark of the Force, which is now defunct. -_-
I've got both the PC and Playstation versions of the game, so, I could be a screen-shot monkey if needed :p .

08-10-2003, 04:25 PM
Yay someone listened! ^_^

Alright man, I'll keep you informed ASAP about what you can do. Just drop me a PM stating your e-mail address, possible IM name (AIM, YIM, MSN, ICQ, whatever works for you) and what can you do (specifically that is).

I'll reply as soon as I get some sleep... X_x

08-10-2003, 11:32 PM
need a screenshot? i can get it... :)
i can also do a sidequest guide too... or something like that...

08-11-2003, 10:45 AM
Each Final Fantasy game has been divided into parts to show how each section will be divided. This helps show who is in charge of what in each section. You may grab more than one section of course.

Final Fantasy 7

Monster List - Taken by Koenma
Boss List - Taken by Kie <-- Done
Explaination of Materia (growth) - Taken by Agent0042
Item List
Equipment List - Taken by Kie <-- Done
Chocobos - Taken by Kie <-- Done
Minigames - Taken by Kie
Walkthrough - Taken by SoloCommand (I need a response soon)
Town Coverage - Taken by The Wandering Knight (What happened to him?)
Screenshots - Taken by Agent0042
Theories - Taken by PTM

I ask that you post in this thread and/or via PM to tell me what section you'd like to tackle.

08-11-2003, 08:58 PM
bah... father beat me... ;.;
o well... i get sidequests... weeeee~

08-11-2003, 11:14 PM
if you want, I could give you a pretty detailed monster guide...weaknesses, exp, HP, gil, etc.

And if I can't do that/can do something else, I think I could give you a reasonably good materia list.

And just coverage..but uh, for right now, I think I'll stick with Monsters Guide (if of course I can apply and it's okay with you moogle) =P.

08-12-2003, 02:54 AM
Oooh! You know, I really like this idea. I think this will be really good in helping to make the Shrine more exciting. I'll take materia if Koenma doesn't want it. So, Koenma, could you please give an answer on whether you want that or not? I can also take screenshots. I have the PC version and so I can get screenshots off of that quite easily. I have questions, though, so I think I'm going to go ahead and send an IM.

Oh, and Kie, if you're reading, is there any chance I could persuade you to let me do enemy skills? After all, I am the one who came up with the definitive guide on that. But if you don't want to, that's fine.

08-12-2003, 09:21 AM
Yeah, hey MK, if I can't get you on chat, I'm letting Agent do Enemy Skills, since he's gotten it written already ;).

08-12-2003, 09:09 PM
Moogle told me you didn't have anything to do Agent (even though now it looks like you got Enemy Skills XD) but you can do Materia. I'll be busy with this monster guide anyway.

08-12-2003, 11:47 PM
Hey MK, if it would help things, as the stuff I'm doing is easy enough, I could dig up an equipment list if I play FF7 a little. What do you say?

And what would the Town Coverage include?

08-12-2003, 11:49 PM
dad... it looks as though youre going to die from exhaustion from doing this... X.X

08-12-2003, 11:56 PM
lol, you'd be suprised how much time I have free to write up all that. If you want to do Equipment you can, but I'm saying if no-one wants to do it, I'll do it.

Safer Sephiroth
08-13-2003, 03:45 AM
I've been playing the game since it first came out in '97, I play it for over 8 hours a day, 7 days a week, I know everything to know about the game, I know it better than the back of my hand lol, and I would definitly come back here to FFS more. I am a good writer and I am a Guru of FFVII, I am sure I can be of some help.

08-13-2003, 04:21 AM
Thanks everyone for letting me know about the status. So I'm now signed up for materia, enemy skills and screenshots. I don't think I'll be doing anything else, that should be enough to keep me busy.

08-13-2003, 04:21 AM
Originally posted by Kie
Hey MK, if it would help things, as the stuff I'm doing is easy enough, I could dig up an equipment list if I play FF7 a little. What do you say?

And what would the Town Coverage include?

If you could do an equipment list IF you feel that you aren't overextending your limit. :B

Town Coverage includes...

- What the town area offers (Shops etc)
- What possible quests-miniquests are possible
- Anything to note (like this guy's homeland and so on)
- Areas that aren't really towns but at least features a shop

I've been playing the game since it first came out in '97, I play it for over 8 hours a day, 7 days a week, I know everything to know about the game, I know it better than the back of my hand lol, and I would definitly come back here to FFS more. I am a good writer and I am a Guru of FFVII, I am sure I can be of some help.

Well, pick a section. ^_^

08-13-2003, 09:07 AM
Ugh, shops. I'll pass on towns then :P. Oh, and I have no limit.

08-13-2003, 01:16 PM
Cloudago, d'ya think the whole 'Making Cloud into the prettiest' bit in Wall Market would be considered a side-quest?
I'm just up to that bit in the Walkthrough, and was thinking, maybe I should just go a quick bare-bones walkthrough, ya know, how to get a dress and a wig.

08-13-2003, 10:00 PM
well... the whole option of getting a dress seems like its not a sidequest since you have to get it to get into dons place so yea...
and you also dont get anything in the end for getting into the honeybee inn... except for the lingerie but you dont really need that... so i guess you can put it into the walkthrough since im not doing it

The Wandering Knight
08-13-2003, 11:14 PM
I don't think that I'll help myself Because I don't have much time even though I really wanted to help....But I have an Idea (If it's not considered here)....But why not let more than one person take over a section...That'd really help cover some points that the other might've forgotten or didn't notice...things like that...

By the way Cloudago....You can ask one of the girls in the Honey Bee Inn to put some make up on Cloud's face since he's going to dress up...She'll gladly help ^_^....

I might take the town coverage IF I have the time...I'll send a PM to MK if I have the time....I might play the game again (for the 19th time I think) starting next week....and if that's how it is....I'll surely help...Don't count on it though....

De wa...


08-14-2003, 10:21 AM
I wouldn't worry much about time. This place is renown for being a tad slow, things can wait a little longer ;)

The Wandering Knight
08-14-2003, 11:08 PM
OK....If the time won't be a problem...Then, I'd like to take the town covering thing....


08-17-2003, 10:11 PM
mog, there is almost nothing i do not know about this game, ive played it at least 3-4 times a year since its came out, now thats ALOT of play time, ive done everything, even messed around with the debug mode on it..i know the story like it was my life, and i know most of the intresting materia combos and characters past, id love to have a write up about FF7 and talk about it all the even start the game over (even though not needed) just to go through it all again and find little details i may have missed in some write ups or stuff that are needed, paying or rewards are not needed, i just love ff7 to me :)

08-18-2003, 05:55 AM
Run a search for things posted by "PTM" with special emphasis on the term "theories."

Oh hell, here are direct links:

*Spoilers* Ending Theory (
*Spoilers* Cell Theory (
*Spoilers* Evil Theory (
*Spoilers* Orb Theory (

There are of course other things I have written, in response to other people's theories. Most notably is this one:

Zack's History (Spoilers) (
^ I didn't start that topic, but I do have some thought out replies.

And my first post on this forum was:

Why Did She Die? (
^ Started by ~ Cloud ~ and does contain spoilers

Keep in mind I wrote those out of sheer boredom because the forums on my own site, Halo Online (, were malfunctioning at the time. So I was bored and came to this site, since I love FF7 and everything.

You might also be interested in one of my old sites that I made when I was 14 (three years ago). You can see the relevant FF7 information here (

I'd be happy to contribute something; a theory, character information, etc.

I've written more on FF7 than this but I have, alas, lost much of it to reformats. I made a chocobo guide, for instance, for an old FF site run by a guy named Iceneko. He recruited me from these forums back in April of 2002, when I first joined, because of my theories.

My theories are old and the product of a more childish mind than what I have now. I can write better ones, of course, and with more thought out and reasoned reasponses.

I don't know, don't judge me until you've read those theories though. I won't take up any more time in this post now, so get to reading!

EDIT: By the way, if anybody wants anything I've written for their site (or wants me for their staff) then you should let me know at my e-mail address, [email protected]. That goes for whomever is working at FFshrine and posted this thread. If you want help go ahead and post it here if you want but make sure to e-mail me too because I might not check this thread for a while.


08-19-2003, 12:05 AM
PTM, all that could've been said as "MK, I'll do theories. Add me to the list" :P. We trust you to do a good job.

08-19-2003, 01:00 AM
hey dad... what are you doing for the minigames... some of them do qualify as sidequests

08-19-2003, 08:35 AM
Hmm, most are seperate. Mini-games would include most of Gold Saucer I guess. Those are "games" after all.

08-19-2003, 10:32 PM
i was thinking about explaining the battle square and speed square... but if youre going to do that... then that shortens the list of stuff that i have to do... and thats not necessarily bad.... :B

08-20-2003, 05:36 AM
Just to let everyone know, I'm trying to make this monster guide as detailed as I can...and to include pics and everything..will take a bit of please, don't rush me or I can't do it. I got so many things going on; school/studying, making posters, practicing guitar, etc... and if it'll be a problem that it'll take awhile (A month and a half at absolute latest), then get someone else to do it.)

P.S. out of 100%, I think I got 7% done...but that's just a very uneducated estimate...x_x

08-20-2003, 11:45 PM
enny!!!! :D
havent seen you in a while... you dont seem to like irc anymore.. :P
eh... back to the topic... are you going to include the weapons in your guide?

08-21-2003, 01:29 AM
Yo Aaron. I IRC ocasionally, but when I do, no one's ever at #FFS...just people who don't know who Enma is. x_X;

Anyway, I'm not sure if you're directing that question to me, but if you do you mean exactly by including weapons? It's a monster guide..x_x

08-21-2003, 10:02 PM
yea... it was directed at you
i was talking about the three weapons... ultima emerald and ruby

08-21-2003, 11:08 PM
I can see how he got confused. Usually people write WEAPONs. All caps for WEAPON.


08-21-2003, 11:38 PM
Ooo the bosses. Righto. Yeah, I'm gonna' try and include just about everything fightable in the game (including the small fight between Yuffie XD)

08-22-2003, 12:00 AM
*is doing bosses*

There's two different sections for monsters and bosses :P.

08-22-2003, 12:03 AM
Oohh rivalry....

But anyway, more on topic, any suggestions on what to write some theories on? I mean obviously I can elaborate on the old four I wrote but what about new ones?

I can, of course, come up with these ideas on my own. I'd just like to know what, if any, specifics that you guys want covered.


08-22-2003, 03:46 AM
Sorry Kie. I figured with everything you're doing, Monster's and bosses were one thing..but blegh..fine..more easier on me. Do as many bosses as you want. Sorry if I include a monster and it turns out to be a boss. =() Kill me.

And PTM..a big mystery to a lot of people is the ending, but I'll bet anything you're already got some sort of theory written up on that..and if not..well hey, lotsa people are intrested in hearing 'bout that.

The Wandering Knight
08-22-2003, 05:10 AM
Eh?....I see that most ppl here have already moved on...

Well...I'm at Junon right now... I know i've been slow and all....But I'll try to see it through in a week or two.....maybe three at most...

I thought that I was really least....Not the slowest here...I guess i've taken on a simple part....

And PTM...I Agree with Koenma...the ending sure is a mystry to most people... It'd be a good Idea to cover that...


08-22-2003, 04:24 PM
hmm id like to do, side quests, materia combos, guess secrets/mini game things, chocobos, golden saucer

08-22-2003, 11:56 PM
Surprentis, that would be ok if most of those things you weren't already taken. Check MogKnight's 3rd or 4th post on the 1st page of this thread.

08-23-2003, 05:20 AM
IRT last post on pg 2:

Bah, MK hasn't put me down for theories (yet, I assume/hope). I feel so...unofficial.

I'm planning on writing the following:

1. Ending Theory - A composite of most of my original theories will be included in this because I can use them to support each other. I'm estimating about 10 pages, because the original theories themselves are about 12 in 12 pt font.* I'm not using all of them but I will use some. I have a good idea about what I'm going to write and I'll start soon, perhaps even by tonight.

2. Lifestream Theory - Explaination of the lifestream and a few different aspects of it. A few key points would include individuality post mortem and effects it has on living tissue. I have a good idea what I'm going to write about in this as well.

3. Cetra Theory - Details the possibilities of the obvious Human-Cetra link, the origin of the Ancients, and a few other things. I already did some of this but I didn't like where it was going, so I might start over.

Keep in mind those aren't the names, they're just tentative titles. I'll make some more creative ones later. By the way, should I just e-mail theories as I write them to MK or what?

*That's for all four combined, font-face is whatever this website uses. I think it's verdana, but I'm too lazy to check and I'm just basing that guess on what the font I'm typing now looks like.

EDIT: "OK...I started the theory for the's going to be like 30 pages long, ten point font Times New Roman...

So far I've done the Table of Contents and the three page long Introduction. I also wrote down all the dialogue from the ending (by typing on one computer while watching the ending on another in PC version). I took screenshots too because I'll need some of them to support some arguments. This is going to take me at least a full week. I'll be including a log of what I write when, and I might post it on my own server (Halo Online ( as it grows to get feedback sooner. I'll see how fast I can do it, because I have school starting Monday, a job, friends, and proably a car soon.

MK, if you want to see the TOC (or if anyone wants to see it for that matter) to get an idea of what I'm writing out ask and I'll post it. It's rather long and very detailed."

EDIT 2: "Correction, it'll be more than 30. I've been typing for three hours so far (combining last night and today) and it's at about 16 pages...and I just got through part I of like VIII. So...yeah. Might take more than a week after all. Luckily I barely sleep and luckily there's not much to do at 1am, so I can work for about 2 hours a night."


08-23-2003, 04:36 PM
ill do anything :)

08-24-2003, 05:59 AM
Originally posted by Surprentis
ill do anything :)

It's simple. Take a look at the 1st page of this thread. Check what's not taken. Interest you? Sign up for it.

Baddabing, baddaboom.

08-24-2003, 03:42 PM
i REALLY want Town Coverage

:) i thikn its not taken

The Wandering Knight
08-24-2003, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by Surprentis
i REALLY want Town Coverage

:) i thikn its not taken

Sorry Surprentis...I've already taken that part... I wonder why MK hasn't put me in the list....I think I should PM him..

Anyways...I'm at Costa Del Sol....I'll have more time at the next thursday...So I can be alittle faster after that....

08-24-2003, 07:47 PM
Item List
Equipment List
Town Coverage

That is what the front list by MK says, as of now. However, TWK said he wants Twon Coverage and I said I want theories. As a result:

Item List
Equipment List

I'm pretty sure that's what's open.

BTW, my article/theory is coming along nicely...


08-24-2003, 08:11 PM
Woah, sorry everyone. College has been a bitch for the past week and stuff so don't expect me to pop up much during the weekday.

All info should be sent to my PM box or my e-mail box and I'll get everything sorted ASAP... in fact, right now.

08-25-2003, 06:33 PM
grr thats freaking annoying -.- nothing good left and i was told to check main page and i chose something i thoguth was left and it wasnt arr!
gimmi a break -.-

those last few thigns that are left shouldent even be bothered with having to do, cuz someone can just pick up a strat guide and copy it all down onto paper...*sigh* oh welll

08-25-2003, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by Surprentis
grr thats freaking annoying -.- nothing good left and i was told to check main page and i chose something i thoguth was left and it wasnt arr!
gimmi a break -.-

those last few thigns that are left shouldent even be bothered with having to do, cuz someone can just pick up a strat guide and copy it all down onto paper...*sigh* oh welll

Bugs and Rumors are more rare than you might think...not many strategy guides have good sections on them. Maybe you could consider doing those?


08-26-2003, 09:47 AM
O_O. We wouldn't be going around copying stuff from Strategy Guides now would we PTM? We play the game and copy the stuff from there.

08-26-2003, 02:28 PM
lol rumors i THOUGHT about but, trust me ive heard some REALLY bad ones about aeris resurection, ive heard a few bad ones about sephiroth and making him a playable character, bugs everyone knows the w item trick and the other few that are out there bleh i jsut wanna do something i love this game to death -.- oh well someone just choose some random one for me thats left and ill do it, i love this game -.- or perhaps someone i can even team up with? Id REALLY love to team up with whoever is doing town coverage...i mean why not be a team :) ?

so uh The Wandering Knight if its possible id REALLY love to team up with you, put 2 heads together you know? Im not in for the credit, i just love this game to death and id LOVE to do coverage on all the towns, i have REALLY GREAT ideas too on what to do and id like to talk to you if possible :) but if teaming up not allowed oh well..

08-26-2003, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by Kie
O_O. We wouldn't be going around copying stuff from Strategy Guides now would we PTM? We play the game and copy the stuff from there.

Sorry but my sarcasm detector is broken. You weren't suggesting that I was copying strategy guides were you? Because that's crap ^_^. You can't even find theories in strategy guides, let alone anything as in depth as mine is...

In fact, I even copied the ending script and such by myself, by hand. And got almost all the screenshots I'm using myself. And any graphics I needed I made.

And anyway, small update: my article/theory is now 39,601 characters, or 20 pages, long. I have done 6 out of 42 total points, meaning I have 36 more to go. At this rate (which is about one a day) I'll be done in a month or so. I'll accelerate this though and have set a dead line for September 19th.

If I seem to be falling behind that deadline I may send what I have and just send updates as necessary. I won't skimp on quality in exchange for meeting a release date though ^_^.


Sephiroth Masamune
08-29-2003, 12:31 AM
i'm new to this site, but am a Final Fantasy VII veteran, i can cover pretty much anything, is there anything left to cover?
i like the look of theory's & rumors but i need to know whats left.

08-29-2003, 01:22 AM
Originally posted by Sephiroth Masamune
i'm new to this site, but am a Final Fantasy VII veteran, i can cover pretty much anything, is there anything left to cover?
i like the look of theory's & rumors but i need to know whats left.


Item List
Equipment List

Unless somebody took something that I didn't know about. You can do rumors if you want but theories are mine! ^_^

If you want something on that (somewhat limited) list, you can post it here or PM MK.


08-29-2003, 09:07 PM
I am the master of FF7.Its my favorite game,i have beaten it 5 times I have gotten all the materia and beat Ruby and emerald.Iv'e done everything in that game talk to me;) :mew:

08-30-2003, 12:03 AM
Alright, listen up. I'm sick of people just coming in here and saying "I want to stuff 4 FF7 cuz itz cool lolz". Pick a topic that isn't chosen (read the posts, you'll find out). Are you interested in that topic in the least? Do you know a lot about it? THEN PICK IT!!

And people, stop saying "Just talk 2 me if u need help", because we don't need help. We need to put together a good online source for FF7 info.

I apologize if I sound rude or redundant, but the constant ignorance of this whole thing is getting to me..also, I'm saying this out of myself. Not trying to be a power-happy bitch, or a "mod", so anyone who thinks so can kiss my fuckin' ass..

That is all. :)

08-30-2003, 08:10 PM
If anyone wants to help on something, I could possibly use a little help on listing the locations / places you can buy all of the different materia. If you're interested, e-mail me and let me know so I can give you more specific information. Otherwise, I'm pretty much good to go with everything else that I signed up for.

08-31-2003, 05:17 AM
Originally posted by Koenma

I apologize if I sound rude or redundant

Notice you are rude :nono: :D and since your getting mad over a message board...get outside and find friends mwah :thumb: cuz they help with anger problems !

08-31-2003, 05:22 AM
Originally posted by Surprentis
Notice you are rude :nono: :D and since your getting mad over a message board...get outside and find friends mwah :thumb: cuz they help with anger problems !

OK...can anybody here say: "unnecessary and off-topic?"

Anyway, the article I'm writing is something like 36 pages done, and I'm about 35% through...

Probably going to release some part of it soon and I'll post a link here when I do.


09-03-2003, 05:40 PM
Alright, time to catch up on some things.

To those who wants to help but have not left any indication on what section you can do or anything (example: I want to help, PM me or something). Note that even though we are looking for help, there is a HUGE chance that I'll miss your post and you won't get to help at all. So what you need to do is step up, PM me with ALL the details and don't leave little posts behind.

To those who are currently helping. I'd like to thank you for supporting FFS this far and in dealing with my idleness because of College. Note that I'm always here on Friday-Sunday so if you PM me at those times, I'll probably answer immedately.

Anyways, I'd like to get the first set of FF7 info clumped up and posted on the main site soon. Basically, submit any completed sections as soon as possible. If you have an easier/shorter section, I suggest you complete them now and submit them to me then continue work on the longer/harder sections.

Thanks again. :D

09-04-2003, 12:29 AM
Did you get my Enemy Skill list? I e-mailed it to you, but I don't see anything by it on the first page about it being submitted or anything.

The materia list is going well. I'm getting some help on the locations and I have most of the information, but still have information to add about the AP amounts needed for certain spells.

Screenshots are a problem. I'm still waiting on that walkthrough and without it I'm dead in the water, unless you just want me to take some more shots of some things I think are important. I PMed SoloCommand to see if I could find out how he was coming along on it, but haven't heard back from him yet.

09-06-2003, 03:12 AM
Actually I forgot to mention to everyone

If anyone submitted anything to my yahoo e-mail box, please send it again *with the exception of Kie who already sent his again*

09-22-2003, 08:38 AM
Since no one posted in this for awhile, I'll update.

Currently, 4 sections have been HTML'ized and is ready for viewing. They are...

Limit Breaks
Enemy Skills
Side Quests

Materia guide needs a resubmit (Agent already knows the problem). Basically, I'm still waiting for new submits. Please get working on them. :O


I basically HTML'ized the Materia List and I'm going to fill in the rest as I get them.

The FF7 section is currently up for public viewing so go ahead, read through them and try to find any errors. A credits page will be made after I complete the whole section (or whenever I get around to it... as this starts my 6th week in college. :O)

09-23-2003, 04:39 AM
Materia guide coming tomorrow or day after tomorrow. Currently working on finalizing some of the information on the Huge Materia and running final quality check on the guide. Note that I haven't received any submission from The Wandering Knight yet on the locations, so most of these are going to be blank. I recommend either deleting them entirely, or leaving the blanks with a note that help is needed on finding all of the locations and that for some materia that do have listed locations, they might not be all of the locations where that materia could be found. (With the exception of summons and such.)

Edit: Never mind on the locations. I see most of those are already up.

09-23-2003, 08:04 AM
This is going to sound really bad and irresponsable of me but:

Some really wierd stuff happened to me over the last month. As a result I haven't been able to work on my article/theory as much as I wanted to...

I can either delay it (to a release date farther down the line) or give you half now. Any preferences? I'd prefer to just give what I have in case I don't find the necessary time slot to work on it any time soon (which seems likely...sorry). I don't think it'll be good having a blank section until X-mas break. Half of it is 36 pages, though, so keep that in mind.


09-23-2003, 09:00 AM
For the theories and stuff, go ahead and submit what you have, I'll take the rest when you have time to work on them. I'm being boggled by many stuff as well so updating might take me a good long while (though not THAT long).

Materias, go right ahead, I'll update when ready!

10-02-2003, 08:44 AM
I e-mailed you the first half of my theory. As I said, I'll try to do the second half by Dec. 31. Enjoy.


10-02-2003, 08:53 AM
I got it, I'll go through it later during the week :O

10-02-2003, 11:07 PM
Just a few bits of touch-up on the Materia and Enemy Skills section:

- The link to the Independent materia page doesn't work. It has to do with a capitalizaiton problem, it links to ff7_mat_Inden.php and "inden" shouldn't be capitalized. (None of the rest are on the other links.) I checked that by taking off the capitalization and confirmed it.

- AP totals still needed for Independent and Support materias.

- Link to SquareAMP's enemy skill page on the enemy skill list doesn't work. Apparently they've changed their site over to PHP, so it needs to be changed from .html to .php

10-03-2003, 03:34 AM
I'll make the changes once I get everything situated. Got to do something before we can post anything up. ^^;

11-20-2003, 12:49 AM
I noticed that most of the changes were made, but the PHP/HTML think on the enemy skills section still needs to be fixed. Also, the link to my guide with pictures should actually be .zip and not .html

Oh - and Kie - nice work on the new chocobo section.

Edit: And those AP totals still need to be added in too.

12-30-2003, 11:47 AM
ill help ive mastered the game about 10 times;)

darkness of eternity
01-09-2004, 01:28 PM
i can help out with this as i'm somewhat of an expert at this game, i know everything that there is to know, except the use of tissues...

01-14-2004, 06:14 PM
lol it sucks bieng the new guy here

01-18-2004, 03:38 AM
Well...this may not help much....buuuuut....I have a pretty good grasp on the all around storyline.....if you need anything about the story, I'm a FF7 buff.....sooo......if you want to know something, my E-mail is [email protected].

01-18-2004, 03:42 AM
ummmmm....I'm kinda new to the forums....and I wanted to do you get those pics under your name?O.o

01-19-2004, 03:12 AM
That's something that should be asked in an appropriate thread in General Discussion.

01-21-2004, 06:32 PM
I beat FFVII a while ago and i know just about anything you need to know...but its been a while since ive played it, I wanted to start again but a while back someone stole my game:( and i was pissed:mad: ...but if you need any help ill try to lend oyu as much info, screenshots, movies, music or other stuff that you need

Seig Warheit
01-22-2004, 07:45 PM
I am SO an FFVII expert. I can tell you anything about it. Plotwise, storywise, strategywise, gamewise, and merchandise wise. Anything FFVII, ANYTHING, I can help with.

01-22-2004, 11:05 PM
If you guys want to help out, click on the link for the Main Site and look at the FFVII section. If you see something that isn't up yet and you think you can get it done, do it!

01-29-2004, 12:24 AM
I'm new to this site but I like to think of myself as quite the FF7 expert. As I can see from everyone else's posts, I'm definately not alone in wanting to help ya out. If there's anything you need help or collaboration on then I'd be thrilled to help! Doesn't matter what. I've made a few walkthroughs to other games so I'm used to doing into extensive details. I hope that I can help!

Final Akuma
01-29-2004, 12:55 PM
Hey, im a noob too.....but i know A LOT about FF7. I have owned the game for years and did my best to master it. I have lots of info and i want to help the site so let me know if there is something you need.

01-29-2004, 03:54 PM
To both of the members that just posted: there's recently been a new thread posted about this, so this thread has been getting ignored. Here's the gist of it though: click on the link to the right for the Main Site and then click for the FFVII section. If you see something that's not there that you think you could provide, then whip it up.

02-01-2004, 03:38 PM
I will contribute what I can when I can! Let me know what you need!

02-01-2004, 05:37 PM
(takes a big, flashing neon arrow - points it at his above post)

Cloud Strife F
02-01-2004, 08:04 PM
:D I am a new member of this site, but if there is anything you need about Final Fantasy VII just tell me becuase I've played the game like 15 times or more, and all of them have been totally complete, so just tell me:cool:

02-01-2004, 08:24 PM
(bangs head against wall, dies)

02-02-2004, 04:57 PM
Hey, everyone. I'm a newbie here, so I'm not familiar with this sort of thing, but when it comes to Final Fantasy (My god show favor on the soul who created it)I'm game. Having played Final Fantasy 3/6, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 10-2, I know quite a bit about it. Just hit me up and i'll help you to the best of my abilities.

02-02-2004, 05:32 PM
(rolls over in grave)