Bahamut ZERO
08-10-2003, 12:42 AM
As far as I know, you only really need to fight one of these battles. That's during disk 2 to get the Huge Materia.

What I'm interested in is if anyone sat down and battled more than they needed to here. Do you get any helpful items or useful weapons that aid you during the game? Or is it just another diversion that you can choose to take?

Vivi FF
08-10-2003, 02:21 AM
You get some pretty good weapons that you can find no where else. But you'll have to return to Fort Codor in various times during the game...

08-10-2003, 04:43 AM
Thread posting spree eh BZ?

There are two times in the game you can do the quest. If you kill everything the first time, you get the Peacemaker (weapon for Vincent). The 2nd time...if you kill everything I believe you get gil...or your gil back.

08-10-2003, 05:33 AM
There's a huge FAQ at GameFAQs that talks about all sorts of different things you can get throughout the game for returning and fighting and also how you can even get yourself kicked out.

08-10-2003, 06:27 AM
i believe you dont have to fight any of the battles... the huge materia sidequest is optional you know... although you wont get bahamut zero in the end...

08-16-2003, 06:58 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">I always make sure I go to Fort Condor at the first oppurtunity, because then you get a Magic Comb for Red XIII which is the best weapon he'll have for a while. I usually go and find Yuffie first, because in the time it takes to find her in the forest, I've usually collected quite a bit of money. ;)

One time I did try going back there at almost every possible oppurtunity (i.e. after every major storyline event), but I'm sure that one I didn't get any items at all. The last thing before that was 5 potions, then I'm sure I got nothing the next time... :erm:

Anyway I thought it was a pretty fun mini-game so I didn't mind playing it, as you can probably guess.