Bahamut ZERO
08-10-2003, 12:35 AM
A neat little feature to the game that added depth to Yuffie's character. Did anyone complete this sidequest? Did anyone find it tricky seeing as she'd buggered off with all your materia? I know I did, seeing as I relied on cure-all at first. On my last playthrough, all my characters were level 50+ (on disk 1), so it was easy.

I also liked the interaction between the Turks and your party, especially Reno's "We're on vacation", showing that the Turks are only a professional group working for the group that pays them (namely, Shinra.) It adds a new dimension to their characters.

Vivi FF
08-10-2003, 02:24 AM
Yup, this side quest does develop Yuffie's and the Turks' characters more... It's pretty interesting. Plus it also shows not to take your Materia for granted...

08-10-2003, 05:30 AM
If you want to have even more fun with Yuffie's sidequest, try any of the following:

- Play it as Tifa on Disc 2

- Play it as Cid on Disc 2

- Don't play it and then visit on Disc 3

- Try getting there when riding a Gold Chocobo (I haven't tried this one and so I'm not sure if it lets you board the chocobo or not. I do know it won't let you board the Highwind, but I think there may be a quirk that lets you board the chocobo.)

08-10-2003, 06:26 AM
half of my materia was mastered at the time i decided to do yuffie's sidequest so it was easy... disc 2 mind you.... i also landed near wutai when the thing happened so i didnt have to fight all the way up to wutai from the bottom of the island.... yes... fun fun...

08-10-2003, 09:29 AM
I found it fun :o Chasing after Yuffie because she stole MY mataria ;_; xD and even snitching away the treasure chest mataria ^_^
Solo fighting yourself to the top was nice as well. The last floor was kinda challening ;)

Dante Sparda
08-10-2003, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by Tekno
Solo fighting yourself to the top was nice as well. The last floor was kinda challening ;)
Ugh! I was sooo disappointed in that one. I glanced at an online walkthrough and it said that you should have this and that, doing so and so, and looking at Yuffie, I noticed that I didn't have half the stuff they mentioned. I was sure I was toast, but despite that, I made it, on my first try. Challenge my ass...

As far as char development...Yuffie is a optinoal char so it's not like she's vital to the plot/story, hence I got the feeling that her development was kinda half hearted, along with Vincent.

And the Turks...? I hated those guys, showing up when you just wanted to get on with the story, slowing you down. I would have fled every battle with those assholes if I could.

The Wandering Knight
08-16-2003, 01:44 AM
I've always completed this side quest as soon as I get the plane that never flies (I forgot the name)...It's quiet fun chasing Yuffie... And about the battles, the only difference that I noticed was that I don't cure using the cure spells, instead I use items... I always depend on physical It wasn't a big deal...

And yeah, this side quest along with the one in the tower help developing Yuffie's charecter, which is made half heartedly.... And it shows how hard did Square work on the invironments to look a bit more well developed, such as charecters taking vacation and stuff...

About the Turks...I think it's their intruding that made them so look so cool and stuff... Personally, I think that they're a one essential part in FF7's plot....

that's it.....


08-16-2003, 05:51 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">The first time I ever went to Wutai it was purely by accident, but I landed the airship near there and just thought that it's a town I haven't been to before, so I decided to check out what was there. Then Yuffie ran off with my materia...

To be honest, I hated it. I found her the first two times easily enough, but then it took me over an hour to find the secret passage to where Corneo was. :p I'm sure I went all around the town and up the Da-Chao stautue at least 3 times before I worked it out, so you can tell I was very annoyed. And then when you finally get the materia back, she just randomly puts it anywhere. That annoyed me even more because it took ages to sort it out.

Apart from that, yeah I did like the development of the Turks, but the sidequest in general pissed me off to no end.