Bahamut ZERO
08-10-2003, 12:20 AM
Something I noticed a while ago, and something that's bothered me about the game since I started playing it through again.

Each level normally has a staggered amount of experience, low gap for low levels and increasing as your level gets higher. In FF8, the gap between the levels increasing is 1000 EXP points. This means that, still before the Timber level on Disk 1, Squall stands on Level 31 for me, and still increasing...

... So does this make the game too easy? Or is it a good plan to get you to higher levels quickly?

Neo Xzhan
08-10-2003, 12:37 AM
Levels don't affect your attect power defense etc as much as junctioning does, though it can help. I sugest junction magic and later in the game stronger magic.

It's impossible to get a 9999 hit on level 100 without junctioning magic. I guess this is the reason why the gap is only 1000exp per level. And you won't be able to get stronger magic before you advanced in the game. So I think it equals out nicely.

Vivi FF
08-10-2003, 02:00 AM
Another drawback in leveling up other than the very low stats at Lv.100 (I mean 4,000 HP w/o magic?), is that the monsters and bosses will level up with you, providing a challenge no matter what level you're on. It is easier to gain levels but it also makes battles harder so you may not want to risk gaining all that EXP. Some monsters are tough to beat at higher levels (like Ochu and Snow Lion). But it also encourages junction magic cause a Lv.10 Squall with the best junctions is better than a Lv.70 Squall w/o any junctions...

Dante Sparda
08-10-2003, 11:05 AM

I dunno about that. I usually just "run throug" the start of the game, so I never really had a Squall & Quistis at lvl 60 before the exam or whatever.

Also, like stated, the good stuff as far as magic goes isn't really around until midway in the game, so I really don't see the point in lvling up like a mad man so early. You get to face an enemy with 60000 Hp and you don't got the junction to see it through the battle, despite your lvl 80 char's.

The Wandering Knight
08-25-2003, 03:17 AM
Well.... I can only add to what the people here said earlier....That the higher your level is, the higher the monsters'... The higher the monsters' levels....The more powerful spelss you can draw.... And since drawing magic is the most important part to power up your characters....I think Leveling Up is convenient....

I do "go throug" all the way without getting level ups at the beginning, but I draw all the magic I can from one battle:D (I know that's somewhat boring to some people:P, but it's the best way:p)....

Well...that's it....


Dante Sparda
08-26-2003, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by The Wandering Knight
I do "go throug" all the way without getting level ups at the beginning, but I draw all the magic I can from one battle:D (I know that's somewhat boring to some people:P, but it's the best way:p)....

Well...that's it....

OH! So you like... draw 100 cure spells in the first battle and then you're done?(well until you run low on cure that is :P ) Me does the same! *YAY!*

08-27-2003, 03:05 AM
More reasons why FF8 is sub-par.


Batman 2000
08-27-2003, 10:47 PM
It didn't really make the game that much easier, it could still be tough. But if you are like me and you draw 100 magic from every monster you see, then it makes it way to easy ;)

08-27-2003, 11:33 PM
And if it's the end of the game you can just go and draw every good magic in the game from Island Closest to Hell/Heaven. And the monsters there will get your level maxed out in about half an hour, if even that much.

Whoa I almost had to cure on the last boss...yay.


09-07-2003, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by PTM
More reasons why FF8 is sub-par.


09-30-2003, 01:31 AM
i think they made it easier because after seven the games seem to be more like childrens games.. like even a seven yr old could beat ff8 without ever having to stop to level up. and yes.. drawing 100 of every magic, though it takes a long time, is well worth the trouble.

09-30-2003, 10:21 PM
FF8 is not sub-par!!!!

I think the battle system is great. Not as simple as some (ff7 for example) and therefore more challenging.

11-18-2003, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by Vivi FF
monsters and bosses will level up with you

Take advantage of that... Draw every magic possible to up your stats, and RUN, I repeat, RUN from every normal enemy, and in the Laguna flash-back, try and mug/win a Black Hole from the Gesper, this will give Quistis Degenerator... The enemies level with you, so you won't have any problems throughout the game...

Wait until you get Bahamut and Cactuar towards the end of the game, you should be around lvl. 20 or so... Once you have them, go the the Island Closest to Heaven or the Island Cosest to Hell... KILL 2 of your members, leaving quistis alive, but in critical... Equip Str, Vit, Mgc, Spr Plus (since bahamut has 4x ability or whatever) now Quistis will use Degenerator on every enemy, killin gthem instantly, and getting probably 2 levels per battle... get quistis to lvl. 100... Then revive a character and put Cactuar and Bahamut on them, and have quisits start using Degenerator again... Now when you get everyone to lvl. 100, they will have 80-85 higher attack, defense, magic attack, and magic defense then normal... Putting them close to 200 on each without even junctioning! (junction practically anything, and now all of you characters have 255 of every stat!!!)

EDIT: So yeah, not only is FF8 easy as long as you draw magic, but it will only take you an hour or 2 to max out everyone's stats to 255 at the end of the game... a process that normally requires a game shark or 40+ hours of finding rare items and morphing them one at a time from enemies (like in FF7)...

yet ANOHTER reason why FF8 is sub-par (for those of you who are keeping track ^_~)

The Joker
12-06-2003, 11:59 PM
That is correct.

It is best to keep your levels as low as humanly possible, and to simply gain a lot of AP through battles and simply junction very good magic. It will give you a devestating advantage.

They're stats will remain low, only to combat your high ones. I learned that my second time first time, I had Squall at level 91 before Disc 2...heh.

If you do level up, don't do it until you have the bosses I say.

12-09-2003, 06:26 PM
What, so FF8 is 'sub-par' if you have enough intelligence to work out the best and easiest way to beat it? I don't think so. All it is is using the junctioning system to your advantage to beat the game. You don't have to draw loads of cures or whatever and you don't have to level up loads either. And if you play the game without wasting all your time levelling up early on it's more fun. I'm sure a lot of people don't read all this crap the first time they play it and find the game boring.

Anyway, if you're referring to it being easy to complete then it's not the only one. Yeah, you get loads of good magic and you're sorted, but how about FF7, where you can get yourself a Gold Chocobo then KotR and beat Sephiroth in a minute? And FF10, where you can 'buy' Yojimbo and beat Jecht no problem? Oh, and FF9, which was so easy that I did absolutely no extra levelling up and completed it no problems?

FF8 is not sub-par in any way. When you compare it to the other FF games it has the best storyline and characters and the junction system is far better than materia, sphere grid etc. (and the music is the best too). :notgood:

12-12-2003, 12:48 PM
In the other games, it actually takes time and energy to get such abilities... FFX takes shitloads of money to pay off Yojimbo to cast Zanmato... in FFVII the Gold Chocobo quest isn't so easily figured out your first time around, most people READ it, which just contradicts your own arguement since you said FF8 was only eas if you read this stuff...

Anyway, FFVIII's difficulty was so sub-par because such strategies were slammed in your face, they were placed right under you, it's impossible to miss them as they are completely obvious...

So yes, most FF's have a sure-fire way to win, BUT, in FFVIII, such strategies were MUCH more easily achieved, unlike other FF's where you actually have to take alot of time to outweigh the competition... Hell, FFVII it takes HOURS to get ready for the fight with Emerald and Ruby EVEN WITH KOTR!

Unlike in FFVIII, where you are better off RUSHING through the game, then maxing out at the very end in less then half an hour...

FFVIII is so sub-par becuase it pays off to slack off... And hours of leveling and hard work only make the game harder...

12-12-2003, 06:54 PM
Yojimbo: get with money earned through game, or kill a mimic in the omega ruins and get about 50,000 gil

Gold Chocobo: makes game easy to complete, and yes most people read it. I wasn't disputing that. I was simply pointing out that there is an easy way to beat the end if you prepare for it by getting your gold chocobo and KOTR, just as FF8 can be beaten easily with preparation.

FF8 is only easy if you read everything, as is FF7. So if in that respect FF8 is sub-par, then so is FF7.

Strategies much more easily achieved? What, they take no time... like getting the items for the best weapons and getting the GFs and mastering the junctioning system?

And you don't have to fight Ruby and Emerald weapon you know.

Also, it doesn't pay to slack off any more than in any other FF game. I did absoulutely no levelling up in FF7 or FF9 and had no problems completing them.

12-17-2003, 12:32 PM
You failed to catch the drift...

FF8 MAKES THE GAME HARDER when you level! Sure you can beat other FF's at low levels, but it doesn't make the game HARDER if you level up!

And you are not picking a point to argue, first you say 'sure if you read it blah blah blah' then you turn around and use strategies that people usually read (in other games) as part of your arguement...

Not to be rude, but you are picking bits and peices of one argument, and contradict yourself with bits and peices of another... Then you try and justify it saying it wasn't what you are trying to say, and find a slip and a poor excuse to get out of it with... pick a side and go with it, don't try and slip through the cracks and change your story every post...

EDIT: Again, you say that FF7 is easy if you read everything, then you say you rushed through it at low levels easily so it is just like FF8...

You also said that slacking off in FF8 is no more beneficial than in any other FF??? Give me aome supporting facts... You say something, but you never give any reason or facts to support it...

You just unknowingly contradicted yourself AGAIN and blindly supported MY arguement...

Personally, I don't think you really know or care what's going on, you're just argueing for the sake of WINNING, you don't care about the facts and you fail to realize them...

This arguement can go on forever...

"Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics... Even if you win, your still retarded!"

I apologize if I have offended you, but I really don't see the point in this espeically since your just arguing blindly...

12-19-2003, 10:43 AM
Maybe you should make it clear exactly who you're referring to, AdemA.

My argument is simply against people who keep saying that FF8 is sub-par, because it's not.

01-05-2004, 12:42 PM
I understand what your arguement is saying, and my arguement is saying that your reasons for saying it is not sub-par are inaccurate and don't really back up your point... And yes I am talking to you Reeni.

Anyway, back to topic... We can discuss this via PM should there be a reason to continue...

01-08-2004, 06:21 PM
This is on topic, kind of... well it relates to someone saying that the levelling up system is sub-par.

My reasons are not inaccurate and do back up my point.

You obviously fail to realise that you can actually be wrong sometimes. I have not been 'arguing blindly' at all. And I 'don't care about the facts and fail to realise them'?? Why do you think that?

The one thing you're right about is that there's no point at all in continuing this argument... as YOU are just arguing blindly, AdemA.