Bahamut ZERO
08-09-2003, 11:43 PM
Throughout the entire game, there is the theme of love hidden within the relationships between the main characters. You've got Zidane and Garnet (in a relationship more moving than Squall and Rinoa, in my opinion.) You've got Steiner and Beatrix, Freya and Sir Fratley, Amarant and Loki (well, they hint it at the end of the game), Quina and food (well, that one's a little less obvious, anyways.)

Did anyone find this ongoing theme of love throughout the game a nice feature to the game?

Vivi FF
08-10-2003, 01:32 AM
I liked this theme of love. FFIX wasn't based so much on this theme so it tied in smoothly with the game. Some of the events of love that occured were either romatic (dunno for sure...) or hilarious (Beatrix and Steiner bit). However, I wasn't too fond of Zidane beign a player but maybe that's what helped make this theme of love so grand...