Bahamut ZERO
08-09-2003, 11:20 PM
The game was made a lot easier, I feel, by the simple fact of being able to put all of the Aeons into Overdrive and then summoning them one by one in most boss battles. While this is a cool idea to give your summon spell the ability to do moves in battle and level up like your character, so to speak, but the overdrive just pushes it slightly towards the easy.

Anyone agree or disagree?

Vivi FF
08-10-2003, 01:12 AM
Yeah, I agree. Almost all bosses can be beat easily by just summoning all of your aeons and unleash their OD's. It takes alot of the fun out fighting the bosses... But having the aeon acting like a party member was a pretty cool feature although I'd also like a feature where you can just summon the aeon to do a single attack and then leave liek previous FF's... But still... I think FFX was an easier FF...

Neo Xzhan
08-10-2003, 03:21 AM
When facing hard bosses, I work up my OD gauges on my Aeons, walk back to a save point, get healed and get in boss fights. It's fairly simple to take out bosses this way.

But the game overall was a little too easy for my liking anyway.

Batman 2000
08-10-2003, 05:01 AM
Originally posted by Neo Xzhan
When facing hard bosses, I work up my OD gauges on my Aeons, walk back to a save point, get healed and get in boss fights. It's fairly simple to take out bosses this way.

But the game overall was a little too easy for my liking anyway.

I agree completely, FFX was way too easy. They should stop trying to make things easier for everyone and just put in some god damn challenges!!!

08-10-2003, 05:16 AM
It was the mini-games that were hard in this one. Chocobo training and the butterfly catching and stuff.

Neo Xzhan
08-10-2003, 01:23 PM

The butterfly mini game is near impossible and why play it when you can other weapons with more ease?

Besides (more important) you don't HAVE to play the minigames to beat the game, so if you can't win a mini game. Why even bother? That's why the game itself needs to be harder, alot harder. I don't mind dying 4-5 times against a boss, only to figure out how to beat him.

08-16-2003, 07:55 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">There were a couple of bosses that did take me a few attempts each, but that's because for one I was nowhere near far enough in the sphere grid really, and for the other I just didn't fight properly at all.

I didn't summon much, but I agree that summoning Aeons in boss battles made it a bit too easy.

Hmm... this boss has quite a bit of HP left. I'm not in a good position. Yuna has an overdrive. I know I'll summon a random aeon! Oh look 9999(9) damage! Now that was easy!


08-17-2003, 12:20 PM
The only difficult bosses were Seymour Flux, santcuary keeper and the one you fight before yunalesca, out of the ones that you have to fight anyway.

I used to have trouble with Malboro's, they were like boss battles to me, but once you realise that they cast breathe at the start of every fight you know how to deal with them. I can't think of any other fights that were hard, oh yeah, barbatos was a bit of a bitch inside sin if you were using catching weapons cus you can only have them do 9999 (unless you customize with break damage limit) as they have a lot of hp and have some moves which hit every one for up to 5000 damage. It never killed me, just pissed me off that I had to hit it about 9 times cus of catcher weapons with no break damage limit, but once I had ten of them they were piss easy, one, maybe two attacks and he was finished.

08-17-2003, 06:25 PM
It took u that many hits? lol

Ya, I have lots of trouble with malboros just because if my characters get confused and they connect with a hit on a party member.. they kill them... every time... and if they attack tidus and miss tidus counters.... so gay lol. I've died probably 5 or 6 times just cause of that. And don't even get me started on that damn chocobo racing mini game..... *goes and whimpers in the corner*

By the way, in the U.S version u can't do the 9999 9 times aeon overdrive, it doesn't work that way :-/

Vivi FF
08-18-2003, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by CloudOwnage
By the way, in the U.S version u can't do the 9999 9 times aeon overdrive, it doesn't work that way :-/

I think he meant 9999 damage or 99999 damage depending on which aeon you use and if you got any crests... But it does suck that the US version only has one-hit OD's when other versions has multi-hit Anima OD... :(