Neo Xzhan
08-07-2003, 01:25 PM
Well I kinda enjoyed raising and training Chocbos so I decided to make a guide. I'll prolly edit this post a couple of times to add what I may have forgotten to add.

Explanation of the Chocobos:

Blue Chocobo: This Chocobo has the ability to cross shallow waters and rivers (much like the Buggy)

Green Chocobo: This Chocobo can cross various mountains in the game.

Black Chocobo: This is a combination of the Blue and Green Chocobos. It can cross mountains aswell as rivers

Gold Chocobo: The ultimate Chocobo, it can cross rivers, mountains and oceans. This allows you to go anywhere with it.


At disk one after leaving Midgar and passing through Kalm you'll get to the Chocobo Ranch, because you'll need a Chocobo to cross the swamp (well it is actually possible to cross the swamp with out a Chocobo, I've done it before and it takes timing and luck), So go into the stable and talk to Chocobo Billy and buy the Chocobo Lure Materia for 2000 gil. Whatever you do DON'T SELL IT, and I suggest you try keep it equiped for quite a while to get a couple of extra stars, you'll benefit of this later.

At disk 3 when you return to the Chocobo Ranch, you'll notice that all the stables are empty, they are for hire.

So what do you need: A LOT of gil (if you want to make alot of gil fast I sugest selling a mastered All Materia, it gains you 1.400.000 gil), patience, good Chocobo racing skills and some luck.

Now head for the Chocobo Ranch, talk to the owner and buy all six stables for 10.000 gil each. After that head towards the Chocobo Sage, he leaves up the Northern continent somewhere North East of the Icicle Village. Land your Highwind and go inside. Talk to the Sage and buy off him. Now you'll want 60 Sylkis Greens, which cost 10.000 per green.

Now head towards Bone Village on the Northen Continent, get out for a fight and find the Red Dragon like creature, it has quite alot of HP so if you want to get this over with fast, I sugest equiping Steal Materia. Now steal from it an you should get a Carob Nut, you'll need 3 nuts in total.

Last but not least, head to Goblin Island, it's somewhere on the top right of the map. Get in the forest and get into fights. You'll fight some Goblins eventually and beat them. They should drop a Zeio Nut sooner or later.

Chocobo Capture guide:

For starters make sure you have your Chocobo Lure Materia equiped. Now I am sure you know what the Chocobo Footprints on the field are for. Now run around a bit and get into a fight, you'll notice that when the music is different a Chocobo will apear. Now throw it some random greens (I used Mimmet Greens which can be bought at the Ranch for 2000 gil each). This is the first thing you want to do, if you don't and attack an enemie the Chocobo will get scared and run off. So when it's eating the greens attack your enemies and defeat them. Once the battle is won, get off your Chocobo and send it to the stables. Repeat this process four times and head back to the stables. After that you can let Chocobo Billy analize your Chocobos.

You can give your captured Chocobos names, while not nescecary it is more fun to ride your personalized Chocobo :).

Chocobo Locations

There are various standard Chocobos through out the game, varying from really bad to really good.

Chocobo Ranch: I don't recommend getting Chocobos from this place because they are usually the worst in the game, unless you want to push your luck and spend hours of running around finding a decent Chocobo, avoid this location.

Gold Saucer Area: You'll find Good Chocobos here, which are pretty decent racers and needed for getting a Green Chocobo. And later a Blue one.

Mideel Area: Here you'll find better Chocobos, Great Chocobos. They are somewhat more rare then Good Chocobos, and it could take you a little while to get one. Also needed to get a Green Chocobo and later a Blue one.

Icicle Village Area: The best normal Chocobos in the game are found here: Wonderful Chocobos. And as you may have guessed, they are very rare. And this is where the luck factor jumps in. You'll need one to get a Gold Chocobo, so you'll guess it can take quite a while to find one.

Chocobo Racing Guide

A big part of breeding Chocobos is spend here. You'll need to race your Chocobos to get them up in classes. The higher your class of the Chocobo, the better the breeding results.

There are 4 Classes: Class C, all your Chocobos start in this class, which is the easiest Class to win. After winning 3 times you'll get promoted to the B class, this class will give you better items for winning and tougher opponents. After winning 3 times again you'll get promoted to A. Here you'll get even better items but heavier competition. You'll have to win about 3-6 times to get promoted to the S class. Which can be quite difficult because the competition is tough. Now in the S class you'll meet the most elite racers. If you win 6 times you'll get a few very usefull items, but becomming the S class champion is very difficult. Mainly because there is a Black Chocobo with it's jockey Taioh. He's good, really good.

You can pick from two different tracks to race. It does not affect your winnings or statistics. If you pick the long strack you'll still need to win just as much races when selecting the short track.

Winning various races will get you items, or if you choose to, you can trade your items for GP. Which might your better choise for more useless items.

Breeding Guide

Now that we have that straight, let's get started. Go out and head for Mideel, go to the Chocobo footprints and capture some Chocobos. When you captured four Chocobos, head back for the Ranch and let Billy "scan" your Chocobos. If you have a Great Chocobo among your captured Chocobos, send it to the stables. And the others you'll send free again.

Now go to the Gold Saucer area and repeat the same process, only this time you want a good Chocobo. After scanning your captured Chocobos and you have found a Good Chocobo there is one more thing. Make sure it is the opposite sex of your Great. If not, go hunt for some more Chocobos.

Now Breed your Good and Great Chocobos using the earlier aquired Carob Nut, this will give you a Green Chocobo. Now feed all your Chocobos 10 Sylkis Greens, this will boost all their statistics, and even if you have the gil to afford more Sylkis Greens, it doesn't help feeding them more then 10.

Now go race your Good and Great Chocobos up to Class A. When both of them are Class A go back to the Ranch. Now before you let your Chocobos Breed again I STRONGLY suggest you save your game, this will save you alot of time and frustration. Now Breed your Good and Great Chocobos again with another Carob Nut. This time you'll get a Blue Chocobo, hopefully the opposite sex of your Green. If not, reset the game and try again till you get one.

Feed your Blue Chocobo 10 Sylkis Greens and head to the Gold Saucer again. Now go race your Green and Blue Chocobos up to Class A and after that head to the Ranch again.

Breed your Green and Blue Chocobos with your last Carob Nut. This will result in a Black Chocobo. Now you are going to the Icicle Village. You are looking for a Wonderful Chocobo, and if you remember, this is the trickiest part of the game. Not only are Wonderfull Chocobos very rare, it also needs to be the opposite sex of your Black Chocobo.

When you finally find one, feed your Black and Wonderful Chocobos 10 Sylkis Greens, and take them racing at the Gold Saucer. Now both need to be S Class Chocobos, which doesnt mean you need to win the S Class, only the A Class.

When both Chocobos are S Class, breed them with your Zeio Nut and presto, your Gold Chocobo. You can buy it 10 Sylkis Greens and take it racing in the Gold Saucer to win the S Class, which I can recommend since the S Class holds some pretty neat items and Materia.


I liked to include this part just for the fun of it.

First of all you need another Zeio Nut, now Breed your Wonderful and Black Chocobo again. This will result in another Gold Chocobo, hopefully the opposite sex of your other Gold Chocobo.

Feed them both 10 Sylkis Greens and take them racing in the Gold Saucer. They both need to win the S Class. Now Breed them both and you'll get a White Chocobo, which has the same properties as the Gold one, except it can also go underwater.

Take your White Chocobo and go to the swamp near the Ranch, go underwater and you should meet with Onix Weapon.

You can try this if you like (I have) and I can asure you it's nothing more then just a rumor.

Final words

This guide might be updated/edited later for the occasional spelling errors and mistakes. Updates will be added.

I hope you'll find this guide usefull in getting your own Gold Chocobo, if you have any comments feel free to PM me.


Credits for this guide go to me :p Neo Xzhan (Sinistral or my real name Sander :)).

08-07-2003, 01:36 PM
Great idea Sander. I'm going to sticky this so that it may help out everyone. *clicks*

Now for a little bed-time reading...

*studies it*

08-07-2003, 07:14 PM
I too also liked raising and training Chocbos and racing them with Cloud and Tifa

so i dont really need this help but i still read it all and maybe i'll go start up FF7 again

Vivi FF
08-07-2003, 11:29 PM
Great guide! Too bad I've done the Chocobo quest a LONG time ago...;)

08-08-2003, 03:08 AM
Oooh Oooh! I got a few things to add!

First off, if you want to save yourself some money, try using the W-Item Dupe Bug. Simply buy one Sylkis Green, equip someone with W-Item Materia and go into battle. Once in battle, use the W-Item ability, select the Sylkis Green, comfirm your target. Next, choose another item (making sure that that item needs you to confirm a target) then cancel, select that item again, hit cancel, select that item again, hit cancel... and on and on and on.

To easily explain this, go to W-Item, hit Circle twice on Sylkis Green, choose another item and hit O,X rapidly.

And if you're too lazy to read all the text, buy TWO Sylkis Greens, go into battle, W-Item, hit O,O,O,X,O,X,O,X,O,X,O,X,O,X...

Also, when racing, hold L1, R1, L2, R2 to charge up your stamina meter... but I bet most of you knew that. o_O;

08-08-2003, 04:26 AM
MK beat me... ;.;
the dupe bags a glitch and a cheat... although i admit to using it... i went back and replayed the game without the duper... so :P
and same with the R1 R2 L1 L2 cheat.

good job with the guide neo x. i couldve used it a couple years back, but its good all the same... ;)

08-08-2003, 12:31 PM
Better late than never, as they say. Great idea Neo X. It may still help a few in trouble.

08-09-2003, 04:32 AM
Nice! I have something to mention too: certain types of chocobos are more often found with certain enemies. Such as with the Wonderful chocobos, they show up more often with those jumping rabbit enemies.

Neo Xzhan
08-10-2003, 12:29 AM
I know they do Agent, but I found that pointless to add, since you cannot boost your chance encountering those rabbits anyway.

Neo Xzhan
09-02-2003, 05:34 PM
Thanks Chris. I am working on an items list lately, it holds the various items you can win in the different Classes and for how much GP you can sell them, and if it's worth it.

09-06-2003, 03:29 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">As a note, you do not have to get a Good and a Great chocobo to get a blue and a green one. In fact, every time I've played, I've got both a blue and a green from breeding two Great yellow ones together. However, I'm not sure if your way gives you a better chance of getting either colour as a baby, because with two Great ones I remember having to reset a lot of times before getting the second one to be the right colour and gender.

Very nice guide in general though. :D

01-08-2004, 06:48 PM
also i did this yesterday, when i bred my 2 yellows together and got a green, (or blue not sure which i got first) my next step was to breed the great yellow with the new blue one and i got the green one straight away, or it could of been i got the green first bred it with the yellow and got the blue. Either way i got the opposite color by breeding my first special chocobo with my yellow one. Saved a lot of time :)

03-09-2004, 05:21 PM
kk thanx Neo Xzhan...vry gd guide


I wos denzil_shinra but now i am Zephikast

03-15-2004, 06:15 PM
Man chocobos kick ass but i always called them (phonetically) choc-o-bows not choke-a-bo as they are called in ff10 or was that just me.

Vinny Valentine
03-21-2004, 11:27 PM
Originally posted by &lt;--rYaN--&gt;
also i did this yesterday, when i bred my 2 yellows together and got a green, (or blue not sure which i got first) my next step was to breed the great yellow with the new blue one and i got the green one straight away, or it could of been i got the green first bred it with the yellow and got the blue. Either way i got the opposite color by breeding my first special chocobo with my yellow one. Saved a lot of time :)

I've always done it the same way. The first time I followed a guide and it talked about doing with the one way, but after countless attempts I decided to give it a whirl and try breeding a Great with a Blue (don't remember the genders) and I got a Green on the first try. I was kinda mad at myself, but it was certainly quicker.

04-06-2004, 02:18 PM
kool guide. 2 bad u didnt write it sooner cos i was havin problems gettin the gold chocobo, but i finally dun it a few months ago, anyway keep up da gd work:)

04-23-2004, 11:20 AM
-_- I bred my 2 chocobos together and got nothing then reset and on my second try got a male green chocobo. Then, I spent around 3 hours just trying to get a BLUE chocobo. I didn't get one, not even worrying about gender yet, I haven't even managed to breed a blue chocobo -_- Good guide though.. Just wish I could breed a blue chocobo...

05-04-2004, 04:39 PM
The guides good an all, but it's not very hard to figure out on your own.

05-19-2004, 04:10 PM
I got a question. I've been surfing the web and I noticed one person claims you can't breed chocobos on the 3rd disk. This isn't true is it? Maybe for non-U.S. versions? I always thought you could breed them on the third disk.

05-19-2004, 10:58 PM
Big lie. I don't know who came up with that, but it just isn't true.

05-21-2004, 01:49 PM
@ paulo: heh heh... i know a guy who calls 'em ko-ka-bo (cuz he says ch makes a k sound!!! wierd dude!) i always called 'em cho-ko-bo! anyways, i fought that damn onix weapon... he kicked my ass, then told me to go to cosmo canyon, go to the top of the observatory, and go around the left side (from the front... leads you to back right) and i'll find this cool new materia (can't spoil it for you) and i need to use that to beat him.... ok so he didn't tell me that, but it was told me when i was in the black screen (when cloud usually talks to himself...) and when you can hear the planet's cries... i think bugenhagen was tellin me! oh yeah! and you gotta make sure you don't just get killed, or you'll game over... you gotta have 1 character knocked out of battle like ruby and midgar zolem does! then you will have a character alive AND you get the tip on how to beat onix weapon!!! tho i still haven't done it... he's HARD, but i'll keep trying and tell you what it gives me!!! :D

edit: btw... who thinks the stuff you get after beating a weapon is pointless... i mean, i had to get a gold chocobo and master materias just to beat em in the first place! big whoop to get em after i fight the hardest battle ever!!! now what's this onix guy gonna give me, that lets me do something i couldn't before??? c'mon

06-13-2004, 11:41 AM
Umm i accidentally sold my chocobo lure materia, is there any way i can get it back?

06-14-2004, 02:20 PM
Oh man. That's a really bad situation. You can only get Chocobo Lure from Billy at the Chocobo Ranch. And I think he'll only sell it to you once. If that was the only one you had, I don't know of any way out of that other than to load a save backup or start a new game.

06-17-2004, 04:07 AM
Just a little racing tip to help with Joe and his black chocobo. Either on the short or the long, I've found if you switch to manual and just press square until you have a reasonable lead , and gun it at the very end, he'll never beat you.

EDIT: By the way, I did that with a gold chocobo with stamina of 999 in Class S.

06-17-2004, 07:12 AM
well then its all good i have a gold chocobo for the first time! well impressed

06-17-2004, 07:37 AM
The rumor part, is it a rumor you can breed a white chocobo or is it a rumor it can go underwater?

06-17-2004, 07:45 AM
they can get anywhere the gold ones i heard theres a white one hat goes underwater is this true?

Aerith Gainsborough
06-17-2004, 08:00 AM
quote: Originally posted by Neo Xzhan

At disk 3 when you return to the Chocobo Ranch, you'll notice that all the stables are empty, they are for hire.

You don�t have to wait till CD 3 to start with the breeding. You can finsish the whole breeding on CD 2!

You can actually start catching them when Cloud is gone. Go with Tifa to the Chocobo farm and the guy there will tell you about hard times and why not breeding own Chocobos. Rent the stables and go to the areas where you�ll find the named Chocobos.

You can�t do the breeding when Cloud is gone, because the Gold Saucer is closed at this time. There is no chance to raise your Chocobos.

But right after the lifestream thing (when you got Cloud back) you can do the Chocobo breeding, till the gold one. :D

Well, if you first play it and you don�t know about it, you have to do it on CD 3, because you need the informations the Chocobo sage gives you. ;)

About the thing with the white Chocobo, I think this is a rumor....:(

06-17-2004, 01:16 PM
I was wondering, Joe's chocobo has like 160 mph speed and 1200 stamina.. but so far I've breeded two gold chocobos with maxed out stats, both, of 146 mph and 999 stamina. Is it possible to breed a chocobo that can have higher stats than 146 and 999? Like for instance, two gold chocobos which are S class racers and make like a super racer kid? Heh.

06-17-2004, 08:18 PM
Oh man. The "white" chocobo is such an old, bad rumor. There's no such thing, at least not that the player can get.

The gold chocobo stats that are being talked about here are really pretty much the max, but like it's been said, because the game lets you control the chocobo, you can always even beat Joe's super-chocobo.

I'm a guy
06-27-2004, 12:52 AM
how come when you race theres a whole bunch of colored chocobos but you cant get them

06-27-2004, 12:56 PM
Let's see. For....... variety?! Do you wanna look at the same color of chocobo throughout?

07-16-2004, 06:30 AM
great idea! i pretty much know how to breed a gold chocobo without any guides as i have done it many times, but for a beginner, this guide is top-class!

Pachuco Cadaver
07-18-2004, 03:03 PM
I have two great chocobos of both sex and two good of both sex, but when I mate them with the carob nut like the guide says I keep getting normal yellow chocobos. Is there something i'm doing wrong or is it just a case of perseverence?

07-18-2004, 05:12 PM
Hmm. You're certain that you're mating Good with Great and not two Goods or two Greats? Did you race them all to at least Class A rank? (Preferrably S for the Great ones) Did you max all of their stats with Sylkis Greens?

All of that should help.

Pachuco Cadaver
07-18-2004, 06:59 PM
I'm sure about the great and good thing. i actually managed a blue one after using 10 sylkis greens, but the same thing doesnt work for the other two. I guess ill have to take them to gold saucer.

07-18-2004, 07:23 PM
Yeah, definitely race them. Not only is very hard to breed them on Class C, but I think you might also be hurting the statistics of your future chocobos as well if you do that.

Pachuco Cadaver
07-19-2004, 06:07 AM
Ok, thanks, that helped and now I have a blue and green, I went and raced them both up to S class, but chocobo Billy won't let me mate them as they 'were just born' or something. So what now???

EDIT: Never mind.

07-24-2004, 09:47 AM
Chocobos' are sooooooo CUTE!! i cant get them outa my mInd...plz help me...K THKZ LOLZ

07-26-2004, 04:56 PM
Heh, Paulo2k and Cloud13, I pronounced them Cho-co-boos as well. And I still do. And don't even think about making me change.

I'm sure I read somewhere that you are more likley to get a coloured chocobo if the great/good/wonderful are of certain genders, though I cannot remember which is which.

Also, I think that you can pick up a chocobo lure from somewhere else in the game (apart from the Ranch.) This is because I have two, neither mastered. (I think. And I can't be bothered to check right now.) I may be wrong.

07-26-2004, 08:53 PM
You may be right. I read somewhere after I posted that, that there is a second one somewhere. I think you can dig it up at Bone Village maybe. Because I know you can get W-Item from there if you missed it before.

Colors - I usually use the same good and great to breed both. Once you've got one of a certain color and gender, it's usually not too hard to use the reset trick to quickly produce one of the opposite trick and gender.

One other thing - the initial post recommends feeding them ten Sylkis each. I recommend going further - keep feeding them the Sylkis until you don't hear the victory theme and the message says "No improvement..."

One final thing: according FFX and X-2: it's "cho-co-bow."

07-27-2004, 02:51 AM

I bred a Wonderful and a Good and got a blue.

Now I can't get a green...keep getting yellows.

Wonderful = S
Blue, Good = A

10 Sylkis greens, the usual treatment.

07-27-2004, 02:57 AM
You must have gotten lucky getting a blue out of a Wonderful and Good, because you're only supposed to be able to get them out of a Great and a Good. If you're certain that you did, then you can try the reset trick and see if you can get a Green, but it's not supposed to happen, I don't think.

Wonderful - S - That's where it should be, but you're only supposed to mate it with a River and Mountain (Black) chocobo.

Blue, Good - A - No, you should get the Blue up to Class S. It should definitely be able to make class S. If it can't, feed it more Sylkis.

10 Sylkis greens, the usual treatment - I don't recommend that. Keep feeding them all until it says "No improvement." Go buy more Sylkis if you have to.

07-27-2004, 05:49 AM
Gave the blue 10 more (total 20!)...stamina went up from 400summing to 670, needed every bit to get into S...

Working on the "good" female...

07-27-2004, 05:53 AM
All of my chocobos always have 999 stamina. That's why it's important to max them on Sylkis from the start. You give you Great and Good as much Sylkis as possible and they will have 999 Stamina. Then when you breed them, your bred chocobos should automatically have 999 Stamina or near it, so it's no worries.

07-28-2004, 04:17 AM
Hmmm my Gold Chocobo is the most winning after Joe (I presume TEIOH)...and she gave me a whole buncha materia.

When will I know when I become S class champion? I been first countless number of times now but my win-loss record against TEIOH is maybe 3-5...

Tip to beat TEIOH:

Get fraps 1.9 at and set it to record a game video when you race (hotkey is F9 as default). This will really kill your fps during the race making it run slower and easier to block TEIOH.

07-28-2004, 04:38 AM
If she gave you all the stuff, then you are a S class champion. Enjoy. I don't know what it is you're expecting from there, but that's it, really. Congrats on your getting your gold chocobo.

07-28-2004, 04:10 PM
OK, I've looked at the game, and I can confirm that I have two unmastered chocobo lures. I don't think they came from the bone village though.

I also have a query.

Does anybody know how long it takes to rebreed a chocobo? I've just started to breed a gold on my new game, and while I waited, I managed to get omnislash, W-Summon, and race my green chocobo up to bottom of S class. I checked after each of these, and I still couldn't breed them until after my green chocobo races.

Second, something about the Reset hint (reset if you get the wrong bird.) It may have been a coincidence, but I got a green female 8 times in a row (resetting each time) when I wanted a blue male. The ninth time, before I bred the birds, I raced one of the chocobos in the Gold Saucer. I went back and got blue male first time.

So, if anyone has the same problem, just go and race once.

07-28-2004, 05:07 PM
OK, I've looked at the game, and I can confirm that I have two unmastered chocobo lures. I don't think they came from the bone village though.
I did some searching around and found out that the second Chocobo Lure materia is laying around near the chocobo corral (the one that chocobos coming in from the World Map go to) on Disc 2 or 3.

Does anybody know how long it takes to rebreed a chocobo?
Sometimes the game can very cranky about the amount of time it makes you wait before it'll let you breed.. I'm breeding chocobos on mine currently and it took many hours before it let me breed my just-born river chocobo. So I'm not sure of the exact time, but what you experienced isn't abnormal.

So, if anyone has the same problem, just go and race once.
That's good advice. The game can be weird like that, so sometimes you have to do something different to get the game to do something different.

08-05-2004, 06:32 AM
Double-posting with some hot new info. It turns out that you can fill your stables with gold chocobos. Once you have two Gold Chocobos, you can breed them using a Zeio Nut and get another Gold Chocobo. Of course, it may take some resetting and retrying like any of the others, but it can definitely be done. Don't expect this new chocobo to be like a super-chocobo or anything, it should have about the same stats as its parents. As always, max it on Sylkis. P.S.: You can even mate "brother" and "sister" Gold chocobos. The game doesn't know and doesn't care.

One other thing: If you do like I recommend and always do the racing and max them on Sylkis, you can get a gold chocobo with a speed of 150. That's what I have on my best two.

08-09-2004, 10:09 AM
I have managed to get a Gold Chocobo with 168 max speed. No, seriously, and I'm happy to share how and it is possible. When you get a Gold Chocobo, just breed the parents again to get another (which needs to be the opposite sex) and breed these two Gold Chocobos and keep breeding their children to advance the Gold Chocobo even further.

Note: Teioh will always be faster than your chocobo and you neer go over 999 stamina.

08-09-2004, 08:12 PM
Yeah, that's true! I've been working on it some more now too and I have one with 165 max speed. I wonder if it's possible to get it even higher? I'm going to breed another with that speed or higher and then mate them both and see if it'll go higher.

P.S.: Racing around with a chocobo like that is great. On a Class C race, the other chocobos are like still near the starting line and you've already crossed the finish.

08-10-2004, 01:15 PM
Yeah, I really want to know if you can get higher than about 180. Its annoying when you have to release gold chocobos from your stables when you run out of room. Especially when you have spent so long getting the first.

Jenova Filled Puppet
09-08-2004, 01:08 AM
Ya know, I don't know if this was already said, but you don't need two greats and two goods like someone earlier said they had. Just one of each.

Elvin Boy
09-13-2004, 08:43 PM

10-01-2004, 04:56 AM
hey Rapture, check by the Chocobo pen, whatever you call it, and every once in a while, a Chocobo Lure Materia will appear, I know this cause I sold mine too, I thought it was useless after the Midgar Zolom thing.

Renzokuken Trigger
10-02-2004, 09:13 PM
How do you get the chocobo's from the mideel area to the ranch?

10-10-2004, 12:20 PM
This is truly the best guide I have ever seen for breeding chocobos. :D

10-10-2004, 09:45 PM
great man...aewesome

but i think you should add that

great chocobos are found with spinners
good chocobos are found with spencers
wonderful chocobos are found with jumping rabbits

this way you know when you catch a wonderful chocobo and you can relase the chocobo when you dont get those's less of a hassle!

Waittt...i also have more!

okay, the best way to catch a chocobo, especially the wonderful chocobos is to use the spell 'remove'!

it autommatically kills the enemies and the chocobo doesn't run! No wasting greens, no using spells that only attack one enemy! it's awesome. =]

okay i'm done

Neo Xzhan
10-23-2004, 11:10 PM
Hum I never payed attention to what chocobos came with which monsters so I'll add that. Also remove doesn't really kill the monsters. It simply removes them along with any items they might drop and doesn't work on all monsters. =p

Renzokuken Trigger
10-25-2004, 11:31 PM
If the breeding doesnt meat my satasfation, do i just try it again and it will work?

Neo Xzhan
10-26-2004, 12:07 AM
I'm not sure what you mean. Did you try to breed a particularry colored chocobo but failed? I suggest saving before breeding, should it fail, try again.

If you mean stats wise (for races that is) the better the parents, the better the offspring. And if you feed that Sylkiss greens it's going to be a very good racing chocobo. But colored chocobos have naturally boost stats according to their colors.

10-28-2004, 04:28 PM
It does eventualy work.

Just save your game, beofre you go to Billy's, and keep trying.

Geez, I remeber, when i got a Black Chocobo, because when you first see it, its on a Black background, the chcocob looked white, i was like wtf?!

10-29-2004, 05:48 AM
Umm i accidentally sold my chocobo lure materia, is there any way i can get it back?

on the third disk, go back to the ranch. in front of the fench, on the right hand side, should be another one. Or, on the first disk, talk to the chocobos in the fence.

Cause I don't think I ever bought one, and I have two.

Great guild, and I know you can breed chocobos on the third disk.

I currently am! *huggs her chocobos*

Renzokuken Trigger
10-29-2004, 09:58 PM
Like do you breed, and if it fails you just turn the game off and start over or just keep it up?

Neo Xzhan
10-29-2004, 11:46 PM
You save the game before you try to breed, then you go to billy and start breeding. Should it fail then die, load the game and try again.

Cloud 9
11-07-2004, 10:43 AM
Anybody know if there is a maximum speed you can breed a chocobo up to? I bread two gold 153 Chocobos and they popped out a 168 chocobo...but then I made another one later with the same parents and its was 153. Can it go up forever if you keep trying?

11-16-2004, 08:26 PM
I have a question:

I want to breed my green and blue, but Billy says I can't breed newborns.

I raced them, one is S-class, one is A-class

Billy, what are you talking about!!!

Lunatic HighVII
11-18-2004, 01:12 AM
It's because you're chocobos were just recently born. You have to go around, get in a few battles, or move on to a different sidequest for now. Eventually, your chocobos will be able to mate. Sometimes it takes forever for him to say it, but it does happen eventually. ;)

11-18-2004, 07:05 AM
thanks! I finally got one.

And I beat Joe in a race, mwahahahaha!!!!!

*hugs her gold chocobo* good Cheezy, beat Joe, find me KOTR materia

yes, I named him Cheezy, cause he's more orange (the color of chedder cheese)

12-15-2004, 02:03 AM
not sure if sum1 corrected it but the skyllis greens are 5000 gil not 10000

thanks! I finally got one.

And I beat Joe in a race, mwahahahaha!!!!!

*hugs her gold chocobo* good Cheezy, beat Joe, find me KOTR materia

yes, I named him Cheezy, cause he's more orange (the color of chedder cheese)

Well if Joe is TEIOH then I have never lost by him (cept for with one of my yellows in S class once)

Heres a trick btw- Whatever you meet him on, stay there for the next race. Then keep alternating between long and short. He alternates each round and you can work around it to stay the opposite of him. I think he only stays in Short in the S class though.

01-26-2005, 11:52 PM
I found this BULLSHIT site were it said you could bred a red and silver chocobo and i dont really beileive them but i was wondering if it was true

02-13-2005, 12:54 PM
I hope people will get this out of their thick minds but you CANNOT get a Red, White, Pink, Silver or Purple chocobo!! Ever! At all! They do exist in the game world (well all except Silver) but you cannot breed them. However hard you try.

Just wanted to clear that up.

02-15-2005, 06:01 PM
other Chocobo lure: i have tried this repeatedly with other saved games, to get more than one. i have recieved a second lure at the farm; and i have dug it out of bone village (good treasure) along with some other nice stuff (weapons i missed in midgar). after picking it up at the farm, i went to dig it out of bone village and couldn't dig it up. no matter how many tries. i guess it would be kind of pointless to have three.

02-27-2005, 04:27 PM
i have a you HAVE to get to s-class in the chocobo race? and do you have to do it with every chocobo?...another thing how can you tell if its a good or wonderful? because all he says is 'mmmm this isnt a bad one'

neo i noticed a mistake in your first post u say its 10,000gil per green its 5000gil just thought id tell you

02-28-2005, 04:51 AM
okies, for the racing, the higher class your Chocobo is, the more likely you are to get a rare chocobo

For the breed (great/good) the "this one's not bad" is a fair chocobo. You want him to say

"Mmm, this seems like a good Chocobo" (Good - male)
"This is a great Chocobo" (Great - Female)
" a wonderful Chocobo" (Wonderful - male)

the male/female I said from memory, so I could be wrong.

02-28-2005, 03:07 PM
take your highwind to Mideel or those chocobo track near the Icicle Inn (wonderful/awful). your chances of getting a wonderful chocobo are great near the Icicle Inn. if you're breeding the blue or green chocobos' Mideel (great/good) is better.

03-03-2005, 09:35 PM
Great finally i know how to get a Gold Chocobo. I've only had black.

Hey, dkhyrosha u recon u could make a banner for me, that 1 there looks kl

03-14-2005, 12:32 AM
you no there are 2 ways to get a gold chocobo i dont no if any one has said this yet but you can either breed them or you can beat the onix weapon in the underwater place an then after u beat him an get the item wait a while then you go to the gold saucer then you face the Ruby weapon ( an i think he is the hardest weapon.... to me ) then u get his item the go to mideel or where that guys is looking for 3 items to go on a journy but anyways u trade in those items then u get a master materia n u get a gold chocobo but it really suxs when it comes to racing no matter how many sylikis greens u give him n this is no lie try it ur self...... and by the way this is a very good guide great job :D

Sephiroth's son
03-22-2005, 01:15 AM
you no there are 2 ways to get a gold chocobo i dont no if any one has said this yet but you can either breed them or you can beat the onix weapon in the underwater place an then after u beat him an get the item wait a while then you go to the gold saucer then you face the Ruby weapon ( an i think he is the hardest weapon.... to me ) then u get his item the go to mideel or where that guys is looking for 3 items to go on a journy but anyways u trade in those items then u get a master materia n u get a gold chocobo but it really suxs when it comes to racing no matter how many sylikis greens u give him n this is no lie try it ur self...... and by the way this is a very good guide great job :D

1st off the underwater weapon is emeral weapon, 2nd of all u dont need to beat him, u just need to beat ruby weapon and when u do u get the deset rose which u can trade with the man in kalm for the gold chocobo, the ruby weapon is easy to beat if u use the hades and bahamut zero stratagy

03-22-2005, 01:32 AM
o its kalm i thought it was mideel sry bout that n i thought that u have to beat the emerald wepon to get the ruby weapon to come out cause i only got him to come out after i beat the emerald weapon so im sry bout that false info.

Sephiroth's son
03-22-2005, 07:06 AM
o its kalm i thought it was mideel sry bout that n i thought that u have to beat the emerald wepon to get the ruby weapon to come out cause i only got him to come out after i beat the emerald weapon so im sry bout that false info.

u hafta beat the ultimate waepon on disk 3 i beielve, maybe end of 2 i dont rememeber, to get him to come out

03-22-2005, 09:51 PM
does anyone know why I can't get agold chocobo? I've tried mating a black class s and a wonderful on class s but I only get yellow ones and one black one... Or are the yellow ones gold....

03-22-2005, 10:32 PM
Just maybe they might be. Try to see if it can cross the ocean.

03-23-2005, 12:56 AM
no there not yellow there kinda an orange hint of yellow either that or u might just have to raise your luck up really high cause every time i got a gold chocobo my luck was really high like 150 i think i dnt remember

03-23-2005, 09:02 PM
I didn't have a problem, but then again, I raced and raced, and rode my Chocobos on the map.

03-26-2005, 11:43 AM
WTF???? it comes out green every time...and i already ave a green! i need a blue!, i've restarted it about 13 times now, and it still pops out green....what the heck am i supoused to do?

wait...never mind...i mated my green chocobo with a great yellow one,and out popped a blue! YAY!!!.....but...can my blue chocobo...mate with its mother green one....@[email protected] do i have to breed another green one?

Sephiroth's son
04-21-2005, 09:50 PM
u can mate it with the no it inbreading but it gets u a black one and puts u one step closer to the gold

04-24-2005, 10:24 PM
i know how u feel i have been trying to get a green chocobo from my great female and my good male and i keep getting the smae blue one i got from my great male and good female I gave each 10 greens so I am going to go try the racing tips.

Thanks for the guide.

05-03-2005, 07:11 PM
As this is more than likely explained in the actual guide, if you race each chocobo to at least A-class, make sure that they are definately a good and a great chocobo and use the correct nut, you WILL get the correct chocobo. Simply save beofre and reload every time you try, it is just randomly generated whether you get a blue or a green chocobo, and sometimes you DO get a yellow from the correct chocobos, but keep trying.

Neo Xzhan
05-06-2005, 11:44 AM
does anyone know why I can't get agold chocobo? I've tried mating a black class s and a wonderful on class s but I only get yellow ones and one black one... Or are the yellow ones gold....

Did you use a Zeio Nut to breed them?

06-04-2005, 06:12 AM
Yeah! Chocobo's are the $hit!!! Okay, some easy advice, If they're both in class A and you can't get one of the colours, Get one of them into Class S and try a few times! You should be sweet.

If you can't get your Chocobo into Class S... YOU SUCK!!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Nah jus' Kiddin'! Get a new Chocobo and try it on Class B-the other on Class A. That worked for me.

Otherwise just kill Ruby or Whichever Weapon gives you the right Item, and take it to Kalm town... Cause you SUCK! Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Joking i'm joking, settle down!

06-04-2005, 05:07 PM
Yeah! Chocobo's are the $hit!!! Okay, some easy advice, If they're both in class A and you can't get one of the colours, Get one of them into Class S and try a few times! You should be sweet.

If you can't get your Chocobo into Class S... YOU SUCK!!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Nah jus' Kiddin'! Get a new Chocobo and try it on Class B-the other on Class A. That worked for me.

Otherwise just kill Ruby or Whichever Weapon gives you the right Item, and take it to Kalm town... Cause you SUCK! Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Joking i'm joking, settle down!

This guide is based on Chocobo breeding not how to get one by defeating Ruby. And also, you suck.

I'm sure Neo doesnt want people like you spamming up his thread (and a bloody amazing Chocobo guide) with the same crap that has been originally answered.

06-08-2005, 10:04 PM
I have something but I don't know if it is already in here. If you buy the cheapest greens, they last longer in battle then the really expensive kind!

06-09-2005, 06:33 PM
I have something but I don't know if it is already in here. If you buy the cheapest greens, they last longer in battle then the really expensive kind!

Yeah, but it`s kinda obvious. Plus the "special kind" are used for something aren`t they??? Getting Chocobuckle i think.

06-09-2005, 06:37 PM
Its Mimmett actually. Yeah, the more expensive the green is, the shorter it lasts in battle, but the better it improves your chocobos' stats.

06-09-2005, 06:47 PM
Its Mimmett actually. Yeah, the more expensive the green is, the shorter it lasts in battle, but the better it improves your chocobos' stats.

Cool, meh, but i only ever got the Gold Chocobo once. Way too much hassle.

06-09-2005, 07:28 PM
I was wondering, Joe's chocobo has like 160 mph speed and 1200 stamina.. but so far I've breeded two gold chocobos with maxed out stats, both, of 146 mph and 999 stamina. Is it possible to breed a chocobo that can have higher stats than 146 and 999? Like for instance, two gold chocobos which are S class racers and make like a super racer kid? Heh.
Um so far my chocobo's speed is 171 so 146 is not a maxed stat!!

06-09-2005, 07:45 PM
The max is something around 180 i think. Very hard to get there though. Need to breed a lot of Gold Chocobos with each other.

06-09-2005, 07:51 PM
The max is something around 180 i think. Very hard to get there though. Need to breed a lot of Gold Chocobos with each other.
I don't breed gold chocobos tho'. I use all the other ones and breeding them isn't so tough.

Nanaki 13
06-09-2005, 08:39 PM
i heard of a red chocobo. is it true? maybe no one discovered it

i am the 100th person to post here!

06-09-2005, 08:42 PM
i heard of a red chocobo. is it true? maybe no one discovered it

No way!! Even after ten years people are still finding stuff. :0


06-09-2005, 09:28 PM
Does anybody know how long it takes to rebreed a chocobo? I've just started to breed a gold on my new game, and while I waited, I managed to get omnislash, W-Summon, and race my green chocobo up to bottom of S class. I checked after each of these, and I still couldn't breed them until after my green chocobo races.

Second, something about the Reset hint (reset if you get the wrong bird.) It may have been a coincidence, but I got a green female 8 times in a row (resetting each time) when I wanted a blue male. The ninth time, before I bred the birds, I raced one of the chocobos in the Gold Saucer. I went back and got blue male first time.

So, if anyone has the same problem, just go and race once.
It takes me about half an hour to re-mate them andI never have had a problem with my chocobo's and colors. I always seem to get the right ones right away and you can just mate a great and good together and get a blue or green.( As long as they are S class.)

06-09-2005, 09:41 PM
A good way of allowing chocobos to re-breed, a little trick I found myself I'll have you know (well as far as I know anyway) is the re-breeding process is started after you have watched an FMV. However there are not that many FMVs that you can choose to watch, except one...

Go to Gold Saucer and visit the Round Square, watching the Chocobos etc is an FMV. Usually works for me. :)

06-09-2005, 09:48 PM
Oh yeah, if you are in the third disk, then all you have to do is go down all the way in the crater to the fork and go back. That always works for me.

Desert Wolf
06-17-2005, 08:52 PM
Oh yeah, if you are in the third disk, then all you have to do is go down all the way in the crater to the fork and go back. That always works for me.

Cool,thats wat I did.Did anyone notice that the gold chocobo you get from Ruby isnt as good as the one you breed yourself.Is it because of all the greens you fed the chocobos used to get the gold one?

I'm a guy
06-17-2005, 08:55 PM
you can get a gold chocobo from ruby

Desert Wolf
06-22-2005, 11:50 PM
you can get a gold chocobo from ruby

Sorry wasnt thinkin.''You can get one from the item you get for defeating ruby if you give it to the old man in Kalm''.Thats what I should have said.

06-25-2005, 01:19 AM
Sorry wasnt thinkin.''You can get one from the item you get for defeating ruby if you give it to the old man in Kalm''.Thats what I should have said.
It wasn't meant to be good. It is just there for you to be able to get a gold chocobo without to much hassle.

08-03-2005, 09:51 PM
Excellent Guide. You should publish it to a site, with some revisions and stuff, it'd be great. I found it quite useful.

08-04-2005, 03:01 PM
very very useful guide

08-17-2005, 07:27 PM
mmmmmmkay.....just one question.......what crater and what fork? cuz im stuck! all i gotta do is breed my black and wonderful S-classed chocobos but i cant breed em cuz the black one was recently born freakin stuck!! so close....*sniff sniff*

08-20-2005, 11:25 AM
mkay i got the freakin gold chocobo thank god....and i guess the crater u were talkin about is the one where Sephirot is callin Metheor from......thanks for nuttin.
Btw one thing i figured out - to rebreed my chocobo, since nuttin else worked, i simply rode it for a while...the one that was just born that is. Maybe it works dunno altho a lotta time passed till i tried actually riding it.....watchin the chocobos in the Golden Saucer however did not work.

08-22-2005, 10:02 AM

Every guide i have ever read tells you how to breed the Ocean Chocobo. Well that's fine and dandy, but there isn't any comprehensive breeding guide. Like If genders matter, or what nuts do what, etc. I mean I found something that isn't in any guide anywhere and that was just from messing around.

Chocobo A: High Speed/High Stamina
Chocobo B: Medium Speed/Medium Stamina
Zeio Nut: Offspring = Chocobo B Type
Porov Nut: Offspring = Chocobo A Type

This has been tried with Mountain and Wonderful (wonderful being the better chocobo) River and Wonderful, Mountain and Great, River and Great. Each time, the Lesser chocobo "type" was produced with the Zeio nut, and the Greater Chocobo "type" was produced with the Porov nut.

The Question i have is this:
I have a Mountain Chocobo with 99 speed, and 999 stamina. I can't get the speed any higher no matter what greens i feed it. (the same with my river chocobo who's at 97/999). Now in my other game that i've already maxed things out with, I somehow dumbed my way into things and have a Mountain chocobo with a 132 speed, and an Ocean Chocobo with a 147. With my current game though, no matter what I breed and no matter what nut i use, i seem to always hover around 100 +/- 10, even after feeding ever chocobo 60 sylkies.
The joke is, that no matter what speed they max out to from greens, I can always boost their stamina to 999. So i don't care about stamina, I can boost that at any time, i care about speed. I read all these forums saying "all my chocobos are 160+) etc. How did they do that? What breeding with what, with what nut will take a 99/999 Mountain and produce a 130 mountain, so that that 130 mountain can produce a 160 mountain, and the same with river, black, and ocean, etc..

Jaeden "Sifo Dyas" al'Raec Ruiner

ps - i know about the male/female ocean breeding thing but that only produces more oceans, My End result is I want a Black, Gold, Green, Blue Chocobo each with speed > 170. (if that isn't too much to ask. *cheezygrin*

xxThe Highwind xx
08-27-2005, 11:20 PM
you can get a gold chocobo from ruby
i never knew that i was just lucky breading, them feed them lots of nuts and greens :smrt:

09-12-2005, 09:40 PM
It takes me about half an hour to re-mate them andI never have had a problem with my chocobo's and colors. I always seem to get the right ones right away and you can just mate a great and good together and get a blue or green.( As long as they are S class.)

Unless, of course, the randomization is screwed up on your computer and you get a male green chocobo six times in a row. I had to get another set so I could mate one, get the green chocobo, and then mate the other to get a blue.

10-16-2005, 03:21 PM
I played 7 over the summer cause I wanted to complete it before Advent Children came out and I haven't completed the game since 98 and I tried breeding Chocobo's then but it was too hard to try and get the Gold Choc so I tried it again and I managed to get the gold Chocobo and to me didn't find it too hard as I thought and the feeling was just amazing.

Heero Avaren
10-17-2005, 04:10 PM
I'd like to point out that the Good/Great/Wonderful Chocobos will only appear in certain enemy groups. I believe a Wonderful will only appear with a single jumping bunny thing, so if you want a Wonderful Chocobo and it's not with just a single Jumper, kill it.

I had the rest written down, so when I dig through my records and stuff I'll let you know what they are.

Neo Xzhan
11-21-2005, 09:58 PM
I'd like to point out that the Good/Great/Wonderful Chocobos will only appear in certain enemy groups. I believe a Wonderful will only appear with a single jumping bunny thing, so if you want a Wonderful Chocobo and it's not with just a single Jumper, kill it.

I had the rest written down, so when I dig through my records and stuff I'll let you know what they are.

I've noticed that myself aswell, though I haven't excatly taken the time to point out in which groups they are. This might be a possible future add and might save you some time.

Fact about the Gold Chocobo won from Ruby Weapon, this Chocobo is possibly worse then your first captured Good or Great Chocobo, it has the most horrible stats and is slow to the point of sluggish should you have ever tried to race with it. THe only purpose it serves is to get you some Materia.

Winning the S class is only achievable with your own breed of Chocobo.

11-22-2005, 01:08 AM
Well if you want a wonderful chocobo, it comes with either one or two Jumping on the ice fields (Jumping are the bunnies). Note that if there's a chocobo with a Jumping and a wold or something, that's not a wonderful has to be one or two Jumping on their own or it's not wonderful.

Final Fantasy VII-7
12-21-2005, 07:03 PM
Wonderful guide.

03-16-2007, 11:02 PM
Man chocobos kick ass but i always called them (phonetically) choc-o-bows not choke-a-bo as they are called in ff10 or was that just me.

i hear ya, me too. ima train my choc o bows lol

04-09-2007, 09:24 PM
yea wondering if u can breed a gold chocobo from both 2 gold chocobo's i got 1 Female other male and i havent worked on my female but just lil curious if you can cause that be sic then i only need 3 more cause i got the one from Ruby weapon.

09-11-2007, 08:09 PM
nevermind, ended up getting a blue chocobo by mating my female green (s rank) with a great male (a rank). my chocobo's speed is amazing...the gold one i just bred has 174...

03-31-2008, 01:37 PM
OK Mr.Neo Xzhan Ill post here then...

I used ur method, but I still keep getting only green chocobos.. can you tell me why, and what to do?