08-06-2003, 02:17 AM
A romanian friend of mine, alex, is a very talented poet ( in romanian of course :D ). His poetry is very rich and touches deep. We had this chat ... he was out of ideas and he asked 4 help. You see, most of his poems are about love, friendship and stuff... In other words he got bored of the same old topics. So i told him : do suicide ... in english... and he liked the idea. Here's his poem

I raise my head to the sky
The moon is glowing and the stars
A billion sparkles before my eye .

I see a tear falling in a lake
I see the riddles that the waves make
My own reflection shimmers
It broke into pieces then
But now it's for another drop to take.

The flow of thought flyes through my head
A man wonders, should he vocalise his sorrow
Make no mistake , he knows that voices cannot
Keep the feeling from coming back tomorrow.

When you lose the grip on what they call life
Yet I doubt it is
Maybe it's all a lie
Or maybe not
But when you lose all expactations,
When you look ahead , though tired and weak
Do you ask for someone to hold a candle
With a light so weak
In your dark world of hunger
One so deep ?

You want to see the steps you make
You look behind , back on your trail
And wonder if they are going to fade
Like them in a desert
By the wind erased .

You know that you should forever live in them
The ones beloveds have of you
But you realise that you could die for your friends
Yet if you were to be faced with death
You know what they shall do
They shall watch in silence.

So let the path vanish from their heads
Let those who prefer to close their ears and eyes
Let them forget
Go on playing your fret
Let go of the regret
It's not the last sun set for you,
Not yet.

But it crosses your mind as you sit on a chair
Surrounded by four walls
Filled only with air
Why keep stroking on every note
Playing songs of despair
To change the life you know yourself
There isn't any way to repair.

Should I let the time devour what if left
From a soul that by time has seen theft
Times that should have been merry
Instead found by the heart heavy
The clock doesn't turn backwards
Yet the effect of each second gone
Cannot be erased
Not afterwards .

Listen to the questions which pass your head
Understand what they have to say
Think of the answer, make no haste
What is life to you
"I see it as a waste"
If you don't see a purpose
Let go of the upcoming rest
Embrace your own death
And say goodbye with the last breath . "

Um... his english teachers say its good...

08-07-2003, 02:32 AM
Wow... very good poem. The wording is very well done and you sink right into the emotions and thoughts. WHy oh Why must the more darker subjects result in the more beautiful art!?!