Batman 2000
08-04-2003, 08:30 PM
I read somewhere that I can recruit Magus to my party. I was wondering when I could do this and how could I do this???

Evad D'Aragon
08-04-2003, 10:00 PM

I could answer to that, but that would give too much spoilers so I have to warn others first.

Therefore :


Right after you reclaimed the Epoch from Dalton in the Dark Ages (12,000 B.C.) land on the main continent. Speak to the Elder who will mention that someone was looking for you on the Cape. Go to the Cape to the NortWest and check the bright star. At this point, you are not obliged to, but I suggest that you bring Frog in your active party because you'll get a better dialogue in the upcoming scene. Enter Magus. He'll tell you about his past and who he really is. Then he'll you that Crono was a fool to have died such a reckless death at Lavos' hands, which will provoque your party members and most importantly Frog if he's there. Then ,when he asks you if you wish to fight him, two options appear.

Select yes, and you fight him. If Frog is in your party, he asks to fight him one-on-one, so it will be harder if it's your first game. Either way, Magus might no longer have a magic barrier that can only be weakened by the Masamune but he's a bit stronger so do watch out. When you defeat him he tells you what you need to do to revive Crono and vanishes, leaving his Amulet behind him. When you will finish the game, Frog will revert to his human self.

Select no, however, and Magus will join your party. He is just an average fighter with no special techniques but possesses by far the best magic power (even surpassing Lucca's). He's definitely not a team player, however. With the exception of two hidden triple combos he can't combo with anyone. He is, in a way, Crono's counterpart in every way. Crono is a good magic user but far better as a fighter and uses lightning magic and sword techniques. Magus is a good fighter but far better magic user who uses Shadow magic which is , in the game, Lightning magic's opposite and a combination of any other elements. Also, if Magus joins, Frog won't become a human in the ending.

I'd personally go with recruiting the Dark Wizard. Teaming him with Crono and Frog (yes, even him, his natural ennemy) makes my favorite team. You have two good fighters, two good magic users ( Dark Matter + Luminaire = Ouch ) and one good healer. And, sometimes, Frog's Frog Squash also helps ;)

08-06-2003, 07:43 PM
Non-spoiler answer to the above question:
Just keep in mind that no, you do not wish to fight him.

And as an addition to Dave's post:
Well, even if you kill Magus, the chances that you'll see a human Glenn are slim, because he only shows up in one possible ending, and this one is not the ending you normally get during your first time playing. Mainly because finishing the game without both Crono and Magus just... is not what a player normally does.

Besides, killing is evil. :nono:

Evad D'Aragon
08-06-2003, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by Misao
Non-spoiler answer to the above question:
Just keep in mind that no, you do not wish to fight him.

And as an addition to Dave's post:
Well, even if you kill Magus, the chances that you'll see a human Glenn are slim, because he only shows up in one possible ending, and this one is not the ending you normally get during your first time playing. Mainly because finishing the game without both Crono and Magus just... is not what a player normally does.

Besides, killing is evil. :nono:

lol That was taking into account he'd finish the game with Crono and not Magus. Which is possible on your first play-through but not with Frog single-handedly...Unless you used a Game Genie or something or you're just plain too good. However, having a balanced team of ,say, Ayla, Robo and Marle ( or Lucca ) it probably can be done. Magus isn't a whole lot stronger in this fight. He just keeps attacking all of you at once. So as long as someone can heal all the team at once (Robo's Heal Beam anyone ?) and use a Lapis or two if necessary I doubt he's that much of a big deal. I wouldn't know though because I killed him only once. And with Frog single-handedly on my second play-through.

Besides, who would want to finish the game without Crono on his first try ? That's insane. Lavos would whip you on a first try without Crono and all the sidequests that come after. Not that I did try but considering you're not a lot stronger than when *spoiler* he whips you in a single attack at the Ocean Palace that's just plain suicide.

But, actually, would I meet face to face with Magus in person...NO, I would not wish to fight him lol

Killing might be evil, but when it comes to the point that YOU will be killed if you don't kill first, well I definitely won't hold back. ;)

08-08-2003, 07:04 PM
Besides, who would want to finish the game without Crono on his first try ? That's insane. Lavos would whip you on a first try without Crono and all the sidequests that come after. Not that I did try but considering you're not a lot stronger than when *spoiler* he whips you in a single attack at the Ocean Palace that's just plain suicide.
Yeah, exactly. First of all, who would want to finish the game that early? No matter if you can finish it at that point... which you probably can't: You don't know the whole story yet, there are still no open ends; I highly doubt anybody will see human Glenn when first finishing the game. This is something saved for the later "New Game +" fun. :)

Bahamut ZERO
08-09-2003, 10:26 PM
Rather than start a new thread, I'll just start a conversation in this one. Am I lazy? Possibly...

Anyways, Chrono Trigger is quite possibly one of the best games I have ever played. It took me a little while to get into the flow, but once I was there I couldn't stop playing it before work each day I went in, after work when I got back. I wanted to know what was going to happen each time I put the game down. I wanted to see what would happen next. It's been a while since I've played a game that's made me want to do that.

Of course, I haven't completed it yet. I'm right near the end, but I'm biding my time trying to sort out the side-quests first before I continue. I'll go on the record now saying that Crono is one of the better main characters in a video game ever. And Frog is awesome as well, if only for the "Thou art a spoon" sort of speech. Without the spoon bit.

The time travel idea adds a whole new dimension to the game that none have been able to recollect. Being able to influence time to change small things is an awesome idea, even if I try to point out possible paradoxes when I'm playing it.

Now I must get round to finishing it...

11-26-2003, 12:44 PM
Ahh, I love the time travel aspect! I nearly shit a brick when I found out you can pick up a treasure chest in the future, then go back in time and pick it up again XD... But don't do the reverse, or the treasure will disappear in the future O_O.. So awesome!

11-26-2003, 12:55 PM
Well, seeing this thread pop up made my day~
Reading the title was already great: "Chrono Trigger" AND "Magus" in one sentence: Perfect!

Will we ever know if Batman 2000 recruited him, though?

...I wanna play CT again~

01-12-2004, 02:52 AM
this game was good....and my friend says it's the best game he's ever played...


How could Crono be your favorite character? He never talks! :p

And this is a good point that my friend made..."When do you ever see the main character of an RPG die?" My response: "Well, I can't argue with that fact."

Actually, to reply to AdemA's post, you first examine a treasure chest in the past, so it can react to the pendant. Then you go to the future to get a powered-up item. I have like ten Moon Armors thanks to New Game +.

Plus, the music from Crono's Home is simply awesome. So peaceful and happy! :)

01-16-2004, 03:41 PM
At least Crono doesn't have an annoying personality. :)

Yes, Chrono Trigger has a bunch of unique ideas. I still remember how surprised I was when I played this game and was surprised that it was about time travel, and was surprised that Magus was NOT the clich�-ish final villain... and so on.
The fact that the main character dies and instead you get to play with the villain... is just awesome. :)