08-02-2003, 02:43 PM
It seems that this game has multiple endings. Uh... after rounding up in the wrong website, I was spoiled by the best ending. X_X I won't say what it is but it seems like you will need to play the game twice.

So this instantly sends a signal, is this game going to be like Chrono Trigger in terms of New Game+? That'll rock. XD

Any opinions?

Vivi FF
08-02-2003, 04:24 PM
lol Where have you been MK? I knew about that for a long time... Well, I didn't really know about the different endings but I do know about the different parts of the storyline. Anyways, you will need to play FFX-2 multiple times to 100% the game, or atleast 100% the storyline. Once you finish a game, you'll be given the option to save your game. Then you can reload it to start a new game (hopefully, with all your levels and abilities still saved) and can replay it, going for the different options. You can find out how much of the storyline you've done by either looking in the menu or your save (dunno exactly).

Also, if you're going to tell us the ending, put up some big fat spoiler warnings before. :)

Batman 2000
08-03-2003, 04:41 AM
I didn't really like the New game+ in Chrono Trigger and Cross :eye: Call me crazy, but I like it when they have just one ending. I don't really go for games that have multiple endings. Sure it gives the game more replay value, but what if you somehow mess up what you are supposed to do for a certain ending? Whoops, now i gotta start the whole game over for 2 minutes+ of ending! meh, maybe it's just me:erm:

08-03-2003, 07:18 AM
Well, Chrono Trigger/Cross is different. You only mess up on an ending if you don't go far enough into the game and the other endings are just simply go fight the final boss at this certain area.

Suikoden on the other hand, realizing late that you can't get the best ending because you skipped someone can put a damper to your game play.

But going back on the topic, I'm not gonna post it, I'll just let Square-Enix keep me alive with their good gameplay and we'll see what happens.

08-04-2003, 02:58 AM
i've seen all the endings. the best ending is pretty obvious though, its what the game is based on.... so there was no surprise. except for how it starts, that was bitchin. i'm not gonna say more, since i've said too much....

08-09-2003, 03:27 AM
Nah, there aren't that many endings. As far as I can tell, there are only three.

Ending #1: The perfect ending. I'm sure you guys can guess what happens, because I don't really know much about the details.

Ending #2: The normal ending. Something nice probably happens here, but leaves you wanting more. This is the ending you'll most likely get unless you're either really good or really...

Ending #3: The bad ending. This ending is when you lose to one of the final bosses and get a Game Over. Basically, you can guess what happens here. (It's kind of like when you lose the battle against Lavos in Chrono Trigger.)

08-14-2003, 06:30 PM
If u really want to know the perfect ending, go to my post, I posted a link to a translation of it... anyway: New Game + IS IN FFX-2... I wasn't sure if anyone confirmed that, so I shall.

Its useful if u want to get all the endings... and I believe there are more than 3 endings, but I can't guarantee that...

08-14-2003, 07:41 PM
The first FF game with different ways 2 play the story, cool

08-16-2003, 07:59 PM
heheheh, yah. Now... if only they'd include that feature in all their games.... I could die a happy man.

Oh, the reason for the New Game + btw is that to get 100% completion (and see the perfect ending) you have to go through both sides of the game (The New Yevon Group and the Kah.... umm.. whatever... [something like Kagome?] Sphere Hunter Group's campaigns) to get 100% completion, so that's why.

08-16-2003, 08:15 PM
Yes there are multiple ending's and i was under the impression that there were more than three but hey maybe there are other secret's one's as well. who knows