07-29-2003, 11:54 AM
I've just got back into playing the game and have done about 15 hours over the last few days, all blitzballing and kicking the crap out of mimics for 50,000 gil. I've just started a new league in BB with Jupiter Sigil as the number one prize after winning all the Wakka overdrives, so I just need to win 8 more games of BB and Wakka will be kicking ass. Also I've just customized a weapon to have gillionaire after getting 60 desigber wallets from the battle arena guy so I can start making 100,000 gil in omega dungeon.

Now, Auron, Tidus and Wakka are the three I use most often as they do the most damage, Tidus and Wakka 9999 cus I haven't powered their weapons up yet, Auron 45,000 on full hp, his stength is only 109, so I'm along way off 255. All of their hp's are getting closer and closer to 9999 so I need some wings to discovery to get break hp limit.

Question #1: How do I get wings to discovery?

After they've got break hp limit I could do with some clear spheres and HP spheres to get hp as high as possible... hopefully I can get them to 99999 hp cus that would give me bragging rights to everyone I know who plays the game.

Question #2: How do I get clear spheres?

Question #3: How do I get HP spheres?

After that I could do with getting everything else up as well, so...

Question #4: How do I get strength spheres?

Question #5: How do I get defence spheres?

Question #6: How do I get magic defence spheres?

Question #7: How do I get magic spheres?

Another thing I am stuck with is in the battle arena, for mi'ihn Highroad and Mushroom Rock Road there are two enemies in both areas that I haven't caught, it says unknown and I have caught ten of everything else in both areas, so you have to unlock them or something?

I know there's a lot of questions so I don't expect them all to be answered but any help for any of the questions would be very helpful, thanks in advance to any one to helps me out with this.

P.S. I just got beat by a tanket in the battle arena, I was so close to killing the bastard with Auron hitting him with 99999 three times in a row with banishing blade, and then the bastard did 3 rush attacks without me being able to cast life on anyone so I was straight away dead.

Vivi FF
07-29-2003, 07:03 PM
Ok I'll help out as much as I can. I think Neo Xzhan and Agent will pick up the stuff I haven't helped you with! :)

1) You get 30 Wings To Discovery for completing the Reminem Temple Chocobo Race while getting three treasure chests, hitting no poles, and beating the other chocobo. However you can only do this once so to get more, you'll have to fight Shinryu, an Original monster at the Monster Arena. You'll unlock him by capturing 4 of the 3 underwater monsters in Mt. Gagazet. Shinryu is a pretty tough monster and if you haven't figured it out yet, he's an underwater monster so you'll use Tidus, Wakka, and Rikku (no Auron.) You might wanna take those 30 wings from the race and use it on either Tidus or Wakka to give 'em BHPL... You'll get 1 wing each time you kill him, 2 if you overkill him, and if you're lucky (or unlucky) you'll get 1 or 2 Dark Matters instead...

Also I don't think 99999 HP is worth it. It's possible (I think) but you'll end up with with very low stats... I think 20,000ish HP and 255 Defense and Magic Defense would be better...

2) You can buy Clear Spheres from the Monster Arena guy once you captured atleast 5 of every monster...

3) HP: You'll get 1 for killing Ironclad (2 for overkill), a Monster Arena Monster

4) Strength: You'll get 1 for killing Juggernaut (2 for overkill), a Monster Arena Monster

5) Defense: You'll get 1 for killing Tanket (2 for overkill), a Monster Arena Monster

6) M. Defense: You'll get 1 for killing One-Eye (2 for overkill), a Monster Arena Monster

7) Magic: You'll get 1 for killing Jumbo Flan (2 for overkill), a Monster Arena Monster

For tips on how to unlock these monsters and to beat them, check the Monster Arena FAQ at

I dunno about the monsters you're missing. I hated capturing monsters so once I finished, I made myself forget everything. Here's a list of monsters from both areas, which ones are you missing?

Mi'ihen: Capture at least one of each monster from Mi'ihen Highroad. These are: Raldo, Floating Eye, Mi'ihen Fang, White Element, Bomb, Dual Horn, Vouivre*, and Ipiria*. *These last two only appear in the "Old" part of Mi'ihen Highroad. The "Old" Highroad is the sunken canyon part that you can get to by doing a U-turn at the screen right before Mushroom Rock Road, where the chocobo feathers and Auron's Mars Crest are.

Mushroom Rock: Capture at least one of each monster from Mushroom Rock Road. These are: Thunder Flan*, Gandarewa*, Raptor, Lamashtu, Red Element*, Funguar*, and Garuda. *These asterisked monsters appear in more areas than just Mushroom Rock Road. Thunder Flan also appears in the "Old" part of Mi'ihen Highroad, andRed Element, Funguar, and Gandarewa appear in the southern part of Djose Highroad.

Hope this helps! :) Now to sleep... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

07-29-2003, 07:57 PM
ahh christ, i've gotta fight monster arena monsters, this is not good, i need about 40000 hp for everyone to be able to stay alive after the first move that happens against me normally in the monster arena.

Thanks for your help.

Vivi FF
07-29-2003, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by hotwired
ahh christ, i've gotta fight monster arena monsters, this is not good, i need about 40000 hp for everyone to be able to stay alive after the first move that happens against me normally in the monster arena.

You don't necessarily need 40,000 HP to stay alive. Your best bet is to take your best three characters and have 'em go through the majority of the SG. Then you'll want to take your characters into OD. Wakka's Attack Reels can do 9999 12 times. Use this along with Tidus's Bltiz Ace and have Auron Entrust his OD to Wakka for another Attack Reels. With this, you should do ALOT of damage. If the monster is still alive, swap Tidus or Auron for another character whose OD is full and have him/her Entrust it to Wakka for another Attack Reels. Keep this up and you should eb able to beat any monster. But remember to use Hastega and Auto-Life could be helpful... Check for more detailed guides to beat these monsters. Trust me, you don't need 40,000 HP. I beat them all and I have around 25,000 HP each...

08-05-2003, 04:12 AM
Little slow on the pickup here, but as for the first one, you can bribe Wings to Discovery at a rate of 540,000 for 4 from a Malboro. Note that this ratio isn't always exact. If you don't get 4 or better, then you might wanna reset.