Darth Revan
07-26-2003, 07:44 PM

Awhile ago, in 47's book club, I had an idea for this story. However, I never really got round to writing it. That was until a few days ago, and well, I started writing it.

Here's some background info : This story is based on the game of the same name, released by SSI. Renegade was a FASA product, basically, those who remember playing AD&D at school or such, will know what I mean, when I say Renegade was a paper and pen RPG.

Now, there are three main races in this universe, Human, Naram, Ssora, Kess'Rith, Vauvusar and Baufrin. Naram are like humans, except taller, longer hair and, well, are consided very beautiful by humans. Ssora are more or less a bipedal pteranodon. Devious and crafty, they have their own personal sense of honour. Kess'Rith are a cross between a centaur and a rhinoscerous (SP?). Their behaviour is simliar to that of the Klingons from Star Trek. Vauvusar are an amphibian race, bipedal frog with four arms. Very hard to get one angry, but once you do, you'll remain an enemy to that Vauvusar until death. Baufrin are insectoids. Three sets of eyes are quick reflexes make them ideal wingmen.

This story is set in the small, yet vital system called Jacob's Star. Located in the middle of what is called the Messana pocket, it is a critically vital system for the Renegade Legion and Commonwealth forces (The good guys.) in their age old war against the TOG (Terran Overlord Government, based on ancient Rome lifestyle and military.).

Anywayz, enough of the info dump. Here's the first part of the story, yes?

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Prologue :

The five fighters of Episilon Squardon sped through the cold vacuum of space, on a routine patrol. The Wing Commander sighed behind his mask. Patrols within the Jacob Star System were so boring. The system was located within Shannedam Conty, in the Alaric theater. Shannedam is the most embattled Grand Dukedom of the Commonwealth and, given the deployment of Commonwealth forces and the Renegade Legion, Alaric is also the best hope for turning the tide and defeating the TOG (Terran Overlord Government) invaders. The outpost of Crucible Command, located within the asteroid encircling the small system, is of vital importance to the combined Commonwealth and Renegade fleet.

The Wing Commander, callsign Plutark, was in the middle of a yawn, when his sensor screen flashed. As he studied the screen, colour drained from his face.

"It...can't be...."

One of the members of the squadron, one who had been reprimanded constatnly by his superiors at base, edged his fighter, a Penetrator medium class fighter, closer to Plutark's Avenger. It's pilot, callsign Azrael, spoke over the comm.

"Hey Plutark! What's the matter? Piss in your flightsuit again?"

Over the comm, the other members of the squad sniggered. It was a well known fact, that Plutark and Azrael disliked each other. However, for all their distrust for each other, they were the top two fighter pilots Crucible command had.

Plutark ignored Azrael's comments and read off what was on his screen.

"I read two squadrons of TOG Spiculum class fighters, insystem from the outskirts. Code 96A, repeat Niner Six Alpha. Retreat Episilon Squardon, retreat!"

The three Avengers and one of the Penetrators banked hard right and sped away from the twelve incoming fighters. The other Penetrator, hit it's afterburners, raised it's shields and readied it's cannons. Azrael snarled behind his mask.

"Damn that Plutark! He would issue a retreat! These Spiculums are are easy pickings! If we don't take them out...."

Azrael lined the crosshairs of his HUD with the lead Spiculum, waiting for the optimal range for his Electron and Neutron particle cannons. Plutark's voice hissed over the comm.

"I said retreat Azrael!"

Azrael fired his cannons, watching the beams slice through the Spiculum's shields, and cutting deep into the engines. With it's engines blown, the fighter did the only thing it could do. Explode. Two other Spiculums were destroyed in the blast, as they dispersed. Azrael fired his cannons repeatedly, each blast scroing hits.

Plutark was screaming.


Two more Spiculums were destroyed.


Three of the TOG fighters, flew at the Penetrator, hoping to catch it in their crossfire. The plan would've succeeded if the pilot was one of the normal pilots at Crucible Command. The Penetrator dove at full thrust out of the crossfire arc of the Spiculums. Their pilots however had fired, obliterating each other in a vicious firestorm.

The four remaining Spiculums turned tail and fled back to the outskirts of the system as Azrael brought his fighter around. Plutark's voice screaming over the comm.

"You disobeyed your commander's orders Azrael! You're gonna hang from a navigational beacon for this! You're..."

Azrael hit the comm button, shutting Plutark up.

"Damn idiot."

Azrael set his Penetrator on a direct course for Crucible Command, Episilon Squadron were already landing, and Plutark was having a word with the Stations XO.

As Azrael's fighter touched down on the flight deck, he saw Plutark salute and walk away from the XO, a superior and snotty look on his face. The XO stood, waiting for Azrael.

"Soldier, get your happy jumpsuit out of that ship and over here now!"

Azrael sighed and jumped down from the cockpit. As he walked over to the XO, he took off his flight helmet and mask. He saluted the officer and waited for another of a long list of chewing outs.

He wasn't disappointed.

"Soldier, when your Wing Commander calls for a retreat, all he expects to see is a firing of retros, and clearence vapour! If I had my way, YOU wouldn't see the inside of another cockpit, except in your local simcade! As of this moment, you are off the flight roster, pending reevaluation. Clear your locker and get your worthless carcass on that freighter! You're shipping out!"

Azrael looked at the freighter, a sinking feeling inside him. If that freighter was heading where he thought it was heading......

The XO turned and marched off, leaving Azrael standing alone on the flight deck.

"Well, aint this a bunch of laughs."

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There's the first part, let me know what you think, yes?