Setsuna Yuna
07-22-2003, 12:44 PM
Hey everyone! My poem thread was lost (my fault, from lack of activity in this forum), so I have created another one and I hope to keep this one active this time! If you don't know, my name is Celeste and I started writing poems in the 4th grade. I've stopped and started up again since then because of a few cases of major writer's block, so bear with me! Any criticism on my poems will be greatly appreciated. :)


A crystal
Pure and bright
So enchanting

Where imagination is endless
Laughter beams like sunlight
With sparkling eyes
A child sees the world

And finds it beautiful
It is
Someday we will see

Just like a child
Such honesty
Such trust
Such love

If we were all like children
The pure crystal of our past
Then maybe, just maybe
We will understand our own life</center>

This poem is my feelings for a guy I loved a few years ago, how I feel about him now. This poem scares me a bit; it's hard to believe that I actually wrote this myself. Well, enjoy. :)


So perfect he is
His body
His scent
His touch

How can I hate him?
He is faultless
He is flawless
Yet I do despise him

I despise his smirk
His narcissistic attitude
His knowing my thoughts
Knowing how I want him

Yet I don't
I wish I could murder him
For his irritating perfection
But I want him so

I want to be near to him
For him to hold me
And love me
But I would kill him if he did

My mind is in turmoil
I love him
I hate him
My haphazard feelings...


07-22-2003, 01:08 PM
Unspeakable was very emotional. As I read this I sensed many feelings all at once. Yet you show that it all points to feeling like you need this person yet you don't. I liked this particualr poem, I do hope you can show us more Celeste. ^^

Keep it up!

07-23-2003, 05:48 PM
YAY! Celeste is back! *huggles* I missed you, glad to have another stellar poet back. You know I always love your work.

"Childhood" was a sweet poem that instantly reminded me of innocence. I like it. Very rythmic and simple, yet the theme is complicated.

"Unspeakable" reminds me of my current relations with this guy... anyhoo, it's very powerful and speaks truth about a lot of love/hate relationships out there. Very blunt work.

Keep it up. :D

07-28-2003, 08:22 AM
Welcome back Celeste~ I missed ya. Anyways, as for the poems they are very prettiful, well-written and heartfelt.

I especially like 'Unspeakable' because of the doubt and questioing of love that it contains. It's also a personal, emotional and honest poem which makes it that much better. Keep up the good work Celeste~

Setsuna Yuna
08-04-2003, 07:46 AM
Thanks, you guys. It's nice to be back. Here's another poem that I wrote just yesterday. :)

You hold out your hand
Ask me to trust you
I wish I understood
What trust is

But I don't understand
You promise me the world
And I want to believe
That your intentions are true

I should let my past go
Let it all melt away
Forget my past troubles
And live for today

But I do have faith
Is that like trust?
If I have faith in you
Then do I trust you?

I'm still afraid
I wouldn't be able to go on
If you would hurt me
Just like the rest have

If you ask me again
Then I will believe you
I won't doubt anymore
I will believe in you

And instead of living for today...
I'll live for tomorrow</center>

Note: I will be gone for a week, so if there aren't any updates in this thread during that time, you'll know why. :)

08-04-2003, 10:44 AM
That's a really nice poem. It describes so much uncertain feelings. I like it. ^_^

08-05-2003, 05:48 AM
Such conflicting emotions. I love the rythum and the flow in it. ^^

Keep it up girl. Your poems are very well written. :D

08-08-2003, 01:49 PM
Based on a good theme, ending up in a very good poem. Very honest and simple. Keep on writing Sestsuna~

Setsuna Yuna
08-22-2003, 07:32 AM
I'm neglecting my poetry thread (again)! *sigh* Well, I have another poem. Sorry it took so long.

a rejected child

A crowd, standing
Dim and unchanging
Unseen faces
Watch me draw near

I try to hide but I'm found
Pushed out to the crowd
Numerous shrouded faces
Laughing at me

I'm down but I stand
With nowhere to escape to
Nowhere I can hide

They laugh at my failing
Play with my feelings
They think I'm a game
But they don't understand

I'm not like them
I won't laugh
I won't cry
I just die inside
Want to leave but can't try

Can't step up
Can't back down
They all watch me now
The pressure is unbearable
What is there that I can do?