lone wolf
07-14-2003, 08:17 PM
I have been looking around the Forum and have yet to find anything on the up and coming Star Ocean:Till the end of Time game for the PS2. I invite everyone to submit info, tips, or even feed back on the other games(Star Ocean - Sega Genesis/Star Ocean:The second story - PS).

I am personally really looking forward to this game, I am hoping that the can do it justice, and that it will be just as big and fun as the last one's. I have only played Star Ocean:The second story, but I am still looking around for the other one. I really enjoyed playing it and discovering all the different secrets, I know everything there is to know about that game, so if anyone has a question, pm me and I will try to answer it as fast as i can.


lone wolf

Evad D'Aragon
07-15-2003, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by lone wolf
I have been looking around the Forum and have yet to find anything on the up and coming Star Ocean:Till the end of Time game for the PS2. I invite everyone to submit info, tips, or even feed back on the other games(Star Ocean - Sega Genesis/Star Ocean:The second story - PS).

I am personally really looking forward to this game, I am hoping that the can do it justice, and that it will be just as big and fun as the last one's. I have only played Star Ocean:The second story, but I am still looking around for the other one. I really enjoyed playing it and discovering all the different secrets, I know everything there is to know about that game, so if anyone has a question, pm me and I will try to answer it as fast as i can.


lone wolf

Welll, first thing that could help you :

Star Ocean was released on the SNES, not the Genesis.

And unless you play it on a specially patched ROM and a emulator, you can't play it since it never got released here.

I'm interested in the third, but not much more than that.

08-04-2003, 01:02 AM
I've been looking forward to this game for years now but they keep delaying it, I'm really starting to get agrivated. The local game stores say it's going to be released next month, but I just checked ign and they say the release date is now Feb 2004?! Can anyone confirm this? This better not be because Square-Enix don't want it to compete with X-2.

08-06-2003, 06:33 PM
FEB 2004! BS! I went to electronic boutique a week ago and saw a 'copy reservation' for the game. It can't be too far off!

lone wolf
08-07-2003, 04:04 AM
I live in canada, and at all the places i've gone, both real and online, all the ones i have found have said september 8, but i could be wrong(it wouldn't be the first time)

lone wolf

Edit : Sorry, i just found a site that says it's not out till next year around march, so i'll prolly continue this post then

08-15-2003, 05:46 PM
Well, I just got back from EB games and it's official, Star Ocean 3 has been delayed until 2004, very upsetting. This is the only rpg coming out anytime soon that I really want to play and now I have to wait another half a year, very frustrating.

08-20-2003, 05:48 AM
well... Like No Info On SO3... But A Friend of Mine Just Bought SO2 For 162$ Australian On Ebay.... I COuldnt Beleive It... .taht Game Is so Har dTo get But its Worth It For the Next Best RPG to FF's.. Star Ocean on Ps2 Sounds Mad i Hope It has the Same Battle System As Two And the Smae Charcter Obtaining Method... Two SIdeplots And 100's of Endings Was A great Concept if A little Crono Trigger.

12-18-2003, 10:59 PM
Well Setzer, as far as I know the battle system will be of the same type, which is a very good thing, I just hope they figured out a way for the magic uses to not cast a spell every 5 seconds when you put them on "conserve mp".

Ok, Feb 2004 isn't that far away now so what do you all think the odds of this game being delayed again are? Is Square-enix coming out with any other squaresoft originated rpgs in febuary?

01-09-2004, 07:37 PM
Ok, I'm bumping this thread up cause I have new information. I just checked out ign and now this game has been pushed back to June!!!! June!! What possible reason could ther be to delay this game until June!? Does squenix think it'll take away from FFXI sales or something? The Japanese are getting a directors cut of this game in febuary I think and we have to wait until June to get the original! I'm getting angry, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry.