07-11-2003, 06:11 PM
The game is apparently taking place only two years after the meteor hit. The humanity survived and are now trying to start their lives again. Tifa seems to be the main character, and it was promised that many of the old friends from FF7 will be teaming up when the game develops, as well few new friends too. After the hit, Tifa woke up in Cosmo Canyon without her friends. Everyone thought they were dead and Tifa hasn't heard of them in two long years.

Midgar was ruined completely and without Shinra, it has become a place of crime. Midgar used to be a wealthy area and many thought they could become rich by going there after everyone had died, and those people ganged up forming a new population, and soon no one dared to enter the ghost city anymore. Tifa hears news concerning the new leader of the gangs and he seems strangely familiar� Tifa plans to start her journey to Midgar to solve the mystery, if the leader of the gangs really is Cloud. Looks like he has once again lost his memory and thinks he is someone else�

Cloud seems to be villain in this game, but it's not carved into the stone that he wouldn't become a playable character at some point. Motorcycles seem to play a big role in the game and there were hints that maybe it would be a whole new minigame that would play a bigger role in the storyline than the motorcycle chase we witnessed in FF7.

Not much else is known, but it's assumed that the game would give answers to the game that were left unanswered in the previous game, and it will probably explain the scene we see after the credits in FF7 that displays a ruined Midgar covered in greens. But who is that guy in the GG picture kissing Tifa? (if that's Tifa at least, but no one else was mentioned in the text)

But will people get bored of Final Fantasy if they start releasing more games more often? If the quality stays the good, I doubt it. I'm not too keen on FF7's sequel myself. FF7 was a good game and wouldn't need a sequel, especially when you think that what scene the game ended. But we'll see how it will turn out, it's understandable that the game developers would like to continue their most successful game.

It wasn't said that what platform the game would be for, but PS2 would be the most obvious one. No estimate that when the game will be coming out hasn't been heard yet, but this was only a "teaser" so we can expect that information when the process in the development has reached a bit further.

ok guys i found that on a site, anyone able to back it up and tell me its true?

07-11-2003, 06:43 PM
What's your source?

Also I believe that this part: "After the hit, Tifa woke up in Cosmo Canyon without her friends. Everyone thought they were dead and Tifa hasn't heard of them in two long years. " is flawed, but then again I haven't seen the ending of FFVII a long time ago.

Another also, where's the CG?

07-11-2003, 06:53 PM
It was a msn web site called Tifa's Bar i think

07-17-2003, 07:40 PM
i agree, FF7 doesnt need a sequal, it was a very good game by itself. And, bye what draven said, with the motorcycles playing a part in FF7-2, i think it would be a waste of money for Square. But who knows, i may be wrong, if it comes out ill buy it anyways.

07-20-2003, 06:40 PM
I don't know if there's any truth to the rumours, but that description, at least, sounds like okay game, but nowhere near FF7's brilliance. They shouldn't release it... it would be a a disgrace. ^_~

07-21-2003, 07:58 AM
I agree with the many others...an FF7 sequel is unecessary and not needed..I'd prefer if they left FF7 alone..they'd probably screw it up anyway and make all the girls nearly nude (just like at FFX-2...God, what a poor excuse for fan-service).

As for the source...by the name of the site, it sounds like a mediocre site..one of those sites who try to bring you news, but never really get a direct connection to any reliable sources (like gaming magizines, who have just about direct connection to the gaming companies). So personally, I would doubt it's true.

I also hear from a friend that Square reported about doing an FF7 sequel...they said that it "wouldn't be worth the time and effort put into it. FF7 was a great game as it was, let's keep it that way.

Props to Square for this one.

07-21-2003, 10:12 AM
I don't know if this is another internet rumor, but a few months ago i heard that the original team that worked on FF7 had a meeting about whether or not a sequel should be made. They all agreed that FF7 is fine the way it is and that no sequel will be made for it.

07-22-2003, 11:52 PM
Ahh well if this is true then this thread ends

08-18-2003, 05:40 AM
That was originally posted by FWA.org (Final Fantasy Worlds Apart), and the entire text can be found here (http://ffwa.org/news/31-03-2003.html).

It was confirmed to be an early April Fool's joke (on this very forum...).


The Joker
09-13-2003, 08:43 PM
The fact that they'd make a character that was as shallowly written as Tifa already makes me laugh (no offense to Tifa lovers.)

Also, being the source was from "Tifa's Bar" I have to admit I'm slightly less inclined to believe.

HOWEVER, I have also heard rumors of FF7-2 from a videogame magazine I read while in a grocery store.

However, I would like Square Enix to make an official statement.

To be honest, a final fantasy seven could be equally deep, or equally faultering. Silent Hill 3 did a direct sequel off the first one, while this made it less mysterious, it also enhanced the general feeling of impact of the events of the first one while making a new inner conflict equally stronger.

However, some sequels we'd rather just not have. Resident Evil 2 for example (no offense again Resident Evil lovers.) A bad story, a bad control scheme, bad voice acting, just about as low quality as possible.

In all fairness, Square could make all the more magic, or they could screw it up. Its a complete gamble. Its all about risk vs return.