07-07-2003, 11:05 PM
When you fight kuja near the end, Would it not be better to have him take another form or something and fight him again.

The way I look at it is you beat kuja, Then some bloke called necron comes down wantin to fight you all of a sudden!!!! where the hell did he come from???

I don't mind finding out theres a new enemy about 3/4 of the way through, but this couldn't be any later!

Your views Is necron good or bad at the end.

07-07-2003, 11:58 PM
If you listen/read to what Necron says before you fight him... it, you might understand why they put him in there.
He is the one that wants to reduce everything to nothingness. He says Kuja�s actions have clearly shown that the life forms in this world only desire to end things, to end everything, existence itself... that eventually and unevitably all things want to end.
It�s now up to the heroes to prove to Necron that Kuja was an exception and that there are people who want to live.

So... don�t consider Necron a character or even a "new enemy". He�s more like the incarnation of nothingness.
It was the final fight between life and death. Remember that Life and Hope were the themes of FFIX. It only made sense that these two ideas would eventually have to face Death and Oblivion... or their personification Necron.

And... FF 5 spoilers
Actually, Necron ressembles the final final boss of FF5. He, too, suddenly wants to devour everything, reduce everything to nothingness and disappear himself. And he, too, uses Grand Cross... So if you look at it this way, it�s just one of many references to the older games that you find throughout FFIX.

07-08-2003, 04:05 AM
I thought Necron was stupid. It might have been worthwhile if he were actually tough, but he was a pushover.

Vivi FF
07-08-2003, 04:34 PM
There's only one thing about Necron that's actually worth mentioning, he can kick your @$$ at any level you're on... Just the other day, I wanted to see FFIX's ending again (cause it's cool) and I was playing with Steiner, Vivi, Eiko, and Freya, all 4 are Lv.99 (as well as the other 4). When fighting Necron, he did Grand Cross which did Instant Death to Steiner, Vivi, and Eiko and put Freya in Freeze and Doom... After she unfroze, I had no time to use a Phenoix Down on Eiko so she can cast Phenoix... Stupid Necron...

After reading Misao's explanation, I now understand the point of Necron... But I'd rather either have another form of Kuja to fight or Necron to had have explained himself more so we'd understand sooner and simplier...

07-10-2003, 03:17 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Yeah, misao's explanation seems about right, that's what I always thought the point of Necron was too. Some peope jsut say he had no point to the storyline at all, but there was a good reason for him being there.

Saying that though, I'm still not too happy with the idea that they just threw him in there right at the end. It originally just gave me the imression that they were thinking "oh we know Trance Kuja's too easy so let's jsut shove in another boss". :p I know it wasn't really taht, but first time I played, that's all I thought of. After thiking about the actual purpose of it being there though I didn't thik so badly of it, but I'd still have prefered that he'd have been at least mentioned before you fight him.

Oh well, I geuss he might not even have been known about before that. Kuja destroyed the crystal, which is the thing controlling life and death. Only when that was destroyed could Necron appear to try to take everything back to the Zero World to end all suffering. So I guess that people wouldn't have known Necron existed until the crystal was destroyed, and it's that point that Kuja realises that he'd been doing the wrong thing, and he helps them get out of Memoria after the battle.

... Now that I think about it that way, Necron doesn't seem like such a bad idea for a final boss...

07-10-2003, 09:59 PM
The end boss wasnt hard, thats if you had the right team and all the move's learnt

07-12-2003, 06:39 PM
Yes, so he was not hard... I still died when I first fought him, because Grand Cross totally surprised me.
You know what a bad idea Auto-Potion is when you�re in zombie state? ;)

Bahamut ZERO
07-12-2003, 08:22 PM
To quote something I said a little bit earlier (in a different thread),

"I think the idea behind Necron was that Kuja's actions gave it the power to act. Kuja was hellbent on destroying the crystal, hence destroying creation and the Universe itself. Your party tries to stop him, but he succeeds, and releases Necron, an entity that believes that Kuja's actions speak for all life, and that life as a whole must return to the zero world, ie nothing. In a way, Necron is Kuja's goal bought to life, and Zidane and company have to fight it and suppress it in order to stop it from ending creation.

Either that or Square did it to annoy us..."

So basically what Anna said.

I just wanted to sound vaguely intelligent though...

07-23-2003, 08:21 AM
it just meant more time to beating the game. i couldnt care less, killed him in 1 try anyway at level 56

07-24-2003, 10:09 PM
Necron was okay. Made sense. Good old fashioned final boss battle. :)

The Joker
12-28-2003, 04:46 PM
I'm not too much a fan of it...

FF7-FF10 spoilers!

He seemed awfully sudden, I don't remember any previous mention of him.

The final fantasies lately grew by having a bad guy, but then having a worse bad guy or a bad guy that was being manipulated.

FF8 had Ultemecia being the ring leader, FFX had Yu Yevon the one controlling Sin, FF7 had some theories about who had control - Sephiroth or Jenova. FF9 however, really doesn't hint towards Necron in any of my findings. He is just there.

However, Misao points out some very good analytical points. Though nothing concrete hints him, the parralelism ideas of wanting to end all and to stop life, its almost like the final clash between the two somehow brought into the earth realm and personified.

12-28-2003, 05:09 PM
Just because he isn't mentioned in the game doesn't mean he doesn't exist. And who do you think could of hinted at the existance of Necron? Noone could know about him really.

Trance Kuja was the piss, really. I actually struggled with Necron. And lets not forget you face Kuja about 3/4 into the game, so having yet another form would seem even more tacky *thinks of the infinite forms of Ultimecia*

The Joker
12-28-2003, 05:32 PM
Of course it doesn't mean that he doesn't exist, however, the introduction of villians like that is often a bit akward because its so sudden, thats my problem with it.

12-29-2003, 01:08 AM
That's it really, you view him as a villian. I view him as an entity, as a figure doing his job. He existed to destruct the world when the crystal was broke. In that respect, he could only be referred to in the same way that a god could. If it had random people preaching in a church in Lindblum talking about religion then that would sound rather screwy in an FF game.

No wait, that was FFX.

The Joker
01-02-2004, 07:57 PM
Well, to Zidane and such, he is a villian. I have to agree and compliment you on "thinking outside the box" that he isn't neccessarily evil, but in fact perhaps serves some good in a world that might be broken. If what you said is true (and I don't have reason to suspect otherwise) that he is formed by the destruction of the crystal, he is in fact summoned by the will to destroy humanity.

I accept your analysis of him is well thought and accurate, but I still feel reluctant each time simply because he isn't expected, no clues about him, I would've just liked to have heard some mention of a higher force perhaps, not sure how, but just some kind of anticipation or hint about him.

01-06-2004, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by Gandalf
Well, to Zidane and such, he is a villian. I have to agree and compliment you on "thinking outside the box" that he isn't neccessarily evil, but in fact perhaps serves some good in a world that might be broken. If what you said is true (and I don't have reason to suspect otherwise) that he is formed by the destruction of the crystal, he is in fact summoned by the will to destroy humanity.

I accept your analysis of him is well thought and accurate, but I still feel reluctant each time simply because he isn't expected, no clues about him, I would've just liked to have heard some mention of a higher force perhaps, not sure how, but just some kind of anticipation or hint about him.

I completely agree...

Except (to everyone else) there is no concrete evidence of what he is supposed to be, it is all just fan-theory to me... It's like watching a Sylvester Stallone action-movie then throwing a random ballet scene (without ANY characters in the movie) and leaving everyone saying "wtf?"... But then again you could always call that ballet scene a reflection to sly's Aenima (aka inner female side) and say he only wanted peace...

It's just random an dhad no meaning in my opinion...

Alice Wonderbra
01-07-2004, 05:16 PM
i thought it was stupid that he/it whatever just all of a sudden comes into play. i know its the themes and such, but was there any mention of anything related to necron at all? you cant just throw something in the end of a story, even if it is a theme. that would be like the theme of love trying to conquer evil all of a sudden turning into a big bleeding heart and eating hitler. its stupid.

i need to start using a different word. saying stupid all of the time is just... ... ...retarded.

01-21-2004, 03:57 AM
i think it would of just been better if maybe kuja found out some how about necron and used zidane to summon him forth for his plan, but the way they just have it it's like 'who the hell!?'

I mean the least the coulda done was add one little sentence after Kuja casts ultima with him saying something like, "...Necron." and then just had it the way it was and i guess it woulda made better sense, i mean at least that way it'll seem like he was supposed to be part of the story line, and not leaving you wondering where this unknown final boss came from ya know.

01-21-2004, 07:11 AM
yes the boss should of been alot harder, the game still kicked ass tho!

01-21-2004, 09:07 PM
Looking back on the first time I finished the game, the battle with Necron was completely unexpected. And that's one thing that made the battle difficult. If we'd had prior suspect that we'd be fighting someone other than Kuja then there would be no climax as we finish fighting Kuja and another boss appears. I think the battle fits well, especially in light of what Misao and others have pointed out. It'll be interesting going to fight the end of the game a second time with the knowledge of what is coming.

Tears in Heaven
02-01-2004, 03:26 PM
it was a bit easy suppose, probably the easiest final fantasy final boss ive faught, but then again, u wanna challenge fight ozma :erm: but anyway it didnt really bring the game down......that much

Lt. Lady Nyru
02-01-2004, 11:18 PM
For me, the boss wasn't the problem. My game had a glitch so every time I beat him, the game would start over. After about 8 tries I finally saw the ending. That really blew.

02-02-2004, 05:34 PM
one of the stupidest things about necron (other than it's completely random and makes no sense bein in the games) is that it's way easier to beat than Kuja, simplicity in it's self actually