07-06-2003, 05:30 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">This forum's looking pretty dead apart from the rumble, so I thought I'd psot comething that could liven it up for a while at least. ;) I'd recommend not reading this if you haven't completed the game, though.

Although it's never said in the game, Square have confirmed that Laguna is actually Squall's father. Now what I'm wondering is, did you pick up on the hints yourself in the game and work it out, or has this theory always sounded stupid to you?

I personally didn't think about it at all originally. I only seriously thought it might be true that Laguna might be Squall's father after it was posted at another board I visit, but I was still never sure about it. There's a few things in the game that do hint at it, but I still didn't ever totally believe it...

What sort of evidence did you pick up on with this theory (if any), and did you even actually consider that it was a possibility that Laguna and Squall were related?

07-06-2003, 06:04 PM
It�s pretty obvious... Now that I come to think of it I realize I don�t know anymore when exactly I got the idea of Laguna and Squall...
But there are a lot of hints and I think it is pretty obvious that all those hints were not put in the game for nothing.
It is said that Laguna and Raine had a son... Kiros tells Squall something like "You look like your mother; thank god you don�t come after your father," <--- It isn�t that hard to figure out, huh?

07-06-2003, 06:37 PM

You know what? I thought there was a bond from the moment I first saw the Laguna dream scenes. Yes, it got me curious for quite a while. To be honest I thought there was also a slight resemblence. I was thinking...'Who was he? His brother? Or someone else?' He sounded a bit young to be his father. Then later on I figured out those were past sequences. So it was rather predictable from there, but what really confirmed such things was when Ellone was telling Squall about Raine giving birth to a baby boy. Then someting about Laguna not being able to see his newborn I dunno, it's been a long time since I played it. I believe that was around disc 3.

Then there was another time when Laguna, Kiros and Ward were on the Ragnarok, and when you have Squall talk to them Kiros mentions that Squall resembled his mother, then Ward said something like 'at least he don't look like his father'. That also kind of gave it away. I dunno. I'll have to find the proper script. >_<

Vivi FF
07-07-2003, 01:46 AM
Yeah, if you follow the hints, you'll find out that Laguna is Squall's father... At first, I noticed a bit of the hints but was too stupid to figure this "mystery" out. Later, I found a website that explained everything and went in detail about each of the hints... I doubt the site is still up today...

07-07-2003, 09:10 AM
The whole game and the Laguna scenes laid it out mostly. Didn't need a website or a forum or something else to get it explained :p
I just figured it would be most logical ^^

07-07-2003, 10:57 PM
I never knew that Square had confirmed it. But it is very very obvious that there is gonna be a link between them so I was always lookin out for summit.

When Kiros mentions that you look like your mother thats just the icing on the cake!

But its a relief knowin that its true cos until then it was just speculation

07-08-2003, 12:49 AM
I never knew Square confirmed it (when? where?) but I'd always thought it to be the case. There was a thread talking about this a while back. Anyway, here's all of the hints that I remember for those that are wondering:

- Laguna has Squall's card. (General Caraway has Rinoa's card, Ma Dincht has Zell's, so on, so on.)

- In the Laguna sequences, Squall always takes on Laguna's role. With the other characters, it changes, but Squall is always Laguna.

- In the D-District prison, the moombas refer to Squall as "Laguna." How do moombas recognize people? By the smell of their blood.

- The aformentioned Ward / Kiros hints

Then there was another time when Laguna, Kiros and Ward were on the Ragnarok, and when you have Squall talk to them Kiros mentions that Squall resembled his mother, then Ward said something like 'at least he don't look like his father'. That also kind of gave it away. I dunno. I'll have to find the proper script. >_<
"(Ward says...Good thing you don't look like your father.)"

"You look very much like your mother."

- Squall refers to Ellone as "sis." Of course, everyone in the orphanage thought of her as sort of a sister, but in this case she really is his sister.

Vivi FF
07-08-2003, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by Agent0042
Squall refers to Ellone as "sis." Of course, everyone in the orphanage thought of her as sort of a sister, but in this case she really is his sister.

Really? I thought Ellone was Squall's cousin... Hmmm... Wait, does that mean Ellone is Raine's daughter (not by Laguna) but when Laguna married Raine, Ellone technically became his daughter... Am I seeing the big picture?

07-08-2003, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by Vivi FF
Really? I thought Ellone was Squall's cousin... Hmmm... Wait, does that mean Ellone is Raine's daughter (not by Laguna) but when Laguna married Raine, Ellone technically became his daughter... Am I seeing the big picture?

Oh deary me. That's not the way it is. Ellone's parent's died in an accident or something like that and Laguna took her in so to speak. Ellone is definetly adopted. Squall and Ellone have no blood relation whatsoever. Of course Squall would call her sis, because that's how he looked up to her. In fact all the children there called her sis. So the kind of bond they shared was of a sibling way. That's why Ellone was called 'sis'.
*sniff* Those flashbacks always made me cry. Squall was the most closest to her. Ellone's disappearance was the cause of Squall's 'aloof behaviour'.

07-08-2003, 08:14 PM
Hmm, that's new to me. I always thought Ellone was Raine's daughter, not by Laguna.

07-08-2003, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by Agent0042
I never knew Square confirmed it (when? where?) but I'd always thought it to be the case. There was a thread talking about this a while back. Anyway, here's all of the hints that I remember for those that are wondering:

I never knew it was confirmed either, but Meltigemini said so, So if they never confirmed I never said so.

I always thought Ellone and Squall were half bro and sis, through Raine. I am right in thinkin this aren't I?

07-08-2003, 09:39 PM
It was said that Ellone was Raine�s adopted daughter. I remember it. Riana is right...
Well, that does not change much of the feelings Squall had towards her, she was his big sister. o_o Maybe not genetically, but who cares.

07-09-2003, 09:20 PM
Wow i like this thread!!!!!!!! ^^ i like the discussions here. And about Ellone? Yeah indeed she was adopted by Raine.... Raine even explained to Laguna about how her parents died. PLUS if Ellone was Raine's daughter, why would she call her mother, "Raine?" I think she called her dat am not sure ^^; And da hints have basically been said by other people. It was pretty obvious! And Squall calling Ellone, 'sis?' many of u put up some good points. Ellone prolly raised Squall in the orphanage and was mostly the one who became like his big sister so of course! ^^ Yeah and just because theyre not blood related, doesnt mean they cant be brother and sister!

07-10-2003, 12:30 AM
I guess I just missed all of that. I'm playing now for the first time on the Playstation, so I guess I'd best just pay a bit more attention and watch for some of this stuff.

07-10-2003, 03:05 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">I think it was confirmed on their old Playonline site or something like that, but it's not there any more. Anyway, yeah, there was plenty of evidence in the game, but I didn't ever actually think of the possibility until I'd played through a couple of times. Even with the Ragnarok scene where Kiros and Ward say that, it still didn't give any hints towards it being Laguna; but then there had to be a link between Laguna and Squall..

As for Ellone and Squall, yeah, Squall did call Ellone "sis" because of them being at the orphanage together and she was so much older, and she was like his best friend there. Then after she had to leave the orphanage, Squall felt all alone, which explains why he didn't really want to make any new friends. Anyway, the point is, Ellone was being looked after by Raine as said, and Squall was Raine's son that you hear about. Ellone sends you back into the past to control Laguna because she wants him to stay in Winhill to be by Raine's side as her new child is born. It turns out to be their child, which is Squall. So yeah, Ellone was adopted by Raine, and Squall was Raine's son, so she's close enough to being his sister, but isn't. ;) Squall might not have known that Ellone was adopted at the time though, and as they both ended up at the orphanage after Raine died and Laguna stayed in Esthar, Squall could still easily have thought Ellone was his sister at that point.

Dante Sparda
07-31-2003, 10:29 AM
I was never really sure about it, nor did I keep my eyes wipe open for clues about this and that, but I wasn't suprised when I found out.

There are plenty of things in the game that hints about some sort of link between Squall & Laguna, most of them have already been mentioned so I'll skip that part. Well, did anyone mention that when Squall & Laguna meets for the first time in Easthar that at some point Laguna says: "We have a lot of chatching up to do." or something in that direction? That's what gave him away, at least to me.

01-31-2004, 01:35 PM
yeh and right at the end if you talk to him on the ragnorak he says when you get back we need to talk or something like that, besides the clues you can also pick up the oppisites of there characters laguna was very open and loving at first only to become more serious when he took over esthar and squall was serious and responsible only to become more loving at the end

01-31-2004, 04:24 PM
Well other than the hints people posted earlier, I found something interesting too. Kiros mentions that Squall looks like his mother but there are pictures I found online that show Squall looks so like Laguna.
Before knowing that Squall is Laguna's son I always thought there should be some blood relation between them because they look alike.

02-01-2004, 03:11 PM
yeh i never thought of that.....kiros does mention that but he looks almost identical to laguna! and therefore cant look like his mother more......

02-12-2004, 09:13 AM
Lets see...

Laguna met whats her name in the deling hotel ya?

So, they had a bonk and made squall..?

But rinoa was born from the same mother, different father maybe?



02-12-2004, 11:40 AM
No, no, Squall's parents are Laguna and Raine, and Rinoa's parents are Julia and... that general guy whose name I don't remember.

Don't let the fact that Laguna and Julia were in love at one time confuse you. Squall and Rinoa are not related.

Bahamut ZERO
02-12-2004, 12:00 PM
Wouldn't that be the ultimate twist in the storyline if they had been related though...

Sorry, tangent thinking there from myself... =/

02-14-2004, 05:00 AM
That would be disturbing

02-14-2004, 01:11 PM
i think it would be great right at the end after the time compression squall and rinoa hug and then caraway pops out and says
caraway: do know thats your sister....? dont you....?
squall: ...........shit.....


02-20-2004, 08:04 PM
Yeah! Big surprise to me. I always wanted to know if Laguna was Squall's father since I remember Ellone saying that Raine had a child. But even if they are father and son, their personalities are so different. LOL....Squall should really work on his emotions...

03-06-2004, 10:02 AM
ehh no, that was julia and laguna never got with julia.

03-15-2004, 03:49 PM
A good hint at the whole "Father & Son" thing was at the end, when you see Laguna in a field. Then Raine walks up to him, and Laguna gives her the Griever ring. Then of course she gives it to Squall before her death and Squall is sent to the orphanage since Laguna was in Esthar at the time. It's one massive timeline.

06-07-2004, 07:57 AM
Isn't that Elone whose at Raina's grave who walks up to Laguna at the end?

06-07-2004, 03:39 PM
Yes, but then it goes into a flashback in the same FMV, showing laguna and Raine. n.n

You know, I did not know that! About the ring! That is SUCH an obvious hint that they are father and son. What more no, EVIDENCE, do you need?
