Darth Revan
07-04-2003, 06:40 PM

Heh, this story, as well as the others I've posted here, are on a site which I am no longer posting stories on. The site now has auto formatting software so if there's something in your story which is against the formatting program, it is deleted when you're uploading your stories. Therefore, I have decided to post them here.

This story was the result of a bet, a bet which I won I might add. I had to write 30+ chapters (On the site I had it posted at, it was around 35 chapters), and get 30+ positive feedback. If I got 5 positive, then 1 negative, the whole thing was started once again. In the end, I think I got 38 positive feedback for it. Not bad, considering I hadn't watched Transformers for over TEN YEARS!!!!

Also, anything written in Italics, is the characters thoughts. So here's the first part of Transformers : Book 1 : Death's Head.

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Death�s Head waited in the rafters of the old building, silently observing his �mark�. He and his partner had been on Farrix 5, for only a few hours, but that didn�t bother him. He was here on business. He had been hired to exterminate the mechanoid before him, and any of his allies with him. DH smiled to himself, this was almost too easy.

Instinct told DH to switch his optical spectrum, and as he changed it to infra red, he saw it. Thin red beams of light crisscrossing the room, making a honeycomb of beams above the �mark�. DH thanked the maker he listened to Instinct.

Never underestimate instinct, yes? Sometimes you have to follow your gut instincts and just DO. When I was created, instinct told me I was destined to be more than just a rich man�s deadly plaything. Instinctively, I killed the man, stole his money and torched his mansion. Useful thing Instinct, yes?

DH looked along the rafter, and his smile broadened. At the end of the rafter, down five meters, was the junction box for the alarm system, which was also connected to the power system in the building. If he took that out, not only would the alarm and beams not work, but also the lighting would fail, giving him a few seconds to do his �trade�. He disconnected his right hand, attached the blaster. He aimed at the box and was about to fire, when two other mechs rushed into the room, their actions telling DH, they knew someone was in the building. DH looked at the blaster on his right forearm, then took it away and placed it back in it�s place on his back. He grasped the axe attachment and placed it on his right wrist.

DH pulled a small blaster from his side, with his left hand, aimed and fired at the junction box. The box flashed and hissed, showering sparks everywhere. He leapt from his perch, and landed on one of the mechs, his right foot crushing it�s head. The other mech swung around, only to give DH the chance to plunge the axe, deep into the chest chassis, severing the power pump in half. The mech exploded, causing the room to burst into flames. The �mark� fell back against the opposite wall, as DH emerged from the flames, unscathed. As he approached, DH replaced the axe with a missile, then grabbed the �mark� and kicked the window panel, sending glass cascading onto the ground below.

�Please! You don�t have to do this! I can pay you double what Ghanix is paying you!� The �mark� pleaded �Grant me mercy!!�

DH held the �mark� out the window.

�I always see a contract through to the end. Besides,� DH hurled him out the window �Mercy doesn�t pay the bills, yes?�

DH fired the missile at the �mark� and watched as the explosion from the �mark�s� death vibrated the building. He turned and left the room, making his way towards the service elevator. As soon as he stepped inside, he entered a code which took him to the bottom levels of the building. The doors opened and DH stepped out, walking calmly towards his transport.

He was a few blocks away when, not only did the building collapse, but his comlink sounded. Turning the autopilot on, he answered.

�Death�s Head. Speak.�

�Well done Death�s Head. You certainly live up to your reputation as the best bounty hunter in the galaxy.�

DH grimaced �Not bounty hunter, it�s Freelance Peacekeeping Agent, yes?�

�Whatever. The creds have been put into your account.� A pause �Death�s Head, I�ve, uhh, got another job for you.�

�I�m listening.�

�This is a high profile assassination. The only details we have, is the �mark� is the leader of a group of mechanoids on a planet, in a backwater system called Earth.�

�Who�s hiring me?�

�That�s the thing. I�m not sure, but if this job�s as big a deal as what I think it is, there�s bound to be a large sum of cred involved.�

DH frowned �Raiden, we don�t just take any job. For all we know the job could be to assassinate a giant slimey bug. And I REFUSE TO DO ANYMORE DAMNED �BUG HUNTS�!�

Raiden�s voice sighed over the comlink.

�Death�s Head, I...� another pause �Hang on, just got some more info...�

DH glanced out the window of his vehicle, as the authorities were speeding towards the location he was leaving.

<<When you don�t need them, they appear. When you do need them, they�re nowhere in sight.[/I] DH thought Typical governmental bureaucracy at work. The politicians take creds from services needed, and keep it for themselves, whilst the public is left in an almost constant state of lawlessness. Heh, my kind of town.

Raiden�s voice came over the link.

�Death�s Head, just received more info for that target on Earth. Not only is it an assassination job, but also sabotage and demolition. What do you think?�


�Depends? On what?�

�And on WHO. Who�s the �mark� and where�s the sabotage and demolition to take place?�

�No more info there, but you�ve been invited to the client�s homeworld, to discuss payment and such. They�re even going to supply us with weapons for the job!�


�Well, you promised you�d take me with you on a job Death�s Head. Why not this one?�

DH sighed �Look we�ll wait and see, yes? What�s the name of the client�s homeworld.�

Raiden paused �It�s....�


�My homeworld... Cybertron.�

DH frowned. He had accepted a job from the Decepticon leader there, a one eyed cyclops called Shockwave. No personality whatsoever, but smart, real smart. Shockwave had hired DH to hunt down the leader of the Autobot resistence Emirate Xaaron. But, thanks to Xaaron�s troops, he had failed for the first time. However, Xaaron offered DH a choice. Bring him Shockwave�s head, or else. Shockwave wanted DH�s head, so DH did the only thing he could.

He returned to the Decepticon citadel and lopped off Shockwave�s head.

However, before he could escape, three Decepticon�s, the new (at the time) Triple changers, Astrotrain, Octane and Blitzwing attacked him. As he prepared himself to attack, the three triple changers fell to the ground, energy rippling over them. DH looked and observed a Decepticon standing there, holding it�s weapon on it�s prone allies.

The Decepticon was young, only a few thousand years old. DH thought about destroying him, then decided not to. So DH escaped back to the Autobot stronghold of Iacon, with the young Decepticon in tow. Once there, he handed Shockwave�s head to Xaaron, received payment and left Cybertron, the Decepticon went with him. He swore he would never do a deal with any of those accursed Transformers again. However, seeing as business was slow...

�Raiden, first things first. Run a full weapon diagnostic on yourself, and check your transformation ability. Then, get the �VULTURE� prepped and ready for departure. We leave in one decacycle.�

Raiden replied �Already checked, double checked and tripled checked. Just waiting for you.�

DH smiled �Start lift off cycle. I�ll be there momentarily, and... Great! I�ve got a �problem� now.�

DH�s vehicle shook, as it was hit by incoming laser fire. He looked over his shoulder and saw the �problem�. Behind DH, were three police transports, their weapons ports fired repeatedly.

<<Wonderful! The �mark� was their damned chief! When I get my hands on the idiot who hired me for this job, I�ll...>>

DH swung his vehicle into a tight 180, and opened fire with the titanium shott blaster. The powerful weapon destroyed one of the police transports with a few well placed blasts. The remaining transports combined firepower on DH�s vehicle. It exploded in a brilliant fireball, and would�ve meant an end to DH, had he not already vacated the vehicle, levelling his plasma rifle and firing a few short bursts. The first transport opened it�s ramp and disgorged eight mean and pissed off law enforcement officers. DH snarled to himself, as he sniped two of them down, whilst ducking for cover behind the wreckage of the first transport..

This is wonderful! Still, I�ve been in worse scrapes than this before. That job on Studduj when I had been hired to assassinate the king, only to find that slippery little weasel had set a trap for me and every other freelance peacekeeping agent who came there. Heh, I showed him that no matter what, I ALWAYS see a contract through to the end, yes?

DH was startled from his reminiscing by shouts coming from the police. He looked over the wreckage and his optics widened. Raiden, in his transformed mode, was strafing the police with a hail of cannon and missile fire. Raiden flew overhead, transformed into his robotic form, unslung his blaster cannon and opened fire. DH smiled, he wasn�t going to let his young partner have all the fun.

He leaped over the transport and gunned down one of the police mechs, who had stepped out of the other transport. Between DH and Raiden, the authorities were dispatched quickly, but not before one turned and fled into the sewers. Raiden lept after him.

DH was about to go after him, when he saw more transports approaching. He sighed and ran towards a parked transport. He climbed in and took off towards the abandoned station, where the �VULTURE� was hidden. He didn�t have to worry about Raiden. For as young as the Decepticon was, he was highly skilled and resourceful. Also, take into account of his vehicle form, a powerful futuristic jet, which was capable of atmospheric and space travel, DH knew Raiden would meet him at the rendezvous point just beyond the planet�s third moon.

Meanwhile, in the sewers...

Raiden flew down the tunnels, holding his cannon before him. His optics were set on the target before him, a police mech, trying to escape. He hissed to himself, this mech was just like his former commander of the Decepticon air force, or should he say, the THREE of them. The Decepticon triple changers Astrotrain, Octane and Blitzwing, not only served as Shockwave�s bodyguards, but also as leaders of the Decepticon air militia wing. Blitzwing had been his personal commander, and he hated the �Con.

As he tracked his target, he became aware of how unDecepticon his thoughts were. He was thinking more and more like an Autobot. Maybe, in a former existence, he HAD been an Autobot, only reformatted and redesigned as a Decepticon. All he knew was he had a sister bot, who, according to records within the Decepticon stronghold, had been subverted and reformatted as an Autobot. He frowned. He knew WHY he had turned on the Decepticons back when he first met Death�s Head. He had a chance to leave the Decepticons, and search for his sibling, and he took it.

Besides, working with Death�s Head was always a learning experience.

The mech in front of him, turned and opened fire on him. Raiden dropped to his feet, ducked and fired. The blasts from his cannon hit the mech across it�s chest, causing it to be flung against the wall hard. Raiden approached it, cannon held before him. The mech glared at him.

�F.. Fil.... Filthy.... Dec.... Decepti... con. You transformers.... are a.... disease to the.... rest of.... the uni... verse.� The mech looked at Raiden �One day.... all transformers.... will pay....�

Raiden returned the mech�s glare, and raised his cannon.

�Maybe you�re right. But you won�t be around to see it.�

Raiden pulled the trigger.

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In orbit of Farrix 5�s third moon :

Death�s Head was leaning back in his chair, on the bridge of his ship, the �VULTURE�. He had plotted a course straight to Cybertron, and was now patiently waiting for Raiden to appear. One of Farrix�s orbital stations exploded in a ring of fire, sending debris into the shipping lanes and clogging the air space around Farrix 5. DH pressed the button, which opened the entrance hatch for the �VULTURE�, and brought all systems up from standby. Raiden transformed from his jet form and landed inside the ship easily. He turned and hit the switch which closed the hatch and walked over to his station at tactical. As he sat down, he unslung his cannon and placed it within easy reach, should they be boarded.

DH didn�t say anything, as he piloted the ship away from the gravity of the moon. He waited.

He didn�t wait long.

�I had to go after the creep Death�s Head.�


�If I hadn�t, he could�ve made this difficult for us.�

�And you destroying one of their stations won�t?�

Raiden swallowed �Uhh, well, it was in my way. Besides, I was being chased. I needed a distraction.�

DH chuckled.

�Raiden, there may be hope for you yet.�

The �VULTURE� jumped into hyperspace, course for Cybertron.

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Let me what you think of it, yes?