07-04-2003, 06:26 AM
i love Diablo 2 and everything about it. it was one of Blizzards best games ever and i loved it when it sill worked on my comp (my comp is currently a calculator with a big screen) and the expansion made it even better. i would like to hear your thoughts on what you al thought of it so post away.

The Ricky
07-05-2003, 02:43 AM
Dude, you're absolutly freggin right. The expansion made it the best. I find it funny that the assasin's kick and make a head explode though.

Rabid Monkey
07-05-2003, 03:06 AM
It's too bad 1.10 is going to ruin it...

Neo Xzhan
07-05-2003, 12:11 PM
I agree with you RM, though I got hacked that's when I stopped playing. It doesn't matter now anymore. 1.10 will definatly screw the entire game up.

07-05-2003, 07:12 PM
I agree the fact Diablo 2 is a good game. But it is not one of Blizzard's best. No not in my opinion. I believe the expansion did make it much better. You have to admire the Druid, I love wolves~ *giggles*

I have not been hacked as of yet, but let's hope it stays that way. O.o;

Rabid Monkey
07-10-2003, 12:54 AM
Originally posted by Riana
I agree the fact Diablo 2 is a good game. But it is not one of Blizzard's best. No not in my opinion. I believe the expansion did make it much better. You have to admire the Druid, I love wolves~ *giggles*

I have not been hacked as of yet, but let's hope it stays that way. O.o;

And Druids (along with every other character) are being nerfed to hell in the patch, making them even more worthless than they are now (IK maul or not).

07-10-2003, 10:11 PM
..........havnt played D2 in so long, hmm must play again sometime

07-11-2003, 06:50 AM
However rather than thinking of the dark side of the game there are some pluses to the new patch...The characters are going to be boosted but the monsters and bosses are going to be tougher...Sure its going to be harder to get a hold of rares and level up but the games just too plain easy at the moment it should be more of a challenge to level to actually show how much your worth in the game...The patch is supposed to be clearing all the hacks,dupes,1.08s so its well worth it if your legit and have the self satisfaction of being truly great...

Rabid Monkey
07-11-2003, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by OmegaFencer
However rather than thinking of the dark side of the game there are some pluses to the new patch...The characters are going to be boosted but the monsters and bosses are going to be tougher...Sure its going to be harder to get a hold of rares and level up but the games just too plain easy at the moment it should be more of a challenge to level to actually show how much your worth in the game...The patch is supposed to be clearing all the hacks,dupes,1.08s so its well worth it if your legit and have the self satisfaction of being truly great...

Have you tried the new beta test for 1.10 that is available for download off of blizzard's site? It is impossible for any character to solo hell diff. IMPOSSIBLE. People have set up characters with the best equipment available, made it so the character was level 99, and maxed out all skills to see which work best, and still, there is no way to solo at all. Now, I don't know about you, but that is only going to cause problems in my eyes when it is compounded by the fact that level 80 might as well be level 99 now and that each character can't be more than a few (maybe even less) screen lengths away from the party to share the exp for the kill. Just think of the implications of that. Now instead of having leechers possibly staying away, minding their own business, they HAVE to come near you in order to leech and even if you don't party with them who's to say they won't just steal your drops anyway? I'm not sure if you do, but I sure don't have 7 friends that are always available and won't hog the all the drops when we go questing, leveling, or mfing (and really, you have to do all three in parties because you can't survive solo).

Also, the synergies make it so that the only way to do decent damage with a skill or for it to be really effective is to spend the rest of your already precious few skill points on lesser skills to boost the one you actually want to use. Can you say goodbye tri-elementalist sorc? See-ya hybrid zon? Later any other character that maxes more than ONE skill the entire time you play them? Sure hope so because that's basically what I think blizz's intentions are. Oh, and have fun remaking every single one of your characters as well, because as of 1.10 all .09 characters will be useless.

As for the legit comment, legit players are going to get burned worse than the people who use hacks. Legit people probably put more time and thought into the game, making it so that ALL their hard work is gone.

fascist socialist
07-11-2003, 07:01 PM
haxed itams pwn ur ass :nono: :nono:

No really. I used some duped/hacked items. I use maphack. So what? It's just a game.

But yeah.. 1.10 will suck big time, basically because of what RM said.

I made a sorc that's capable of destroying anything in the game, using all 3 skill tress.

In 1.10, this sorc will be lucky to damage normal baal because of synergies.

07-11-2003, 07:39 PM
Using hacked items = unfair advantage = you get through before legit players do, and then you probably act like an ass and go on about how other players' equips suck because they aren't as uber-powerful as yours (trademark of most D2 players).

I'm actually looking forward to 1.10. I'd like to see the game being played differently in some ways. New go-to areas for MFing and leveling should be interesting. Being able to go through hell solo is pretty much an indicator that the game actually is too easy.

The only thing about the patch I'm not so crazy about is having to be so close to the rest of the party all the time. No splitting up and taking apart the level in smaller groups? That's pretty impractical.

And hey, RM, haven't you ever thought about joining/making a public game? Granted you'll be going through with strangers, but there's always people around you could team with and make it from act to act on any difficulty. I do it all the time with no problems (if you discount the fact that some of the time certain groups just can't cut it as a team).

fascist socialist
07-11-2003, 10:19 PM
Your hacked item concept is kinda true. Oh well, I'm moving over to ladder anyway, so if they disappear, won't bother me much.

From what I've heard, some monsters in hell actually regen their life faster than you can dish damage. Some monsters can take 3k HP down to 0 even with max resists/dr.

I dunno about you.. that just makes the game much more frustrating. Right now, you can just relax and leisurely play. In 1.10, it'll take a lot longer, and makes the game more frustrating at first, which defeats the whole purpose, right?

The experience system is just flawed. Now you will have everyone on your ass to get a share of the exp, which means drop-stealers will three-fold at least. When I play, I like my own drops, which is why I tend to "break away". Besides, it's more fun to actually kill your own group, solo, instead of relying on teamwork.

Magic find will be interesting to say the least.

And, 90% of the people I meet in public bnet games are complete assholes. It really sucks. And there's no really "channel" for cooperative play, so you can't find anyone. Your best bet is to find a group from a forum or something.

Oh well.. we'll see what happens when the patch gets here.

EDIT: Also. Diablo 2 will always remain a "hack and slash" game. This will never change. There will never be "real strategies" like team formations etc.. everyone will always just run straight into a group, and hold down the mouse buttons till everything is dead. All this patch is doing, is increasing the time it takes to kill things by holding the mouse down. This just makes it more frustrating to play for 2 hours, and only get halfway through an area etc.

07-11-2003, 10:37 PM
Oh I'm counting on it being more frustrating. I'm not looking forward to that part, however. XD It's just my beef with 90+ers and how most of them (with hacked items, no less) don't have a care in the world and feel proud they've reached the top of D2 effortlessly with their special gear, and feel they basically own everyone. The patch won't change their attitudes, but at least the game will also be made harder for them, and we may even lose a few assholes due to the stern nature of 1.10. Hehe.

I agree with yours, and everyone elses' complaints about EXP, however. That's just horrible, especially having to tail-gate people to leech/earn exp.

And yes, it's hard to find a good group of people to travel with soemtimes, and its great to be so dominating that you can blitz a group of enemies in hell solo, but if promoting teamwork (or any different kind of gameplay, for that matter) is what this new patch is all about, and it seems so, then I'm all for it. Point and click it definitely is, but I'm sure people will find they'd be better off if they had at least some strategy, even if it only happens after 1.10.

The reason I'm so enthusiastic about this change (even though my views may change after experiencing it) is because D2 has been the same game for years:

Start new character,
rush to hell,
cow to lv80+,
become godly,
Start new character,
repeat from step 2

The game still manages to be fun despite that, but a little variety would be appreciated. That's what the patch will provide, so for now I'm not going to complain.

07-11-2003, 11:18 PM
D2 is suck boring shit. Wc3 > D2. Blizzard has made better games people ;)

fascist socialist
07-11-2003, 11:50 PM
Originally posted by chibiDL
[B]Oh I'm counting on it being more frustrating. I'm not looking forward to that part, however. XD It's just my beef with 90+ers and how most of them (with hacked items, no less) don't have a care in the world and feel proud they've reached the top of D2 effortlessly with their special gear, and feel they basically own everyone. The patch won't change their attitudes, but at least the game will also be made harder for them, and we may even lose a few assholes due to the stern nature of 1.10. Hehe.

haha... true. so true.

Also.. rushing is gone, as in, gone forever. You can't even take your own TPs to Durance Lvl 3, or Canyon of the Magi, or to Chaos Sanc.

That is just wrong, and another thing that is kinda iffy about 1.10. heh.

07-11-2003, 11:53 PM
Diablo 2 is pretty cool, but i dont see why you dont just play on if your upset about hacks (at least i dont think anyone can hack you on there) as for it being the best blizzard game, yeah, it ranks up there but StarCraft will always be the coolest.

Rabid Monkey
07-11-2003, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by chibiDL
And hey, RM, haven't you ever thought about joining/making a public game? Granted you'll be going through with strangers, but there's always people around you could team with and make it from act to act on any difficulty. I do it all the time with no problems (if you discount the fact that some of the time certain groups just can't cut it as a team).

Yes, I have... and every time I shudder for the same reasons apoc pointed out in his last post. Also, this patch is in a way forcing people to play multiplayer because there simply is NO WAY a character can make it through hell diff solo because, as I pointed out before, skill specialization is NEEDED to be able to kill ANYTHING in hell and because of the synergies skill specialization doesn't mean you max one skill and a secondary skill to add to it, then dump the rest of your points into skills that help your character. What the synergies mean is you max one skill, then max all the other skills that add bonuses to it so you can do at least somewhat noticeable damage to enemies. Add to this the fact that there is going to be more immunities than ever before and the game becomes impossible for some characters to play without back-up. Yes, being in a party could be nice, but 99 times out of 100 any party you join will have one or two killers with 6 or 7 leechers, and in 1.10 that will make it so NO ONE can level, or quest, or mf.

Don't know, it just doesn't strike me as the brightest move blizz ever made.

07-12-2003, 02:14 AM
I know alot of it sounds horrible in theory, but I mean to say the patch hasn't even been released yet, and who knows how it'll really play out once it gets here? Sure you can test it out now in single player/TCP/IP or whatever, but perhaps some changes will be made before the actual release? I doubt blizzard would make it that hard for the...casual gamer (or legit) to make his way through..

In any case, if 1.10 does turn out to be the end of D2 bnet as we know it, perhaps there's a chance that we'll see new methods of gameplay/teamwork being brought to the table simply because the harsh nature of it forces players to go about things differently.

<font size="1">(of course, before that happens we may see yet another uprising of hacks and dupes and bugs and people exploiting the hell out of them to make life easier for themselves. such is online gaming, eh?)</font>

fascist socialist
07-12-2003, 05:19 AM
Agreed. I can read all I want about the new features now. But, it's only a beta. Things will DEFINATELY change from now and the final release (in 5 years!).

Right now, it's not looking good, but hey, they could change everything i hate and make it awesome. All I know, I will give the final version of the patch a chance.

And about the teamwork deal. I dunno.. seems like a good amount of people on this site play D2... so yeah.. even 3 people together is an improvement, so yeah.

07-12-2003, 04:32 PM
I just started playing back a few months ago, and I enjoy the game greatly. Its the idiots that hack and cheat all the time that make it dumb.

I'm not sure what the 1.10 patch is gonna do to all the characters. Is there gonna be any benefits?

I've been debating on d/ling the beta and playing it on my laptop to see what there is and what there is.

Oh yes. And most people on bnet are assholes. They're all looking for rushes and crap and don't give a f*** about the game play itself. I take the time to level my characters up and I enjoy playing with people from the shrine.

fascist socialist
07-12-2003, 04:50 PM
I cheat, and I always rush my characters through hell.

I've been playing for almost a year, there's gotta be some gameplay there.

But yeah, I don't join public games and spam "RUSH PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"

I save that for the 11 year olds.

The Ricky
07-14-2003, 03:31 PM
Diablo II Patch 1.10 BETA TEST!
Due to the magnitude of the upcoming Diablo II 1.10 patch, we are for the first time ever conducting a special patch beta test! Unlike our previous beta tests, you do not have to sign up to participate. To help beta test the Diablo II 1.10 patch, you simply need to download and install the beta patch. Select the links below for more information. Please note that the patch only works for the US version of Diablo II: Lord of Destruction (the final release of the patch will be for both Diablo II Classic and Diablo II: Lord of Destruction).

NOTICE: Diablo II BETA Patch 1.10 is playable ONLY in single-player mode and ONLY via TCP/IP for multiplayer. You cannot play this version on If you install this patch, you will not be able to connect to to play Diablo II or Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. If you wish to play on again, we are including a batch file (RevertTo109.bat) that you can use to revert back to Diablo II: Lord of Destruction version 1.09. You can also uninstall the beta patch and reinstall the game to regain access to We will be posting a list of what this patch changes soon.

07-14-2003, 05:07 PM
RM and acpo have been our resident beta testers for a while now. =O

Rabid Monkey
07-14-2003, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by chibiDL
RM and acpo have been our resident beta testers for a while now. =O

Yeah, acpo is my bitch... I'm too lazy to install the beta so I make him test everything for me.

EDIT: Oh, and he STILL hasn't tested the Eth Bstar/Zod rune bug... bastard...

07-30-2003, 08:57 PM
lol.. At least we'll know he'll probably give us good info on whats happenin with the patch. ;)

Meantime, everyone with D2 in #ffshrine will be playing D2 liek whut. Nny is supposed to keep a keen lookout for Atma's Wail for moi (yes I know there are better armours, but you can't tell me otherwise) , and i'll be most likely looking for a couple of travelmates to help me through the rest of nightmare and hell.

03-03-2004, 12:09 AM
1.10 rocks. New items all over the place. New class. It is sweet. It's not hard...never was. I never had any problem with any part of the game...ever. It is so friggin easy...and 1.10 just gave us the cool synergy bonuses and awesome weapons and rune words.

and if anyone has accounts online put their names up so i can add em to my f/l and pk you.:p

03-03-2004, 12:43 AM
Diablo 2 gets one addictive for awhile, but it gets damn tiring rite after that..