Darth Revan
07-02-2003, 06:37 PM

Well, I've been busy sorting stuff out on my PC, and I found an old story I wrote back in 1998. I wrote it when I was working in a supermarket, and suffice to say, when I wrote it, I think I put a lot of my anger and rage into this story.

Be warned though, this is NOT a pleasant story. It does have some rather...nasty things happen to some characters in it. So you've been warned.

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Along the Massassinaard border a flight of Massassin Gimorr class fighters were on patrol. From beyond the border a glow appeared, which intensified as the ships approached. The lead ship had been communicating with it's base commander. After receiving it's orders, it powered up it's weaponry. That was as far as the fighter and it's fellow ships got. Three beams of light lashed out and annihilated the patrol completely. There was no debris left where the patrol had been, only empty space. The glow slowly diminished and a triangular vessel floated there. There were no distinguishing marks at all on the ship. It was the colour of darkest black, against the backdrop of space it was invisible.

The ship slowly made it's way toward Confederation space. The only thing between it and the confederation was the Perry naval base in the Perry system.



Exiting the jump point to the Librarius system, a Galaxy class freighter/gunship made it's way towards the university planet, Librarius Primarius. The pilot was late for a meeting with some old friends.

Over his comm a bored voice announced "Welcome to the planet of knowledge. Please identify yourself."

"The name's Aberdeen Edwardes, Captain of the ��OUTRIDER��. Requesting clearance to land." He said.

"Standby for tractor lock. Engaging tractor beam now." The voice replied.

"Thank you." Aberdeen said. He switched the comm off "Why don't you go and find a personality."

The ��OUTRIDER�� glided down into the planet's atmosphere and the pilot engaged the engines and flew over the capital city of Librarius Primarius, Accolytus. Aberdeen brought his ship into land at the landing zone. The ship extended it's landing struts and touched down easily. Aberdeen exited his ship and heard a boom echo across the sky. He smiled ,sickly, as he recognised the ship which had created the boom. It was a familiar looking Orion class freighter, the predecessor of his ship.

The Orion freighters are large, bulky and slow ships, but pack enough firepower to reduce a asteroid into molecules. The ship landed next to the �OUTRIDER�. A few moments later a hatch opened and out came a person Aberdeen thought (hoped actually) he would never see again.

"Brendon Starlighter! What rock did you crawl out from!" He snarled.

"Temper, temper mon capitan. This time I'm not here to kill you." Brendon smiled.

"You mean last time it was personal?" Aberdeen asked him sarcastically "Why, that could've ended our friendship."

"Yeah well, as I said, I'm here to see the Dean of the university." Brendon told him "Our old friend."

Aberdeen narrowed his eyes and glared at him "Well, what would happen if I told our 'old' friend what happened to our other old friends, who, now that I think of it, had died after you had sabotaged their ships."

Brendon laughed "You can't prove that I did anything to their ships, Aberdeen." He looked at Aberdeen "and you never will 'old friend'!"

Aberdeen snarled and stormed towards the train into Accolytus. Brendon laughed again and followed Aberdeen.

Ten minutes later :

Aberdeen and Brendon walked up to the university. Aberdeen stood on the outskirts and watched the people milling around. Brendon was clicking the safety on and off on his blaster. Towards them came two security droids, both of their blasters had the yellow light flashing on them (meaning they were set on heavy stun).

Aberdeen smiled to himself and drew his trench coat around him and walked into the campus. He had walked only ten feet when he heard blaster shots behind him. He stopped and waited. Brendon walked up to him and smiled.

"Security droids. I hate security droids" he smiled.

"Shut up." Aberdeen walked over to the department heads offices, Brendon trailing behind.

As they approached, the office doors swung open and out came the Dean of the university, an old friend of both of them, Belinda Nechayev.

"Aberdeen, Brendon about time the two of you showed up." She said to them.

"Well you know how the 'boyscout' here is like." Brendon said motioning towards Aberdeen.

Aberdeen stood leaning against the wall. He glared at Brendon "one more wisecrack out of that 'void' you call a mouth, and you'll be related to swiss cheese."

Brendon started to draw his blaster, but Belinda stopped them both.

"Not on campus grounds! Both of you will calm down or else." She said to them.

Aberdeen snarled turned and walked towards the off campus bar. Belinda and Brendon followed him.

In the bar :

Aberdeen had entered the bar and immediately recognised the bartender.

"So this is what you did with yourself Michelle. Brought yourself a nice cosy bar in a nice cosy system." He said to the bartender.

She looked at him "Aberdeen Edwardes, last time I saw you it was on New Caledonia. You were running guns at the time if I remember correctly."

"Well, that was then, this is now. I no longer do those jobs." He told her.

"From what I hear the gangster, Daniel Lynch, has a bounty out for you. Alive. How fortunate for you." She said to him.

"Daniel Lynch is a slimey, no good, double crossing piece of pondscum excrement! If you want a long lifespan, never work for Daniel Lynch!" A voice called out.

Aberdeen and Michelle turned and saw a man walking over to them.

"And who are you?" Aberdeen asked.

"The name's Dennis Brightblade. Privateer extraordinaire." He bowed.

"Great, another hired gun." Michelle shook her head "I'll catch you later Aberdeen."

He nodded and faced Dennis "Brightblade, you were the one who took out Lynch's brother, Roman Lynch. Nice work that."

"Thank you, I aim to please." Dennis said smiling.

''I heard that you dumped a load of brilliance and led the Confed to the pirate base. I heard that the pirate leader swore to kill you and your family." Brendon said from the doorway.

Belinda looked at him "Brendon, shut up."

Brendon shrugged and walked over to the bar "Well, that's what I heard."

"Belinda, what did you call us here for?" Dennis asked her.

"I need all three of you to do a cargo run for me." She said.

"You know my rate." Brendon said.

"What's the destination?" Dennis asked her.

"Perry naval base." She replied.

"What's the cargo?" Aberdeen asked.

"That's the thing. The cargo is split in three loads. One load is located in the Saxtogue system. Another at New Caledonia base in the same system." She swallowed "the other is located at........"

"Where?" Aberdeen asked.

"The pirate base in the Pentonville system." She told him.

"I am not going there." Dennis said "I'll take New Caledonia."

Brendon looked up, a sick smiled on his face "I've got Saxtogue."

Aberdeen stood up and walked over to the door. He stopped and turned back.

"Who's the contact?"

"The pirate leader, Mark Kraiz." She said.

Dennis's eyes widened "Kraiz? Mark Kraiz?"

Brendon laughed.

"Belinda, tell your contact at Perry, the cargo is on it's way. Brendon if you doublecross us, I�ll serve you your entrails." Aberdeen stormed out of the bar.

"That's Aberdeen for ya." Michelle said from behind the bar.

Dennis swallowed "I had better get going. I'll see you at Perry, Brendon?"

Brendon nodded, his face sober "You bet. I've got bizz there with the C.O.." He walked out the door "Later Belinda."

"You can trust me Dean. The cargo will get through." Dennis left the bar as well.

Belinda sat there and sighed. The C.O. of Perry naval base had to get that cargo! If not, instead of the Retros, Heretics or pirates raiding systems, they'll have the Massassin enslaving and destroying.

"Hang on guys, help is on the way." She said to herself.


Anyway, I hope this story hasn't put anyone to sleep yet. Let me know what you think.

Bahamut ZERO
07-18-2003, 09:10 PM
Firstly, Deaths_Hand, my apologies for not getting around to reading this sooner.

Your first chapter does well in setting up the main characters to the story, and getting the plot moving. It creates a little bit of tension between Aberdeen and Belinda that looks like it will continue through the story.

A solid start, my friend. :)