07-02-2003, 09:49 AM
Ok, maybe another random babbling from yours truly, but hey, you're reading it :P. Oh, and *SPOILERS*

ShinRa Corporation, the finest setup of a company in FF7...but where did it all begin? What's it all about? I have thoughts on this.

Now, it appears ShinRa was started by President ShinRa, whom we see at the beginning of FF7 before Sephiroth (or Jenova, however you look on the story) impales him with his blade. Nice stuff, but they did more harm than good, allowing Rufus ShinRa to become President. Rufus is the type of President who's enemy you do not want to be. He is cunning, powerful, and has an entire army of soldiers behind him. He isn't very strong himself, as Cloud beats him and his pet Dark Nation, but he runs ShinRa perfectly.

So just what is ShinRa? Simple...ShinRa Electric-Power Company (or SEC) is a giant multi-billion gil corporation which runs Midgar and Junon and basically, the rest of the world, with it's ability to produce Makou energy via giant Makou Reactors. It is centered in Midgar, the largest City in the world, and in the center of everything, there is the ShinRa Building, 70 floors of research, soldier training and mission planning. The 8 reactors around Midgar power the 8 sectors individually, which is why everyone is behind ShinRa, as they provide power. ShinRa also specialize in bringing terrorist groups to justice. They do that with help from Soldier, the elite force of SEC.

Soldier...the greatest fighting force ever, are the pride and joy of ShinRa, extremely powerful, and enhanced by the Makou energy which is injected into every new recruit. They have 3 classes, Soldier 3rd, 2nd and 1st. The 3rd class soldiers wear blue uniforms, with black shoes, and are noticably weak. The 2nd class soldiers wear blue and purple uniforms, with black stripes. They carry light, long blades which they use as their specialty. The 1st class soldiers usually wear casual clothes when on special missions, otherwise they wear red uniforms, sometimes red top with black pants. They carry blades also, longer and heavier, but stronger ones. 1st class soldier is unbelievably difficult to achieve.

ShinRa does not just power Junon and Midgar. Before a few were destroyed, Midgar had reactors all over the world. The known ones are the ones in Fort Condor to power itself, Corel to power North Corel, Mt Nibel to power Nibelheim, Gongaga to power itself and Junon had it's own Underwater reactor to power secret experiments. Each reactor was powered by a Huge Materia, which produced Makou Energy and distributed it through reactor lines throughout the selected powered area. The Makou Energy produced by the Huge Materia was so powerful, that they had to condense it to make it safe. Things turned wrong for the Gongaga reactor, and it self destructed due to a fault in the reactor lines, or so I heard somewhere, and it destroyed homes and lives. ShinRa were displeased with the attitudes of the people in North Corel so they destroyed it, and left the reactor. This act of slaughter gives ShinRa it's bad name.

Though ShinRa has no regard for loss of life or damage costs, a Head of Department does have some heart. Reeve is the Head of Urban Development for ShinRa, and eventually ends up on Cloud and co.'s side, after Rufus tried to destroy Diamond Weapon and the Barrier around the North Crater with the Sister Ray, but failed, for a while. Of course, the others Heads, Palmer, Scarlet, Heidigger and Hojo care only about the growth of ShinRa...and are as merciless as Rufus himself. ShinRa is not heard of again after the destruction of the Northern Crater barrier.

During FF7, ShinRa's main goal was to find the Promised Land...supposedly said to have infinite amounts of Makou Energy to harness...but they never find it, and it becomes their downfall in the end. Hojo goes insane trying to find it, and he is destroyed because of it. ShinRa are shown at the beginning of the game to be evil, after purposely sending the Turks to destroy the Sector 7 plate and blame it on the Rebel crew Avalanche. It is a success, for a moment, but countless lives are lost, and the damage bill is enormous, but President ShinRa declines in the offer to rebuild Sector 7, as he says "It will show Avalanche"...but it doesn't.

Ok, enough random babbling.......................for a moment.

Junon is ShinRa fighting distributes submarines, ships, planes, soldiers, anything shinra related, around the world. It held Cid's Highwind, which was taken from him to pay for the costs of the failed rocket mission by Palmer. It also stores the Gelnika plane, which gets hit into the water, and has the Cargo Ship, which travels from Continent 1 to Continent 2 delivering supplies to the cities on Continent 2. It also housed the Makou Cannon, later moved to Midgar and renamed Sister Ray, which is used to destroy the Weapon that attacks Junon (great smack in the head that was) and to destroy the Northern Crater barrier and Diamond Weapon. In Midgar, it uses the energy from the 6 remaining reactors, to build up Makou energy and emit it into a powerful beam. The blast of it shatters windows and any glass or weak walls. It was created by Scarlet, who gave it the Sister Ray title. Scarlet is the Head of Weapons Reasearch for ShinRa. She's a bitch of a woman...not really liked by many. Heidigger is the stupid horse laughing fat, ugly Head of Peace Preservation Division. He is not liked by Rufus, or any of the Soldier members. He doesn't do his Peace Preservation job good either. Palmer is the sort of, unknown guy. He's this old, bald, fat guy and the Head of Space and Exploration for ShinRa. He ran the ShinRa No.26 space program until it failed, then he began research on Makou energy as it was more profitable. Hojo...the Head of Science Department...was pure evil. When Aeris was captured by the Turks, Hojo insisted on mating Aeris in order to aquire a speciment which would survive the research process of around 120 years...he suggested another of his projects, Red XIII, would be good enough. He eliminated Professor Gast and his experiments, and eventually went mad...though i think he was mad all the way through.

And finally, we come to the Turks. The Turks are like a mercenary organization, not really run by ShinRa, but they work for ShinRa, and do the dirty work, like find Aeris, destroy Cloud's group countless times and get the keystone. They are Tseng, Reno, Rude and Elena...well, those are the mentioned ones. They seem to like wearing black, usually suits. Rude doesn't say much. He's a bald guy with cool shades, and is the stronger one. Reno is the weaker of Reno and Rude, but you fight him more. He has a cool attitude and awesome hair, and seems to like a lot of the girls Cloud hangs with. Elena is a new turk recruit, promoted to replace Reno, while he was recovering. She is the only girl Turk, and has blonde hair. She may seem nice, but she dislikes Cloud's group as much as the rest. She does her job. Tseng, the leader of the Turks, and he is the only one to die ironically. He likes Aeris a lot, and has known her for a long time, longer than most people, so she isn't too happy when he dies.

So there's the ShinRa story...long and informative. My whole point is to get the message across that ShinRa is awesome, and that, though they are evil, they are a very complex and well thought of company.