06-27-2003, 12:51 AM
alright.. instead of making new threads for each pic, I'm just gonna make one whole thread just for the pictures that I draw. SOooOooo I'm gonna start off with the newest pic I've done... I forgot to color in the guy's clothes, but I'm gonna be coloring it in later on, anyway. Here it is:

The Ricky
07-03-2003, 05:01 PM
Very, very, very, nice.

07-30-2003, 07:34 AM
I'll just post all my pencil drawn pics(two adobe colored but one of them has a background that isn't finished) right here that I have hosted so far... la la la dee dum...comments too, kk?

here's a face set I worked on for RPGmaker 2000

..Sorry couldn't resist... ... .. :P

erm I drew that in school... I was very very very very bored...

This's the one that's not finished. Me thinks the sword needs a lil' work on.

Well there ya go. I'll put some more up later once I have it scanned and hosted.

07-30-2003, 06:32 PM
Teo reminds me sort of a Vash esque character for some reason..maybe it's just the hair.

Anyway, great job..I wish I could get persepective down that good in school...usually I have to refer to just any old pic of an anime character or something as a guide so I can get the perspective and angles down just right and stuff..blagh.

Looks like you got somethin' goin' with this Teo guy and all them other peoples with him.

09-14-2003, 02:28 AM
Here's one I drew during school :P

A kid at school said that Teo looks like Cloud o_O... That's Vash with blue hair lol... nah It's Teo.. I was making a story with Teo in it but I'm putting that to the side for now... the character in this pic is a pic of Mondo, a main character from a very good story I'm coming up with ^^ *loves her mondo*

ultima weapon
09-14-2003, 03:52 AM
That kid at your school must GET OUT OF THE BOX if you know what i mean. Not many people do. :eye:

Great pictures, i even indulge in the occasional drawings, although they suck major and i can't get them i want them to look like. (Stupid Cloud, you're not suppose to look like that!!! -_-)

Ark Mune
09-18-2003, 08:30 PM
Those drawings are MONEYman, get some more up sooon.

10-06-2003, 03:09 AM
Ah I got some new piccies up for y'alls.

This is Kyri, my new character for another new story I'm making up. She a sourceress. :)

ultima weapon
10-06-2003, 06:58 AM
Damn, i wish i could draw like you, then i could draw KH and whatnot of pictures...whenever i liked, and be good at it. See, i made an illustration on paint. ;)


if only it were true.

10-09-2003, 04:48 AM
Lol, fudge, I think that's cute. Stick figures are cute..what makes them so damn cute!? o_o

I just wanna post up some funky pics..

You might find this a bit weird since you dont get the whole thing about the wontons. Well, my character Mondo (from the gunfight pic) has an obsession with wontons and puts some kinda drug or something that only he can handle just to spicen it up. The one blonde kid in the pic steal the wontons from Mondo and force Teo(blue hair) and Aki(black hair) to eat them and they all get high because the wontons are too strong for them and they didn't know that. I have another part for this comic.. dunno where it went...
The lil shit is just basically ripping open the treasure hunter's bag of valuables. heh

She's making fun of him and he's pissed.

10-09-2003, 04:17 PM
Nice stuff RK, I realy liked the kyri one. You should make a cleaner version of it though. The best way to do that is to make your own light table. Take some glass, support is somehow, put a light under it. (turn it on!) and then use it to trace the original image.

Copying your own stuff isnt bad...its awsome!

10-21-2003, 08:22 PM
Really cool Ann, keep em coming they well cool

12-02-2003, 04:55 AM

This one took a bit of some work :s. It's my 3rd attempt at coloring with adobe. Whatchya think?

12-04-2003, 12:39 AM
Wow, that's great. I tried to use thinner lines like that once, but I didn't like the result. You did a great job on it though. Cheers.

12-04-2003, 02:38 AM
Much better than the last pieces of yours I saw. . . maybe a year ago? Good job, keep it up~

12-04-2003, 11:43 PM
Originally posted by rezo
Much better than the last pieces of yours I saw. . . maybe a year ago? Good job, keep it up~

That wasn't a year ago :P It was lightyears ago! Nah.. only a few months ago, really. Do you have an AIM screen name or msn messenger, rezo, so I can keep in touch with you?