06-24-2003, 08:04 PM
So...tell me what u think of Seifer Almasy? Was he misunderstood? Was he really controlled by Edea during that time in Timber or did he go on his own free will? I mean, why else do u think he was ABLE to be controlled by the sorceress? o.O Do u think he deserves a second chance???? Tell me your opinions!

Memento Mori
06-24-2003, 08:14 PM
I'm not sure he was misunderstood. He was a cocky bastard when the game started. He was against the Garden in the first place because he wanted the shit his way. I think in part he was manipulated, but I think he willingly gave his control away.

06-24-2003, 08:59 PM
I agree with Chris. He wanted things his own way and choose this way. Edea/Ultimecia just took adventage of his 'rogueness' and abused him.
I dun think he was misunderstood; he just wasn't friends with Squall.
Can't blame him :rolleyes:

06-24-2003, 09:01 PM
Seifer was offered the chance to make his hopeless dream of being a Sorceress� Knight come true... He certainly had a little obsession with this title, he was ready to pay with the lives of his former school mates! He allowed himself to be used in a big evil scheme, just to live his dream...!

I believe what really drove him not to stop his doings, even when he must have seen how destructive they were, was his rivalry with Squall. There was no way Seifer could admit he was wrong, not to Squall, his eternal rival!!
Remember when he pushed Rinoa towards Adel? If I remember correctly, he said that it was too late for him to stop, but he really seemed to hesitate when Rinoa begged him... His doubts disappeared when Squall entered the scene. Can�t show weakness before Squall!!

The smile at the end might prove that he�s very happy with the outcome: Happy that the others live, happy that Ulty was stopped and happy that he himself was stopped.

Neo Xzhan
06-24-2003, 09:50 PM
I am going with the majority here, though he was cocky and didn't obey the Garden rules, he did lived up to his dream. Yet he became to desperate one he became a knight and he was "hugging" his title a little to much tbh. But he was also partially manipulated but he almost drove himself into the "sorceress' " arms.

lone wolf
06-24-2003, 10:29 PM

see, the thing about seifer is that he's not a bad guy, he's just trying to get attention and be a man. if you think about it, it's of like real life, we may show weakness sometimes, but we will hide it to the death if our rival is around. Seifer just did the same thing because he was a hopless romantic with his heart in the wrong place. he even said that one day he might tell Rinoa his romantic dream(which was to become a white knight for the sorrcress) (I think at that time, he was hopeing for a better sorcress then Edea who abused and used him).

But in the end, you can't help but feel for the guy, because the whole time, he was chasing a dream, and the dream just happened to show up at a point where his choice between right and wrong was blured. I think he knew what he had to sacrifice to attain his dream, and that was being a good guy.

But i was kind of pissed when he tried to make himself look better then Squall when we stormed his Garden and he called us monsters, attacking like a pack of beasts....needless to say I ripped him a new one after that comment and lost any compassion for him.

Lone wolf

06-24-2003, 10:33 PM
So would you guys say he was a total bad guy to begin with or just plain arrogant? I mean there are people who are arrogant, but would you call him bad guy IF he wasn't manipulated? Do u think he has what it takes to be a bad guy if Edea or Adel wasn't on the scene to take control of his mind? o.O For me, i dont think he was. Sure he was a total jerk and a total arrogant person, but yeah i agree with the lot of you who said that when he smiled, he was glad he was stopped. I feel so much compassion for him even after he was controlled. So I guess the lot of you agree with me when i say he CHOSE to be controlled by Edea? o.O

06-24-2003, 11:44 PM
Well,he did sort of choose to be her knight yes. He'd wanted to be a SeeD member for so long, and when Squall, Selphie and Zell did it first shot, it made him he took the President hostage trying to do Garden a favour, but it backfired for Garden and he was controlled by Edea. He liked being her Knight, and when she was beaten, he became Adel's knight.

All he wanted was to have a purpose. He was arrogant, but we all are sometimes, and he proved he was not a bad guy at the end anyway, in the cutscene. He found his errors after losing 4 consecutive times to Squall's group.

All in all, I liked him, a great character who was indeed, misunderstood.

06-25-2003, 07:45 PM
What did I think of Seifer Almasy? I thought he was the easy-to-beat twit who just kept showing up throughout the game, sort of like the Turks in FFVII, among others.

06-25-2003, 08:55 PM
I guess he was annoying in a way...LOL Thanx for ur opinion Agent...^^;

06-25-2003, 10:53 PM
Heh. No prob. I just had to get that off my chest.

06-26-2003, 06:40 PM
Opinions are most welcomed of course! ;)

Setsuna Yuna
07-22-2003, 07:37 PM
I agree with lone wolf and Roukie. He was unquestionably misunderstood. Like the time after the SeeD Test. Seifer looked sad and proably was a little sorry for what he did, but then Xu just insults him and puts him down (I really didn't like Xu after that). I think Seifer wanted to be someone, but he didn't like the restrictions of being a SeeD. He became the sorceresses' knight so that he could at least be something, while also attaining his "romantic dream." I could tell from the start that he wasn't really a bad guy, even with Squall. Seifer was always trying to get a rise out of people, and since he couldn't do it with Squall it would make him upset and so then he would try everything to get Squall to react to him.

So if he hadn't been manipulated by the sorceress, then I believe he wouldn't have been a bad guy. He would just be the guy who tries to do the right thing in his own way and makes a mess of it. The reason he went with Edea was because she tricked him into thinking that if he went with her, then he wouldn't be a boy anymore. But then I'm sure he liked being her knight. I don't know if he chose to go with Edea or not. Seemed like he did, but regretted it afterwards. Because you see, he thought he was the good guy, not Squall. But when he realized that being the sorceress' knight was the wrong thing to do, I think he wanted to leave. But if he left, then Squall would be right, Squall would be the good guy, so Seifer didn't leave and fought Squall even though he had nothing to fight for now.

(Sorry for my babbling on... :o )

Dante Sparda
07-30-2003, 01:22 PM
Seifer, Seifer...

Hmmmm... that's a though one. I mean, he did a lot of shit during the game, but deep down one could tell that he wasn't a bad person(not to the bone).

My guess is that he followed the same guiding star as Squall, though he chose a different path. Squall's "dream" was to see sis again or at least manage to get by on his own, while Seifer wanted to be a sorceress knight(Goddess knows why...)

What did I think of Seifer Almasy? I thought he was the easy-to-beat twit who just kept showing up throughout the game, sort of like the Turks in FFVII, among others.
Is that after playing and beating the game first time around...? I found him bit of a challenge first time I played the game. 'Course, I was a n00b and was all like :confused: when it came to junction and stuff like that. :p Later on, Seifer wasn't much of a challenge, it was the fact that Edea took over RIGHT afterwards that was the challenge. Seifer usually weakened my party enough for Edea to chew 'em and spit 'em out before the Game Over screen showed up *sob* Though I must agree the last fight with him was... weird, especially if you have Odin(Actually, I haven't fought him without Odin).

So what does that make Seifer?
Misunderstood? I can't say 100% on that one, but I'm leaning in that direction.
Sidetracked? Mayyyybe... again, I'm in doubt, but it could be.
A guy that burned all the bridges leading out of this mess of his? VERY likely, judging from his last chat with Rinoa(a real romantic one... sword in hand, hostage situation and a evil sorceress.... Awh, what a perfect date...:P).
Used as a tool of evil, only to be dumped when he was done doing his thing? Also very likely, but then again... is Seifer so dumb/blind not to see that he was being used?

What bugs me the most is the ending... the rivalry between Squall & Seifer is never really closed. I mean, okay the climax comes when the nemesis grabs the girl to the hero and bla, bla, bla... but then... he just... goes away? Where to? He's not around when Adel starts her "good morning to ya all, I'm gonna kill ya then the world!!" thingy. Not to mention the Balamb fishing trip in the final FMV.

Seifer as a good guy deep down, but only lost himself in his prosuit of his dreams? He was soooo dedicated to Edea/Ultimecia and taa-dhaa!! he turns on his heel and picks up FISHING!?!?!?!? I can't figure it out and it's driving me MAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!!!!

The Joker
12-20-2003, 04:32 AM
Seifer choose likely by his own free will, that isn't to say that he wasnt' taken advantage of. He is merely a puppet believing he is in control of things, much like Saruman being Sauron's puppet in Lord of the Rings.

He is dillusioned and his desires seem...frankly, inexplicable at the end. He opposes Squall, but admits his knighthood is over. What motivations does he have left other than they are in fact polar opposites in a sense?

He is the false knight of Final Fantasy VIII, I was slightly dissapointed they didn't pit Squall and Seifer on account of them both desiring Rinoa, a big oppurtunity miss there.

12-20-2003, 05:35 PM
The fact still remains, that misunderstood or not, Seifer was the only character in VIII that didn't make me want to throw the playstation out the window. He was consistent, and he was cool. He was hard core and knew what he wanted, unlike anybody else around him. The only thing that made me mad was that he was never in your party! Part of why VIII sucked, in my opinion anyway, was that they had a poor cast of characters, and the cool ones they did have didn't receive enough limelight, namely seifer and laguna and crew. Sure we saw them, but certainly not enough. If Seifer had instead become the baddie you chase down, VIII would have been easier to trudge through. Ulty was a poor excuse for a villan, as I had no idea why I wanted to fight her, other than time would somehow compress into one line if she succeeded. But like in VII, you want to kill the bad guy. You want Sephiroth for killing Aeriths. Either that or you want him to succeed as you've gotten over her death. That's a good bad guy, and I think Seifer could have been that badguy had whoever was in charge of the story and character developement had spent a few more brain cells on it.

Bottom line? Seifer was a pimp with too much holding him back, his own ambition for one. But maybe I just havn't played it in awhile...

01-17-2004, 09:07 PM
he was all like annoying like my brothers and stuff............................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ........

01-31-2004, 12:55 PM
seifer was just understood,
ok....crazy idea but stick with it he was a orphan too right? hes know squall for ages i think the reason he puts squall down all the time is because he needs it he needs to be pushed i think.......they could be brothers nnnooo wait come back! think about it they always fight but they dont hate each other in fact i get the opinion squall at first looks up to him (and is it me or does laguna use his gunblade the same way seifer does? in the mountain scene?) i think edea enters his mind and manipulates him gives him the truth about his life and makes him think he should be a real man and stop hanging abot trying to protect people (he keeeeeps failing his SEED test hes hanging about! i think like the others it coz he subconsiously remembers them) you notice when he leaves with edea his wave goodbye is awfully slow and weird.......hes happy at the end coz they made it they "past" the test if you get me.............which i dont think no one will coz hell I dont get ME!