06-24-2003, 08:00 PM
Just posting a question here on wut u guys thought of Seifer Almasy? Did you think he was a true bad guy? I mean he was controlled by Edea, but why was he controlled in the first place? Was that of his own will? Or was he as weak as he thought? Let me hear your opinion! Also, do you think he deserves another chance back at Balamb after what he did? o.O

12-26-2003, 03:24 AM
In the begging he was cocky but i do believe he deserves a second chance. i mean everyone does so why not him? everyone can change their ways if they want. seifer wasn't a bad guy, he was controlled because of his free will, but everything has its consequences.

12-26-2003, 05:14 PM
I didn't notice that this thread got posted twice back then...
I guess I can close this one, because the other almost identical thread has got a lot more posts and is only a bit down the screen...