06-24-2003, 07:53 PM
Can someone PLEASE explain to meh why Vincent and Yuffie are ALWAYS paired up in EVERY damn fanfics and fanart? personally for meh i think its really gross because 1) Vincent is around 60 if he was only aging. 2) Yuffie is too much of a kid for his taste 3) hes still hung up over Lucraecia. and dats all. Nuff said! If someone has a good explanation, i'll surely shut up, but i dont think dats possibly because all people will say is....'theyre so cute together...' o_O uh huh...sure....

06-24-2003, 08:08 PM
Alas, there is no explaination! :D People slash and pair up everyone with everyone, and they don't need a valid reason, believe me. :B It's just the way it is.. I'm not easily squicked, but some authors really do have odd pairings.. o_O

Personally, I don't mind older characters with younger ones. *shrug* Doesn't really matter, as long as they don't look rimpled 'n gray. XD

06-24-2003, 08:48 PM
I rather believe most fanfics want to see Vincent get it on with Cloud. Or with Sephiroth. Or Cloud with Sephiroth. Or all three together?

I don�t think that age matters for such a pairing. Especially if one of the characters in question has been genetically altered anyway. He seems to have the body of a man in his twenties or thirties, not older, so who cares...

I find it absolutely okay when the young ninja girl wants to go for the older gloomy man... Ahhh~ Aoshi~:rolleyes:

06-25-2003, 08:53 PM
Still i dont understand. ders even ones with....*gasp* Auron and Rikku......whats up wit dat? What do BOTH girls have to be with the same kind of mysterious men? It just dont fit...iono...

06-25-2003, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by Athena
Still i dont understand. ders even ones with....*gasp* Auron and Rikku......whats up wit dat? What do BOTH girls have to be with the same kind of mysterious men? It just dont fit...iono...

I must say that Auron/Jecht is a much more popular pairing..


06-25-2003, 10:28 PM
People like seeing the secret characters together is my opinion for the question. But I assum you're referring to Hentai there...well, I've never seen Vincent in any..but Yuffie is usually with Cloud, Tifa or Aeris.

Err I mean, I never look at Hentai :P

06-26-2003, 06:33 PM
Yeah and for some reason....u know at the end *SPOILER*when the Highwind was trying to escape from Midgar just when it was about to explode and u only see Tifa, Cid, Barrett, Cait Sith, Cloud and Red XIII? Well there's no sign of Vincent and Yuffie and PEOPLE are assuming so much dat they're 'together' or something....people really have weird imaginations.....and as for Roukie....sure ya don't! Just jokin! LOL! >o<

06-28-2003, 08:42 AM
Can someone PLEASE explain to meh why Vincent and Yuffie are ALWAYS paired up in EVERY damn fanfics and fanart?
Not every fanfic writer has Yuffie with Vincent. Some make up their own character to go with Yuffie and have Lucrecia revived so she can be with Vincent.

06-28-2003, 01:35 PM
I guess cuz they're hidden characters

Which is also why they're missing from the end FMV.

Vivi FF
06-30-2003, 02:14 AM
Yeah, if you didn't get Yuffie or Vinceit and you beat the game and those two are in the ending, you'll be like "Who the heck are these people?" Also, neither of the two are in any FMV...

I see Yuffie with Cid... I dunno why... I also think Yuffie with Vinceit is NOT right, in my opinion...

06-30-2003, 05:50 AM
I think fanfic writers need to realize that just because a males and females are in close proximity, not ALL of them are going to hook up. I mean, in the case of FF7 -

Cloud - Hung up on Aeris
Tifa - Hung up on Cloud, who she can't get because he wants Aeris
Aeris - Hung up on Zack, but leading Cloud on anyway
Barret - Single mum...uh... dad... not looking
Red XIII - Didn't want to get it on with Aeris. Obviously doesn't like two legged beings - seen with partner in secret end movie.
Cait Sith - Synthetic. Enough said.
Cid - He's got what's-her-name back in Rocket Town - bit of a wife-beater, if you ask me.
Vincent - Hung up on Lucrecia
Yuffie - She's 16 - she has no idea what the heck she wants, except Materia, and to beat the crap out of her dad.

06-30-2003, 11:09 AM
Why do fanfic writers need to realize this? =P Nobody has to read fanfics with pairings you think are silly and stupid. I don�t.
Oh... but... pairing the unlikely is much more interesting than pairing the obvious, right?
Vincent x Yuffie is a little more interesting than Cloud x Aeries, isn�t it...

06-30-2003, 12:41 PM
Hey, you know what they say; "Opposites attract."

I personally think VincentxYuffie is interesting, but not as interesting as VincentxSephiroth... =X

07-07-2003, 12:45 AM
You really have a good point on that EXs, because indeed Vincent IS still hung up on Lucreacia, i mean if she was alive, they would have been married by now! ^^ And Yuffie, she is still sixteen and she still has a long ways to go of being mature....(no offence) I think right now, she STILL needs to mature! ^^

07-11-2003, 10:28 PM
Hello! I'm new here! anyways, what i think of Vincent and Yuffie? Iono...its weird really.....I think Vincent is still hung up over Lucraecia anyways to have another relationship, especially with a sixteen year old materia thief! @_@