06-18-2003, 10:45 PM
poor. yup. poor. i play FFX. then i play MGS2. Big difference is an understatement.

Why did they get such wooden voice actors, for such a good game? You can just imagine them doing the recordings, standing with hands on hips, looking bored and just wanting to get out of the studio.

The emotion just wasn't there. I got more emotion just by reading the text of the other FF's. The voices ruined it.

The only character I would say who had a well suited voice was Auron. Anyway, thats what I think.

06-19-2003, 12:06 AM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">I was happy with the voice acting in general, and thought that it was a good thing that they introduced it to an FF. The only peron I really had a problem with was Yuna; her voice was always so plain and showed very little emotion at all. Everything she said seemed to be so rushed, and they always used the same voice track for every "ok", "yes" and "sorry" (her favourite words :p) near enough every time they were used. Apart from that, I didn't have any major problems with the voice acting myself.

06-19-2003, 05:38 PM
Tidus and Yuna were the only voice actings that i think could have been done better. All the other elements fit though. Rikku being the annoying one like Yuffie and Selphie. Wakka being the foriegner like Gau. Lulu kind of being the Celes of the group. The voice acting was done well.

Neo Xzhan
06-19-2003, 09:09 PM
I didn't like Tidus' voice for some reason, Yuna's voice what a little too innocent, Auron's voice good very good, Kimarihi didn't talk much anyway, Rikku was as engergetic as it should be, Lulu's voice was mysterious and Wakka's was funny.

All in all it wasn't that bad.

06-19-2003, 09:38 PM
The best voice actor was that of Seymour, though. Talking about emotions... he triggered them! Who did not go Ewwwww!! when he�d spoken?! Who did not want to beat the crap out of him simply because of his arrogant, creepy voice?
Excellent~ ;)

Besides. I know bad voice acting. You�re spoiled when you say FFX had bad voice acting. I played the German version of Grandia! I know how bad voice acting can be!

06-21-2003, 11:08 AM
I couldn't stand most of the voice acting in FFX. Especially Rikku all she never says in the game is Yuuunniiieee. Tidus (Teedus in the interview) got annoying after a while. Although i thought Auron was good and some of the others like Rin (your patronage is much appreciated).

06-24-2003, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by Misao
The best voice actor was that of Seymour, though. Talking about emotions... he triggered them! Who did not go Ewwwww!! when he�d spoken?! Who did not want to beat the crap out of him simply because of his arrogant, creepy voice?
Excellent~ ;)

Finally! One who understands me completely! Yes I grew a sense of hatred towards that voice of his, whenever I fought him I was like..."Shut up!!!" everytime I struck him. XD But yeah it suited him, so that wasn't a disappointment.

I personally think Rikku, LuLu, Auron, Braska, Jecht and that little kid (Fayth) were the best voice actors. Also Kimarhi but he didn't talk much. Each of these characters gave them their sense of personality which matched them the way they should. For example you don't expect Auron to have a girlish voice when he's a respected warrior and has a hard image?

Auron's Baby
06-25-2003, 04:19 AM
Blah it's their first "voiced" game o_O The voices weren't SO bad anyway. Rikku was annoying like hell but her voice actress was actually good.

I personally like Auron's voice. I think Matt McKenzie did an excellent job there

07-03-2003, 09:29 PM
Rikku got on my nerves over time... but overall I liked it alot

07-07-2003, 11:35 PM
The Voice actin on the hole wasn't THAT bad. But Yuna ruined it cos she is a major character. I was hoping seymour might kill her or summit. But then if Yuna was killed the voice actress wouldn't put much into it.
Yuna Had so little emotion it would be better off with Arnie as Yuna.
I Have to agree seymour suited perfectly cos he was very sadistic.

If the yuna actress reads this GET A NEW CAREER FOOL!

07-08-2003, 04:08 AM
I didn't have any problems with Tidus's voice. (And I'll never get used to pronouncing it "Tee-dus" like in Kingdom Hearts - erk!) Yuna - whatever. I can take or leave it, I never thought it was really bad myself. Rikku? Well, I love Rikku. Oh, and one other thing - Kimahri can suck eggs!

Liquid Fire
07-11-2003, 01:03 PM
Personally I hated most of the voice acting in the game there were a few that I didnt mind but Tidus was the worst.... They made him sound and act like a 10 year old... I think they could have done a better job anyway thats all for now:)

07-11-2003, 04:16 PM
Yeah I think that tidus was pretty bad at first, but as the game progressed it didnt bother me as much, until i saw the japanese ending, turns out the japanese tidus was crying, and ours was just like "ehyuck!"...I wish they would just subtitle these games and leave the voices in japanese. Japanese actors are always better than our dubs (not saying that the dubs dont work hard or anything), but the japanese just put it all out there and fit best with the characters. Not to mention they're all in the same room when they record them, the dubs are recorded all alone so they can't hear the other actors when they do their thing. Oh well...

Vivi FF
07-13-2003, 08:47 PM
God, if they left the voices in Japanese, I don't think as much people would buy it. It'd be like past FF's, only now when we have to read the text boxes, an annoying Japanese voice will also read it and disrupt your train of thought... That's my opinion anyways...

I think the voice acting was pretty good in FFX... Everyone's voices fit their personality perfectly... I only have a problem with Tidus's and Seymour's voices... Once in awhile, Tidus's voice does get annoying and you just wanna go in the game and kill Tidus to shut his stupid voice up! Then there's Seymour whose voice entices you to wanna kill him so bad... Those 2 voices annoy me out of all of them but don't really get on my nerves all the time...

07-13-2003, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by Vivi FF
God, if they left the voices in Japanese, I don't think as much people would buy it. It'd be like past FF's, only now when we have to read the text boxes, an annoying Japanese voice will also read it and disrupt your train of thought... That's my opinion anyways...

*sigh* you wouldnt last watching a subtitled movie then...

07-13-2003, 10:55 PM
I watch the fung fu movies that CNX show with subtitle's and they kick ass, but thats off topic

07-30-2003, 09:27 PM
I think Yuna's voice is really pathetic and annoying. Tidus kind of gets on my nerves too.

Dante Sparda
08-07-2003, 12:30 AM
I've heard better somewhere (can't really say where, don't remember), but I also heard a LOT worse.

To me, the VA was kinda... sad, in the sense that the FF saga lost one of its more charming features: the dialog box.

'Course you got the subtitles and you can always press "mute" on the TV, but then you'll loose the sound effects and the music and the BOOMS & BANGS as you battle so....

Most of the time, it's quite okay. Some moments are just... well perfect really, while others have that "OMFG! What the HECK were they DOING/THINKING!?!?!?!?" written all over it. Thankfully, those moments are rather few and seem quite scattered.