06-18-2003, 06:54 PM
Well, I don't see any other thread for this, so I just thought I'd start this. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I rented the game on Monday and here are my thoughts so far:

- They picked a great voice for my favorite FF character, Yuffie! And it's pronounced exactly as I thought it would be - "You - fee" and not "Youghie," like rhyming with "Roughie" as one of my friends said.

- Very different from the combat system I'm used too. Takes some getting used to, but it's pretty good. Challenging too.

- Nice stuff with the Disney characters. What I think would be really cool would be if they could have included some of the Disney music from the movies, but I guess you can't do everything.

Those are my thoughts for right now. I guess I'll probably end up buying this game when I have the chance.

06-20-2003, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by Agent0042
- Nice stuff with the Disney characters. What I think would be really cool would be if they could have included some of the Disney music from the movies, but I guess you can't do everything.

Erm...they did. If you progressed further into the game you will have noticed that there is some music from the actual movies.

I've completed this game and find it absolutely fantastic! There really is so much to do, and it is one of those games you'd enjoy playing over and over. Well I've started a new file and it is my second time playing it. You'd be surprised to notice how much you miss on the first try. It really is well worth buying.
I would say more but that would be spoiling it for you. So my advice to you would be to buy it, play it, and let us know when you complete it!!

lone wolf
06-20-2003, 03:14 PM
nice to be back :D.

anyways, i got the game for 10 bucks from my buddy, and after i finished playing it, i had a game that i loved as much as any final fantasy. i'm telling you right now, keep playing Agent, you will not regret it, and considering you are knowledged in all the final fantasy's and stuff like that, just wait till you see the different characters that begin to appear.

i'll even give you a hint, if you spend alot of time in the Hercules level, keep fighting in the tournaments and after you have beaten all the bosses, save, and go play the platinum one, wait till you see who you fight...i won't spoill it for you, and i hope that no one else will eaither.

lone wolf

06-20-2003, 06:29 PM
Thanks for all of the responses. Before I get into my responses, here are a couple of more thoughts:

- Using Disney villains was totally ingenious. I mean, after all, if you've already been watching Disney movies all your life, then you've got this built-in dislike for them, so when they actually show up - whooee! Just can't wait to get at them.

- I must say, I'm a bit suspicious of the "Continue" option. I guess maybe it's just because I'm not used to having one. Is there any penalty for using it? (Other than losing some progress, but less than you would if you just reloaded?) I just feel like there has to be some kind of catch or something. Of course, there is that part towards the beginning where you have to use it, but that's just part of the game.

Erm...they did. If you progressed further into the game you will have noticed that there is some music from the actual movies.
Excellent! I'll keep playing then.

You'd be surprised to notice how much you miss on the first try.
I believe it!

just wait till you see the different characters that begin to appear.
I like what I've seen so far and looking forward to see more.

i'll even give you a hint, if you spend alot of time in the Hercules level, keep fighting in the tournaments and after you have beaten all the bosses, save, and go play the platinum one, wait till you see who you fight...i won't spoill it for you, and i hope that no one else will eaithe
Great! I'll keep at the tournaments then.

BTW, right now I'm in Halloween Town. I've also done about half of the Monstro portion, but I decided to take a break from Monstro for a bit and when I tried to return, he was gone, so I guess I'll to finish that later.

06-24-2003, 11:27 AM
- I must say, I'm a bit suspicious of the "Continue" option. I guess maybe it's just because I'm not used to having one. Is there any penalty for using it? (Other than losing some progress, but less than you would if you just reloaded?) I just feel like there has to be some kind of catch or something. Of course, there is that part towards the beginning where you have to use it, but that's just part of the game.

Oh no!! Don't tell me you've been loading the game every time? Don't do that!! You'll just be wasting all the EXP you gained. If you load the game you'll just go back to where you started from the last Save Point (then you wouldn't have all that you had gained before). If you select 'Continue' you'll be in an area near to where Sora died, and then you'll still have the EXP you gained and the munny/items etc so to speak.

So please always select 'Continue'.

06-24-2003, 06:39 PM
Oh no!! Don't tell me you've been loading the game every time? Don't do that!! You'll just be wasting all the EXP you gained. If you load the game you'll just go back to where you started from the last Save Point (then you wouldn't have all that you had gained before). If you select 'Continue' you'll be in an area near to where Sora died, and then you'll still have the EXP you gained and the munny/items etc so to speak.

So please always select 'Continue'.
Yeah, I finally figured that out, that you don't really lose anything extra for selecting "Continue." Although most of the time that I did reload, it was only when I got killed in a boss fight, so I didn't really lose anything anyway. Anyway, I beat the game, although I still need to play it again and get all of the cool extra stuff that I missed before. I had to return it to Blockbuster yesterday, but I think I'm just going to buy it as soon as I get the chance. I did get far enough in the tournaments to see the Platinum tournament that lone wolf was talking about, although, I must say, I actually kinda guessed that it would be him, without anyone spoiling it for me. I wasn't strong enough to beat him, although of course, once I play through again, I'm going to totally stick to him.

The ending sequence was cool. I'll be looking forward to Kingdom Hearts 2. Sora is voiced by Haley Joel Osment - that surprised me. I saw him in "The Sixth Sense" and other movies, but just playing through the game, I never realized that it was him voicing Sora.

Oh, and one other thing: SPOILER, getting to fight Yuffie was really cool.

07-22-2003, 08:34 PM
I think Kingdom Hearts was a fantastic collaboration. It was a great idea. Now little kids (such as myself) who play disney games will get this, like it, and get into squaresoft. Very crafty. And I like Haley!

07-23-2003, 10:29 AM
I love this game!! I love everything about it!! When I first finished it I was in complete and udder shock! I didn't want it to end!!

btw- I LOVE RIKU!! he is soo hott!! :D

07-29-2003, 06:57 AM
I haven't finished it yet (and I bought it in April, :o). I really love this game, I thought it would have been dumb, but it isn't! I plan on finishing it sometime soon. What is your least favorite world?

*Spoiler in it's own way....*
Right now I am trying to beat the secret boss in Agrabah.

07-29-2003, 07:07 AM
I haven't finished it yet (and I bought it in April, ). I really love this game, I thought it would have been dumb, but it isn't!
It really is quite surprisingly good, isn't it? I just decided today to finish the Expert mode and get up to Level 100 (not accomplished yet) and also beat the Platinum match on Expert mode. (Did accomlish.)

What is your least favorite world?
Hmm. I guess I'd go with Atlantica or maybe Deep Jungle.

Right now I am trying to beat the secret boss in Agrabah.
Oh, hey, yeah, that boss is rough, isn't it. Here's the strategy I used: summon Tinker Bell immediately at the beginning of the battle, before the boss seals off your magic. The other thing to watch out for is that super spinning move he does with the blades when you get to the second stage where he's under his shields. I hate that move. Just keep some Elixirs handy for that, just in case.

ultima weapon
07-29-2003, 09:37 PM
Yeah, Kurt Ziza was hella hard. Somehow i managed to defeat it. *whistles and hides the guide book* :laugh:

07-29-2003, 10:48 PM
What I think is so funny is that everything I read is like "Oh, the Phantom in Neverland is so hard" and this and that how he's tougher than Kurt Zisa and even the Platinum match at the Coliseum and all that. Yet once I knew the strategy to use, I didn't even really have too much trouble with him. Didn't even need any Elixirs or anything.

08-02-2003, 06:16 AM
I tried playing it months ago, and got stuck fighting the shadow Sora in hooks ship.....never could beat him, even with the strategy guide. so im starting a new game....leveling up a lot....just now about to leave Traverse Town the first time.

08-02-2003, 06:47 AM
Originally posted by Agent0042
Oh, hey, yeah, that boss is rough, isn't it. Here's the strategy I used: summon Tinker Bell immediately at the beginning of the battle, before the boss seals off your magic. The other thing to watch out for is that super spinning move he does with the blades when you get to the second stage where he's under his shields. I hate that move. Just keep some Elixirs handy for that, just in case.
Okay, I'll have to take your advice on that. I was close on beating him without Elixirs. My least favorite world was Monstro. Yeah, I now think it's a great game.

Batman 2000
08-03-2003, 07:00 AM
Is it just me, or did anybody else have trouble playing this game? I had a lot of trouble with the battle system. I've grown up playing Final Fantasy and have gotten used to the turn based system. And it's been a couple years since I played Zelda... I got stuck in Wonderland and just kinda left it there. I think I'll start a new game though.:D

Neo Xzhan
08-03-2003, 12:25 PM
The biggest difference between FF and KH was the fact that it waasn't turnbased. However that wasn't a big problem for me, as I've played countless RPGs before ^^

08-03-2003, 08:42 PM
Yeah, the "right in the middle of the action" battle system threw me off at first, but I quickly got used to it and after working with it for a while, I didn't have too much trouble with it.

I tried playing it months ago, and got stuck fighting the shadow Sora in hooks ship.....never could beat him, even with the strategy guide.
"Scan!" Gotta keep the Scan ability on and use it to figure out which one is the real one when the starts splitting apart. Then, just have at him.

Batman 2000
08-03-2003, 10:16 PM
Ahh I just started a new game last night and I couldn't put it down. I played for like 2 hours before I realized it was 1 in the morning and went to bed. I quickly got used to the battle system. Right now I'm at the Coliseum (sp?) part and am having trouble with Cerberus. Is this battle mandatory? and if it is can someone give me a strategy?

08-03-2003, 11:30 PM
Ahh I just started a new game last night and I couldn't put it down. I played for like 2 hours before I realized it was 1 in the morning and went to bed.
Yeah, this game is like that.

I quickly got used to the battle system. Right now I'm at the Coliseum (sp?)
That's correct.

part and am having trouble with Cerberus. Is this battle mandatory?
No, but you'll want to finish him sooner or later. Because you can't compete in any of the other tournaments in the battle arena until you've finished this guy and you'll definitely want to be participating in those.

and if it is can someone give me a strategy?
Level up! If he's kicking your butt, then go somewhere else, seal a couple more keyholes or whatever and then come back. Once you've done that try the following:

- Jump! Lock onto any of his heads first and then jump onto his back. The best way is to jump onto one of his legs first and then jump to his back from there. Once you're up there, you can get in some cheap shots on him.

- Do you have Cure yet? If you haven't beaten Deep Jungle yet, go there, get that and then this'll be a lot easier. Not only can you heal yourself more easily, but Donald'll do it too if you're in the red.

- Donald and Goofy are stupid in this battle. They'll just stay right in front of Cerberus and let themselves get devastated. Don't expect to rely on them for much more than basic support.

- When he's doing that fireball / dark energy attack, if you're on top of his back, you're okay. If you're not, Dodge Roll constantly or jump and stay away from him and you should be okay.

Those are my best tips, just do that and you should be good to go. Remember, three hit combo. Once you get on his back and start an attack, keep hitting X until you can't anymore for maximum damage. And if the head you're currently locked onto is inconvenient, use R1 (R2?) to switch.

Batman 2000
08-03-2003, 11:50 PM
Hmm, never thought about going onto his back. I'm almost done with Deep Jungle now, I'll go back once I have sealed it. The problem I had with Cerberus is that I would attack him from the side and my combo would take me right in front of him and he would just destroy me.

08-03-2003, 11:57 PM
Yeah, can't take him from the side. The only vulnerable spot is his heads and you don't wanna be in front of those because he'll just thrash you with his biting attack. The safest place to be is on top of him.

Batman 2000
08-04-2003, 12:13 AM
Originally posted by Agent0042
The safest place to be is on top of him.

lmao, that just sounded wrong sorry lol. Yeah thanks for all the help ;) Oh yeah, do I get anything for beating Cloud?

08-04-2003, 01:05 AM
Oh yeah, do I get anything for beating Cloud?
Well, you'll find that out once you beat Cerberus. Although, actually, I don't think there's any difference between what you get if you do beat him than if you lose the battle with him, other than the XP. I've never tried it before though. BTW, once you leave the stadium after beating Cerberus, you'll also get one of my absolute favorite scenes in the game.

Batman 2000
08-04-2003, 04:20 AM
I took your advice and learnt the cure spell. Made things a hell of a lot easier. I got up on his back a couple times but I couldn't get any hits in. So I just attacked the heads and did a quick dodge roll out of danger.

ultima weapon
08-08-2003, 08:22 PM
I wonder what KH2 will be like? Hopefully more story in-depth, those unknowns are sooooooooooo cool. If you've seen the 2 secret movies that is. :mew:

08-09-2003, 02:59 AM
Agent, do you have any advice for Time trials for the Coliseum (Hercules)? And with the boss at the Clock Tower? The battling system wasn't hard for me to get accustom to.

08-09-2003, 04:26 AM
Agent, do you have any advice for Time trials for the Coliseum (Hercules)?
Time Trial (Hercules) is rough! I usually wait until after clearing Hollow Bastion and leveling up some to beat it, even though all of the Coliseum battles get tougher after you do that. I guess if you're asking about the Clock Tower boss, then you did that too.

First, you'll want to level up a lot. By the time I took on this, I had already beat the Hades cup. Obviously get the best keyblade and stuff you absolutely can. Use magic to help you, Gravity and stuff can be helpful. Have MP Gift on Goofy and load everybody up on Ethers. Don't hold back on the Cloud battle and keep hitting at him like crazy with your best stuff, but for most of the other battles you'll just want to swing away with the Keyblade because special attacks will just slow you down. When fighting Hercules, just hit him with the barrels as quickly as possible and throw your best stuff at him, replenishing with Ethers if need be. The Hercules battle involves some luck on how quickly he raises the shield and stuff, so good luck.

And with the boss at the Clock Tower?
Party: Sora, Peter Pan (because you have to have him) and Goofy

Decent level and equipment. Equipment that raises MP is good. Sora customization: X linked to Curaga (if you don't have Curaga, talk to Aeris several times in the Hollow Bastion library to get it), triangle linked to Stopra (upgrade: 100 Acre Wood) and Square linked to either Firaga, Blizzaga, or Thundaga. Goofy should have MP Gift and all characters should have as much abilities as possible that boost MP recovery. Full stock of Ethers on all characters. Goofy is customized to Constant support actions and switch special attacks and such for him and Peter Pan to the lowest level.

For the battle itself: immediately lock onto any of the faces of the Clock Tower. If you lock onto the Phantom instead, hit the switch button. Once the Phantom works his voodoo on it, immediately fly over to Clock Tower and cast Stop(ra) on it. Now, time to go after the Phantom. He has an orb that determines what you should use on him. If it's red, then you'll need to cast Firaga. Blue, go for ice and Yellow, hit him with lightning. Lightning is obviously the easiest, since you don't really have to target it, you just have to be close to him. If you run low on MP, Goofy should be restoring it. Oh, and if the orb is white, then hit him with physical attacks, which Peter Pan or Goofy may do. If the Phantom hits you, then just heal as quickly as possible. Once the orb disappears, you want to get away from him as quickly as possible. He'll send out these heat seeked missiles that cause a lot of damage, although it is possible to survive them if you have good HP and are fast on the healing. But it's best to just get away from them and not too hard if you just fly towards the opposite side of the Clock Tower really quickly. Just keep up this pattern and he'll go down.

The other big thing is the Clock Tower. Every so often, he's going to start up the countdown again and that'll knock a character out of battle, starting with Peter Pan if it hits zero. So just keep casting Stop(ra) on it. Any time you're running away from the Phantom is a good time really. Or just go over and cast it if you think that it's been a while since you last did. The effect is cumulative, so if you go over and cast it again, it restores it for the full time and you're free to go fight the Phantom again. Good luck!

08-17-2003, 01:51 AM
Thanks for the help. Atleast now I know what do.

03-05-2004, 08:34 PM
The other thing to watch out for is that super spinning move he does with the blades when you get to the second stage where he's under his shields.

A good tactic for this part is to use your dodge roll, it helps out a lot by saving your magic and life(so you don't have to use magic to cure yourself)

03-06-2004, 03:02 PM
i have a question does anybody know how u get aeroga in kh

03-07-2004, 01:03 AM
For all the fellow shriners here, I have a separate thread entitled "Wad wud u like in KH2" so if there's anything you would like to say about KH2 or what you expect of it, go post there.. but its up to u:)

Hey Agent, beaten the guy in the platinum match yet? (dun want to spoil it for those who havent played it) Cos I havent.. argh.. you know how to get em?

03-07-2004, 01:52 AM
i have a question does anybody know how u get aeroga in kh

To get Aeroga: Rescue all 99 Dalmations and go see Pongo and Perdita for the gifts you get.

03-07-2004, 09:34 PM
this is goin to be a pain but thanks

03-07-2004, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by Ansem522
this is goin to be a pain but thanks

Meh, download an FAQ - once you know where they all are, it's a breeze. My fiancee managed to find them all in a total of 4 hours game time, using the strategy guide.

She got the special ending on KH, and I didn't ;_;

...stupid strategy guides...

03-07-2004, 11:59 PM
Hey ExS, the special ending is nothing much.*SPOILERS* Its just a preview of the sequel. You can download it anywhere.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
03-08-2004, 12:05 AM
The fact that there is no cool ending sequence after you win the Platinum match pissed me off to no end... And once you beat it, you lose the nifty little intro, too....

And who actually had any trouble with those "secret" bosses, anyway? Heck, the Ice Titan was harder than those guys, a little bit harder than the Platinum match, actually.

03-08-2004, 01:37 AM
The Ice titan was actually rather easy for me. I was able to dodge every shot that I didn't want to hit me.

03-08-2004, 01:58 AM
Originally posted by FFFanatic
Hey ExS, the special ending is nothing much.*SPOILERS* Its just a preview of the sequel. You can download it anywhere.

I live with my fiancee, hence I saw the special ending. I just didn't do any of the work.

The 'Deep Dive' trailer from the Final Mix version was cooler, though.

04-01-2004, 09:03 PM
Hey Agent, beaten the guy in the platinum match yet?
Yeah, a long time ago.

The Ice titan was actually rather easy for me. I was able to dodge every shot that I didn't want to hit me.
Yeah, there's actually a trick with that. Find one place to stand at keep blocking with Keyblade and each icicle you deflect hits back at the Titan and gives you Tech Points. Just keep doing that and you earn mega-EXP.

The fact that there is no cool ending sequence after you win the Platinum match pissed me off to no end
Me too, but apparently for those that have the Final Mix version, there's some really cool stuff you get.

04-03-2004, 06:35 PM
to anyone who cant beat the platinum match, there is a tactic that makes it one of the easiest battles in the game! When you see him getting ready to do the attack that brings your mp down to 0 and hp to 1, DONT run away and get ready to use an elixer!!instead, use super glide to get to him really fast and attack him, he will stop his attack then. if you have trouble with anything else during this fight...then thats your problem because the rest of the fight is easy to survive.oh, and if he happens to be killing you with...his mega combo(not saying what it is, major spoiler) then you obviously dont know that you can heal inbetween attacks...

04-03-2004, 11:38 PM
instead, use super glide to get to him really fast and attack him, he will stop his attack then.
Yeah, thast is what I did when fighting Sephiroth, and it hekped out a lot.
P.S. When he uses his big combo attack, just counter it by using Raganork. Ragonork will give him damage if it hits, plus the attack makes you 'tamporarily invensible,' leaving you with more life.

04-03-2004, 11:53 PM
Originally posted by ChaosGhost

Yeah, thast is what I did when fighting Sephiroth, and it hekped out a lot.
P.S. When he uses his big combo attack, just counter it by using Raganork. Ragonork will give him damage if it hits, plus the attack makes you 'tamporarily invensible,' leaving you with more life.

ooo, i didnt know that...i tend to forget about specail attacks like ragnarock when playing kingdom hearts...but lately while i fight him, i been using sonic...sumthing, dont feel like lookin it up right now...anyway, if you do it right, its quite fun...

04-04-2004, 12:01 AM
Originally posted by Teknori

ooo, i didnt know that...i tend to forget about specail attacks like ragnarock when playing kingdom hearts...but lately while i fight him, i been using sonic...sumthing, dont feel like lookin it up right now...anyway, if you do it right, its quite fun...
glad to help you figure out a new tactic.;)

04-04-2004, 12:07 AM
Heh. I'm aware of that tactic, although I've never been very good at it.

04-04-2004, 02:52 AM
Originally posted by Agent0042
Heh. I'm aware of that tactic, although I've never been very good at it.

Yeah, I know, it gets kind of hard at times: you have to run and dodge the hits and move to the special attack part then press it while still using the joy stick.