06-16-2003, 10:39 PM
I SWEAR dis is da last one! I like making new topics dats why! ^^; Anyways as the title says...ur FAVORITE villains! heh heh! VI-X....sorry to those who are fans with the ones BEFORE VI, but i only remember everything FROM VI....^^; Anyways here are the choices, Kefka,Sephiroth,Seifer(although i dont think hes gone psychotic...prolly possessed, but i put him in anyway),Kuja and Seymour! ^^

06-17-2003, 06:04 PM
You all knew I'd reply in something like this :p

I choose Sephiroth! His story was a sad one. Let's leave it at that.

06-18-2003, 02:38 PM
Phsychotic? I'd say Kefka.. A madman, he is. Can't say much without spoiling FF6, but I'm sure most of you who know him will agree.. o_O;

Sephiroth is somewhat mentally disturbed, but he doesn't poison entire cities and such (unlike SOMEONE *cough*). Kuja's just doing what he's been taught. And he's sexy. Yeah. XD

06-18-2003, 05:24 PM
My favourite villains:
1) Kuja
2) Seymour
3) Sephiroth
4) Kefka
5) Seifer

When it comes to who�s the craziest of them
1) Kefka
2) Seymour
3) Kuja
4) Sephiroth
5) Seifer

Best outfit
1) Sephiroth
2) Kuja
3) Seifer
4) Kefka
5) Seymour

Best master plan
1) Kuja
2) Seymour
3) Sephiroth
4) Kefka
5) Seifer

Coolest relationship to the main character/s
1) Kuja
2) Sephiroth
3) Seymour
4) Seifer
5) Kefka

06-18-2003, 08:15 PM
Well, it's Sephiroth, isnt it? You know, 'sgotta be Sephiroth, yeah.

However, Kuja was worryingly attractive. o_O;;;; I mean, honestly.... Very feminine.

06-19-2003, 05:28 PM
Gonna have to go with Kuja. Kuja was a very cool looking villian, I really don't know why.... but ya know

Bahamut ZERO
06-21-2003, 01:32 PM

Most psychotic? And you're all saying Kefka!? Kefka only wanted to be a God and crush everyone to his will. Sure, he was pretty crazy with how he did all those evil things, but there's someone more crazy than him.


Yeah, that's right, Kuja. I mean, this guy goes completely and utterly stark raving nuts. He decides that, because he is going to die and Zidane isn't (or something like that) the whole entire creation does not deserve to live on. So in order to solve this particular problem, Kuja decides that NO-ONE should live, and goes about to destroy creation. That's right, the whole Universe. Kuja was completely off the rails. Psycho. Insane. Crazy. A sandwich short of a picnic. Two beers short of a six pack. Not playing with a full pack of cards. You know?

... And the rest of the game, Kuja MADE it more interesting. He just ruled. Full stop.

Neo Xzhan
06-21-2003, 02:08 PM
I'd say Kefka, he truly is an insane mind, with the idea of wanting to become a god and nothing will stop him from achieving that goal.

06-23-2003, 12:34 PM
@Adamut ZERO
When it comes to psychotic, I usually ask myself the question if I could drink a cup of tea with the character in question while leading a decent, intelligent discussion about literature, the meaning of life, cake recepts, Politics or clothes, without one of us trying to poison the other one, or attempting to blow up the kitchen.
And my conclusion is that while Kuja could possibly agree to a peaceful chat, Kefka couldn�t ever.
I mean, come on, he is named Kefka, which is close to Kafka, who was mad, too!

06-24-2003, 07:28 PM
Its a hard decision for meh now...I would have to say ALL of them are fairly psychotic. kefka and indeed his insane laugh...he even betrayed Gestahl! Sephiroth had that 'my mother is Jenova and I'm an Ancient, so let's kill the humans' thought....u think dats not insane? And what about Seifer? I dont think he was psychotic anyways. i think i;ll change the choice from Seifer to Adel was it? I think she counts too, because she/he looked more like a man anyway. Kuja? Hah hah, he was insane too. Dressed up like a woman...i mean...who wouldnt be? And Seymour...he was weird....with his insane voice! HEH HEH!

Rabid Monkey
06-24-2003, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by Misao
My favourite villains:
1) Kuja
2) Seymour
3) Sephiroth
4) Kefka
5) Seifer

When it comes to who�s the craziest of them
1) Kefka
2) Seymour
3) Kuja
4) Sephiroth
5) Seifer

Best outfit
1) Sephiroth
2) Kuja
3) Seifer
4) Kefka
5) Seymour

Best master plan
1) Kuja
2) Seymour
3) Sephiroth
4) Kefka
5) Seifer

Coolest relationship to the main character/s
1) Kuja
2) Sephiroth
3) Seymour
4) Seifer
5) Kefka

Damn you for getting here before me! Pretty much my opinion wrapped up in a neat little ranking chart...

EDIT: Correction, Kuja is not my favorite Villian. That honor will always go to Esterk from DWIV, but that wasn't an opinion so I'll agree with Misao to save time :P

06-25-2003, 08:52 PM
LOL. Define 'psychotic.'

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
07-01-2003, 10:52 AM
Sephiroth because he was so damn cool, his outfit was cool, his attitude was cool, and the way he faught was....damn cool.

07-12-2003, 10:54 PM
Kefka. Period. Nuff said, close this shit.

07-12-2003, 11:23 PM