06-16-2003, 10:30 PM
A rambling on my fave character, Quistis Trepe! WOOHOO! Da reason why i posted dis is because I like Quistis and der are a lot of people i know from other forums who dont like her so i decided to post some kind of 'i love Quistis Trepe' thread for my own benefit and of course for others who like her too! ^^ I have to say i like her better than Rinoa *no offence Rin fans!* But I think she fights better and is more beautiful than Rinoa...okay okay Rinoas pretty too, but if Quistis DID dress up elegantly, i think she'd be like of course the title says, 'A Mighty Aphrodite!' ^^ She may act like an adult, but dats how she grew up! she likes to be independent, even tho she gets depressed sometimes, but i think she deserves to be liked for once! Okies, now ur turn everyone! What do U think of Quistis? Oh dis is just to people who LIKE Quistis, not those who HATE her. If u dont like Quistis and if u plan to say something u dont like about her, PLEASE refrain from using bad languages and flaming least be nice about it if u want to say u dont like her....please? THANX! ^^

Vivi FF
06-16-2003, 10:42 PM
At first, I didn't really like Quistis... In fact, I hardly ever used her... But now she's my favorite female character... In a videogame way, she is definately the hottest... Although Selphie is the cutest and Rinoa is equally cute and hot so... Anyways, Quistis is a really great character, very strong and very developed personality...

My Favorite Quistis Moment: Winhill... Doing that vase quest with Quistis and Zell... lol lol lol

06-24-2003, 07:56 PM
Definitely for meh i liked her the first time i saw her. Shes so pretty and if only she put her hair down i think she would have been a goddess and imagine Seifer fallin for her. Dont kill me! I am such an abid Seifer and Quistis fan here! heh heh!

06-24-2003, 11:54 PM
Not an avid Quistis fan. She is still level 12 along with Irvine and Selphie...Quistis is ok looking...not particularaly my anime character type, and I dislike her limits. She plays a minimum role in the storyline itself, not really doing much exciting.

In short, not the worst character but she wouldn't go on my top 20 FF characters list either.

06-25-2003, 04:33 PM
I'm going to have to agree with Roukie on this one. On my file, Quistis is around level 25 with Selphie and Zell while my other 3 are all at level 100. Kinda tells you who I used, didn't it? Anyway, she's alright, but she's not my favorite. Quistis has a good heart, but that's about it.

06-25-2003, 08:55 PM
So i take it u dont like Quistis? Dats why her level is low? o.O

06-25-2003, 10:35 PM
No, Quistis is alright. I like her storywise, but I used the other three more in battle. Quistis, well, at least in my file, is one of the characters that doesn't fight much, but keeps the story going on. That's what I'm saying. I like Quistis, but not as much as Rinoa, okay? Maybe I'm a sucker for the black-headed chick, who knows?

06-25-2003, 11:01 PM
Originally posted by Athena
So i take it u dont like Quistis? Dats why her level is low? o.O

That's the general idea in my books. You can't really use her storywise without levelling her up. So low level means low story use.

06-26-2003, 06:38 PM
Hey am dark haired! LOL! NO i really am! Anyways, i think it just depends on how u use her. But u can't really say that if her levels are low, shes useless in the storyline. Because well...of course she is! The main characters are mostly Squall and Rinoa and the spotlight are on them! So yeah dats what i think....^^ does dat make sense???? Heh! ^^;

Vivi FF
06-27-2003, 06:08 PM
True, the spotlight is more on Squall and Rinoa... The other 4 characters really don't get so much of it... They get it at times but not as much as Squall and Rinoa...

Another favorite Quistis Moment: Quistis shooting the heck out of the robot at the end of the SeeD mission...

06-28-2003, 07:22 AM
I will have to admit that I found Quistis annoying with her bossy boots attitude but she allowed FF8 to be more mature, which made me like the game in the first place. Also, she could have done with more involvement in the game but I preferred Rinoa being the main female character either way.

04-01-2004, 06:42 PM
Quistis is so sweet I love her! she looks like an intelligent Barbie doll ;) She has her good scenes like when she shot down the damned crab in the first SeeD mission and stuff. Although she isn't my favorite female character (Rinoa 4EvA!), I'm glad that she was in the story. It wouldn't have been the same without her :)

04-03-2004, 05:20 AM
Quistis really is hot, but I don't use her in my party because of that...:)

04-26-2004, 06:21 PM
i've always liked quistis. wehn i started playing 8 was about the same time i got glasses, and the kids at school teased me about it, but seeing a lead (kinda) female chari in a final fantasy game made me feel better.

I love using quistis in battle. i think her bue magic attacks are some of the most usefull in the game, and she is wonderfull at training gfs with.

04-27-2004, 03:18 AM
Look I Have The Solution:
Selphie: Soft
Quistis: Shine & Beatifull (And I Like Her)
Rinao: Cute