06-15-2003, 05:32 AM
Which three characters did u like using, besides Squall? Mine, would be Squall (of course) Quistis and Zell! What about urs? Go ahead and share it with meh! ^^ Also explain ur reasons! Oh yeah for my reasons...well, Squall cause he HAS to be in ur party all the time, Quistis, because well shes a strong fighter and her blue magic goes well and Zell! I just like watching him fight! he kewl! ^^

06-15-2003, 05:57 AM
I usually use Squall (of course), Irvine because his shot limit is pretty effective and Selphie because I adore her. (and she's pretty good in battle too)

Neo Xzhan
06-15-2003, 11:38 AM
Squall, since he is the main character, Zell for he has the best limit in the game (in my opinion) and actaully who ever I wanted, but I switched maily between Irvine and Rinoa.

Vivi FF
06-15-2003, 05:10 PM
My favorite is Squall, Zell, and Quistis... Squall unwillingly, Zell and Quistis cause they're great fighters (although bad on the magic) and their limits can be very useful at times. Plus I like Zell's and Quistis's personalities and they're fun to hang around with...

I'd rather have Seifer than Squall...

06-15-2003, 05:26 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Early on i mainly used Squall, Zell and Rinoa. Squall and Zell just have great limit breaks, and I think I used Rinoa because her base magic stat generally starts off higher, and I liked to draw loads of magic at the time. :erm: Later on though I replaced Rinoa with Selphie, as her limit breaks were much more useful (or at least reliable) than Rinoa's.

06-16-2003, 09:11 AM
Squall (for obvious reasons), Rinoa (I liked her limit breaks) and anyone else who was available for use who needed more training.

Bahamut ZERO
06-16-2003, 11:21 AM
Squall, Rinoa, Irvine. The simple reason being their Limit breaks were just so powerful that I'd cast double and triple with Cerberus on 'em, load up with Aura and just use the limit breaks to win the battles.

Yes, a cheap and lazy way to win, but that's me...

06-18-2003, 04:12 PM
I would have to say Squall, Zell and Quistis, Zell and Quistis had equally useful limit breaks, and I think Quistis was my strongest female too. ^^

06-18-2003, 11:17 PM
Squall - He hasto be in the party, and he is the power-house.

Rinoa - Magic User

Zell - The character who can attack when needed, heal when needed, and use magic when needed.


Quistis - I will use her instead of Zell sometimes since she has Big Guard and is quite strong.

06-21-2003, 05:33 AM
I like Squall cause of his physical attacks. Zell for his limit breaks, and Irvine for his fast ammo.

06-25-2003, 08:57 PM
Anyone have alternate parties in case u know...the other character leaves or something? what other parties do u guys use? I mean of course Squall has to be der too! ^^;

06-25-2003, 10:53 PM
Well, let's see. The main character who leaves for a good while is Rinoa, but I don't like using her very much anyway. Selphie's gone at one point, I usually put in Zell and Irvine, or maybe Quistis.

06-25-2003, 11:11 PM
I don't really know how this happened, but BZ and I have the exact same team and the exact same strategy. Since all three of them are at level 100, nothing, except the Omega Weapon, Ultima Weapon, and the monsters on the Island Closest to Hell even stand a chance, but the others are around level 25. That just sucks,doesn't it?

06-26-2003, 07:02 AM
So level up? Head to the Island Closest to Heaven or Hell and use Degenerator magic and you can level up fast.

06-26-2003, 06:36 PM
Yeah i would have to agree with Agent. If u have the Ragnarok, u can also go to the Cactuar Island and fight the cactuars there. However, its not the levels that go up, ur GFs learn their abilities faster, but u have to be prepared when fighting them, because they cause a WHOLE lot of damage! @_@

06-26-2003, 07:15 PM
Ah yes, if you need EXP, then Cactuars won't really help, but if you still need AP, then they're the ticket. I recommend "Initative," Spd-J and Hit-J on as many characters as possible or make sure you have Selphie in the party with Strange Vision.

07-06-2003, 10:40 PM
Umm *thinks*...I used Squall (der!), Rinoa and Selphie alot :D

07-06-2003, 11:09 PM


07-09-2003, 09:14 PM
IF Squall wasnt in the party, which three would u go for? anyone?

07-10-2003, 12:32 AM
Irvine, Selphie and then a tossup between Zell and Quistis. But maybe Quistis more often because of her Degenerator blue magic.

Rinny Heartilly
07-10-2003, 02:15 AM
Squall (because I have to)
Selphie (good magic user and I get good magic in her Slot often)
Irvine (fast ammo)

If I didn't have to use Squall, I'd probably use Zell or Rinoa.

Dante Sparda
07-29-2003, 06:47 PM
In the beginning:

Squall - Auto Junction magic fav attack. Shiva GF
Selphie - Auto Junction magic fav magic. Thunder storm GF(forgot his name, so I use his attack)
Zell - Auto Junction magic fav defence. Ifrit GF
How I use 'em:
Squall is the main attacker. His limits are simply the best IMO.
Selphie is the secondary attack, mainly magic attacks, restoring Hp & status changes.
Zell is the handy man with a steady hand. Throws in extra healing/attack when needed(either magic or regular/limit). Also works as summoner or just "the last guy standing & reviving"

In the middle:
Squall - Auto Junction magic fav attack. Strong attack GF's, can't really remember.
Rinoa Auto Junction magic fav magic. "Helpful" GF's such as Cerebrus & doom train
Zell - Auto Junction magic fav defence. Whatever GF's are left.
How I use 'em:
Squall is the main attacker. His limits are simply the best IMO.
Rinoa is the best magician in the whole game. With fav magic, she stocks like carzy and will gladly share with the rest of the party.
Zell is the handy man with a steady hand. Throws in extra healing/attack when needed(either magic or regular/limit). Also works as summoner or just "the last guy standing & reviving"

In the end:
Squall - Auto Junction magic fav attack. Strong attack GF's, can't really remember.
Rinoa Auto Junction magic fav magic. "Helpful" GF's such as Cerebrus & doom train
Zell - Auto Junction magic fav defence. Whatever GF's are left.
How I use 'em:
Squall is the main attacker. His limits are simply the best IMO.
Rinoa is the best magician in the whole game. With fav magic, she stocks like carzy and will gladly share with the rest of the party.
Zell is the handy man with a steady hand. Throws in extra healing/attack when needed(either magic or regular/limit). Also works as summoner or just "the last guy standing & reviving"

Those who are left & why:
Quistis - her whip is damn hard to time the trigger with. Although her Blue Magic is pretty handy more than once, I only use her on special occasions(Bahamut sidequest etc).

Irvine - Tiresome that his limit is based on bullets of various types and that most of them are hard to come by and are limited(whoops... ran out of Dark Ammo *dies*) :eye: Also, I can't decide where he stands. Is he more magic or attack like?

Selphie - Her limit break is pretty neat in the early hours of the game. Keeps you from summoning GF's like a madman(which all n00b's do for some reason...), but as far as magic goes I'll settle with Rinoa.

Yes, yes... I use auto junction 'cause I'm a tad too lazy to go through every possible combo setup for each char. Besides, with auto junction, you get a okay setup. Not godlike nor cannon fodder like, just okay. The challenge is still there(though you DO make some adjustments in various boss fights).

When Rinoa drops out, I'll fall back to Selphie 'cause I need her Limit Break to get me out of a thight spot. Besides... there's something special about the "field exam gang" don't you think...?

07-29-2003, 10:54 PM
Quistis - her whip is damn hard to time the trigger with.
Heke? (To quote the show Hamtaro.) Quistis's whip doesn't have a "trigger." I repeat, there is no trigger on Quistis's whip.[/quote]

Although her Blue Magic is pretty handy more than once, I only use her on special occasions(Bahamut sidequest etc).
Yeah, most of Quistis's Blue Magic isn't much to get excited about, but Degenerator isn't too shabby.

Irvine - Tiresome that his limit is based on bullets of various types and that most of them are hard to come by
Not too hard later in the game though, especially if you use Ammo-RF.

Also, I can't decide where he stands. Is he more magic or attack like?
I'd say attack. At least, that's how I used him.

Keeps you from summoning GF's like a madman(which all n00b's do for some reason...)
Heh. And which experienced players don't really do much at all.

Dante Sparda
07-30-2003, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by Agent0042
Heke? (To quote the show Hamtaro.) Quistis's whip doesn't have a "trigger." I repeat, there is no trigger on Quistis's whip.[/QUOTE]
Are you sure...? I might get the wrong idea here, but as far as I understand it, all weapons have a trigger mode. Or is those critical hits just random with all weapons aside from the gunblade? If only the gunblade have the trigger mode... why didn't the game say so? I mean, the tutorial is based on ALL the chars, right? Ah what the hell...

Originally posted by Agent0042
Yeah, most of Quistis's Blue Magic isn't much to get excited about, but Degenerator isn't too shabby.

Degenerator... first time I wanted to get everyone to lvl 100 I used her in critical health, iniative & only that limit break. Man what a pain. It's too cheap(though "The End" is cheaper) for my taste. If I do use her limits, I rely on helpful stuff, like Mighty Guard, White Wind and stuff. 'Course, Degenerator comes handy when you go to say "HI!" to Bahamut and his Ruby Dragons ^_^

Originally posted by Agent0042
Not too hard later in the game though, especially if you use Ammo-RF.
I never really used him that much, though the times that I HAD to use him(Missle base, first Edea battle etc) he DIIIIID come handy.

Originally posted by Agent0042
I'd say attack. At least, that's how I used him.
Hmm... I used him as the "last man standing & reviving". He's just one of 'em secondary chars that I never really got into using, except when I had to.

Originally posted by Agent0042
Heh. And which experienced players don't really do much at all.
EH!?!?! Whaddya mean? Summoning Bahamut, Alexander & DoomTrain is sooooooooo fun(total overkill ^_^), though in the long run you get kinda sick of the animations and boosting. >_>

07-31-2003, 02:46 AM
Are you sure...? I might get the wrong idea here, but as far as I understand it, all weapons have a trigger mode. Or is those critical hits just random with all weapons aside from the gunblade? If only the gunblade have the trigger mode... why didn't the game say so? I mean, the tutorial is based on ALL the chars, right? Ah what the hell...
Sorry, but that's correct. Squall's gunblade and I think maybe Seifer's as well (when you can play with him) is the only one that has a "trigger." Remember, when you go out into the field and Squall and Quistis are talking to each other, they say "R1 is the trigger, hit it at the right time for extra damage." (Or something like that.) Else, why would Squall have the Gunblade auto options and stuff in the menu? That's the for the trigger. And I don't know of any time in the tutorial when it talks about anyone other than Squall.

It's too cheap(though "The End" is cheaper)
Actually, if you want to be cheap most of the time using Selphie's limit, you'd go with "Rapture," since "The End" takes forever to get.

for my taste. If I do use her limits, I rely on helpful stuff, like Mighty Guard, White Wind and stuff. 'Course, Degenerator comes handy when you go to say "HI!" to Bahamut and his Ruby Dragons ^_^
That's true. I guess that is really a good time to use it.

I'd say attack. At least, that's how I used him.

Hmm... I used him as the "last man standing & reviving". He's just one of 'em secondary chars that I never really got into using, except when I had to.
Okay. I guess I just liked him.

Heh. And which experienced players don't really do much at all.

EH!?!?! Whaddya mean? Summoning Bahamut, Alexander & DoomTrain is sooooooooo fun(total overkill ^_^), though in the long run you get kinda sick of the animations and boosting. >_>
Hmm. Well, I guess some people like it. Maybe I just didn't. I usually used Meltdown in place of Doomtrain and I practically never used Bahamut or Alexander or any of that. (I never really saw the point when all the enemies fall so easily to physical attacks that you don't have to wait forever for.)

Batman 2000
07-31-2003, 04:23 AM
I use Squall and Zell everytime no matter what. Squall for obvious reasons (lionheart, renzokuken, etc.) and Zell because his strength is awesome and his Duel Limit break is so powerful. The third person is usually a toss up. The person I've used most is Rinoa. Her limit is pretty good, that's about it though.

Dante Sparda
07-31-2003, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by Agent0042
Sorry, but that's correct. Squall's gunblade and I think maybe Seifer's as well (when you can play with him) is the only one that has a "trigger." Remember, when you go out into the field and Squall and Quistis are talking to each other, they say "R1 is the trigger, hit it at the right time for extra damage." (Or something like that.) Else, why would Squall have the Gunblade auto options and stuff in the menu? That's the for the trigger. And I don't know of any time in the tutorial when it talks about anyone other than Squall.
Well the Seifer/Squall part is pretty much one big "DUH!" since they both use gunblades(though different models). However, there are times when I've pulled the trigger with Rinoa and gotten a critical hit, as if her weapon had a trigger too. Sure, Squall is the easiest to time the trigger with, but I'm preeeeeeeetty sure that all the weapons have a trigger function. I could be wrong by all means, but it still doesn't add up. :confused:

Originally posted by Agent0042
Actually, if you want to be cheap most of the time using Selphie's limit, you'd go with "Rapture," since "The End" takes forever to get.
I only got it once, against Bahamut's "brother", Tiamat or whatever at Ulti's castle. I was like: "Eh? what's this? Oh well, I'll try it." Next thing I know, I won and that was like my second attack(just bashed him up a bit with Squall first ^_^) Rapture is pretty cheap too, but The End is worse since it kicks ANYONES ass to high heaven(even bosses *sob* where's the fun in that?)

Originally posted by Agent0042
That's true. I guess that is really a good time to use it.
Now you got the idea! Most of the "super moves" in FF8 are pretty okay, assuming you use them wisely. As I recall you get Degenerator pretty early in the game, and if you like use that in 80% of all RB(random battles), you find the game insultingly easy and most likely don't bother to beat it. The problem with FF8 is the same problem as in the Matrix: "The problem of choise" :p

Originally posted by Agent0042
Okay. I guess I just liked him.
Don't get me wrong, Irvine is one sweet little devil by all means. It's just... as far as fighting goes... he lacks that little extra that makes him stand out. I don't want him gone and replaced, 'cause I got like NO idea what to replace him with :confused:

Originally posted by Agent0042
Hmm. Well, I guess some people like it. Maybe I just didn't. I usually used Meltdown in place of Doomtrain and I practically never used Bahamut or Alexander or any of that. (I never really saw the point when all the enemies fall so easily to physical attacks that you don't have to wait forever for.)
DoomTrain followed up with Eden max boosted on a Bite Bug. I wonder if it will live to see the tale :D

Okay, so most of the time when you got yer stats up and running you'll just hammer away with spells, attack and a limit break or seven whenever the mood strikes ya, BUUUUUUT.... the boss fights need a little... "big ass battle" touch to it... IMO, so a couple of summonings aren't all that bad. Gotta love Ifrit's entrance... not to mention Bahamut!! OMFG!!! 'Course the boosting is a pain, but at least then you can go like: "HA! In yer face SUCKER!!!" Well, I say that whenever I get LionHeart limit break too, but you get the idea.

07-31-2003, 11:53 AM
However, there are times when I've pulled the trigger with Rinoa and gotten a critical hit, as if her weapon had a trigger too.
And there've been times when I've done nothing at all with any of the characters (especially Selphie) and still gotten critical hits.

Sure, Squall is the easiest to time the trigger with, but I'm preeeeeeeetty sure that all the weapons have a trigger function.
And I'm preeeeeeeeeetty sure that only Squall, and maybe Seifer's weapons have trigger functions. And check out this page:
Note what it says about Squall's gunblade, that it has a "special" feature, a trigger that lets you do more damage. The other weapons just don't have this. Critical hits are determined at random and probably partially by luck. Try it like I did without the 'trigger' on any of the other weapons and you'll find that you still sometimes get critical hits. Whereas with Squall's trigger, it's not at all random. Not at all. Once you get the timing down, the 'critical' hit rate is 100%. And I believe you can also get more damage that's above and beyond that, which would be an actual "critical" hit.

I only got it once, against Bahamut's "brother", Tiamat or whatever at Ulti's castle.
Tiamat is like "dark" Bahamut. Final Fantasy IV had a dark Bahamut and I believe it might have been in one or two other games.

I was like: "Eh? what's this? Oh well, I'll try it." Next thing I know, I won and that was like my second attack(just bashed him up a bit with Squall first ^_^) Rapture is pretty cheap too, but The End is worse since it kicks ANYONES ass to high heaven(even bosses *sob* where's the fun in that?)
Yeah, "The End" is an instant kill against any boss except the very last form of Ultimecia. In my most recent battle against Ultimecia, I managed to get it when fighting her second-to-last form. I usually try to get it at least once early in the game, just so it shows up on Selphie's list.

As I recall you get Degenerator pretty early in the game
Mod a Gesper card, or fight a Gesper.

Don't get me wrong, Irvine is one sweet little devil by all means. It's just... as far as fighting goes... he lacks that little extra that makes him stand out. I don't want him gone and replaced, 'cause I got like NO idea what to replace him with

DoomTrain followed up with Eden max boosted on a Bite Bug. I wonder if it will live to see the tale
Heh. Well... no.

Okay, so most of the time when you got yer stats up and running you'll just hammer away with spells
Mmm, beg to differ on that one. Really never used spells much except for Meltdown, or if it's something on my own characters, like Haste or Aura.

attack and a limit break or seven whenever the mood strikes ya, BUUUUUUT.... the boss fights need a little... "big ass battle" touch to it... IMO, so a couple of summonings aren't all that bad. Gotta love Ifrit's entrance... not to mention Bahamut!! OMFG!!! 'Course the boosting is a pain, but at least then you can go like: "HA! In yer face SUCKER!!!" Well, I say that whenever I get LionHeart limit break too, but you get the idea.
Well, I guess if that works for you. Usually, though, I just pounded most bosses with weapons after casting Meltdown. Curious, though, did you find the compatibility-boosting items useful? Because normally I would just end up with a whole bunch in my stock and never really use them.

Dante Sparda
07-31-2003, 08:49 PM
Y'know... if we keep this going much longer, I think it would be better if we met face to face over a cup of tea or something and had a looooong good cozy chat about FF8. Bet we could go on for days on end(man that's a lot of tea...)

Originally posted by Agent0042
And there've been times when I've done nothing at all with any of the characters (especially Selphie) and still gotten critical hits.
yes, yes, yes.... They do have that random element in them, EVEN Squall. Can't argue with that, 'cause I know it for a fact. He does get a 100% damage hit once in a while if you don't touch the trigger, trust me ^_^

Originally posted by Agent0042
And I'm preeeeeeeeeetty sure that only Squall, and maybe Seifer's weapons have trigger functions. And check out this page:
Note what it says about Squall's gunblade, that it has a "special" feature, a trigger that lets you do more damage. The other weapons just don't have this. Critical hits are determined at random and probably partially by luck. Try it like I did without the 'trigger' on any of the other weapons and you'll find that you still sometimes get critical hits. Whereas with Squall's trigger, it's not at all random. Not at all. Once you get the timing down, the 'critical' hit rate is 100%. And I believe you can also get more damage that's above and beyond that, which would be an actual "critical" hit.
Sure, sure... with Squall you can control the critical damage hits with the trigger, but only him can you get close to 100%(well, you can get 100%, but that requiers timing skills I ain't got...).

AT ANY RATE!!! Qusitis, with or without the trigger on her whip(trigger on a whip? that sounded a bit odd... :p), her weapon(s) have the lowest frequentzy of critical hits. I can't say that for 100% sure, but at least that's my experience.

Originally posted by Agent0042
Tiamat is like "dark" Bahamut. Final Fantasy IV had a dark Bahamut and I believe it might have been in one or two other games.
An ex GF fallen from light, reborn in Ultimecia's shadow and turned into a monster, serving her every word... It's a statement of Ultimecia's power. If she can take a GF, which is a spirit that can take resident in your head/mind, and turn it into a monster of flesh and bone, you gotta have some heavy magic in your guns. Okay, Ifrit & Co do take physical form when you summon 'em(I think...) but they go away after they've done their thing, right? Tiamat doesn't. He sticks around after his Dark Flare super attack(though your party might not, if you were taken off guard...).

Originally posted by Agent0042
Yeah, "The End" is an instant kill against any boss except the very last form of Ultimecia. In my most recent battle against Ultimecia, I managed to get it when fighting her second-to-last form. I usually try to get it at least once early in the game, just so it shows up on Selphie's list.
I hope you don't use that super duper hyper cheat, do ya? Open the PSX lid to "pause" the battle, scroll down her slot list for 45 min until you find the bugger, cast it and close the PSX lid. I might want to try it, just once, just for the heck of it. HEY! I've beaten the game 2 and gotten "The End" fair and square(square... hehehe... Square & Squaresoft, get it? hihhiih) so don't gimme any crap! XD

Originally posted by Agent0042
Mod a Gesper card, or fight a Gesper.
Uh... yeah, like I said. Just don't over use it or any other super moves and you'll have "the journey of a lifetime", or so it says on the back of the cover...

Originally posted by Agent0042
Don't tell me you're....ticklish...?

Originally posted by Agent0042
Heh. Well... no.
*Pheeew!* You got me scared for a while there buster.

Originally posted by Agent0042
Mmm, beg to differ on that one. Really never used spells much except for Meltdown, or if it's something on my own characters, like Haste or Aura.
EEEEEEEEEEEEH?!?!?!? Oh well, whatever floats your boat I guess. Of course, I'm not that stupid that I use only the spells I junctioned(well, not that much...). However, when you do stumble over a boss or whatever with a elementary weakness for thunder, you smack the sucker with a triple Thundraga + good ol' Thunder Storm. Sucker never saw it comin' ^_^

Originally posted by Agent0042
Well, I guess if that works for you. Usually, though, I just pounded most bosses with weapons after casting Meltdown. Curious, though, did you find the compatibility-boosting items useful? Because normally I would just end up with a whole bunch in my stock and never really use them.
Aye, aye, aye.... items and stuff... Y'know, when I first went against Ulti.... I died :p
So I went over what I got, and I thought: "Man, I need Aura, BAD!" And after refining various items, I suddenly got 210 Aura stones and about 70 Aura spells!!! Took some time to figure out the right attack pattern though, but I nailed that sucker at last.

So, no... in fact I'm not even sure what you're talking about. Hey, I know alot about FF8, but not everything. Items are just one of those things I never really looked too deep into(well, aside from weapons upgrade, healing, reviving and such :D)

I porbably got more items stocked by the end of the game than you ever will. If we exchanged save files, I'm sure the eyes would pop outta your head :p But like I said, whatever floats your boat, right?

07-31-2003, 11:39 PM
Y'know... if we keep this going much longer, I think it would be better if we met face to face over a cup of tea or something and had a looooong good cozy chat about FF8. Bet we could go on for days on end(man that's a lot of tea...)
Mmm, I don't know about all of that. But, you know, I get the feeling if we go on much longer, someone's going to tell us to take it to private message anyway. So, tell you what, I'll go ahead and do that and everybody else can just get back to using this thread to talk about their favorite party.

Spawn 101
08-02-2003, 10:29 AM
I like Squall, Zell, and Irvine, because Irvine has an awesome limit, and Zell because he has a cool attitude.