12-13-2011, 01:08 AM
During My Time Thinking About My Bad Albums, I`m Figured Out What I`ve Done Wrong. I`ve Ripped Scores With Either Too Many SFX, I`ve Said My Ripped Scores (With SFX) Have Been Posted As Recording Sessions, Or It`s Too Loud. Well, This Might Be A Change. Starting Friday, I Will Post A Album I Have On My Blog, But Edited. I Will Have The Hunvhback Of Notre Dame In Mp3 As An OST And A Complete Score(Including Songs). Stay In Touch People.

12-13-2011, 05:28 AM
Cool, can't wait for this one!

12-13-2011, 05:35 AM
I Never Thought I`d Be Able To Figure Out How Rip A Score And Remove Most Of The SFX... But I Did It.

12-13-2011, 05:40 AM
Snake, I'm sorry. But there is much much more to it than that. That's why I stay out of it and leave it to the professionals. Hence this:

Thread 90961

The single best rip I and many others have ever bestowed our eyes upon and given a glorious fantastic listening experience to.

12-13-2011, 05:44 AM
Well, My First Rip Of Hunchback Wasn`t That Good. But This New One Should Be Better.

For Example : Most Of My Worthless Scores I Post Are Mostly One Mono Track Put Together As A Stereo Track. But Now That I Figured Out What Went Wrong And What To Do, It Won`t Be A Mono Track To Stereo Track Anymore. It Will Be A Stereo Track With Very Few SFX Now.

12-13-2011, 09:43 AM
Looking forward to it!!

12-13-2011, 03:14 PM
I`m Excited.

The Dimensioner
12-13-2011, 03:52 PM
Why are you excited? I hope you used my guide to figure out what went wrong, or something similar to it. Bro, we talks so much about what you did wrong, what you have been doing wrong. If you don't have a DVD audio extractor or even the DVD to work with then I don't know how much better this can be. I hope you don't disappoint everyone for the umpteenth time.

@Dak: the single best rip? ;) Can there be only one?

12-13-2011, 04:11 PM
Believe Me, I Used Your Guide. I Found A Way To Getg A DVD Audio Extractor Without Paying For It. I Used The 6 Channel Thing, And Did All The Rest. Trust Me, You Won`t Be Disapointed.

12-13-2011, 04:38 PM
i wont hold my breath

12-13-2011, 04:42 PM
Ok. Then why post here. Look, you all have an opinion about his rips. WHY do you **need** to post just to insult him, or humiliate him in public.

YES, he sorta does attract it, but still...

I'm inna kinda sensitive mood anyway, and he IS a friend, so I gotta ask, can't y'all just cut him some slack. For X-Mas maybe???? :sad:

12-13-2011, 04:43 PM
Just Trust Me.

@Babydoll, For Your Nice Words And Your Co-Operation, You`ll Be The First To Have This Link, As An Early X-Mas Gift.

12-14-2011, 03:07 AM
Getting Eeverything Ready... Tracklist :
01. The Bells Of Notre Dame
02. The Bells Of Notre Dame (Instrumental)
03. The Bird
04. The Gargoyles / Frollo
05. You Said 'Festival' / Out There (Instrumental)
06. Out There
07. Phoebus Returns
08. The Guards / Helping Esmerelda
09. The Palace Of Justice
10. Frollo`s Plan
11 & 12. Topsy Turvy (Score And Song)
13. Humiliation
14. Esmerelda Stands Up To Frollo
15. Esmerelda Escapes
16. Quasi Returns To Notre Dame
17. Phoebus And Esmerelda / Frollo`s Threat
18. God Help The Outcasts
19. God Help The Outcasts(Score)
20. Esmerelda Follows Quasi
21. The Bell Tower
22. Climbing Down The Cathedral
23. 'Come With Me' / Quasi And Phoebus
24. Not Her Type / Heaven`s Light / Hellfire (Score)
25. Heaven`s Light / Hellfire
26. Paris Burning
27 & 28. A Guy Like You (Score And Song)
29. Fugitive
30. Heaven`s Light (Reprise)
31. Stash The Stiff / Frollo`s Return
32. It`s Not Me
33. It`s A Map / To The Court Of Miracles
34 & 35. The Court Of Miracles (Score And Song)
36. 'We Came To Warn You' / The Guards Attack
37. Sanctuary! / 'Have You Gone Mad?'
38. Happy Ending / The Bells Of Notre Dame (Reprise) (Score)
39. The Bells Of Notre Dame (Reprise)
40. End Credits

12-14-2011, 05:23 AM
Ok. Then why post here. Look, you all have an opinion about his rips. WHY do you **need** to post just to insult him, or humiliate him in public.

YES, he sorta does attract it, but still...

I'm inna kinda sensitive mood anyway, and he IS a friend, so I gotta ask, can't y'all just cut him some slack. For X-Mas maybe???? :sad:

Because his rips are poor quality and after several people have tried to help him he chooses to ignore their advice and continue to make rips that are worse than just listening to the DVD itself. Not only that, but he pretends as if these are not rips, but actual complete, recording session, or promo scores and advertises them as such. This seems like a minor issue until you realize that many people download without realizing they've just acquired a shoddy SFX-bomb DVD rip. And since many collectors never even bother listening to what they get at first, or sometimes not at all, it gets spread around - still labeled as "Complete" or "Promo". Thus, those of us thinking we're acquiring something legit from someone trustworthy has just yet again had to suffer the experience of hearing the "work" that he's done.

To this day I still see people in various places thinking they've found something genuine, when it turns out to be just one of his crappy rips.

It's not like he's the only one to have ever made a horrible quality rip, granted. It all wouldn't be so bad if he would actually try and improve or listen to the criticisms offered to him. Instead he just plugs his ears and goes about doing what he's always done: telling us how he's "Found The Super Complete Recording Sessions To A Score I've Been Trying To Find For So Long Transformers 4: More Of The Same!!!!!!" only to get called out on how it's another one of his rips that he tried to pass of as 1. not a rip, and 2. not his rip in the event that people don't like it.

He claims this one will be so much better than his rips before. I genuinely hope it is. It would be nice to see him accomplish something worthwhile after so long, and to see that he's actually capable of improvement. I don't want to see him fail yet again. Yet I won't be expecting anything different.

12-14-2011, 05:32 AM
Well. Ok. Firstly, he has no obligation to post anything umm..he doesn't want to. What i mean is there are NO rules about quality of content on this site. He is free to post any damn rip he wants. The idea that the rip is passed around on other sites is true, but ya know, buyer beware, right? Snakes has no obligation to satisfy you guys' arbitrary decision of "acceptable". That is y'all's personal goal quality wise. Your continuous attempts to discourage his posts border flaming. It's an obsession. Why not just ignore the post? Because his rip may end up in the hands of a collector who never checks it, someday? That's the justification for relentless attacks? Seems...petty. So you and a few others have decided that you determine what should be posted, and will continue to pester anyone who doesn't measure up? So, he is not allowed to just do his thing and have fun? Since when. Our mods are very familiar with his posts. I know damn sure Sanico is familiar. Yet mods do not edit his posts, or modify rules to deal with quality issues. Unlike other sites, there is not even a min bit rate for posts. So who are any of us to tell him he sucks. That is an entirely personal thing, and is wrong. Just..wrong and mean for no really good reason, except it seems to make y'all feel better.

12-14-2011, 08:50 AM
This thread has gone into the wrong way, even before anything was shared to begin with. It is becoming tiresome see the same discussion over the same subject, by the same people, regardless on which side are defending.

As a principle, every member can share what they want on the forums, with the obligation to specify well of what is sharing. Yet in the case of DVD-rips is different, because from the get-go it's always a custom process made by the person who worked on the rip, meaning that the quality always depends on their technical skills, knowledge, software used, etc.

Now in the case of Snakes, i can't tell how good or bad are his rips, because i don't listen to any DVD rips at all, but he can post his sharings it here, as long as these custom kind of rips are allowed to post, which may end one day in the future.
However if there's people who are much more experienced than Snakes on dvd-rips, the he should, learn with them and accept the criticism, so that way he will do better rips in the future.

Only one thing I won't tolerate, which are the offensive posts. Whether you are attacking or defending SnakesInPantaloons.

So to avoid any further discussion this thread will be closed, until Snakes, who based on his original post description will have the benefit of the doubt, decides to share it. Or not.

12-19-2011, 02:10 AM
Link : - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! (

01-14-2012, 04:35 AM
I Wish I Had The Full Score Without SFX Though... It'd Be Awesome To Share.

---------- Post added at 10:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:04 PM ----------

I Wish I Had The Full Score Without SFX Though... It'd Be Awesome To Share.

01-20-2012, 06:27 PM
So, Wish Me Luck Bcuz I'm Gonna Try To Do This Again In A Different Method.....

01-25-2012, 06:07 AM
Note: I'll Be Making A Post Concerning About My Next Rip In My Threads. My Next Rip Will Be Newsies.... Can't Wait To Post It.

Henry Sarton
01-25-2012, 12:51 PM
Many thanks, but all the links are dead :(

01-25-2012, 05:46 PM
Unfortunatly... So sad...

01-25-2012, 11:29 PM
Did You Try The Wupload One? If So, I'll Re-Up This Weekend.

01-26-2012, 07:28 AM - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

That link goes to only one link: megaupload ! So let's wait for the week end link ;-)
Thank you

03-22-2012, 12:01 AM
Great job snakes. It could've used some work, but we'll wait for the future and see what happens.

03-24-2012, 09:53 PM
Actually, when i get back home from California, i'm going to try and see what I can do. Because here's my assumption, i have a belief that snakes has a "over 1 weekend" process, which basically means that "he followed dimensioner's advice" and did the guide. after he used the guide that dimensioner has associated with us on the dvd, he'll just basically use the 2 back left and right tracks(basically not taking the time to edit these tracks the best he can). when he's completed, some people will thank him for his work, but the others basically rant. I'm not singling out DAKoftheOTA or The Dimensioner, i'm just asking if they can pm me a guide in reducing sfx so I don't follow snakes' idea.

Dimensioner, if you can, that would be fantastic

03-28-2012, 05:13 PM
Okay, so in the next few weekenfs I shall have the score completed. If anybody is wondering, here is the tracklist I am using :

01. Walt Disney fanfare (not used in the movie)
02. Beginning chorus
03. Bell intro
04. The Bells of Notre Dame
05. The bird
06. The gargoyles / enter Frollo
07. You were thinking about going to the festival / Out there (full version)
08. Phoebus returns to Paris
09. Gypsy music
10. Helping Esmerelda / The Palace of Justice
11. Find the Court
12. Topsy turvey (full version)
13. Humiliation
14. Esmerelda stands up to Frollo
15. Esmerelda escapes
16. Quasi returns to Notre Dame
17. "You're in a church"
18. Phoebus and Esmerelda / Frollo's threat
19. God help the outcasts
20. Esmerelda follows Quasi
21. The bell tower
22. Palm reading
23. Climbing down Notre Dame
24. Esmerelda's promise / Quasi and Phoebus
25. I'm not her type / Heaven's Light and Hellfire (full version)
26. The orders of a madman (Paris Burning) (full version)
27. a Guy like You
28. Phoebus, the fugitive
29. Heaven's Light / Frollo's return
30. Do it out of love
31. To the Court / the catacombs
32. The Court of Miracles (full version)
33. These men aren't spies
34. Frollo and the Guards attack
35. The sentence
36. Quasi rescues Esmerelda
37. The seige of Notre Dame
38. Frollo, have you gone mad?
39. And he shall smite the wicked / into the sunlight / finale
40. End credits

03-28-2012, 07:02 PM
Nice Tracklist

07-22-2012, 06:09 PM
Any update out of curiosity?

07-22-2012, 08:27 PM
Since I was a victim of 7/20.... No.

07-23-2012, 04:11 AM
Oh my God, I am so sorry, I had no idea! My deepest apologies and best wishes to you and your friend!

03-04-2013, 02:08 AM
Is there a way that i can download this complete score? I have been looking for it for years, i would be very pleased if you give me a link to it :D

03-04-2013, 05:18 PM
For some reason, this score has produced a lot of duds. Someone did post a complete score (with SFX, but it is the complete score) on ffshrine. Google 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame Complete Score ffshrine' and you should find it. The links should still be working.

03-04-2013, 05:57 PM
Is there a way that i can download this complete score? I have been looking for it for years, i would be very pleased if you give me a link to it :D

Just rip the DVD, knock out the centre and front channels. and then you'll be left with what this is - i.e. a DVD rip with SFXs galore right across it!

09-08-2015, 05:59 AM
And this....