06-11-2003, 02:25 PM
here is a drawing that i've isn't all that great but i'd love some feedback on it..i've got others but i can only do one at a time b/c i don't know how to do them all at once since it will only let me import one picture at a time..there are alot of earaser marks and such that need to be deleted i'l get to that soon and repost it..

06-11-2003, 03:03 PM

I think you forgot the post the picture.. ^^;

06-13-2003, 05:31 PM
well unfortunatly i can't post the picture i wanted to, b/c it is at my school acount, and since i'm done with school and only have to back on certian days to take my finals i don't think i'l be able to get it. I also don't have a scanner..:( but i do have another picture that i can post that i've done. Its Gohan from DragonBallZ and i don't have the excact date when i finished him b/c i was working on it whenever i had a spare moment or two.*points below* there it is, this one two will need some work but i think its pretty good for now, i'm going to ink it and then see what i should do from there. or i will redo the drawing so it won't be so full of eraser marks, i'm not sure yet..

06-14-2003, 04:03 PM
It's really cool Bella, to be honest I'm not a big fan of the DBZ style but you've pulled it off really well.

I'd love to see it inked because the blurryness of the lines and the eraser marks make it a bit tricky on the eye but I should imagine it will be great when you've inked it! I -love- the expression on his face, he looks pretty pissed off! XD!

06-15-2003, 01:27 AM
Originally posted by Alielle
It's really cool Bella, to be honest I'm not a big fan of the DBZ style but you've pulled it off really well.

I'd love to see it inked because the blurryness of the lines and the eraser marks make it a bit tricky on the eye but I should imagine it will be great when you've inked it! I -love- the expression on his face, he looks pretty pissed off! XD!
Yatta! Arigatou Alielle! Yes i know many people on this shrine are not DBZ fans but it was one of my first anime's and i still love the show.:p well thanks so much i'll deffinitly ink it now that i know it should come out great, afterall it can't hurt to try!^.^