06-11-2003, 12:48 AM
Android Kikaider the animation, that's the full title of the airs on Adult Swim 12pm...eastern 11 central i believe

well at first glance this anime looked like it would suck...
and i mean suck, but I figured out i would check it out to give it a fair shot...

within seconds i figure this is nothing more than a anime version of pinnochio... the main character is an android, created by this genius scientist....the scientist "dies" in an attempt to bring the andriod to life. Some ungodly cirumstances help the scientist's daughter find out about the android...and makes it her mission to help the android understand himself...

it makes for an .... ok story...if ya never heard anything about's pretty. crappy...although i must admit the ending music was pretty damn good...

if ya seen this anime what's ya thoughts

David F
06-11-2003, 08:23 PM
Yea I once thought the same way too about retro animes but shit, it�s about the story ya know. But yea I like the anime, more so because it doesn�t have the obligatory �Bitch girl� that Kenshin, Inu, and Trigun have.

The Ricky
06-20-2003, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by David F
Yea I once thought the same way too about retro animes but shit, it�s about the story ya know. But yea I like the anime, more so because it doesn�t have the obligatory �Bitch girl� that Kenshin, Inu, and Trigun have.

I'm with you there. This girl in Kikaider is intelligant. Depressed, and do not have these fucking blonde to the ankles like these bitches in the other animes.

04-20-2007, 10:07 PM
I enjoyed this anime quite a bit. I just recently got the full series, plus the OVA sequel, Kikaider 01 on DVD.

jewess crabcake
04-20-2007, 10:40 PM
holy shit wtf is wrong with you.

04-20-2007, 11:16 PM
holy shit wtf is wrong with you.
Nothing's wrong with me. I enjoyed the story and the music was really good as well. Have you even seen it?

jewess crabcake
04-20-2007, 11:27 PM
You revived a 4 year old thread, just to add, "yes I liked it too."

04-20-2007, 11:47 PM
I was curious if there were any topics about it since not many people mention it anywhere. I didn't realize how old the thread was though. Plus I've only been a member here for almost 2 weeks.

04-21-2007, 12:05 AM
holy shit. one of the very rare posts done by David F. lol. it's always amazing to see them. he's an old friend of mine from high school. i think he quit forums and online in general. sux. ;_;

04-21-2007, 03:46 AM
We don't have another Kikaider thread, so feel free to discuss it here. Don't chat though.

04-21-2007, 05:18 AM
I think Kikaider was a very good "retelling" in a way, or whatever you want to call it, of the story of Pinnochio. And I finally got the chance to see the sequel so I got to see him finally become a "real boy" after 4 years. Has anyone else here seen it and enjoyed or didn't enjoy it? The strange thing is, when I mention Android Kikaider: The Animation, no one seems to have ever heard of it for some reason.

05-08-2007, 02:20 AM
Call me retarded...

But wasn't that show Cancelled?

12-05-2007, 03:09 PM
I dont remember too well, but the intro had a beautiful but a foreboding melody to it's song.

01-02-2008, 07:26 AM
Android Kikaider the Animation is my absolute favorite anime. I'd stay up watching the other anime's like Cowboy Bebop and Big-O and wait anxiously for the show to come on. I was so depressed when AS took it off... At least I have the show on DVD. ^_^
Many Kikaider fans like the OVA more than the actual series, but I'm the opposite. I miss SABURO!
The music was good. I enjoyed the plot (mainly because I love media about robots, oddly enough)!
I understand why a lot of people don't care for the series mainly because of the animation style (namely 'retro'), but you know, whatever. The series gets criticized too much because of that. Sigh...
Anyway, I wish the series was longer and had a bit more complex plot, but we all know that that is very unlikely to happen. But hey! That's what fan fiction is for! YAY!
Well, that's all I'll type...for now...

Anyone else here a Saburo/Hakaider fan? :3

03-08-2008, 05:46 AM
Nothing's wrong with me. I enjoyed the story and the music was really good as well. Have you even seen it?

yeah the music was great i loved when kikaider played the guitar... anyone know whwere i could donwload any music from the show?

It got really interesting with the three kikaider brothers to bad it ended so quickly :(