06-10-2003, 10:34 PM
Might as well do this again. Here's a story I wrote. It has bad words in it.

Under Street Lights
by erik

Kiko�s bubble gum popped. Michiko and Suki walked in the front door.

�Hey,� said Michiko, slipping off her leather jacket and plopping down on the sofa. [--Michiko has straight blue hair that runs just down to her neck and soft gray eyes that are always darting all over the place. She�s wearing a Dead Kennedys �Nazi punks FUCK OFF!� shirt and tight blue jeans with large holes in the knees.--]

�Hi,� said Kiko. She put down her book [--Kiko�s book is Franny and Zooey by J.D. Salinger.--] and sat up. �I didn�t know my mom had signed the lease over to you guys for our house.� [--Kiko has light brown hair that she keeps in a ponytail and is wearing a beaten up Weakerthans T shirt with cut off khaki shorts.--]

�Oh, fuck you,� said Michiko, sitting next to Suki. The two were practically inseparable. You�d think they were lesbians if they didn�t both have boyfriends with whom they frequently had sex in the most irrational places, and often quite blatantly. But then again, maybe they secretly were lesbians and the boyfriends thing was just a fa�ade � with most girls, you�d write that off, but Michiko and Suki were just unusual and close enough that it was a possibility to consider. Not a likelihood, per se, perhaps even an unlikelihood, but a possibility nevertheless. In any case, they were practically inseparable.

Also, Michiko had a bike accident when she was seven in which her little toe got caught in the bike gear and half of it got cut off.

�Yes, fuck me,� said Kiko, since, in case you forget, Michiko had just recently said �fuck you� to her (which was in response to her having said �I didn�t know my mom had signed the lease over to you guys for our house.� Funny, isn�t it, how I could have just done that explanation first and then told Kiko�s response? But I guess it�s too late for that now, which is a terrible shame.) �What did you guys come here for, anyway?�

Michiko shrugged. �We were bored,� she said. [--Michiko has short blonde hair, shorter than Suki�s, and is wearing a black Against All Authority hoodie and baggy jeans.--] �We were thinking of recruiting you to drop by Randal�s.�

Kiko shrugged. �I guess,� she said. �Is anyone good playing?�

�No,� said Suki, except she more laughed it.

�More screamo?�

�More screamo.�

�Oh well.� The girls stood up and Suki put her leather jacket back on and they each grabbed a Coca-Cola and headed outside and hopped onto their Vespas. [--Kiko�s Vespa is bright yellow, Suki�s is black, and Michiko�s is deep red.--]


Randal�s was packed that evening. It had mostly attracted the usual � a huge mass of kids with mohawks and anarchy shirts and large pants on one side and an equally huge, if not huger mass of kids in thick-rimmed glasses and Bright Eyes shirts on the other side. Kiko hopped off her Vespa and scanned the crowd outside the building, knowing what was inside was more of the same. Finally her eyes stopped on Shiko and Megami, who were leaning on the corner of the building, close as they could be to a street light.

�Fuck, he�s with her again,� Kiko pouted.

�Go butt in,� said Michiko. �You don�t get anywhere just ignoring them.�

�I know that,� Kiko snapped. She blew a bubble nervously and it popped before it got very big.

[--Shiko has long, wavy hair down to his shoulders, and wears a leather jacket with pop punk band pins all over it; Riverdales, Queers, Teen Idols, and others; it is over a white Ramones shirt and a pair of torn up blue jeans. His eyes are covered by reflective sunglasses. Megami wears her bright red hair in big pigtails that shoot upward and flop over to the side like dog ears, and she wears a short skirt that swishes around adorably whenever she turns underneath an Osker shirt. She blows a bubble every thirty seconds or so.--]

Kiko approached cautiously. �Hey, Shiko,� she said.

�Hey,� said Shiko. �How�s it going?�

�Terrible,� said Kiko. �My dad moved out. My mom just sits around and drinks all day. The usual.�

�You can still move in with me if you want,� Shiko offered. Megami�s bubble gum popped.

�I�m thinking about it,� said Kiko. She quickly changed the subject. �Who�s playing tonight?�

�A couple of shitty screamo bands and some other band I�ve never heard of,� said Shiko. �I guess they might be okay. Who knows.�

�Doesn�t sound worth going.�

�Shiko,� Megami whined. �I wanna go for a ride.�

�We just got here, baby.�

�I wanna go, Shiko.�

Shiko shrugged. �All right, whatever. Give me a call, Kiko.�

�Wait,� said Kiko.

�What?� Shiko stopped and stared at her. Megami put her hands on her hips and blew a bubble. Kiko nervously blew a bubble back.

�What is it?� asked Shiko. �You look nervous.�

�I�m not fucking nervous,� said Kiko.

�You only swear when you�re nervous,� said Shiko. �And when you�re nervous you always blow bubbles.�

Kiko shut her eyes tight. �Would you leave that bitch for me?� she asked, pointing at Megami. �Then I�ll move in with you.�

Shiko just stared; she couldn�t tell what he was thinking because his shades were in the way of his eyes. �Bitch!� screamed Megami, and she stormed off. �I�m not listening to this shit!� she squealed on the way.

�Uh� I think you misunderstood me, babe,� Shiko said softly. Kiko could tell he was really in pain. �I, uh� look, maybe you shouldn�t move in with me after all. I�ll catch you around, okay?� He turned and headed after Megami. Kiko stood and watched him go; she felt like crying, but she wouldn�t let it happen until she got home. She turned around and headed back to where Suki and Michiko were still leaning on their Vespas, trying to get boys to talk to them.

�That didn�t look like it went too well,� said Suki.

�Fucking understatement of the century,� said Michiko.

�Gee, fucking thanks,� said Kiko, and she stormed off. She went inside and sat down at the bar.

�Coca-Cola for Kiko?� asked Mikami.

�Yeah,� said Kiko. �Don�t put ten billion ice cubes in it this time either.�

�What�s wrong with you?� asked Mikami, plopping a glass in front of her.

�I don�t wanna fucking talk about it,� she said. The band started playing and they were terrible. A guy with thick-rimmed glasses sat next to her.

�Hi,� he said.

�Go shoot yourself, assbucket,� she replied.

�Hey, fuck you,� said the guy, and he got up and walked away.

�Everyone!� shouted Mikami. �Do not talk to Kiko! She will brutally renounce you! She is very very wrathful!�

�Shut the fuck up,� said Kiko, and she splashed the last of her Coca-Cola on him and got up and left the building. She sat down on the curb outside and lit up a cigarette and puffed unhappily, listening to the faint rhythm of the band inside. She looked over her right shoulder after a while and saw that Suki and Michiko were talking to a couple of punk guys. One of them had a blue mohawk and the other had green spikes; Suki and Michiko were probably just laughing at them. �Fuck it,� she said, and put her head in her hands.

After a couple of the band�s songs, they stopped abruptly in the middle of one. Kiko got up to go inside and see what happened. There were a bunch of people laughing and the band�s lead singer was holding his head, with a steady stream of blood running down his neck. He was escorted through the crowd by his band mates.

�What happened?� Kiko asked a nearby kid.

�Some punk threw a beer bottle at their singer and hit him right in the head,� said the kid. �It was fucking hilarious. They really needed to shut up.�

Kiko looked at the crowds of people. She could see the singer of the next band that was supposed to play (this was one she was familiar with) arguing with his band mates, quite audibly declaring that he did not intend to play now.

Kiko sat down at the bar again and watched the chaos unfold. Finally the band that was supposed to be playing next broke up and everyone cheered and hollered as they all stormed out. The last band, the one that no one had ever heard of, was called Heartfish, and everyone started clapping and chanting their name. Kiko was not going to participate, but she was quite curious about what they were like. They trotted onto the stage and it turned out to just be two guys with acoustic guitars, carrying folding chairs. Everyone started booing when they got there. They put down their folding chairs, adjusted the mics, and sat down, and started strumming. They didn�t even plug in or anything, just let the mics pick up the guitars. Kiko loved every note of it. They played their guitars aggressively, belting out simple chords with an enthusiasm no hardcore band could match, and their lyrics were extremely simple but honest and heartfelt and poetic. She sank into the music and completely blotted out the shouts of �You suck!� and �Fags!� and other such things in her mind. Heartfish, too, seemed to be completely unaware of their presence.

It seemed their seven songs were over in five minutes. Kiko clapped enthusiastically along with two other people, and Heartfish got down and got ready to leave. Kiko ran up to them on the way out.

�You guys were incredible!� she yelled.

�Wow, thanks,� said one of them. �It�s nice to have a fan.�

�Ugh, when you guys get famous, all these fucks are going to talk about seeing this show and say they loved it. But seriously, I�ve never heard of you guys before. First show?�

�Yeah, yeah it is,� said the guy who had talked before.

�I�ll sleep with you,� she said. �Either one of you, or both if you want. Please, I want to be with someone tonight.�

They both just looked sad. �Look, I think you should go home, okay?� said the one who hadn�t talked yet.

�Thanks anyway,� said the other, and they left. Kiko sighed heavily and walked outside. Suki and Michiko were sitting by their Vespas smoking. She sat next to them. �That last band was amazing,� she said, and lit up a cigarette.

�You should have slept with them,� said Suki. �It�d make you feel better.�

�I tried. They didn�t want it.�

�Well they can�t be that good, then,� said Michiko, and she and Suki giggled.

�I want to go home,� said Kiko.

�Are you kidding? This is when all the boys come outside!� said Michiko.

�This is the whole reason we came,� Suki agreed.

�I know, but I don�t want any of them anyway,� said Kiko.

The three of them suddenly turned their heads as they heard the sound of a motorbike. A beautiful Harley blasted into the parking lot, with a lone figure on it. Kiko thought it was Shiko at first, but it wasn�t � she quickly recognized the Harley. It was famous around the area. Its rider stepped off and removed his helmet, and his deep black hair fell down his face just perfectly.

�It�s Kazaki!� Suki swooned. �God��

[--Kazaki is extremely tall and has a powerful figure, though not obscenely huge. He has deep eyes that are playful and penetrating and wears a dark black leather jacket and jeans ripped in just the right place, to just the right extent. He carries himself with an inhuman confidence.--]

The three girls stared at him as he stepped off the bike and was greeted by a horde of people eager to establish themselves as friends. He stood around and socialized for a while, and finally Suki and Michiko got up. �Come on, Kiko,� said Suki. �Let�s go!�

�No way,� said Kiko. �Not after tonight. I�ve already had the shittiest luck.�

�Oh, come on!� Suki pouted. �The more of us there are the bigger the chance we�ll get him!�

�I don�t think he�s like that anyway,� said Kiko. �I�m sorry, I�m staying right here.�

�Oh, fuck you,� said Suki, and she and Michiko walked off. They were absorbed into the crowd, making no difference, causing no ripple.

She stared at the people flocking around Kazaki. She hated them. She puffed on her cigarette

Finally, Kazaki broke away from the crowd, and audibly told them all to fuck off; they all cried disappointedly and he started walking away from them in Kiko�s direction. She watched him come. As he walked, he stared at the ground and lit up a cigarette. He kept coming directly toward her. The crowd could not take their eyes off him as he approached her. Her breath stopped as he walked right past her and started talking to two girls Kiko hadn�t even noticed who were standing next to a street light behind her. She looked at the crowd, and they were all staring at her. Every single one of them had seen her look hopefully up at him and get shut down. She looked at the ground in shame.

The crowd dissipated again and everyone went back to hanging around in their small groups. Kazaki walked back past Kiko, having grown bored of the girls at the street light, and headed inside Randal�s, probably for a drink. Kiko got up and found Suki and Michiko again.

�Wow, that must have sucked,� said Suki.

�I totally thought he was going to talk to you,� said Michiko.

�Yeah, thanks so much for making me feel better,� said Kiko.

�Lighten up,� said Michiko. �There�s tons of cute boys here.�

�But none of them are Shiko!�