06-04-2003, 10:51 AM
Okay, the idea behind this thread is this one:
You�ve bought a manga or an anime, and find it is absolute crap, regret you�ve bought it, and now want to warn others: Do it here, say why.
Or you bought a manga or anime and find it absolutely great, now you want to recommend it to the rest of the world? Do it here...

for a start:
I feel I have to warn you. ;)
Try to avoid the Visions of Escaflowne manga drawn by Katsu Aki. Being released by Tokyopop in the U.S.
Especially if you love Escaflowne. The story is not the same anymore, the characters are not the same anymore, and the art is... in my view, ugly. Fans risk to be disappointed badly.

06-04-2003, 11:48 AM
Here's a word of advice...

When buying/bidding Anime on Ebay make sure you know where the item is from! I bought 'Outlaw Star' from Ebay (great anime) except the fact I found out it was going to be delivered all the way from Singapore!!! I payed �9.00 for the DVD's yet the shipping costs were another �12.00, silly me eh?

06-04-2003, 06:40 PM
Well, I guess I couldn't reply to a thread like this without mentioning my current anime and manga favourite; Oh, My Goddess!.

If you liked the OVA and the recent movie, then I suggest you get the manga (being translated into English by Studio Proteus and released by Dark Horse Comics), as the artwork is crisp and sharp, the dialogue witty and often hilarious, and the manga plotlines in fact reveal a lot more story than was revealed in the OVA and the movie (not mention throwing a lot more supernatural entities and weird science into the equation!).

Just a word of caution. If you're getting the OMG manga for the first time and want to start from the very beginning of the story (OMG has been running since 1988!), make sure you get the graphic novel Wrong Number and NOT 1-555-GODDESS[/i]. The later book was the original release by Dark Horse which skipped a lot of back story in order to introduce the main characters more quickly. These 'lost' stories were re-collected with the previous stories already published in 1-555-GODDESS in the books Wrong Number, Leader of the Pack, and Final Exam, after which the next book in the series - Love Potion no 9, continues the story normally.

At the moment in the translated versions the story is about four or five volumes behind the current Japanese version so it's pretty much not that far out of date - and from what I understand - is catching up pretty fast too.

So, if you like a blend of romantic comedy, tear-jerking drama, Norse mythology and celestial fantasy, mixed with strange super-science, engineering and even a little motorcycle racing in your manga, then you may just like Oh, My Goddess!

06-05-2003, 12:56 AM
It's been a long time since I have been here (almost a year), but anyway. In my opinion, Love Hina is the best anime/manga I have read and watched. I have just finished the 14 manga book and It ended in suspence. That kinda sux cos there's no more after 14. But I still recomend it.:D

06-05-2003, 02:23 AM
I recommend the Akira manga. If you watched the movie and are completely lost, like I was, then get this. There are 6 volumes at 25 bucks a peice, they're big, they answers all the questions that the movie leaves. There is so much more than the story, but I won't want to ruin it. If you liked the movie, get this.

06-06-2003, 12:12 PM
Well, here goes my simple-American--Tokyopop-manga knowledge...

Not Good

Inuyasha - For some reason, the manga really bored me. I couldn't turn the page without actually forcing my self. I love the anime series, so I thought I would love the manga series even more. But damn, was I wrong. It's not absolutely god-awful horrible, just really bores me for some reason...

Cowboy Bebop - Actually, this should be in a category of "Okay" rather than not good. It's an okay manga, but sometimes, I often get lost or confused...soemtimes they skip to a differen scene without giving you any hint they've done so. Which leaves you goin "Whuh...? *Flips back some pages* what just happened?"
Also, sometimes it's hard to tell who's talking..I've read various manga, and most of the time, the have the little tail in a text-bubble, letting you know who's talking...but for some reason, the Cowboy Bebop manga doesn't do that often, which also gives you that confused effect.


Card Captor Sakura - Shoot me, kill me, call me a n00b, do whatever, I don't care. I must say, I actually like the manga. Personally, I find the anime series is more focused on Pokemon-esque battles, while the manga tends to focus more on Sakura's life. There's a few battles and stuff, but it's not nearly as...hmm..I'll say "childish", as the anime appears.

Just a few things...