Bahamut ZERO
06-02-2003, 06:32 PM
Right, the last time you fight Seifer on Disk 3, if you have Odin you get a cut scene where Odiin rides in to use Zantetsuken (if that's spelt right) on Seifer, but gets blitzed and annihilated. The sword spirals up and a hand grabs it.

The battle continues, and towards the end of it, Gilgamesh appears, and he and Seifer talk to each other... Can someone please explain to me what the heck they are saying? I've tried playing it again, re-reading it, but the translation seems bad and doesn't seem to make much sense. It would be interesting to know what they actually say...

... This probably sounds like a bit of a dumb question, but I'm curious.

06-02-2003, 06:48 PM
Someone else can fill in the big gaps in my explanation, but from what I've read in faqs and such:

Giglamesh is from another game right? He was cast away in some different dimension at the end of FF5. (I think) Well, some uber voodoo gizmo happened when Seifer killed Zantetsuken so the dimension was rifted open, Giglamesh comes out of it and mistakes Seifer for the one who sent him through the portal the first place.
So, he's talking to the past whilst Seifer I don't know.

I don't recall the lines what they are saying though, but at least you now know why o_O hope it helped.

06-03-2003, 12:14 AM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">I think Gilgamesh says something like "You've given me the fourth one, now dodge my sword!". Yeah, he was sealed in time since FF5, but I dunno why he decided to attack Seifer there, Tekno's probbaly right. Basically Gilgamesh is saying that he's gonna attack Seifer for giving him the Zantetsuken sword though, which seems pretty stupid to me. :erm:

06-03-2003, 06:29 AM
All right, I'll have a go. When he says "You've given me the fourth one," he's referring to the four swords. Gilgamesh has a total of four sword attacks in Final Fantasy VIII that he can use when he appears at random. If I remember correctly, they are: Excalibur, Excalipoor, Masamune and, the fourth one, Zantetsuken. (Odin's sword attack) Then he says "Where is the dimensional interval?" I believe in the Japanese version of the game, he actually says, "Where is the dimensional interval, Butz?," Butz being the main character of Final Fantasy V. But this was removed in the English translation.