Bahamut ZERO
06-02-2003, 05:40 PM

Just a thought I had reading some of the posts in the stickied thread at the top. The story of the game seemed to focus a lot on the relationship between Squall and Rinoa, often at the cost of not telling us what was actually happening with the villains, and why they wanted to cause destruction as they did.

I was just wondering if Square spent too much effort pushing the relationship to the forefront of the game, and whether it would've been a better idea to give the main villain (Ultimecia, as things worked out) more of a platform in the game? I think things would've been more interesting had I had the villain to focus on as well as Squall and Rinoa...

... Dunno, maybe it's just me...

06-03-2003, 12:07 AM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">I've heard of people complaining about that before, but I was never too bothered by it myself. That may be because I really liked Squall asa character; but in a way I think the game was intended to be focused on Squall. He does actually change quite a lot through the course of the game, and Rinoa is the main reason for his change. The main storyline still does move along rather nicely, so I didn't really think it focused too much on them. But then, that's just me. ;)

06-03-2003, 06:28 AM
Hmm, maybe it has to do with the whole "FFVII expectation" thing that people keep mentioning. After all, in Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth was really well developed. You had all the Nibelheim scenes, the up-close interaction with him, the big spoiler which I won't mention in case by some odd chance there's somebody reading who hasn't played FFVII, so on, so on. And then you get FFVIII where you don't even get to meet up with the real villain face-fo-face until the very end.