Bahamut ZERO
06-02-2003, 05:37 PM
Final Fantasy VIII has been dubbed the game based around a love story, but there are a number of relationships occurring within VII that are just as moving...


Cloud and Tifa, Cloud and Aeris, are the two most obvious ones. We'll never know which one Cloud would've chosen if things hadn't happened as they had happened.

Cid, and Shera. The two of them were obviously close and cared for each other. Maybe things worked out between them at the end of the game after what happened on the rocket?

Tseng and Elena. Unless my memory is completely frazzled, Tseng asked Elena to meet him for dinner sometime during the Temple of the Ancients. (I could be wrong there though.)

Aeris' mother and Professor Gast. Another couple that bought about the last Ancient, and a neat little plot tie in.

Hojo and Lucrecia, a relationship that saw the birth of the villain of the game.

There are so many different relationships, that I'm surprised I didn't pick up on this earlier. Your thoughts?

06-02-2003, 11:50 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Well, although FF8 does really stand out, I think there is a love theme in all of the FF's, really (well I didn't notice anything in FF5 but in the others that I've played). I did pick up on the Cloud and Aeris thing and also Cloud and Tifa (particularly at the end of disc 2 where they seem to get rather "close"), and yeah Tseng did ask Elena to dinner at one point (although I don't think it ever happened).

Basically, the love themes are there, it's just not as much of an extreme part of the story as it was in FF8.

06-03-2003, 06:17 AM
Cid, and Shera. The two of them were obviously close and cared for each other. Maybe things worked out between them at the end of the game after what happened on the rocket?
I think this is worth commenting on. At first he is really angry with her, but the two really come together after he realizes that she was right all along. I think you're right that maybe there's a future for them after the ending.

Tseng and Elena. Unless my memory is completely frazzled, Tseng asked Elena to meet him for dinner sometime during the Temple of the Ancients. (I could be wrong there though.)
Nope, you've got it. You remembered correctly. Here it is:

"Elena: Be careful, Tseng.

Tseng: Yeah... Hey Elena, how 'bout dinner after this job's over?

Elena: Th... Thank you very much. If I may be excused..."

06-15-2003, 05:23 AM
I so agree with all of you! ^^ I luv the thing between Cid and Shera! They are my second favorite couples! I mean second to Cloud and Aeris of course! ^^

06-15-2003, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by Athena
I mean second to Cloud and Aeris of course! ^^

Cloud and Aeris all the way, baybehhh~~~ :D

Cid and Shera....might've worked out...but Iunno...than again, maybe I'm just not realizing they'd make the perfect

I hate pairing like Aeris X Sephiroth.....

*Super spoiling Ante*

He killed her for God sakes.

*End o'super spoiling Ante*

So what're the odds she's gonna' like him? Ugh, I ask ya'.....

And then there's those weird hentai-manga-artist pairings...Aeris, Yuffie, or Tifa with Red XIII...*sigh* imaginative? To some people, I guess...but to me, it's just stupid.

Cloud X Aeris for me, please.

Cetra Angel
06-17-2003, 01:35 AM
*clonks Koenma*

*sniff...... sniff sniff...* But what if things had been different...? *sniff* I love the contradiction in AeriSeph pairings.

True, I used to hate Seph
True, I used to love Cloud/Aeris pairings


of that topic.......

Yuffie/Vincent? Anyone? No?
Funny how there seem to be a lot of those on a particular site i shan't name... i guess its cuz they're both 'secret' chara's, ne?

back to AeriSeph.......

*giggles* at least it isnt as unlikely as Cloud/Seph *giggles some more*
Seph didnt do anything to harm Aeris until............ that thing he did........... and THAT was pretty quick. (y'know if you read this wrong it makes me sound so perverted....)
but look wht he did to cloud:
t****ed nibelheim
i****ed tifa
k***ed his mum
k***ed Aeris
made him th*** h* w*s a p*pp**.

*looks up* OK so my censorship of spoilers sucks, but thats a lotta shit he did.


mayb im too tired..... g'night...

07-07-2003, 08:57 AM
Oh please, dont even get me started with Vincent and Yuffie! UCK! XP U got me going with Aeris and Sephiroth there cause they COULD have worked, but u just HAD to mention a pairing between Yuffie and Vincent! Yuck! Vincent is STILL hung up on Lucreacia and Yuffie is STILL an immature 16 year old! @_@

07-08-2003, 12:30 AM
Yeah, I agree. Yuffie and Vincent aren't a pair because Yuffie is.... MINE! :D

07-09-2003, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by Cetra Angel

*sniff...... sniff sniff...* But what if things had been different...? *sniff* I love the contradiction in AeriSeph pairings.

True, I used to hate Seph
True, I used to love Cloud/Aeris pairings


I think I'm gonna be sick...


I personally liked the few love interests. I mean every story's gotta have a love theme...right?
I honestly don't like Cloud & Aeris together, sure they were good together, but to me it just doesn't seem right. I think Aeris was way better with Zack. Vincent & Lucrecia's story made me cry so much, it's one of those tales that makes you wish it were meant to be. But there was always a tragedy behind it. ;-;

07-09-2003, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by Riana
I think I'm gonna be sick...


I personally liked the few love interests. I mean every story's gotta have a love theme...right?
I honestly don't like Cloud & Aeris together, sure they were good together, but to me it just doesn't seem right. I think Aeris was way better with Zack. Vincent & Lucrecia's story made me cry so much, it's one of those tales that makes you wish it were meant to be. But there was always a tragedy behind it. ;-;

True Aeris and Zack would have been nice together, but Aeris and Cloud, they did had something special between them, not because they look 'good' was also because Aeris seem to have changed Cloud into a better person. Notice how in other games, Cloud and Aeris show up, like in tactics and Kingdom Hearts? I think people Squaresoft really meant for them together. Its destiny! ^^;

07-17-2003, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by Athena
True Aeris and Zack would have been nice together, but Aeris and Cloud, they did had something special between them, not because they look 'good' was also because Aeris seem to have changed Cloud into a better person. Notice how in other games, Cloud and Aeris show up, like in tactics and Kingdom Hearts? I think people Squaresoft really meant for them together. Its destiny! ^^; i agree, i think square ment for cloud and aeris to be together. Otherwise theyd be just insane to put cloud :mew: and aeris together in more than one game(the cat seemed necesary somehow)

Dante Sparda
07-29-2003, 03:08 PM
Awh c'mon guys(and girls...)!

It's quite obivious. I mean, FFVII is pretty much like 1 big interactive anime, am I right? Come to think of it, most FF games probably are though it's clearer in FFVII 'cause of the style of the chars...

Anyways, can you think of a anime that isn't related to love? Okay, there might be a few here and there where love isn't that clear, but most of the time, the love, the keeping of a promise, friendship etc are all there.

Cloud made a promise to Tifa(which he didn't keep, since his true self never made it to SOLDIER).

Cloud falls in love with Aerith(which doesn't work out 'cause that blasted Mr Black Cape "dropped by").

Cloud couldn't care less about this or that in the begining, but in the end however... he does give a shit. Hell, he's even flirting a bit with Tifa.

Cid hates Shera for what she did, but deep down he's grateful that she did what she did(no dead man can follow or fufill his dreams)

Tseng and Elena? Uhm... I must have missed that part :(

Aeris' mother and Professor Gast. You don't see much of 'em(or is there more than just 'em video recordings?), but you get the idea. I'm sure she felt terrible... to leave the burden of being the last over to such a young child, even worse, her only daughter.

Hojo and Lucrecia.... I dunno about the love in this one. Hojo had a wife, he was married to his job. :D I don't think he gave a rats ass about Lucerica(if he did, why the heck is she hiding behind the waterfall... "waiting" for Vincent?).

Vincent & Yuffie....?! Well that's a loooooooooooooong shot, buuuut... I could see it happen. Assuming that Lucrecia was dead and Vincent & Yuffie had one of 'em moments that Squall & Rinoa had like... 34798327598247 times during FF8.

Merlin Pendragon
01-11-2004, 02:58 AM
Sorry but like many other people, Aeris and Sephiroth together makes me sick. Sephiroth was jealous of Aeris being an ancient so he killed her, he didn't feel for her. Who knows if he did, maybe he wouldv'e made Aeris his "Queen" ewww that thought makes me sick.....why did I think that?

Cloud/Sephiroth: Not really, I think it's just that they are so bent on killing one another they can't think of anything else.

Cloud/ Aeris: ::gets sick:: ewwww, no, he doesn't have any time for Aeris, he wants to kill Sephiroth! Aeris and Cloud hmmm, can we say friends?

Cloud/ Tifa: Can we say friends again? They just don't....well spark I guess. Childhood friends forever!

Cloud/ Vincent or Cloud/ Barrent: ........interesting.....but no.

Cid/ Vincent: I like this one, their oppisites and who knows, maybe Cid will get Vinny to talk more. Though I am a sucker for Cid/ Vincent/ Lucerzia triangles ^^

Cloud/ Rufus: HAHAHAHAHAHA this will happen when Sephiroth will wear a dress and run around in a flower field, WHICH WOULD NEVER HAPPEN!

Rufus/ Any Female character: HAHAHAHA, sorry I LOVE Rufus but I can't see him with any female character in any Final Fantasy Game.

Rufus/ MONEY AND POWER: Yep, there you go, perfect match right there ^^.

Sephiroth/ Anyone: No....Sephiroth is not the type for stuff like that. I can't see him with anyone. so yeahhhh.

That's all for now untill I feel like typing more. ((If this message double posts I'm sorry, my computer hates me sometimes))

01-11-2004, 10:31 AM
I think you lot are missing the most obvious couple :D

Nanaki and Cait Sith!!!!!! :p

every dog loves a big bad teddy to hump ;) :D

The Joker
01-17-2004, 02:09 PM
Well, love is often the theme in many of them.

I'm still trying to figure out the symbolic connection of the sign "loveless."

Aeris and Cloud were the most obvious. Barret's fatherly love for his daughter Marlene. Cid and whats her name (too lazy to remember or look it up.) Luceria and Vincent was another noteable one. The memory of Red's parents...the list does go on.

I think the one with Tifa and Cloud is rather without foundation, they are nothing more than good friends and familiar faces, you can read my post in "who deserves to be with Cloud" post for the analytical dissection.

Alice Wonderbra
01-17-2004, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by Gandalf
I'm still trying to figure out the symbolic connection of the sign "loveless."

it could be applied to the whole aeris deal, but wasnt it just some sort of hidden ad for something in japan?

01-19-2004, 12:11 AM
cloud n tifa . . all the way . . they are meant for each other! aries has zack! plus cloud started the whole soldier thing FOR TIFA . .