Bahamut ZERO
06-02-2003, 05:21 PM
Out of all the Final Fantasy games, which moments still stand out for you fresh as when you first saw them?

For me, there are two:


First, the end of disk 1 on Final Fantasy VII. The Death of Aeris. I was shocked, and I was saddened, and I still have the image of Sephiroth descending down and sticking his sword through her.

The second is the end of Final Fantasy IX. I knew what was going to happen. I saw it coming in the first ten seconds of the play. Yet it didn't stop me from being choked up when Zidane and Garnet embraced on the stage. A truly joyous and happy ending to a nice game.

06-02-2003, 10:55 PM
!!!SPOILERS!!! (ff8 and ff10)

The part in Final Fantasy 8 when Squall holds Rinoa in his arms on the Ragnarok and in Final Fantasy 10 when the Aeons are bad and you have to destroy them.

06-04-2003, 11:24 PM
Two moments.

One is the ending of FF9. That ending is ALWAYS what really, REALLY sealed my love for that game. Heh, I'm a sucker for sappy romance. ^_^

And the second is probably the Neibelheim sequence in FF7, when you see Sephiroth in the fire, from Cloud's POV. You just see that cold look on his face as he turns away, and I was thinking, "Damn... he... did all that?"

Oh yes, and I do have to consider this a very memorable moment.

When I was playing FF1 for the first time. Right after you cross the bridge and the words "Final Fantasy" appear on screen. No numbers afterwards, just the words, "FINAL FANTASY." And that gorgeous theme song. :) I remember playing that and thinking, "Gawd, this is how it all started. No wonder this game is such a huge success!"

06-05-2003, 11:50 AM
Whoa, yeah.

Let�s see. Spoilers like hell

First thing that pops into my mind is the short and indredibly sweet scene with Zidane and Kuja, their final, peaceful conversation. I was so incredibly touched by this totally unknown side of Kuja�s personality, and by the closeness between these two brothers, that... it�s really special.

Oh, darn, can�t think of anything else ._.

06-05-2003, 04:11 PM

FF8: The secret revealed: Their past all connected to eachtother. Although it sucked, it suprised me like hell. xD o_o

The first glimpse of Kefka!!!

and the destruction of the world of balance into the world of ruin and the first glimpse there. I was so 'shocked' to see the world in such state xD o_o

06-05-2003, 08:21 PM
I may as well mention all of the classic moments I've had in all the FF games: (NOTE, there are a LOT of spoilers here, so if you haven't played these FF games, look no further!)


FFI - The 'bridge scene'. Who can forget hearing the now famous Prologue play for the first time when crossing that bridge into a new land? Also, Garland's immortally cheesy 'I Garland will knock you all down!' line will stay with me forever!

FFII - Killing Emperor Paramekia for the first time and thinking you've saved the world, then after some story passes and Paramekia Castle becomes the entrance to Hell, you find something is not quite right. And then, after negotiating Pandemonium only to find you've got to kick his demonic butt a second time! Still classic!

FFIII - Haven't played much of this, but I suppose finding Cid's been turned into a ghost was pretty creepy.

FFIV - When Tellah tries fighting against Edward and utters that other immortal line: "YOU SPOONY BARD!!! THAT'S MY DAUGHTER!!!" Also, when Palom and Porom sacrifice themselves in order to save Baron's walls from collapsing was really tear-jerking.

FFV - Fighting Gilgamesh when he tries attacking with what he thinks is Excalibur, only to do only 1HP damage on your party! He then slinks back in embarrasment when he realises he accidently drew Excalipoor - a weak copy - by mistake! (and that was also why Gilgamesh in FFVIII also has this same silly attack).

FFVI - the whole opera scene really qualifies as probably hte greatest scene in any RPG! As well, when Kefka kills Emperor Ghestahl with the power of the Three Goddesses, and then rearranges the world's surface. Shortly after that, seeing Celes attempt suicide was another emotionally wrenching scene. Finally, when Locke revives Rachel with the Phoenix esper, only to have her disappear because the magicite is damaged, but not before she releases him from the guilt he's been bearing since her death. As Locke cried out "RAACCHHEELLL!!!!!" I cried myself!

FFVII - Okay, everyone's already mentioned Aeris' death, so I won't mention that. Instead, shortly after Sephiroth summons Meteor, and when Rufus attempts to execute Tifa and Barret at junon, only to have Sapphire Weapon show up and inadvently free them before they escape on the Highwind. From what was obviously their darkest hour, the light of hope once again returned to them, allowing AVALANCHE to continue their fight to save the earth.

FFVIII - I think the battle between Galbadia and Balamb Gardens is probably the one I remember the most. I mean, the sheer complexity of that FMV sequence towards the end of that part, with FMV of the Galbadian army fighting the Garden students - it was just so awesome. The dance scene between Squall and Rinoa was memorable too.

FFIX - Firstly, Zidane's infamous 'Oooo soft' scene was hilarious, but the parts I fondly remember, are the Battle of Alexandria (Alexander versus Bahamut - care to place your bets?), especially when Garland in the Invincible does an Independence Day parody and completely obliterates Alexandria with the Invincible's psychic laser; along with when Garnet regains her voice and cuts her hair as a symbol of moving on in her life, which then cuts into the Hilda Garde 3 being launched - an awesome scene; the airship battle at the Iifa Tree -seeing the Hilda Garde 3 leading the entire Lindblum Airforce, along with LAexandria's Red Rose piloted by none other than Beatrix with the knights of Pluto, up against all those Nova Dragons! Finally, the ending is really great - especially the final moments in Alexandria. Predictable? Perhaps, but I still love it!

FFX - When Sin attacks Zanarkand - especially when you'r ein control of Auron and tidus - the music just suits it perfectly. Also later on, when Sin wipes out Kilika and the resultant 'sending' that Yuna performs; when the monsters show up at Luca's Blitzball tournament (Auron is the man!!); as well as when the Airship crashes Seymour's weding to Yuna (one of the most amazing scenes I've ever seen!); and the whole final Airship battle against Sin.

FF Tactics - Probably in Chapter 4 when Dceydarg turns traitor against his brother (Ramza) and turns himself into a Lucavi demon, and also turns innocent Zalbag into a vampire. When Zalbag pleaded with Ramza to put him out of his misery my heart jsut beld for the poor guy. Naturally I kicked Dycedarg's arse real good too!

Neo Xzhan
06-05-2003, 09:49 PM

Final Fantasy VI:

The part where you see Terra change into an esper and the whole story about that part, that was really something. I loved how everything went in that part

Final Fantasy VII:

Pretty much like everyone, Aeris' death. What a really moving scene that was. It actually makes me cry, and the fight during it all and the music makes it complete. It's really a sentimental scene, and the best out of any FF if you ask me.

Final Fantasy VIII:

The Orpanage's home, where Squall and the others find out where they met so long ago, it's really somewhat what familiar feeling when they think about what happened then there.

Final Fantasy X:

The part where Tidus finds out he is only a dream in combination with the ending sequence is fantastic, the whole sad feeling around it all really gets to me.

06-06-2003, 12:01 PM
For some reason, I every moment of FF7 I remember fondly...but for some reason..I can remember the whole Gold Saucer Prison pat of the game very well...

Another would be the Ice Cavern from FF9...I spent so much time there, I loved that place. The music of it was so awesome..I can't find a word for it...mysterious kind of...but that's not it...and just the place in General.

But as I said, mostly all of FF7 is a huge memory to me.

06-10-2003, 04:30 AM
Well, definitely a lot of Final Fantasy VII.

Final Fantasy VI - Kefka: You all sound like chapters from a bad self-help book! Prepare yourselves!

Final Fantasy IX - Zidane: I get real clingy when I'm sad!

There's a lot more, I just don't feel like typing a huge list right now.

06-10-2003, 05:12 AM
I have two most memorable moments, and neither of them are Aeris' death scene, haha!

FFVI At the end of the ghost train when you see Cyan's family departing for the next realm and you see him running after it, I think one of the most emotional scenes of any game.

FF Tactics When you get to fight wiegraf one on one and right after that fight his demon form, simply because the first time I played through that game I had no idea what was coming and that made it the absolute hardest battle I've ever had in any FF game.

06-10-2003, 05:34 AM
Originally posted by Tekno

FF8: The secret revealed: Their past all connected to eachtother. Although it sucked, it suprised me like hell. xD o_o


That FF8 thing was way corny in my opinion, I mean geeze, "Wow! We all went to the same orphanage, we all knew each other, but we all forgot! Wow, we all remember now, weird ain't it?"


When Kefka says "Ahem! There's SAND on my boots!"
I mean, ROFL, I just thought it was just funny, there isn't a quote like that in any other FF, lol ^_^ O_o

06-18-2003, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by AdemA

When Kefka says "Ahem! There's SAND on my boots!"
I mean, ROFL, I just thought it was just funny, there isn't a quote like that in any other FF, lol ^_^ O_o

Well.. "you spoony bard!" comes pretty close.. :B


Like almost everyone, the deathscene in FF7. I was so sad, and it was right before I had to go to my weekly guitar lessons too. I sat there with teary eyes and the teacher was so worried about me. XD XD

FF6, when Kefka poisons the river and everyone from that town, except Cyan, dies. Also when Cyan sees his wife and child board the train to 'the other side'. Those parts were really emotional. T_T

FF8, when Edea threw that large chunk of ice that pierced Squall. I really didn't like the guy, but it's just so.. Ouchie~ >_<
Also, the entire Edea parade bit. That's one of my favourite parts of the game.

And in FF9, when you're in the Pandemonium with Zidane. The entire conversation with Garland, and the bit with the rest of the party members afterwards.

06-18-2003, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by Nymph
And in FF9, when you're in the Pandemonium with Zidane. The entire conversation with Garland, and the bit with the rest of the party members afterwards.

Yes, I remember this. And how could I forget.
You are not alone! The best piece of music in a game ever!
One day, at school.
Me: "Hey, how far into FF9 are you?"
Friend: "I�m somewhere with really great music. I wanted to download it but I don�t know what it was called..."
Me: "That�s 'You are not alone'! It really does kick ass!"

06-19-2003, 05:34 PM
FF6 - WOB turning into the WOR. That stands out the most in my memories

FF9 - The ending. I think that has struck alot of people.

06-30-2003, 09:35 PM
This post will contain spoilers =).

Hmm most memorable part:

FFV- Galuf's death...he still has the best death..he went out swinging!

FFIV-Kain when he came back for good...i was extremely happy with that part

FFVI- Seeing Shadow lying there after going in WOR. I wasnt sure if i made it or not because the timer was so low so i hadn't saved until i found him.

FFVII- Aeris' death..only cause it was one of the funniest moments in videogame history.

FVIII-Bahamut and the whole underwater facility. I also remember that damned sinking palace because i died so many times until i figured out what i had to do.

FFIX- Hmmm...Most of the game sucked..but i loved all the FMV with Bahamut

FFX- Easily the first summon of bahamut...i was surprised and shocked at the big parrot with wings..yet these days ive grown attached to him since he's all maxed out and stuff <3

FF tactics- Finally getting bloody dragoons...took me forever. Of course once i got them i plowed through all the non-random fights in the game.

FFMQ-Id rather forget that game.

David F
07-01-2003, 08:20 AM
Final Fantasy 7 Aeris death scene, definitely left it a lasting impression on me. I mean when I look back in my gaming history I really without a doubt can say that, that scene always stands out head and shoulders above all others in gaming.

David F
07-01-2003, 08:20 AM
Final Fantasy 7 Aeris death scene, definitely left it a lasting impression on me. I mean when I look back in my gaming history I really without a doubt can say that, that scene always stands out head and shoulders above all others in gaming.

Neo Xzhan
07-01-2003, 10:36 AM

Hey DavidF don't double post hmmmkay?

I wanted to add something about FFIV anyway about now.

(I am not sure if it was FFIV or FFII)
Forgive me if I get the FF number wrong, but I think it is FFIV, with Cecil the Dark Knight and you'll have to become a Paladin, I like the whole atmosphere about that, even though he is a Dark Knight, in his heart he is not.

Rabid Monkey
07-01-2003, 04:13 PM
Ok, I'm pissed... No one mentioned the part in FFVI where Gau meets his father! Funniest scene...ever! Heck, ANYTHING with Gau is funny!

07-12-2003, 10:52 PM
FFIV - When Tellah died.. god he was a great character.
- When Yang was injured in the explosion

FFVI - When Maudin and Madonna "explored" each other. THat was funny kinda.
- When the world fell apart

FFVII - When the Weapons came out of the crater

07-12-2003, 11:27 PM
Originally posted by Neo Xzhan

Final Fantasy VI:

The part where you see Terra change into an esper and the whole story about that part, that was really something. I loved how everything went in that part

Final Fantasy VII:

Pretty much like everyone, Aeris' death. What a really moving scene that was. It actually makes me cry, and the fight during it all and the music makes it complete. It's really a sentimental scene, and the best out of any FF if you ask me.

Final Fantasy VIII:

The Orpanage's home, where Squall and the others find out where they met so long ago, it's really somewhat what familiar feeling when they think about what happened then there.

Final Fantasy X:

The part where Tidus finds out he is only a dream in combination with the ending sequence is fantastic, the whole sad feeling around it all really gets to me.

there you go, that says it

07-13-2003, 12:12 AM
Here's one I forgot that's really good:

Final Fantasy V: Galuf goes all kamikaze on ExDeath. He's got like 0 HP, he should be KOed, but he just keeps going at him like crazy. That was some wild stuff.