05-25-2003, 03:13 PM
Well, the Dark Aeons and the super monsters at the battle arena and kicking my arse! so I'm off to get the celestial mirror.

I got the cloudy mirror and then beat Belgemedine to get the flower scepter and then went off the Macalania woods. I did the thing with the family, reunited them and went up the magical path until you come to the intersection. There's some bloody woman standing there blocking my way! I searched the net and found a screen shot and the woman is there then, so why the hell has she decided know is a good time to block my way and stop me from taking 99999 off the dark aeons every time i hit the bastards?

Is she there on anyone else's game? If she is, how do you get rid of her?

05-25-2003, 04:06 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Oh, right, sorry, ignore my post in the other thread.

The only thing I can possibly think of is, after you reunite the family, talk to them again. They will eventually say that their son ran off into the woods. Now go up the shining path, and the woman should have moved, and the boy will be there instead. Once you talk to him he will move, and you'll be able to power up the mirror and the weapons using the flower behind him.

05-25-2003, 06:41 PM
ahh thanks, damn that was annoying. I spoke to the couple again after they were reunited but the onlything they say at first is "thank's to you i've been reunited with my husband/wife." I usually talk to people for a couple of times until they repeat themselves before I leave but I wanted to get the mirror so bad so I could kickthe crap out of the dark aeons, they are pissing me rite off.

And to make it worse, I didn't get the sun crest after beating yunalesca so when i fight the dark aeons again I won't have Tidus having a fully upgraded weapon and bahamut is likely to kill me in 3 moves again like he did when i first went to him hoping to get the sun crest.

They're all going to be dead by June 20th, that's a garuntee!

Thanks for your help, Meltigemini.

Vivi FF
05-25-2003, 09:18 PM
If Tidus isn't going to be able to get his celestial weapon charged, then you have two things that you could do to help you fight Dark Bahamut and other things... You can (1) customize a weapon for Tidus w/the celestial weapon abilities or better abilties... Tidus's weapons gets Break Damage Limit (BDL), Triple Overdrive, Evade & Counter (i think but it could be Counterattack), and Magic Counter... I'd make a better wepaon with BDL, Triple OD, One MP Cost, and any other ability you want... Or you can (2) power someone else up whose celestial weapon is easier to fulyl charge up instead of Tidus. IMO the easiest weapons are Yuna (sooooo easy), Wakka (playing blitzball is not hard, just long at times...), and Rikku (just do the Cactaur Quest, no biggie...). Auron's does take some time cause you gotta capture 5 of every fiend but other than that, it's easy... Tidus's, Lulu's, and Kimarhi's can be very hard to do if you can't complete those mini-games...

05-25-2003, 11:28 PM
I don't think I'm even going to attempt to get the venus sigil for for lulu cause I can't dodge one of the bolts, never mind 200 in a row!

05-27-2003, 04:40 AM
The lightning bolt dodge thing is hell, but I did beat it. It's not nearly as bad as the Kimahri quest, which I'm never ever trying to beat again. There's this one area just after the place with the treasure chest with the rewards that seems to have a pretty predictable pattern. I just went there, figured out the pattern and after some initial frusturation, I got it down and I was able to dodge the 200 bolts.

Neo Xzhan
05-27-2003, 07:36 AM
Bolt dodging is rather easy o_O turn down the volume of your tv, count out loud till you reach 50 dodges. After that take a 5 minute break to get rid of the stress/frustration, then repeat the same process untill you get 200 dodges. When I checked my score I did 213 dodges, it took me just over an hour.

05-27-2003, 02:33 PM
How exactly do you upgrade the celestial weapons? I've got the World Champion for Wakka and his Jupiter quest but you can't customize the weapon on the customize screen and all you do with the crests is go onto key items, but the curser next to it and it says "a celestial crest, fashioned in the shape of jupiter." You can't select it or anything! I haven't got a clue what to do to make the weapons better, and no chance am I fighting with a weapon that's got no AP un-ability on it.

05-27-2003, 05:33 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">You have to put the crests and sigils on the wespons at the same place as where you charged up the mirror in the first place. There won't be anybody blocking the path to the plant any more, so you can get to there. To complete each weapon, you will need to use the relevant Crest and Sigil, and in that order (i.e. if you have the Sigil but not the Crest you can't add it yet). You need both to fully customise the weapon; before that it's fairly useless apart form the fact that it ignores an enemy's defence (i.e. you'll do the same amount of damage to a flan as to a "very nimble" wolf).

05-27-2003, 09:47 PM
Oh thanks, now i no what to do for when I actually get there. But god damnit the crests are shite, all they give you is double overdrive, I can't wait till I get the sigil's but they all look tough or long on paper.

05-27-2003, 10:04 PM
Yeah, the Crests are lame, but with the exception of the Sun Crest (if you have the International version) they aren' t too hard to get. And you have to have both the Crest and the Sigil in order to power up the weapon. As Vivi said, Yuna's Sigil is really easy to get, so is Rikku's (you don't even have to do well at the cactuar quest in order to get it, you just have to complete it) and Auron's isn't too bad. (At this stage in the game, monster capturing really isn't too big a deal.)

05-27-2003, 10:53 PM
Yeah, but don't you have to get 5 of every fiend to get auron's sigil? Could take a while!

And for me, getting Yuna's sigil might be difficult because I'm not sure if I got everytihng from bevelle temple so if I haven't then that means no anima and that means no sigil :( .

The day I get 0.0.0 at chocobo catcher is the day that I get an A* in my French exam... I'm predicted an An E and I probably won't even get that, so I'm pretty much screwed when it comes to Tidus.

How do you get to mushroom rock road? I've got to mushroom rock vally and got the godhand for rikku but there is nothing in the list for mushroom rock road to get the masamune.

05-28-2003, 02:43 AM
Nope, you only need to capture all the enemies from 10 different areas, any 10 place you choose.

There is no specific place called mushroom rock road I believe, but any where that is named mushroom rock can be considered as mushroom rock road.

I have only gotten Auron's celestial weapon (fully powered) and I must say it sucks right now. I only do around 2000hp damage on enemies when I could do over 8000hp damage and half of the time 9999hp damage using other weapons. They should have added a fifth slot for piercing on that weapon.

05-28-2003, 04:14 AM
And for me, getting Yuna's sigil might be difficult because I'm not sure if I got everytihng from bevelle temple so if I haven't then that means no anima and that means no sigil.
No, no, that's a false rumor. You actually have to get the Destruction Sphere treasure from the Bevelle temple in order to get out of there. There's also a weapon for Kimahri that you can get there, but that's not the Destruction treasure. So if you're still not getting Anima, then that means you missed the Destruction treasure somewhere else, but you can still get it and then you should be okay.

How do you get to mushroom rock road? I've got to mushroom rock vally and got the godhand for rikku but there is nothing in the list for mushroom rock road to get the masamune.
Okay, you have to get the Rusty Sword first from the valley int he Calm Lands, then once you do that, I believe you go past the path you used for Operation Mi'ihen and you should find a statue of Lord Mi'ihen. This area was blocked off by Clasko the first time you came here, so you haven't been here before. Place the Rusty Sword at a glyph at the statue of Lord Mi'ihen and you'll be able to get the Masamune.

Nope, you only need to capture all the enemies from 10 different areas, any 10 place you choose.
Actually, that's not correct. You don't have to capture all the enemies, you just have to capture ten different enemies of ten different species from ten different areas. Species being "Flan," "Wolf," "Elemental," so on, so on.

I have only gotten Auron's celestial weapon (fully powered) and I must say it sucks right now. I only do around 2000hp damage on enemies when I could do over 8000hp damage and half of the time 9999hp damage using other weapons. They should have added a fifth slot for piercing on that weapon.
Odd, I can usually get 99,999 on his. Your Auron's strength stat must just be really low or something.

05-28-2003, 11:22 AM
yay, i got the masamune, now i just got to get the sigil cause i already got the crest, got that the first time when you fight chocobo eater cause he knocked me off since i wasn't strong enough.

As for Yuna, I need to go into four more temples, that's four dark aeons, man that isn't fair, not without tidus's celestial weapon on full upgrade, i'm going to get my ass handed to me.

05-29-2003, 11:46 AM
I don't believe it, I've got the caladblog and the sun sigil, i didn't think i had a chance in hell of getting 0.0.0. in catcher chocobo, but to be honest it wasn't that difficult, it only took me about 25 attempts.

But, are there even 7 blue butterflies in the butterfly hunt? Most I've got so far is 4 and unless the butterflies on on one side of the path and you go the other you always get into a fight, you have to be as far away from them as possible to get past them without an encounter on mine. I went a fair distance the time I got four, for the amount of ground I made up I would've thought i would've found 7 of them.

So much for kimahri's sigil.

05-29-2003, 05:39 PM
I have only gotten Auron's celestial weapon (fully powered) and I must say it sucks right now. I only do around 2000hp damage on enemies when I could do over 8000hp damage and half of the time 9999hp damage using other weapons. They should have added a fifth slot for piercing on that weapon.<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Each charcater's celestial weapon powers up in a different way. Auron's is the most annoying, because it gets more pwoerful the lower his current HP is. So if he has 1HP, the weapon will do a lot more damage than if he has 9999HP. For Tidus, Wakka, Kimahri and Rikku, the more HP they currently have, the more damage they do. For Yuna and Lulu, the more MP they currently have, the more damage their weapons do.</font>

But, are there even 7 blue butterflies in the butterfly hunt? Most I've got so far is 4 and unless the butterflies on on one side of the path and you go the other you always get into a fight, you have to be as far away from them as possible to get past them without an encounter on mine. I went a fair distance the time I got four, for the amount of ground I made up I would've thought i would've found 7 of them.<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Yeah, tehre are 7 butterflies, but you have to be really quick. If you touch a single red butterfly, you won't have time to complete the course in time, so you have to get it perfect. In teh second of the two screens, one of the blue butterflies is behind the starting point, so make sure you go for that first before doing the main course. This was by far the hardest sigil to get for me, so good luck with it, you'll probably need it. =\</font>

05-29-2003, 06:42 PM
Yeah, tehre are 7 butterflies, but you have to be really quick. If you touch a single red butterfly, you won't have time to complete the course in time, so you have to get it perfect. In teh second of the two screens, one of the blue butterflies is behind the starting point, so make sure you go for that first before doing the main course. This was by far the hardest sigil to get for me, so good luck with it, you'll probably need it. =\
I've spent countless hours trying to do the second course and just can't get it. I finally gave up on it, if you ask me, Kimahri sucks anyway, so I say just forget about his celestial weapon. It simply isn't worth the hassle.

05-30-2003, 01:02 PM
Yeah, kimarhi is pretty shit, and you only need the weapon to get the break damage limit for the aeons don't you, so screw him. I got Auron's Masamune on full power after getting enough monsters to get the mars sigil, i didn't think i was anywhere near getting it, i think i only got 5 monsters in the area conquest and 5 monsters in the species conquest. 5 original monsters as well (that might be the same as species conquest, i don't know) but so far i've only beaten one and that was when i had yojimbo do zanmoto for 1000 gil after about the 4th time i called him. But he hasn't done it in a while, he keeps doing wakizashi.

Is there any armour you can find that already has the break hp limit ability on it?

Or do you have to customize with 30 wings to tomorrow?

Neo Xzhan
05-30-2003, 03:05 PM
Omega Weapon drops Break HP Limit armor on occasion, but if he don't, just battle him again. He's not that tough.

05-30-2003, 10:07 PM
Yeah, kimarhi is pretty shit, and you only need the weapon to get the break damage limit for the aeons don't you, so screw him.
Exactly! That's what led me to eventually say "screw it" as far as the sigil goes. Actually, you need the weapon and then you need to power it up with the crest in order to get the aeon powerup, but the crests aren't difficult to get. (Unless it's one of the ones blocked by the dark aeons.)

05-31-2003, 12:42 PM
Yeah the only crest I need is the sun crest, so i'm fighting bahamut without tidu's stuff, ahh well.

Omega Weapon drops Break HP Limit armor on occasion, but if he don't, just battle him again. He's not that tough.

You can fight him more than once? can u fight ultima weapon again? I didn't have enough gil to bribe and I hadn't learned bribe at the time so I just kicked the shit out of him, simple, he was one of the easiest battles I fought in a while, and you don't get much ap or gil from him.

Speaking of gil, is there any other way of getting a lot of gil other than fighting mimics? I'm getting sick of omega dungeon, especially when you open the chest and you get something so it doesn't turn into a mimic, damn!

05-31-2003, 03:29 PM
Yeah the only crest I need is the sun crest, so i'm fighting bahamut without tidu's stuff, ahh well.
Yeah, no super-big deal I guess, if you've got the other people's stuff.

You can fight him more than once?
Actually, I think Neo Xzhan meant that if he didn't drop it, reset and try again. But if you've already fought him and moved on, then it's too late. In that case, if you want a monster that drops Break HP Limit armor, you need to fight Nemesis in the Monster Arena.

can u fight ultima weapon again?

I didn't have enough gil to bribe and I hadn't learned bribe at the time so I just kicked the shit out of him, simple, he was one of the easiest battles I fought in a while, and you don't get much ap or gil from him.
Sucky, isn't it? The only reason really to fight those battles other than posterity is for the cool stuff that you can steal and bribe.

Speaking of gil, is there any other way of getting a lot of gil other than fighting mimics? I'm getting sick of omega dungeon, especially when you open the chest and you get something so it doesn't turn into a mimic, damn!
Yeah, there's a way that's tons better that I found out about. It's very methodical and repetitive, but a lot less time-consuming than trying to fight mimics. Go to Kilika, find the vendor near the start of the first screen and buy a boatload of any of the armor that has four slots, with HP+10% already in one slot. Now, head to the monster arena and fight Kottos a bunch of times, trying to overkill him each time. (He's not hard at all, especially once you've souped up your characters.) If you overkill him, most of the time he will drop 40 Healing Springs. (Occasionally it may be a couple of Dark Matters, but it shouldn't happen too often.) Use the healing springs to customize the ability Auto-Regen onto the armor that you bought. You'll find that each one sells for something like 35,000 gil, which should be way, way more than you paid for it. Master this trick and you can make millions of gil within just an hour.

05-31-2003, 05:12 PM
sick, i just might try that, i'm getting bored of mimics for the moment.

I'm getting bored of it all at the moment though really cause I am not doing anything to enhance the story, i'm just trying to get gil, AP and win at blitzball to get wakka's sigil, and I've got two more overdrives to win first for Wakka before I can get the sigil, it's going to be a long time before I can do much on it now though cause i goy exams everyday or the next two weeks (excluding weekends).


Neo Xzhan
06-01-2003, 11:34 PM
You can also make lots of extra gil with a weapon which has Gillionare on it. Preferably Rikku's ultimate weapon. You can also configure it yourself on it, with 30 designers wallet I think, correct me if I am wrong there.

Anyways Gillionaire triples you gil income from battles but only if the person equiped with it is in the active party, unfortually it doesnt stack, so if you have 2 people in the actve party with Gillionaire you'll still get 3 times more gil instead of 6.

Vivi FF
06-03-2003, 10:30 PM
I thought Gillionare doubles your Gil income...

06-06-2003, 08:37 PM
Hmm, I thought it tripled too, but I could be wrong of course

06-06-2003, 11:02 PM
According to all of the sites of read, it doubles gil won in battle. Unless it's different in the International version.

Neo Xzhan
06-07-2003, 12:42 AM
My bad, I checked it again and it only doubles, yet it's still a good way to make more money. Just go to the Omega Dungeon and fight alot, you'll meet alot of Mimic's that'll give you 50.000gil and with Gillionaire 100.000gil. It really adds up fast like that :).

06-07-2003, 01:22 AM
Oops lol, oh well, why would u need that much money anyway? I never had anywhere near that amount of money, I got basically everything from stealing, etc.

Do you need it for bribing or something?

06-07-2003, 04:24 AM
Yes, exactly. If you want to get godlike armor, you need to use bribing and it uses up a lot of gil. Bribing is also a good way to get certain types of spheres.

Neo Xzhan
06-07-2003, 09:52 AM
You want alot of money for bribing or paying Yojimbo for Zanmato (I used Zanmato on Dark Aeons for 1.300.000gil each, and I've killed them all). But money is useless otherway.

06-07-2003, 03:08 PM
does Zanmoto deal instant kill to every enemy then?

Vivi FF
06-07-2003, 04:49 PM
Yes, except for instances in which you cannot summon him such as underwater... But to Zanmato the harder enemies, you'll need a higher Zanmato level, which leads to a whole different complex thing now... But you need a Lv.5 Zanmato to kill the dark aeons and most of the monster arena monsters... To get a Lv.5 Zanmato, you'll need a higher compatability with Yojimbo AND pay him ALOT of gil...

Since Neo Xzhan likes Yojimbo and he did it, he should be able to explain it much better than me...

Edit: My bad...

Neo Xzhan
06-07-2003, 07:26 PM
*pants check* Still male :p so prefer to me as he xD

Aaaaaaanyways about Yojimbo and Zanmato.

Yojimbo has a hidden compatability metre, depending on Yojimbo wins or looses battles, this metre goes up and down. But when he looses battles he looses more then when you win. Should you ever decide to NOT pay him during battles he looses even more compatability. Right that's cleared out.

Start training Yojimbo in the Calm Lands by paying him each and everytime 1200gil. The more enemies he kills the higher his compatability, and eventually he'll do almost every time Zanmato on lvl1 enemies for 1200gil, he might even do it for free.

After that try your luck at the Dark Aeons, (take in mind that it WILL take quite an amount of time before you will have trained Yojimbo high enough), and pay him exacrlt 1.300.000gil, if he doesnt Zanmato, reload, try again.

06-08-2003, 11:12 PM

I just made my own godlike armor, didn't really need to bribe...

Never used Yojimbo much either, was too cheap to pay lol