11-29-2011, 12:53 AM
Heyy Guys, i apologize in advance for doing this, as it clearly states not to put request's up in this part of the forum.
but im Brand New to this site lol, and all the different catorgries are confusing me a little :P its basically in college in doing some work in creating soundtracks, and a few peices that stood out to me was the instrumental theme's of Endless Ocean when you first go swimming in the day or night. the tracks where made by the publishers i think and the names are as follows: Embrace of Manaurai and the night time one: Moon of Manaurai

i was wondering if anyone could find the mp3's too these songs or can find the songs posted anywhere i have looked everywhere with no luck. but the reason i am posting it on here is because there used to be a post with the whole game soundtrack on this site, which would be really handy.

if anyone could help me out it would be greatly appreciated, or finding the users name/profile who uploaded the soundtrack originally on here would be awesome.

alternitavely if anyone has the cd, and could somehow rip the mp3 files off it, i would LOVE them ;)

here's the old URL Link thing :) Thread 51163

cheers Henry :)