Simply Bam
05-23-2003, 10:56 AM
Final Fantasy VII..... Its a classic. Its original and you cant beat it (IMO) Now ive talked to a few people and read some opinions here on the shrine and I cant make my mind up. Would a sequel to the classic Final Fantasy VII ruin the legend or would it improve it? Vote on the poll and let me know your opions.

05-28-2003, 04:45 AM
I don't know exactly, but I think there could always be some planet threating force out there.

05-28-2003, 08:04 AM
No, no, and just no. With all of the technological differences of today from 1997, it would just ruin it. In a way, yeah, it'd be cool to see beautifully constructed FF7 characters, but then I;d miss the classic look of each character holding a barbell. And voice acting? if Square assigned the voice acting for KH, I'd absolutely dread to think of what they'd do with FF7.

And what, I repeat, what exaclty is there to make a sequel about...? (Spoilers) The group destroyed meteor thanks to a little bit of holy and the lifestream. Thus, plante's saved. Everyone lives happily ever after. And hell, 500 years later, the planet's still the way it was.

So what else do you really need? If you have to, write a fan-fic or create a doujin/manga or fan-art about..hell, let your imgaination do the work! But don't let our beautiful, epic game turn into some lousy, 2-cent spin-off.

Darth Revan
05-28-2003, 05:17 PM

I agree completely with Koenma. A sequel of FFVII would ruin the initial story. Besides, FFVII does not, repeat does NOT need a sequel. It is a complete game.

If Square did do a sequel, think of the pressure they would be under, to write a continuing story for Cloud and co, maybe introducing some new characters and suchm whilst still maintaing the same type of integrity and continuity of the original. That would be extremely hard, and for those diehard Sqaure fans here, who think Square can do no wrong, I have only two words to say to you : The Bouncer! That game proved Square slipped up. The same as Saga Frontier 2

And the one thing which would annoy me greatly, in any FF game (It did in FF X), Voice acting. I loathe voice acting in games, because a lot of the voice actors are really bad. Take Cam Clarke, or even Mark Hamill. Cam Clarke can be best remembered as the voice of the original Kaneda from Akira or Leonardo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Mark Hamill, he's been in Wing Commander III and IV, and the voice of Wolverine in Xmen 2 Wolverines revenge. And, let's face it, they are bad voice actors.

But I digress. To me, FF VII is complete as it is, and to make a sequel to it, would destroy the legend. After all, FF VII was the first game, which brought RPG's from the niche market they were intially in, into the mainstream audience.

All have to say, Leave FF VII alone, and don't make a sequel or even a remake of it. It's a great game as is. Leave it as a great game.

05-30-2003, 06:57 AM
I wouldn't want a sequel to FFVII. But if they did (which I highly doubt), they must not have voice acting because that would ruin it. I agree with what Death_Heads and Koenma have said.